void LLGridManager::setGridChoice(const std::string& grid)
	// Set the grid choice based on a string.
	// The string can be:
	// - a grid label from the gGridInfo table 
	// - a hostname
	// - an ip address

	// loop through.  We could do just a hash lookup but we also want to match
	// on label
	std::string grid_name = grid;
		// case insensitive
		grid_name = getGridByLabel(grid);
		// the grid was not in the list of grids.
		LLSD grid_data = LLSD::emptyMap();
		grid_data[GRID_VALUE] = grid;
	mGrid = grid;
	gSavedSettings.setString("CurrentGrid", grid);

Beispiel #2
void LLGridManager::setGridChoice(const std::string& grid)
	if(grid.empty()) return;

	// Set the grid choice based on a string.
	// The string can be:
	// - a grid label from the gGridInfo table 
	// - a hostname
	// - an ip address

	// loop through.  We could do just a hash lookup but we also want to match
	// on label

	mReadyToLogin = false;
	std::string grid_name = grid;
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager")<< "got grid from grid list: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
		// case insensitive
		grid_name = getGridByLabel(grid);
		if (!grid_name.empty())
			LL_DEBUGS("GridManager")<< "got grid by label: " << grid << LL_ENDL;

		// case insensitive
		grid_name = getGridByGridNick(grid);
		if (!grid_name.empty())
			LL_DEBUGS("GridManager")<< "got grid by gridnick: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager")<< "trying to fetch grid: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
		// the grid was not in the list of grids.
		GridEntry* grid_entry = new GridEntry;
		grid_entry->grid = LLSD::emptyMap();
		grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE] = grid;
		grid_entry->set_current = true;
		addGrid(grid_entry, FETCH);
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager")<< "setting grid choice: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
		mGrid = grid;
		gSavedSettings.setString("CurrentGrid", grid); 
		mReadyToLogin = true;
Beispiel #3
std::string LLGridManager::getGridByProbing( const std::string &probe_for, bool case_sensitive)
	std::string ret;
	ret = getGridByHostName(probe_for, case_sensitive);
	if (ret.empty())
		getGridByGridNick(probe_for, case_sensitive);
	if (ret.empty())
		getGridByLabel(probe_for, case_sensitive);

	return ret;
// LLGridManager::initialze - initialize the list of known grids based
// on the fixed list of linden grids (fixed for security reasons)
// the grids.xml file
// and the command line.
void LLGridManager::initialize(const std::string& grid_file)
	// default grid list.
	// Don't move to a modifiable file for security reasons,
	mGrid.clear() ;
	// set to undefined
	mGridList = LLSD();
	// as we don't want an attacker to override our grid list
	// to point the default grid to an invalid grid
	addSystemGrid("None", "", "", "", DEFAULT_LOGIN_PAGE);

  	addSystemGrid("Second Life",                                                                                             
	addSystemGrid("Second Life Beta",                                                                                             

	LLSD other_grids;
	llifstream llsd_xml;
	// load the systemwide grids file from 
	std::string globalGridFile = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS,  "grids.xml");
	LL_INFOS("Grid Manager") << globalGridFile << LL_ENDL;
	if (!globalGridFile.empty())
		llsd_xml.open( globalGridFile.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

		// parse through the gridfile, inserting grids into the list unless
		// they overwrite a linden grid.
		if( llsd_xml.is_open()) 
			LLSDSerialize::fromXMLDocument( other_grids, llsd_xml );
				for(LLSD::map_iterator grid_itr = other_grids.beginMap(); 
					grid_itr != other_grids.endMap();
					LLSD::String key_name = grid_itr->first;
					LLSD grid = grid_itr->second;
					// TODO:  Make sure gridfile specified label is not 
					// a system grid label
					LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "reading: " << key_name << LL_ENDL;
					if (mGridList.has(key_name) &&
						LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Cannot override grid " << key_name << " as it's a system grid" << LL_ENDL;
						// If the system grid does exist in the grids file, and it's marked as a favorite, set it as a favorite.
						if(grid_itr->second.has(GRID_IS_FAVORITE_VALUE) && grid_itr->second[GRID_IS_FAVORITE_VALUE].asBoolean() )
							mGridList[key_name][GRID_IS_FAVORITE_VALUE] = TRUE;
							LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Added grid: " << key_name << LL_ENDL;
						catch (...)
	// load the user grid file
	mGridFile = grid_file;
	LL_INFOS("Grid Manager") << mGridFile << LL_ENDL;
	if (!grid_file.empty())
		llsd_xml.open( grid_file.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

		// parse through the gridfile, inserting grids into the list unless
		// they overwrite a linden grid.
		if( llsd_xml.is_open()) 
			LLSDSerialize::fromXMLDocument( other_grids, llsd_xml );
				for(LLSD::map_iterator grid_itr = other_grids.beginMap(); 
					grid_itr != other_grids.endMap();
					LLSD::String key_name = grid_itr->first;
					LLSD grid = grid_itr->second;
					// TODO:  Make sure gridfile specified label is not 
					// a system grid label
					LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "reading: " << key_name << LL_ENDL;
					if (mGridList.has(key_name) &&
						LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Cannot override grid " << key_name << " as it's a system grid" << LL_ENDL;
						// If the system grid does exist in the grids file, and it's marked as a favorite, set it as a favorite.
						if(grid_itr->second.has(GRID_IS_FAVORITE_VALUE) && grid_itr->second[GRID_IS_FAVORITE_VALUE].asBoolean() )
							mGridList[key_name][GRID_IS_FAVORITE_VALUE] = TRUE;
							LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Added grid: " << key_name << LL_ENDL;
						catch (...)
	// load a grid from the command line.
	// if the actual grid name is specified from the command line,
	// set it as the 'selected' grid.
	std::string cmd_line_grid = gSavedSettings.getString("CmdLineGridChoice");
		// try to find the grid assuming the command line parameter is
		// the case-insensitive 'label' of the grid.  ie 'Agni'
		mGrid = getGridByLabel(cmd_line_grid);
			// if we couldn't find it, assume the
			// requested grid is the actual grid 'name' or index,
			// which would be the dns name of the grid (for non
			// linden hosted grids)
			// If the grid isn't there, that's ok, as it will be
			// automatically added later.
			mGrid = cmd_line_grid;
		// if a grid was not passed in via the command line, grab it from the CurrentGrid setting.
		// if there's no current grid, that's ok as it'll be either set by the value passed
		// in via the login uri if that's specified, or will default to maingrid
		mGrid = gSavedSettings.getString("CurrentGrid");
		// no grid was specified so default to maingrid
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Setting grid to MAINGRID as no grid has been specified " << LL_ENDL;
		mGrid = MAINGRID;
	// generate a 'grid list' entry for any command line parameter overrides
	// or setting overides that we'll add to the grid list or override
	// any grid list entries with.
	LLSD grid = LLSD::emptyMap();	
		grid = mGridList[mGrid];
		grid[GRID_VALUE] = mGrid;
		// add the grid with the additional values, or update the
		// existing grid if it exists with the given values

	LLControlVariablePtr grid_control = gSavedSettings.getControl("CurrentGrid");
	if (grid_control.notNull())
		grid_control->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLGridManager::updateIsInProductionGrid, this));

	// since above only triggers on changes, trigger the callback manually to initialize state

	LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Selected grid is " << mGrid << LL_ENDL;		
		llinfos << "is array" << llendl;
Beispiel #5
void LLGridManager::initCmdLineGrids()
	mCommandLineDone = true;

	// load a grid from the command line.
	// if the actual grid name is specified from the command line,
	// set it as the 'selected' grid.
	LLSD cmd_line_login_uri = gSavedSettings.getLLSD("CmdLineLoginURI");
	if (cmd_line_login_uri.isString() && !cmd_line_login_uri.asString().empty())
		mGrid = cmd_line_login_uri.asString();
		gSavedSettings.setLLSD("CmdLineLoginURI", LLSD::emptyArray());	//in case setGridChoice tries to addGrid 
									//and  addGrid recurses here.

	std::string cmd_line_grid = gSavedSettings.getString("CmdLineGridChoice");

		// try to find the grid assuming the command line parameter is
		// the case-insensitive 'label' of the grid.  ie 'Agni'

		mGrid = getGridByGridNick(cmd_line_grid);

			mGrid = getGridByLabel(cmd_line_grid);

			// if we couldn't find it, assume the
			// requested grid is the actual grid 'name' or index,
			// which would be the dns name of the grid (for non
			// linden hosted grids)
			// If the grid isn't there, that's ok, as it will be
			// automatically added later.
			mGrid = cmd_line_grid;

		// if a grid was not passed in via the command line, grab it from the CurrentGrid setting.
		// if there's no current grid, that's ok as it'll be either set by the value passed
		// in via the login uri if that's specified, or will default to maingrid
		mGrid = gSavedSettings.getString("CurrentGrid");
		// no grid was specified so default to maingrid
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Setting grid to MAINGRID as no grid has been specified " << LL_ENDL;
		mGrid = MAINGRID;
	// generate a 'grid list' entry for any command line parameter overrides
	// or setting overides that we'll add to the grid list or override
	// any grid list entries with.

// 		grid_entry->grid = mGridList[mGrid];
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Setting commandline grid " << mGrid << LL_ENDL;
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Trying to fetch commandline grid " << mGrid << LL_ENDL;
		GridEntry* grid_entry = new GridEntry;
		grid_entry->set_current = true;
		grid_entry->grid = LLSD::emptyMap();	
		grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE] = mGrid;

		// add the grid with the additional values, or update the
		// existing grid if it exists with the given values
		addGrid(grid_entry, FETCH);