FUNCTION int Q43R(obj user, int newType) { int Q5NC = 0x00; if(Q50G(user)) { if(newType >= 0x00) { if(isRiding(user)) { int Q52Q = unRide(user); } if(!(hasObjVar(Q62D, "oldBodyType"))) { setObjVar(Q62D, "oldBodyType", getObjType(Q62D)); } if(!(hasObjVar(Q62D, "oldHue"))) { setObjVar(Q62D, "oldHue", getHue(Q62D)); } setType(user, newType); setHue(user, 0x00); int Q4NC = (getSkillLevel(user, 0x19) / 0x05) * 0x05; if(isScroll()) { Q4NC = 0x3C; } Q4MU(user, Q4NC); Q5NC = 0x01; } } Q5UQ(this); return(Q5NC); }
// Re-apply the changes in selection, hue, saturation and luminosity on a fresh palette void redraw() { pal_preview->setPalette(palette); pal_preview->getPalette().shift(getHue(), pal_preview->getSelectionStart(), pal_preview->getSelectionEnd()); pal_preview->getPalette().saturate(getSat(), pal_preview->getSelectionStart(), pal_preview->getSelectionEnd()); pal_preview->getPalette().illuminate(getLum(), pal_preview->getSelectionStart(), pal_preview->getSelectionEnd()); pal_preview->draw(); }
float VideoInput::setHue(float hue) { //HERE; if ( hue > 1 ) hue = 1; else if ( hue < 0 ) hue = 0; m_hue = hue; return getHue(); }
FUNCTION void Q5VC(obj attacker) { obj n = createGlobalNPCAtSpecificLoc(0x0232, getLocation(this)); setHue(n, getHue(this)); int Q4XB = getCurHP(this); Q4XB = Q4XB / 0x02; setCurHP(n, Q4XB); setCurHP(this, Q4XB); attack(n, attacker); sfx(getLocation(this), random(0x01C8, 0x01CC), 0x00); bark(n, "*The slime splits when struck!*"); return; }
TRIGGER( use )(obj user) { int x = getHue(this); if(x < 0x0960) { x = 0x0960; } x = x + 0x01; if(x > 0x097D) { x = 0x0961; } setHue(this, x); string Q4XU = x; bark(this, Q4XU); return(0x01); }
void Cr2Decoder::interpolate_422_new(int w, int h, int start_h , int end_h) { // Last pixel should not be interpolated w--; // Current line ushort16* c_line; const int hue = -getHue() + 16384; for (int y = start_h; y < end_h; y++) { c_line = (ushort16*)mRaw->getData(0, y); int r, g, b; int off = 0; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int Y = c_line[off]; int Cb = c_line[off+1] - hue; int Cr = c_line[off+2] - hue; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); off += 3; Y = c_line[off]; int Cb2 = (Cb + c_line[off+1+3] - hue) >> 1; int Cr2 = (Cr + c_line[off+2+3] - hue) >> 1; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb2, Cr2); STORE_RGB(c_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); off += 3; } // Last two pixels int Y = c_line[off]; int Cb = c_line[off+1] - 16384; int Cr = c_line[off+2] - 16384; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); Y = c_line[off+3]; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off + 3, off + 4, off + 5); } }
void KisColorSelector::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* /*event*/) { if (!m_mouseMoved && m_clickedRing >= 0) { Radian angle = std::atan2(m_clickPos.x(), m_clickPos.y()) - RAD_90; m_selectedRing = m_clickedRing; m_selectedPiece = getHueIndex(angle, m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].getShift()); if (getNumPieces() > 1) m_selectedColor.setH(getHue(m_selectedPiece, m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].getShift())); else m_selectedColor.setH(angle.scaled(0.0f, 1.0f)); m_selectedColor.setS(getSaturation(m_selectedRing)); m_selectedColor.setX(getLight(m_light, m_selectedColor.getH(), m_relativeLight)); setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, !(m_pressedButtons & Qt::RightButton)); } else if (m_mouseMoved) setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, m_selectedColorIsFgColor); m_clickedRing = -1; update(); }
BOOLEAN setupDevice(Device device) { BOOLEAN change; fprintf(stdout, "- Seting up device %p\n", device); /* check (again) for a valid device */ if (!(device->vcapability.type & VID_TYPE_CAPTURE)) { fprintf(stdout, " * The device can't capture video\n"); return FALSE; } if (device->vcapability.channels == 0) { fprintf(stdout, " * The device hasn't inputs\n"); return FALSE; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* let's try to change the capture width & height */ change = FALSE; if (EINTR_RETRY(xioctl(device->fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &device->vwindow)) < 0) { perror("VIDIOCGWIN1"); return FALSE; } if (device->desiredWidth && (device->vwindow.width != device->desiredWidth)) { fprintf(stdout, " - Changing the width from %d to %d\n", device->vwindow.width, device->desiredWidth); device->vwindow.width = device->desiredWidth; change = TRUE; } if (device->desiredHeight && (device->vwindow.height != device->desiredHeight)) { fprintf(stdout, " - Changing the height from %d to %d\n", device->vwindow.height, device->desiredHeight); device->vwindow.height = device->desiredHeight; change = TRUE; } if (change) { if (EINTR_RETRY(xioctl(device->fd, VIDIOCSWIN, &device->vwindow)) < 0) { perror("VIDIOCGWIN2"); return FALSE; } if (EINTR_RETRY(xioctl(device->fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &device->vwindow)) < 0) { perror("VIDIOCGWIN3"); return FALSE; } if (device->desiredWidth != device->vwindow.width) { fprintf(stdout, " * The device can't change the capture width (now=%d)\n", device->vwindow.width); return FALSE; } if (device->desiredHeight != device->vwindow.height) { fprintf(stdout, " * The device can't change the capture height (now=%d)\n", device->vwindow.height); return FALSE; } } fprintf(stdout, " - Extent=%d@%d\n", device->vwindow.width, device->vwindow.height); if (EINTR_RETRY(xioctl(device->fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &device->vpicture)) < 0) { perror("VIDIOCGPICT"); return FALSE; } fprintf(stdout, " - Brightness=%d, Contrast=%d, Saturation=%d, Hue=%d\n", getBrightness(device), getContrast(device), getSaturation(device), getHue(device)); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!setupPalette(device)) { return FALSE; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ device->imageSize = (int) device->vwindow.width * device->vwindow.height * (paletteBytesPerPixel(device->vpicture.palette)); device->buffer24 = (char*) malloc(device->vwindow.width * device->vwindow.height * 3); if (device->forceRead) { fprintf(stdout, " - Capturing using (forced) read()\n"); if (!switchToRead(device)) { return FALSE; } } else { setupMMap(device); if (device->usingMMap) { fprintf(stdout, " - Capturing using mmap()\n"); if (!startCaptureInBuffers(device)) { fprintf(stdout, " * Falling back to read()\n"); if (!switchToRead(device)) { return FALSE; } } } else { fprintf(stdout, " - Capturing using read()\n"); if (!switchToRead(device)) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; }
int GStreamerPlayer::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 13) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 13; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) { if (_id < 13) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 13; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = getBrightness(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = getContrast(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = getHue(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = getSaturation(); break; case 4: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = getPlaying(); break; case 5: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = getPaused(); break; case 6: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = getStopped(); break; default: break; } _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setBrightness(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 1: setContrast(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 2: setHue(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 3: setSaturation(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 4: setPlaying(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 5: setPaused(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 6: setStopped(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; default: break; } _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 7; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterPropertyMetaType) { if (_id < 7) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 7; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
// Events void onHueChanged(wxCommandEvent& e) { redraw(); label_hue->SetLabel(S_FMT("%1.3f", getHue())); }
bool parseHueLightInfo(HueLightInfo currentInfo, aJsonObject *parsedRoot, HueLightInfo *newInfo) { *newInfo = currentInfo; aJsonObject* onState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "on"); if (onState) { newInfo->on = onState->valuebool; } // pull brightness aJsonObject* briState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "bri"); if (briState) { newInfo->brightness = briState->valueint; } // pull effect aJsonObject* effectState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "effect"); if (effectState) { const char *effect = effectState->valuestring; if (!strcmp(effect, "colorloop")) { newInfo->effect = EFFECT_COLORLOOP; } else { newInfo->effect = EFFECT_NONE; } } // pull alert aJsonObject* alertState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "alert"); if (alertState) { const char *alert = alertState->valuestring; if (!strcmp(alert, "select")) { newInfo->alert = ALERT_SELECT; } else if (!strcmp(alert, "lselect")) { newInfo->alert = ALERT_LSELECT; } else { newInfo->alert = ALERT_NONE; } } aJsonObject* hueState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "hue"); aJsonObject* satState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "sat"); aJsonObject* ctState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "ct"); aJsonObject* xyState = aJson.getObjectItem(parsedRoot, "xy"); if (xyState) { aJsonObject* elem0 = aJson.getArrayItem(xyState, 0); aJsonObject* elem1 = aJson.getArrayItem(xyState, 1); if (!elem0 || !elem1) { sendError(5, "/api/api/lights/?/state", "xy color coordinates incomplete"); return false; } HsbColor hsb = getXYtoRGB(elem0->valuefloat, elem1->valuefloat, newInfo->brightness); newInfo->hue = getHue(hsb); newInfo->saturation = getSaturation(hsb); } else if (ctState) { int mirek = ctState->valueint; if (mirek > 500 || mirek < 153) { sendError(7, "/api/api/lights/?/state", "Invalid vaule for color temperature"); return false; } HsbColor hsb = getMirektoRGB(mirek); newInfo->hue = getHue(hsb); newInfo->saturation = getSaturation(hsb); } else if (hueState || satState) { if (hueState) newInfo->hue = hueState->valueint; if (satState) newInfo->saturation = satState->valueint; } return true; }
void HSIColor::getHSI(float *HSI) { HSI[0] = getHue(); HSI[1] = getSaturation(); HSI[2] = getIntensity(); }
// Note: Not thread safe, since it writes inplace. void Cr2Decoder::interpolate_420_new(int w, int h, int start_h , int end_h) { // Last pixel should not be interpolated w--; bool atLastLine = FALSE; if (end_h == h) { end_h--; atLastLine = TRUE; } // Current line ushort16* c_line; // Next line ushort16* n_line; // Next line again ushort16* nn_line; const int hue = -getHue() + 16384; int off; int r, g, b; for (int y = start_h; y < end_h; y++) { c_line = (ushort16*)mRaw->getData(0, y * 2); n_line = (ushort16*)mRaw->getData(0, y * 2 + 1); nn_line = (ushort16*)mRaw->getData(0, y * 2 + 2); off = 0; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int Y = c_line[off]; int Cb = c_line[off+1] - hue; int Cr = c_line[off+2] - hue; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); Y = c_line[off+3]; int Cb2 = (Cb + c_line[off+1+6] - hue) >> 1; int Cr2 = (Cr + c_line[off+2+6] - hue) >> 1; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb2, Cr2); STORE_RGB(c_line, off + 3, off + 4, off + 5); // Next line Y = n_line[off]; int Cb3 = (Cb + nn_line[off+1] - hue) >> 1; int Cr3 = (Cr + nn_line[off+2] - hue) >> 1; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb3, Cr3); STORE_RGB(n_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); Y = n_line[off+3]; Cb = (Cb + Cb2 + Cb3 + nn_line[off+1+6] - hue) >> 2; //Left + Above + Right +Below Cr = (Cr + Cr2 + Cr3 + nn_line[off+2+6] - hue) >> 2; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(n_line, off + 3, off + 4, off + 5); off += 6; } int Y = c_line[off]; int Cb = c_line[off+1] - hue; int Cr = c_line[off+2] - hue; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); Y = c_line[off+3]; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off + 3, off + 4, off + 5); // Next line Y = n_line[off]; Cb = (Cb + nn_line[off+1] - hue) >> 1; Cr = (Cr + nn_line[off+2] - hue) >> 1; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(n_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); Y = n_line[off+3]; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(n_line, off + 3, off + 4, off + 5); } if (atLastLine) { c_line = (ushort16*)mRaw->getData(0, end_h * 2); n_line = (ushort16*)mRaw->getData(0, end_h * 2 + 1); off = 0; // Last line for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int Y = c_line[off]; int Cb = c_line[off+1] - hue; int Cr = c_line[off+2] - hue; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); Y = c_line[off+3]; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(c_line, off + 3, off + 4, off + 5); // Next line Y = n_line[off]; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(n_line, off, off + 1, off + 2); Y = n_line[off+3]; YUV_TO_RGB(Y, Cb, Cr); STORE_RGB(n_line, off + 3, off + 4, off + 5); off += 6; } } }
TRIGGER( targetobj )(obj user, obj usedon) { if(usedon == NULL()) { return(0x00); } if(isEquipped(usedon)) { systemMessage(user, "Can't Dye clothing that is being worn."); return(0x00); } int Q66P = getObjType(usedon); int Q61R = getHue(this); loc Q66R = loc( getLocation(usedon) ); switch(Q66P) { case 0x0DEF: case 0x0DF8: case 0x0DF9: case 0x0E1D: case 0x0E1E: case 0x0E1F: case 0x0E75: case 0x0E76: case 0x0F95: case 0x0F96: case 0x0F97: case 0x0F98: case 0x0F99: case 0x0F9A: case 0x0F9B: case 0x0F9C: case 0x0F9C: case 0x0FA0: case 0x0FA1: case 0x101F: case 0x13A4: case 0x0BD5: case 0x0BD6: case 0x0BD7: case 0x0BD8: case 0x0BD9: case 0x0BDA: case 0x0BDB: case 0x0BDC: case 0x0BDD: case 0x0BDE: case 0x1515: case 0x1516: case 0x1517: case 0x1518: case 0x152E: case 0x152F: case 0x1530: case 0x1531: case 0x1537: case 0x1538: case 0x1539: case 0x153A: case 0x153B: case 0x153C: case 0x153D: case 0x153E: case 0x153F: case 0x1540: case 0x1541: case 0x1542: case 0x1543: case 0x1544: case 0x170B: case 0x170C: case 0x170F: case 0x1710: case 0x1711: case 0x1712: case 0x1713: case 0x1714: case 0x1715: case 0x1716: case 0x1717: case 0x1718: case 0x1719: case 0x171A: case 0x171B: case 0x171C: case 0x175D: case 0x175E: case 0x175F: case 0x1760: case 0x1761: case 0x1762: case 0x1763: case 0x1764: case 0x1765: case 0x1766: case 0x1767: case 0x1768: case 0x1914: case 0x1915: case 0x1B74: case 0x1B75: case 0x1EFD: case 0x1EFE: case 0x1EFF: case 0x1F00: case 0x1F01: case 0x1F02: case 0x1F03: case 0x1F04: case 0x1F7B: case 0x1F7C: case 0x1F9F: case 0x1FA0: case 0x1FA1: case 0x1FA2: case 0x1F7B: case 0x1F7C: case 0x1FA1: case 0x1FA1: case 0x1FFD: case 0x1FFE: sfx(Q66R, 0x023E, 0x00); setHue(usedon, Q61R); break; } return(0x00); }
void CHSVColor::print(std::ostream &os) const { os << "CHSVColor(" << getHue() << ", " << getSaturation() << ", " << getValue() << ")"; }