/** @details
 * Ze zadaneho korenoveho elementu <em>box</em> vytvori prototyp bedny
 * reprezentovane timto elementem. Pokud se pri zpracovani dokumentu
 * vyskytne chyba, zobrazi chybove hlaseni.
 * Zda jde o element se spravnym nazvem se j*z nezkouma, proto
 * by melo byt vzdy drive otestovano pomoci @c canHandle().
 * Predpoklada j*z nacteny zdrojovy obrazek v @c ResourceHandler.
 * @param rootEl korenovy element reprezentujici nacitanou bednu
 * @return Nove vytvoreny prototyp bedny (volajici se stava vlastnikem).
 * @retval 0 Doslo k chybe, bedna nemuze byt vytvoren.
BombicMapObject * BoxResourceHandler::createMapObject(
		const QDomElement & rootEl) {
	QDomElement imgEl;
	if(getSubElement(rootEl, imgEl)) {
		// get attributes
		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;
		int w = 1;
		int h = 1;
		int t = 0; // toplapping
		bool success =
			getAttrsXY(imgEl, x, y) &&
			getIntAttr(imgEl, w, "width", true) &&
			getIntAttr(imgEl, h, "height", true) &&
			getIntAttr(imgEl, t, "toplapping", true);
		if(!success) {
			return 0;
		// get pixmap
		QPixmap pixmap = sourcePixmap().copy(
			x, y, w*CELL_SIZE, (h+t)*CELL_SIZE);

		return new BombicBox(
			rootEl.attribute("name"), pixmap, w, h, t);
	} else {
		return 0;
Beispiel #2
/* use PTRefNum1 and PTRefNum2 to propagate attributes to PTRefNumR */
PTErr_t ComposeAttr(PTRefNum_t	PTRefNum1,
					PTRefNum_t	PTRefNum2,
					KpInt32_t	mode,
					PTRefNum_t	PTRefNumR)
PTErr_t		PTErr;
KpInt32_t	inspace, outspace;

	/* get output color space of 1st PT */
	PTErr = getIntAttr (PTRefNum1, KCM_SPACE_OUT, KCP_NO_MAX_INTATTR, &outspace);
	if (PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS) {

		/* get input color space of 2nd PT */
		PTErr = getIntAttr (PTRefNum2, KCM_SPACE_IN, KCP_NO_MAX_INTATTR, &inspace);
		if (PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS) {
			if ((outspace == KCM_UNKNOWN) && (inspace != KCM_UNKNOWN)) {
				PTErr = copyAllAttr (PTRefNum2, PTRefNumR);
				return (PTErr);

			if ((outspace != KCM_UNKNOWN) && (inspace == KCM_UNKNOWN)) {
				PTErr = copyAllAttr (PTRefNum1, PTRefNumR);
				return (PTErr);

/* propagate "input" attributes */
	PTErr = moveAttrList (PTRefNum1, 0, propRule02, 0, PTRefNumR);

/* propagate "output" attributes */
	if (PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS)
		PTErr = moveAttrList (PTRefNum2, 0, propRule03, 0, PTRefNumR);

/* generate "constant" attributes */
	if (PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS)
		PTErr = generateAttr (PTRefNumR);

/* if composition mode is input set input attribute to "is linearized" */
	if ((PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS) && (mode == PT_COMBINE_ITBL))
		PTErr = setLinearized (PTRefNumR, KCM_DEVICE_LINEARIZED_IN);

/* if composition mode is output set output attribute to "is linearized" */
	if ((PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS) && (mode == PT_COMBINE_OTBL))
		PTErr = setLinearized (PTRefNumR, KCM_DEVICE_LINEARIZED_OUT);

/* Set KCM_EFFECT_TYPE attribute */
	if (PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS)
		PTErr = setEFFECTstate (PTRefNum1, PTRefNum2, PTRefNumR);

/* propagate "input" attributes, 2nd PT is backup */
	if (PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS)
		PTErr = moveAttrList (PTRefNum1, PTRefNum2, propRule11, 0, PTRefNumR);

/* propagate "simulate" attributes */
	if (PTErr == KCP_SUCCESS)
		PTErr = moveAttrList (PTRefNum2, PTRefNum1, propRule13, 1, PTRefNumR);

	return (PTErr);
// Parse GFX
int parseGfx(TiXmlElement *zbeXML, FILE *output)
	// Total # gfx. Do the same like total number assets
	fpos_t totalGfxPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Total GFX", output);
	uint32_t totalGfx = 0;

	// For all the graphics in the XML file
	TiXmlElement *graphicsXML = zbeXML->FirstChildElement("bin")->FirstChildElement("graphics");
	if (graphicsXML)
		TiXmlElement *gfxXML = graphicsXML->FirstChildElement("gfx");
		while (gfxXML)
			// Increment total gfx counter

			// Get all the needed attributes
			string thisBin = getStrAttr(gfxXML, "bin");
			int w = getIntAttr(gfxXML, "w");
			int h = getIntAttr(gfxXML, "h");
			int t = getIntAttr(gfxXML, "top");
			int l = getIntAttr(gfxXML, "left");

			// Copy it into the zbe file
			debug("\tGFX: %d x %d at (%d, %d)\n", w, h, t, l);
			fwrite<uint8_t>((uint8_t) w, output);
			fwrite<uint8_t>((uint8_t) h, output);
			fwrite<uint8_t>((uint8_t) t, output);
			fwrite<uint8_t>((uint8_t) l, output);
			// The length is unknown right now, it'll be counted in the copy op and returned
			// so we'll return here after that copy is done
			fpos_t lenPos = tempVal<uint16_t>("Tiles Length", output);
			debug("\tAppending GFX's Tiles Data from file %s\n", thisBin.c_str());
			uint16_t len = appendData(output, thisBin);

			// Now we have the length, so go back and write it down
			goWrite<uint16_t>(uint16_t(len), output, &lenPos);
			debug("\tTiles' length: %d B\n", int(len));

			// Get the next sibling
			gfxXML = gfxXML->NextSiblingElement("gfx");
			debug("GFX done\n");
	// Now that the total number of gfx are known, go back and write that down
	goWrite<uint32_t>(totalGfx, output, &totalGfxPos);
	debug("%d GFX processed\n\n", int(totalGfx));
	return totalGfx;
Beispiel #4
RoundCorners::RoundCorners(MObject shaderObject)
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(shaderObject);
	radius = getFloatAttr("radius", depFn, 0.0f);
	samplesCount = getIntAttr("samples", depFn, 10);
	float globalScaleFactor = 1.0f;
	if (MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr != nullptr)
		globalScaleFactor = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr->scaleFactor;
		globalScaleFactor = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->scaleFactor;
	radius *= globalScaleFactor;
void MayaToCorona::setLogLevel()
	MObject globalsObj = getRenderGlobalsNode();
	if (globalsObj == MObject::kNullObj)
	MFnDependencyNode globalsNode(globalsObj);
	int logLevel = getIntAttr("translatorVerbosity", globalsNode, 0);
bool CoronaRenderer::assingExistingMat(MObject shadingGroup, std::shared_ptr<MayaObject> mobj)
	std::shared_ptr<mtco_MayaObject> obj = std::static_pointer_cast<mtco_MayaObject>(mobj);
	int index = -1;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < shaderArray.size(); i++)
		Logging::debug(MString("assingExistingMat search for ") + getObjectName(shadingGroup) + " current shaderArrayElement: " + getObjectName(shaderArray[i]));
		if( shaderArray[i] == shadingGroup)
			index = i;
	if( index > -1)
		Logging::info(MString("Reusing material data from :") + getObjectName(shaderArray[index]));
		Corona::NativeMtlData data = dataArray[index];
		MFnDependencyNode depFn(obj->mobject);
		// this can be a problem because a user may turn off shadow casting for the shader itself what is possible but should not be used normally
		// the default case is that the user turnes shadowCasting on/off on the geometry.
		data.castsShadows = true;
		if (!getBoolAttr("castsShadows", depFn, true))
			data.castsShadows = false;
		data.shadowCatcherMode = Corona::SC_DISABLED;
		int shadowCatcherMode = getIntAttr("mtco_shadowCatcherMode", depFn, 0);
		if (shadowCatcherMode > 0)
			if (shadowCatcherMode == 1)
				data.shadowCatcherMode = Corona::SC_ENABLED_FINAL;
			if (shadowCatcherMode == 2)
				data.shadowCatcherMode = Corona::SC_ENABLED_COMPOSITE;

		Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::IMaterial> mat = data.createMaterial();
		Corona::IMaterialSet ms = Corona::IMaterialSet(mat);
		setRenderStats(ms, obj);
		return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #7
bool RenderGlobals::getDefaultGlobals()
	MSelectionList defaultGlobals;

	if( defaultGlobals.length() == 0 )
		Logging::debug("defaultRenderGlobals not found. Stopping.");
		return false;
	MCommonRenderSettingsData data;

	MObject node;
	defaultGlobals.getDependNode(0, node);
	MFnDependencyNode fnRenderGlobals(node);

	MTime tv = MAnimControl::currentTime();
	this->currentFrameNumber = (float)(tv.value());
	tv = data.frameStart;
	this->startFrame = (float)(tv.value());
	tv = data.frameEnd;
	this->endFrame = (float)(tv.value());
	tv = data.frameBy;
	this->byFrame = (float)(tv.value());

	// check if we are in a batch render mode or if we are rendering from UI
	if( MGlobal::mayaState() == MGlobal::kBatch )
		this->inBatch = true;
		if( data.isAnimated() )
			Logging::debug(MString("animation on, rendering frame sequence from ") + this->startFrame + " to " + this->endFrame);
			// these are the frames that are supposed to be rendered in batch mode
			this->doAnimation = true;
			for( double frame = this->startFrame; frame <= this->endFrame; frame += this->byFrame)
			Logging::debug(MString("animation off, rendering current frame"));
			this->frameList.push_back(this->currentFrameNumber );
			this->doAnimation = false;
		// we are rendering from the UI so only render the current frame
		this->inBatch = false;
		this->frameList.push_back(this->currentFrameNumber );
		this->doAnimation = false; // at the moment, if rendering comes from UI dont do animation

	this->imgHeight = data.height;
	this->imgWidth = data.width;
	this->pixelAspect = data.pixelAspectRatio;
	this->regionLeft = 0;
	this->regionRight = this->imgWidth;
	this->regionBottom = 0;
	this->regionTop = this->imgHeight;

	regionLeft = getIntAttr("left", fnRenderGlobals, 0);
	regionRight = getIntAttr("rght", fnRenderGlobals, imgWidth);
	regionBottom = getIntAttr("bot", fnRenderGlobals, 0);
	regionTop = getIntAttr("top", fnRenderGlobals, imgHeight);

	getBool(MString("enableDefaultLight"), fnRenderGlobals, this->createDefaultLight);

	getString(MString("preRenderMel"), fnRenderGlobals, this->preFrameScript);
	getString(MString("postRenderMel"), fnRenderGlobals, this->postFrameScript);
	getString(MString("preRenderLayerMel"), fnRenderGlobals, this->preRenderLayerScript);
	getString(MString("postRenderLayerMel"), fnRenderGlobals, this->postRenderLayerScript);

	MFnDependencyNode depFn(getRenderGlobalsNode());
	this->maxTraceDepth = getIntAttr("maxTraceDepth", depFn, 4);
	this->doMb = getBoolAttr("doMotionBlur", depFn, false);
	this->doDof = getBoolAttr("doDof", depFn, false);
	this->motionBlurRange = getFloatAttr("motionBlurRange", depFn, 0.4f);
	this->motionBlurType = 0; // center
	this->xftimesamples = getIntAttr("xftimesamples", depFn, 2);
	this->geotimesamples = getIntAttr("geotimesamples", depFn, 2);
	this->createDefaultLight = false;
	this->renderType = RenderType::FINAL;
	this->exportSceneFile = getBoolAttr("exportSceneFile", depFn, false);
	this->adaptiveSampling = getBoolAttr("adaptiveSampling", depFn, false);
	this->imageName = getStringAttr("imageName", depFn, "");
	this->basePath = getStringAttr("basePath", depFn, "");
	this->exportSceneFileName = getStringAttr("exportSceneFileName", depFn, "");
	this->imagePath = getStringAttr("imagePath", depFn, "");
	this->threads = getIntAttr("threads", depFn, 4);
	this->translatorVerbosity = getEnumInt("translatorVerbosity", depFn);
	this->rendererVerbosity = getEnumInt("rendererVerbosity", depFn);
	this->useSunLightConnection = getBoolAttr("useSunLightConnection", depFn, false);
	this->tilesize = getIntAttr("tileSize", depFn, 64);
	this->sceneScale = getFloatAttr("sceneScale", depFn, 1.0f);
	this->filterSize = getFloatAttr("filterSize", depFn, 3.0f);
	this->good = true;
	return true;
Beispiel #8
void CoronaRenderer::defineCamera()
	MPoint rot, pos, scale;
	for(int objId = 0; objId < this->mtco_scene->camList.size(); objId++)
		mtco_MayaObject *cam = (mtco_MayaObject *)this->mtco_scene->camList[objId];
		if( !this->mtco_scene->isCameraRenderable(cam->mobject) && (!(cam->dagPath == this->mtco_scene->uiCamera)))

		logger.debug(MString("using camera ") + cam->shortName);
		MFnCamera camera(cam->mobject);
		MPoint pos, rot, scale;
		MMatrix camMatrix = cam->transformMatrices[0] * this->mtco_renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix;
		getMatrixComponents(camMatrix, pos, rot, scale);
		Corona::Pos cpos(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
		float focusDistance = 0.0;
		float fStop = 0.0;

		float focalLength = 35.0f;
		bool dof;
		float horizontalFilmAperture, verticalFilmAperture;
		float coi = 100.0f;
		getFloat(MString("horizontalFilmAperture"), camera, horizontalFilmAperture);
		getFloat(MString("verticalFilmAperture"), camera, verticalFilmAperture);
		getFloat(MString("focalLength"), camera, focalLength);
		getBool(MString("depthOfField"), camera, dof);
		getFloat(MString("focusDistance"), camera, focusDistance);
		getFloat(MString("fStop"), camera, fStop);
		getFloat(MString("centerOfInterest"), camera, coi);

		focusDistance *= this->mtco_renderGlobals->scaleFactor;

		MPoint coiBase(0,0,-coi);
		MPoint coiTransform = coiBase * camMatrix;
		//logger.debug(MString("Center of interest: ") + coi + " transformed " + coiTransform.x + " "  + coiTransform.y + " "  + coiTransform.z);
		Corona::Pos center(coiTransform.x, coiTransform.y, coiTransform.z);
		float fov = 2.0 * atan((horizontalFilmAperture * 0.5f) / (focalLength * 0.03937));
		float fovDeg = fov * 57.29578;
		Corona::AnimatedFloat fieldOfView(fov);
		//logger.debug(MString("fov ") + fov + " deg: " + fovDeg);
		//Corona::AnimatedFloat fieldOfView(Corona::DEG_TO_RAD(45.f));
		Corona::CameraData cameraData;

		cameraData.createPerspective(Corona::AnimatedPos(cpos), Corona::AnimatedPos(center), Corona::AnimatedDir(Corona::Dir::UNIT_Z), fieldOfView);
		Corona::AnimatedFloat focalDist(focusDistance);
		cameraData.perspective.focalDist = focalDist;
		cameraData.perspective.fStop = fStop;
		cameraData.perspective.filmWidth = this->mtco_renderGlobals->toMillimeters(horizontalFilmAperture * 2.54f * 10.0f); //film width in mm 
		if( dof && this->mtco_renderGlobals->doDof)
			cameraData.perspective.useDof = true;

		if (getBoolAttr("mtco_useBokeh", camera, false))
			cameraData.perspective.bokeh.use = true;
			cameraData.perspective.bokeh.blades = getIntAttr("mtco_blades", camera, 6);
			cameraData.perspective.bokeh.bladesRotation = getIntAttr("mtco_bladeRotation", camera, 0.0);
			MPlug bokehBitMapPlug = camera.findPlug("mtco_bokehBitmap");
			if (!bokehBitMapPlug.isNull())
				if (bokehBitMapPlug.isConnected())
					MObject bitmapNode = getConnectedInNode(bokehBitMapPlug);
					if (bitmapNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture))
						MFnDependencyNode bitMapFn(bitmapNode);
						MPlug texNamePlug = bitMapFn.findPlug("fileTextureName");
						if (!texNamePlug.isNull())
							MString fileName = texNamePlug.asString();
							logger.debug(MString("Found bokeh bitmap file: ") + fileName);
							Corona::Bitmap<Corona::Rgb> bokehBitmap;
							Corona::loadImage(fileName.asChar(), bokehBitmap);
							cameraData.perspective.bokeh.customShape = bokehBitmap;

		this->context.scene->getCamera() = cameraData; 

Beispiel #9
uint32_t ItemAttributes::getDecaying() const
	return (uint32_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_DECAYING);
Beispiel #10
int32_t ItemAttributes::getDuration() const
	return (int32_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_DURATION);
Beispiel #11
uint32_t ItemAttributes::getCorpseOwner()
	return (uint32_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_CORPSEOWNER);
Beispiel #12
uint32_t ItemAttributes::getOwner() const
	return (uint32_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_OWNER);
// Parse a single background
void parseBackground(TiXmlElement *bgXML, FILE *output, int bgNo, uint32_t pal, bool defPal)
	// Vector of vectors to store all the ids
	vector< vector<bgTile> > tiles;

	// This map corresponds the zbe palette indices with the background palette indices.
	// It's first-come-first-serve here
	map<uint32_t, uint16_t> palConv;

	// Process each row
	TiXmlElement *bgRowXML = bgXML->FirstChildElement("row");
	debug("\tReading background map (tileId, paletteId, hflip, vflip):\n");
	unsigned int maxWidth = 0;
	unsigned int h = 0;
	uint8_t numPalettes = 0;
	while (bgRowXML)

		// Vector of ids
		vector<bgTile> rowTiles;

		// Process each tile
		unsigned int w = 0;
		TiXmlElement *bgTileXML = bgRowXML->FirstChildElement("tile");
		while (bgTileXML)

			// Get attributes and fill in the bgTile
			int tileId, palId = pal, hflip = 0, vflip = 0;

			// tileId is required
			if (!getIntAttr(bgTileXML, "id", tileId))
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no tileId defined for tile %d in row %d of background %d\n", w, h, bgNo);
			// palId is only required if defPal is false
			if (!getIntAttr(bgTileXML, "palette", palId))
				if (!defPal)
					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no palette defined for tile %d in row %d of background %d\n", w, h, bgNo);
					fprintf(stderr, "\t This is requried because no default palette defined in the <background> tag.\n");
			// If this palette is not in the map, add it
			if (palConv.find(palId) == palConv.end())
				palConv[palId] = numPalettes;

			// Now change the palId over to reference the appropriate bgPalette id
			palId = palConv[palId];

			// hflip and vflip are optional, defaulting to false
			getIntAttr(bgTileXML, "hflip", hflip);
			getIntAttr(bgTileXML, "vflip", vflip);

			// debug printing made easy
			debug("(%d %d %d %d) ", tileId, palId, hflip, vflip);

			// make a new bgTile and add it to the vector
			bgTile newTile(tileId, palId, hflip == 1, vflip == 1);

			// Get the next tile
			bgTileXML = bgTileXML->NextSiblingElement("tile");

		// See if that set a new record for maxWidth
		if (w > maxWidth) maxWidth = w;

		// Add this row of tiles to the vector of vectors

		// Get next row
		bgRowXML = bgRowXML->NextSiblingElement("row");
	// Take the maximum defined width to be the width of the map
	// (We'll fill in the blanks below)
	unsigned int w = maxWidth;

	// Determine the size of the bg
	debug("\tGot a %d tile x %d tile background\n", w, h);
	fwrite<uint32_t>(w, output);
	fwrite<uint32_t>(h, output);

	// Number of palettes used
	fwrite<uint8_t>(numPalettes, output);
	debug("\t%d Palettes used\n", palConv.size());

	// Add the palette correspondence ids to the file
	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < palConv.size(); i++)
		// Maps keep things sorted, so we have to actually find the one where it->second == i
		for ( map<uint32_t, uint16_t>::iterator it = palConv.begin() ; it != palConv.end(); it++ )
			if (it->second == i)
				// Just need to write the zbe palette id
				fwrite<uint32_t>(it->first, output);

				// echo that
				debug("\t\tzbe Assets Palette %d = Background Palette %d\n", it->second, it->first);

	// Write all those uint16_t datas
	fpos_t mapLenPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Background Map Length", output);
	uint32_t mapLen = 0;

	debug("\tWriting background map:\n");
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < h; i++)
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < w; j++)
			// Make sure to get a value within the range of the vectors
			uint16_t toWrite = 0;
			if ( i < tiles.size() && j < tiles[i].size() )
				toWrite = tiles[i][j].getTile();

			// Write it to the file
			debug("%x\t", toWrite);
			fwrite<uint16_t>(toWrite, output);
			// 16 bits = 2 bytes
			mapLen += 2;
	goWrite<uint32_t>(mapLen, output, &mapLenPos);
	debug("\tBackground map length: %dB\n", mapLen);
Beispiel #14
uint16_t ItemAttributes::getActionId() const
	return (uint16_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_ACTIONID);
Beispiel #15
time_t ItemAttributes::getWrittenDate() const
	return (time_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_WRITTENDATE);
// Parse level data
int parseLevels(TiXmlElement *zbeXML, FILE *output)
	// Total # levels
	fpos_t totalLvlPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Total Levels", output);
	uint32_t totalLvl = 0;

	// For all the levels in the XML file
	TiXmlElement *levelsXML = zbeXML->FirstChildElement("levels");
	if (levelsXML)
		TiXmlElement *levelXML = levelsXML->FirstChildElement("level");
		while (levelXML)
			// Increment total level counter

			// Add level name string
			TiXmlElement *nameXML = levelXML->FirstChildElement("name");
			string lvlName = (nameXML) ? nameXML->GetText() : "";
			fwriteStr(lvlName, output);

			// Add the level's dimensions
			int w, h;
			if (!getIntAttr(levelXML, "w", w))
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No width set for level %d.\n", totalLvl);
			if (!getIntAttr(levelXML, "h", h))
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No height set for level %d.\n", totalLvl);
			fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(w), output);
			fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(h), output);
			debug("\tLevel \"%s\": %d x %d\n", lvlName.c_str(), w, h);

			// exp, debug, and timer values if making testing
			if (testing)
				// Testing explanation
				string lvlExp;
				TiXmlElement *expXML = levelXML->FirstChildElement("exp");
				if (expXML) {
					TiXmlElement *lineXML = expXML->FirstChildElement("line");
					while (lineXML)
						lvlExp += lineXML->GetText();
						lvlExp += "\n";

						lineXML = lineXML->NextSiblingElement("line");
					debug("\tTesting Explanation:\n%s", lvlExp.c_str());
					fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Making a testing zbe file but no test explanation provided.\n");
				fwriteStr(lvlExp, output);

				// Debug info
				string lvlDebug;
				TiXmlElement *dbgXML = levelXML->FirstChildElement("debug");
				if (dbgXML) {
					TiXmlElement *lineXML = dbgXML->FirstChildElement("line");
					while (lineXML)
						lvlDebug += lineXML->GetText();
						lvlDebug += "\n";

						lineXML = lineXML->NextSiblingElement("line");
					debug("\tTesting Debug:\n%s", lvlDebug.c_str());
					fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Making a testing zbe file but no test debug line provided.\n");
				fwriteStr(lvlDebug, output);

				// timer value
				int timer;
				if (!getIntAttr(levelXML, "timer", timer))
					fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: No timer value specified for level. Will run for %d minutes unless fixed\n", uint16_t(-1) / 60 / 60);
					fprintf(stderr, "\t         Add timer=\"-1\" to <level> tag if this is desired\n");
					timer = uint16_t(-1);
				debug("\tTest will run for %d blanks\n", timer);
				fwrite<uint16_t>(uint16_t(timer), output);

			// Add background information
			TiXmlElement *backgroundsXML = levelXML->FirstChildElement("backgrounds");
			map<int, uint32_t> bgIds;
			map<int, uint8_t> bgDistances;
			int numBackgrounds = 0;
			if (backgroundsXML)
				TiXmlElement *backgroundXML = backgroundsXML->FirstChildElement("background");
				while (backgroundXML)
					int layer = numBackgrounds, id, distance = 1;

					// ID is required
					if (!getIntAttr(backgroundXML, "id", id))
						fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No background id specified for background %d in level %d. Ignoring background.\n", numBackgrounds + 1, totalLvl);

						// Get next background and continue
						backgroundXML = backgroundXML->NextSiblingElement("background");

					// Layer isn't so don't overwrite layer if not set
					getIntAttr(backgroundXML, "layer", layer);

					// Same for distance
					getIntAttr(backgroundXML, "distance", distance);

					// Add this background to the vector
					bgIds[layer] = id;
					bgDistances[layer] = distance;
					debug("\tLevel background %d using background %d at distance %d\n", layer, id, distance);

					// Got another background

					// Next background s.v.p.
					backgroundXML = backgroundXML->NextSiblingElement("background");
				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No backgrounds defined for level %d\n", totalLvl);

			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				// See if this layer was defined
				if (bgIds.find(i) == bgIds.end())
					// Not defined, Just write -1s
					fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(-1), output);
					fwrite<uint8_t>(uint8_t(-1), output);

					debug("\tBackground %d not defined\n", i);
					// Write ID
					fwrite<uint32_t>(bgIds[i], output);
					// Write Distance
					fwrite<uint8_t>(bgDistances[i], output);

					debug("\tBackground %d using %d at distance %d\n", i, bgIds[i], bgDistances[i]);

			// tileset Id
			int tilesetId = -1;
			if (!getIntAttr(backgroundsXML, "tileset", tilesetId))
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No tileset specified for Level %d.\n", totalLvl);
			fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(tilesetId), output);

			// Level Heroes
			//Total heroes
			fpos_t totalLvlHroPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Level Heroes", output);
			uint32_t totalLvlHro = 0;

			TiXmlElement *heroesXML = levelXML->FirstChildElement("heroes");
			if (heroesXML)
				TiXmlElement *heroXML = heroesXML->FirstChildElement("hero");
				while (heroXML)

					// Get the relevant infos
					int x = getIntAttr(heroXML, "x");
					int y = getIntAttr(heroXML, "y");
					int id = getIntAttr(heroXML, "id");

					// Horizontal Gravity
					float fhgrav = 0.0;
					if (!getFloatAttr(heroXML, "hgrav", fhgrav))
						fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No horizontal gravity set for level hero %d. Using default %f.\n", totalLvlHro, fhgrav);
					int32_t ihgrav = int32_t(fhgrav * pow(2, 12));

					// Vertical Gravity
					float fvgrav = 0.025;
					if (!getFloatAttr(heroXML, "vgrav", fvgrav))
						fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No vertical gravity set for level hero %d. Using default %f.\n", totalLvlHro, fvgrav);
					int32_t ivgrav = int32_t(fvgrav * pow(2, 12));

					// Write them up
					debug("\t\tHero using object id %d at (%d, %d) w/ grav (%f, %f) = (%d, %d) 20.12\n", id, x, y, fhgrav, fvgrav, ihgrav, ivgrav);
					fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(id), output);
					fwrite<uint16_t>(uint16_t(x), output);
					fwrite<uint16_t>(uint16_t(y), output);
					fwrite<int32_t>(ihgrav, output);
					fwrite<int32_t>(ivgrav, output);

					// Get the next object
					heroXML = heroXML->NextSiblingElement("hero");
				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No hero defined for level %d\n", totalLvl);
			//go write the total number of objects
			goWrite<uint32_t>(totalLvlHro, output, &totalLvlHroPos);
			debug("\t%d Level Heroes\n", int(totalLvlHro));

			// Level Objects
			// Total objects
			fpos_t totalLvlObjPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Level Objects", output);
			uint32_t totalLvlObj = 0;

			TiXmlElement *objectsXML = levelXML->FirstChildElement("objects");
			if (objectsXML)
				TiXmlElement *objectXML = objectsXML->FirstChildElement("object");
				while (objectXML)

					// Get the relevant infos
					int x = getIntAttr(objectXML, "x");
					int y = getIntAttr(objectXML, "y");
					int id = getIntAttr(objectXML, "id");

				// Horizontal Gravity
					float fhgrav = 0.0;
					if (!getFloatAttr(objectXML, "hgrav", fhgrav))
						fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No horizontal gravity set for level object %d. Using default %f.\n", totalLvlObj, fhgrav);
					int32_t ihgrav = int32_t(fhgrav * pow(2, 12));

					// Vertical Gravity
					float fvgrav = 0.025;
					if (!getFloatAttr(objectXML, "vgrav", fvgrav))
						fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No vertical gravity set for level object %d. Using default %f.\n", totalLvlObj, fvgrav);
					int32_t ivgrav = int32_t(fvgrav * pow(2, 12));

					// Write them up
					debug("\t\tObject using object id %d at (%d, %d) w/ grav (%f, %f) = (%d, %d) 20.12\n", id, x, y, fhgrav, fvgrav, ihgrav, ivgrav);
					fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(id), output);
					fwrite<uint16_t>(uint16_t(x), output);
					fwrite<uint16_t>(uint16_t(y), output);
					fwrite<int32_t>(ihgrav, output);
					fwrite<int32_t>(ivgrav, output);

					// Get the next object
					objectXML = objectXML->NextSiblingElement("object");
				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No objects defined for level %d\n", totalLvl);
			//go write the total number of objects
			goWrite<uint32_t>(totalLvlObj, output, &totalLvlObjPos);
			debug("\t%d Level objects\n", int(totalLvlObj));

			// Get the next sibling
			levelXML = levelXML->NextSiblingElement("level");
			debug("Level Done\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No levels defined!\n");
	// Now that the total number of palettes are known, go back and write that down
	goWrite<uint32_t>(totalLvl, output, &totalLvlPos);
	debug("%d Levels Processed\n\n", int(totalLvl));
	return totalLvl;
// Parse out object definitions
int parseObjects(TiXmlElement *zbeXML, FILE *output)
	// Total # objects.
	fpos_t totalObjPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Total Objects", output);
	uint32_t totalObj = 0;

	// For all the objects
	TiXmlElement *objectsXML = zbeXML->FirstChildElement("objects");
	if (objectsXML)
		TiXmlElement *objectXML = objectsXML->FirstChildElement("object");
		while (objectXML)

			// Weight
			int weight = 50;
			if (!getIntAttr(objectXML, "weight", weight))
				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No weight set for object %d. Using default %d.\n", totalObj, weight);
			debug("\tWeight : %d\n", weight);
			fwrite<uint8_t>(uint8_t(weight), output);

			// Total # Animations
			uint32_t totalAnimations = 0;
			fpos_t totalAnimationsPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Total Animations", output);

			// And all the animations
			TiXmlElement *animationsXML = objectXML->FirstChildElement("animations");
			if (animationsXML)
				TiXmlElement *animationXML = animationsXML->FirstChildElement("animation");
				while (animationXML)

					// Total # frames for this animation
					uint16_t totalFrames = 0;
					fpos_t totalFramesPos = tempVal<uint16_t>("Total Frames", output);

					// Start getting frames
					TiXmlElement *frameXML = animationXML->FirstChildElement("frame");
					while (frameXML)

						// Get the attributes
						int gfxId = getIntAttr(frameXML, "id");
						int palId = getIntAttr(frameXML, "pal");
						int time = getIntAttr(frameXML, "time");

						// Write them to the file
						debug("\t\t\tFrame: GFX ID %d with Palette ID %d for %d blanks\n", gfxId, palId, time);
						fwrite<uint32_t>((uint32_t) gfxId, output);
						fwrite<uint32_t>((uint32_t) palId, output);
						fwrite<uint8_t>((uint8_t) time, output);

						// get the next frame
						frameXML = frameXML->NextSiblingElement("frame");

					// Go back and write the number of frames in this animation
					goWrite<uint16_t>(totalFrames, output, &totalFramesPos);
					debug("\t\t%d Frames Processed\n", int(totalFrames));

					// get the next animation
					animationXML = animationXML->NextSiblingElement("animation");

			// Go back and write the number of animations for this object
			goWrite<uint32_t>(totalAnimations, output, &totalAnimationsPos);
			debug("\t%d Animations Processed\n", int(totalAnimations));

			// get the next one
			objectXML = objectXML->NextSiblingElement("object");
			debug("Object done\n");
	// Finally, go back and write the number of objects
	goWrite<uint32_t>(totalObj, output, &totalObjPos);
	debug("%d Objects processed\n\n", int(totalObj));
	return totalObj;
Beispiel #18
void CoronaRenderer::defineSettings()
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(getRenderGlobalsNode());
	std::shared_ptr<RenderGlobals> renderGlobals = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr;
	int w = renderGlobals->getWidth();
	int h = renderGlobals->getHeight();
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGE_WIDTH, w);
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGE_HEIGHT, h);

	if (MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->renderType == MayaTo::MayaToWorld::WorldRenderType::IPRRENDER)
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_MINIMIZE_PRECOMP, true);

	if (getBoolAttr("lockSamplingPattern",depFn, false))
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_RANDOM_SEED, 1234);
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_RANDOM_SEED, 0);

	if (renderGlobals->getUseRenderRegion())
		int left, bottom, right, top;
		renderGlobals->getRenderRegion(left, bottom, right, top);
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGE_REGION_START_X, left);
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGE_REGION_START_Y, bottom);
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGE_REGION_END_X, right);
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGE_REGION_END_Y, top);

	int renderer = getIntAttr("renderer", depFn, 0);
	if( renderer == 0) // progressive
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_RENDER_ENGINE, Corona::RENDER_ENGINE_PROGRESSIVE);
	if( renderer == 1) // bucket rendering
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_RENDER_ENGINE, Corona::RENDER_ENGINE_BUCKET);
	if( renderer == 2) // vcm rendering
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_RENDER_ENGINE, Corona::RENDER_ENGINE_VCM);

	//context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_RESUME_RENDERING, false);
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_BUCKET_SIZE, getIntAttr("image_bucketSize", depFn, 64));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_BUCKET_SAMPLES_PER_ITERATION, getIntAttr("buckets_initialSamples", depFn, 4));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_BUCKET_PASSES, getIntAttr("buckets_adaptiveSteps", depFn, 4));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_BUCKET_ADAPTIVE_THRESHOLD, getFloatAttr("buckets_adaptiveThreshold", depFn, 0.03f));

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_PROGRESSIVE_PASS_LIMIT, getIntAttr("progressive_maxPasses", depFn, 0));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_PROGRESSIVE_TIME_LIMIT, getIntAttr("progressive_timeLimit", depFn, 60) * 1000);

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_VCM_MODE, getEnumInt("vcm_mode", depFn));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_PPM_INITIAL_RADIUS, getFloatAttr("ppm_initialRadius", depFn, 2.0f));
	//context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_BIDIR_DO_MIS, getBoolAttr("bidir_doMis", depFn, true));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_PPM_PHOTONS_PER_ITER, getIntAttr("ppm_photonsPerIter", depFn, 5000000));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_PPM_ALPHA, getFloatAttr("ppm_alpha", depFn, .666f));

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_MAX_SAMPLE_INTENSITY, getFloatAttr("maxPtSampleIntensity", depFn, 20.0f));	
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_NUM_THREADS, getIntAttr("threads", depFn, 4));

	if (getBoolAttr("exportSceneFile", depFn, false))
		context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_EXPORT_PATH, renderGlobals->exportSceneFileName.asChar());
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_THREAD_PRIORITY, Corona::IScheduler::PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); // always render with low priority

	Corona::DisplaceSubdivType subdivTypes[] = { Corona::DisplaceSubdivType::DISPLACE_SUBDIV_WORLD, Corona::DisplaceSubdivType::DISPLACE_SUBDIV_PROJECTED };
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_DISPLACE_SUBDIV_TYPE, subdivTypes[(int)getBoolAttr("displace_useProjectionSize", depFn, true)]);
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_DISPLACE_MAX_SIZE_SCREEN, getFloatAttr("displace_maxProjectSize", depFn, 2.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_DISPLACE_MAX_SIZE_WORLD, getFloatAttr("displace_maxWorldSize", depFn, 1.0f));

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_MAX_RAY_DEPTH, getIntAttr("raycaster_maxDepth", depFn, 25));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_MIN_INSTANCE_SAVING, getIntAttr("instance_minSize", depFn, 50000));

	int f = getEnumInt("filtertype", depFn);
	float fw = getFloatAttr("imagefilter_width", depFn, 1.5f);
	float fb = getFloatAttr("imagefilter_blurring", depFn, .5f);
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGEFILTER, getEnumInt("filtertype", depFn));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGEFILTER_WIDTH, getFloatAttr("imagefilter_width", depFn, 1.5f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_IMAGEFILTER_BLURRING, getFloatAttr("imagefilter_blurring", depFn, .5f));

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_SHADING_ENABLE, getBoolAttr("doShading", depFn, true));

	Corona::GiSolverType solverTypes[] = { Corona::GiSolverType::GISOLVER_NONE, Corona::GiSolverType::GISOLVER_PATHTRACING, Corona::GiSolverType::GISOLVER_HD_CACHE, Corona::GiSolverType::GISOLVER_UHD_CACHE };
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_SHADING_PRIMARY_SOLVER, solverTypes[getEnumInt("gi_primarySolver", depFn)]);
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_SHADING_SECONDARY_SOLVER, solverTypes[getEnumInt("gi_secondarySolver", depFn)]);

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_GI_TO_AA_RATIO, getIntAttr("pathtracingSamples", depFn, 16));
	//context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_LIGHT_SAMPLES_MULT, getFloatAttr("lights_areaSamplesMult", depFn, 2.0f));

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_SAVE, getBoolAttr("gi_saveSecondary", depFn, false));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_PRECALC_MODE, getEnumInt("gi_hdCache_precalcMode", depFn));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_FILE, Corona::String(getStringAttr("gi_secondaryFile", depFn, "").asChar()));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_PRECOMP_DENSITY, getFloatAttr("gi_hdCache_precompMult", depFn, 1.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_INTERPOLATION_COUNT, getIntAttr("gi_hdCache_interpolationCount", depFn, 3));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_RECORD_QUALITY, getIntAttr("gi_hdCache_ptSamples", depFn, 256));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_SMOOTHING, getFloatAttr("gi_hdCache_smoothing", depFn, 2.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_MAX_RECORDS, getIntAttr("gi_hdCache_maxRecords", depFn, 100000));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_GLOSS_THRESHOLD, getFloatAttr("gi_hdCache_glossyThreshold", depFn, .9f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_WRITABLE_PASSES, getIntAttr("gi_hdCache_writePasses", depFn, 0));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_DIR_SENSITIVITY, getFloatAttr("gi_hdCache_dirSensitivity", depFn, 2.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_POS_SENSITIVITY, getFloatAttr("gi_hdCache_posSensitivity", depFn, 20.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_HDCACHE_NORMAL_SENSITIVITY, getFloatAttr("gi_hdCache_normalSensitivity", depFn, 3.0f));

	float uhd_precision = getFloatAttr("uhdPrecision", depFn, 1.0f);
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_UHDCACHE_PRECISION, uhd_precision);

	int uhd_recordQuality = 512;
	float uhd_strictness = 0.075f;
	float uhd_msi = 3.0f;
	int uhdType = getEnumInt("uhdCacheType", depFn);
	if (getEnumInt("gi_secondarySolver", depFn) == 4) // uhd cache
		// 0 == still, 1 == animation. Only animation needs not default settings.
		if (uhdType == 1)
			context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_UHDCACHE_MSI, uhd_msi * 3.0f);
			context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_UHDCACHE_RECORD_QUALITY, uhd_recordQuality * .5f);
			context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_UHDCACHE_STRICTNESS, uhd_strictness * .33f);
			context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_UHDCACHE_PRECISION, uhd_precision * .4f);

	float gamma = 2.2f;
	if (MColorManagementUtilities::isColorManagementEnabled())
		gamma = 1.0f;
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_GAMMA, gamma);
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_HIGHLIGHT_COMPRESSION, getFloatAttr("colorMapping_highlightCompression", depFn, 1.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_CONTRAST, getFloatAttr("colorMapping_contrast", depFn, 1.0f));

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_COLOR_TEMP, getFloatAttr("colorMapping_colorTemperature", depFn, 6500.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_SIMPLE_EXPOSURE, getFloatAttr("colorMapping_simpleExposure", depFn, 0.0f));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_TINT, toCorona(getColorAttr("colorMapping_tint", depFn)));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_USE_PHOTOGRAPHIC, !getBoolAttr("colorMapping_useSimpleExposure", depFn, true));

	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_ISO, getFloatAttr("colorMapping_iso", depFn, 100.0));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_F_STOP, getFloatAttr("colorMapping_fStop", depFn, 5.6));
	context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_SHUTTER_SPEED, 1.0f / getFloatAttr("colorMapping_shutterSpeed", depFn, 250.0f));
	// v2.8 exposure from camera
	std::shared_ptr<MayaScene> mayaScene = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldScenePtr;
	if (mayaScene)
		for (auto cam : mayaScene->camList)
			if (!isCameraRenderable(cam->mobject) && (!(cam->dagPath == mayaScene->uiCamera)))
			MFnDependencyNode camFn(cam->mobject);
			if (getBoolAttr("mtco_overrideRenderSettings", camFn, false))
				context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_ISO, getFloatAttr("mtco_iso", camFn, 1.0));
				context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_F_STOP, getFloatAttr("fStop", camFn, 5.6));
				context.settings->set(Corona::PARAM_COLORMAP_SHUTTER_SPEED, 1.0f / getFloatAttr("mtco_shutterSpeed", camFn, 250.0f));
Beispiel #19
void TheaRenderer::defineEnvironment()
	MFnDependencyNode gFn(getRenderGlobalsNode());
	std::shared_ptr<RenderGlobals> renderGlobals = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr;
	std::shared_ptr<TheaRenderer> renderer = std::static_pointer_cast<TheaRenderer>(MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRendererPtr);

	if( renderGlobals->exportSceneFile )
		TheaSDK::XML::EnvironmentOptions env;	
		int illumination = getEnumInt("illumination", gFn);
		switch (illumination)
		case 0:
		case 1: // dome light
				env.illumination = TheaSDK::DomeIllumination;
				MColor bg = getColorAttr("backgroundColor", gFn);
				TheaSDK::Rgb bgColor(bg.r, bg.g, bg.b);
				env.backgroundColor = bgColor;
		case 2: // ibl
				env.illumination = TheaSDK::IBLIllumination;
				defineIBLNode(env.illuminationMap, "illuminationMap");
				defineIBLNode(env.backgroundMap, "backgroundMap");
				defineIBLNode(env.reflectionMap, "reflectionMap");
				defineIBLNode(env.refractionMap, "refractionMap");
		case 3: // physical sky
				env.illumination = TheaSDK::PhysicalSkyIllumination;
				env.turbidity = getFloatAttr("turbidity", gFn, 2.5f);
				env.ozone = getFloatAttr("ozone", gFn, 0.35f);
				env.waterVapor = getFloatAttr("waterVapor", gFn, 2.0f);
				env.turbidityCoefficient = getFloatAttr("turbidityCoefficient", gFn, .046f);
				env.wavelengthExponent = getFloatAttr("wavelengthExponent", gFn, 1.3f);
				env.albedo = getFloatAttr("albedo", gFn, .5f);

				env.location = getStringAttr("location", gFn, "").asChar();

				env.timezone = getIntAttr("timezone", gFn, 0); // from -12 to +12.
				env.date = getStringAttr("date", gFn, "").asChar(); // format dd/mm/yy.
				env.localtime = getStringAttr("localtime", gFn, "").asChar(); // format hh/mm/ss.

				env.latitude = getFloatAttr("latitude", gFn, .0f);
				env.longitude = getFloatAttr("longitude", gFn, .0f);

				env.sunDirection = this->getSunDirection();
				env.sunPolarAngle = getFloatAttr("sunPolarAngle", gFn, -1.0f); // in degrees.
				env.sunAzimuth = getFloatAttr("sunAzimuth", gFn, -1.0f); // in degrees.

		if (illumination > 0)

		if (TheaSDK::SetRgbParameter(TheaSDK::GetGlobalSettings(),"Background Color",TheaSDK::Rgb(0.1f,0.1f,0.6f))==false)
		if (TheaSDK::SetStringParameter(TheaSDK::GetGlobalSettings(),"Background Type","Background Color")==false)

		if (TheaSDK::SetRealParameter(TheaSDK::GetGlobalSettings(),"./Sun/Polar Angle (deg)",45)==false)
			return ;
		if (TheaSDK::SetRealParameter(TheaSDK::GetGlobalSettings(),"./Sun/Azimuth (deg)",45)==false)
		if (TheaSDK::SetStringParameter(TheaSDK::GetGlobalSettings(),"Illumination","Physical Sky")==false)
		if (TheaSDK::SetIntegerParameter(TheaSDK::GetRootObject(),"GenerateSun",2)==false)
Beispiel #20
uint16_t ItemAttributes::getUniqueId() const
	return (uint16_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_UNIQUEID);
// Parse out backgrounds
int parseBackgrounds(TiXmlElement *zbeXML, FILE *output)
	// Total # backgrounds.
	fpos_t totalBgPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Total Backgrounds", output);
	uint32_t totalBg = 0;

	// For all the backgrounds in the XML file
	TiXmlElement *bgsXML = zbeXML->FirstChildElement("backgrounds");
	if (bgsXML)
		TiXmlElement *bgXML = bgsXML->FirstChildElement("background");
		while (bgXML)
			// Increment total bg counter

			// Get the palette to use for this background
			uint32_t pal = 0;
			bool defPal = false;
			int palVal;
			if (!getIntAttr(bgXML, "palette", palVal))
				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No default palette defined for background #%d.\n", totalBg);
				pal = (uint32_t) palVal;
				defPal = true;

			// See if there's an xml attribute defined
			string extBgXMLfile = getStrAttr(bgXML, "xml");
			string extBgBINfile = getStrAttr(bgXML, "bin");
			if (!extBgXMLfile.empty())
				debug("\tOpening external background map XML file: %s\n", extBgXMLfile.c_str());
				TiXmlDocument extXML(extBgXMLfile.c_str());
				if (!extXML.LoadFile())
					fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse file %s\n", extBgXMLfile.c_str());
				TiXmlElement *extBgXML = extXML.RootElement()->FirstChildElement("backgroundmap");

				parseBackground(extBgXML, output, totalBg, pal, defPal);
			// See if the map was added as a grit-generated bin
			else if (!extBgBINfile.empty())
				// Get dimensions of the map
				int width, height;
				if (!getIntAttr(bgXML, "w", width))
					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no width provided for background %d.\n", totalBg);
				if (!getIntAttr(bgXML, "h", height))
					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no height provided for background %d.\n", totalBg);
				if (!defPal)
					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no palette provided for background %d.\n", totalBg);
				debug("\tInserting external %d x %d background map BIN file %s using palette #%d\n", width, height, extBgBINfile.c_str(), pal);
				// dimensions
				fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(width), output);
				fwrite<uint32_t>(uint32_t(height), output);
				// palettes
				fwrite<uint8_t>(1, output);
				fwrite<uint32_t>(pal, output);
				// temp data length followed by data
				fpos_t dataLenPos = tempVal<uint32_t>("Map Data Length", output);
				uint32_t dataLen = appendData(output, extBgBINfile);
				goWrite<uint32_t>(dataLen, output, &dataLenPos);
				debug("\tWrote %dB of map data.\n", dataLen);
				parseBackground(bgXML, output, totalBg, pal, defPal);

			// Get the next sibling
			bgXML = bgXML->NextSiblingElement("background");
			debug("Background Done\n");
	// Now that the total number of backgrounds are known, go back and write that down
	goWrite<uint32_t>(totalBg, output, &totalBgPos);
	debug("%d Backgrounds Processed\n\n", int(totalBg));
	return totalBg;
Beispiel #22
void TheaRenderer::defineCamera()
    std::shared_ptr<MayaScene> mayaScene = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldScenePtr;
    std::shared_ptr<RenderGlobals> renderGlobals = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr;

    for (auto obj : mayaScene->camList)
        MFnCamera camFn(obj->mobject);

        if (!isCameraRenderable(obj->mobject) && (!(obj->dagPath == mayaScene->uiCamera)))

        MMatrix m = obj->transformMatrices[0] * renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix;
        uint width, height;
        int width_, height_;
        renderGlobals->getWidthHeight(width_, height_);
        width = width_;
        height = height_;
        bool success = true;
        float focalLen = camFn.focalLength();
        float focusDistance = getFloatAttr("focusDistance", camFn, 10.0f);
        focusDistance *= renderGlobals->scaleFactor;
        float fStop = getFloatAttr("fStop", camFn, 5.6f);

        TheaSDK::Transform cameraPos;
        matrixToTransform(m, cameraPos);

        TheaSDK::Transform tn;
        cameraPos = cameraPos * tn.RotateX(-DegToRad(180.0));

        if( renderGlobals->exportSceneFile )
            TheaSDK::XML::Camera cam;
            cam.name = obj->shortName.asChar();
            cam.frame = cameraPos;
            cam.focalLength = focalLen;
            cam.pixels = width;
            cam.lines = height;
            cam.filmHeight = getFloatAttr("verticalFilmAperture", camFn, .9f) * 2.54f * 10.0f;
            cam.shutterSpeed = getFloatAttr("mtth_shutter_speed", camFn, 250.0);

            if( getBoolAttr("depthOfField", camFn, false))
                if( renderGlobals->doDof)
                    cam.focusDistance = focusDistance;
                    cam.depthOfField = getFloatAttr("mtth_focusRange", camFn, 0.1);
                    cam.autofocus = getBoolAttr("mtth_autoFocus", camFn, false);
                    //cam.depthOfField = (focusDistance-nearFocusPlane)/focusDistance;
                    cam.blades = getIntAttr("mtth_diaphragm_blades", camFn, 4);
                    int diaType;
                    getEnum(MString("mtth_diaphragm_type"), camFn, diaType);
                    if( diaType == 0)
                        cam.diaphragm = TheaSDK::Diaphragm::CircularDiaphragm;
                        cam.diaphragm = TheaSDK::Diaphragm::PolygonalDiaphragm;
                    cam.fNumber = fStop;

        } else {
            TheaSDK::CameraPointer cameraPtr = TheaSDK::AddStandardCamera(obj->shortName.asChar(), cameraPos, focalLen, width, height);
        break; // only 1 cam at the moment
Beispiel #23
uint16_t ItemAttributes::getCharges() const
	return (uint16_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_CHARGES);
Beispiel #24
uint16_t ItemAttributes::getFluidType() const
	return (uint16_t)getIntAttr(ATTR_ITEM_FLUIDTYPE);
Beispiel #25
void IndigoRenderer::defineEnvironment()

	std::shared_ptr<MayaScene> mayaScene = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldScenePtr;
	std::shared_ptr<RenderGlobals> renderGlobals = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr;

	MFnDependencyNode gFn(getRenderGlobalsNode());

	switch (getEnumInt("environmentType", gFn))
		case 0: // off
		case 1: // environment light map
			MString texName;
			bool useTexture = false;
			Indigo::String texturePath = "";
			MObject fileTexObj;
			if( getConnectedFileTexturePath(MString("environmentColor"), MString("indigoGlobals"), texName, fileTexObj) )
				useTexture = true;
				texturePath = texName.asChar();
			MFnDependencyNode fileTexNode(fileTexObj);
			MColor bgColor = getColorAttr("environmentColor", gFn);
			int mapType = getIntAttr("environmentMapType", gFn, 0);
			Indigo::SceneNodeBackgroundSettingsRef background_settings(new Indigo::SceneNodeBackgroundSettings());
			Reference<Indigo::DiffuseMaterial> mat(new Indigo::DiffuseMaterial());
			// Albedo should be zero.
			mat->albedo = Reference<Indigo::WavelengthDependentParam>(new Indigo::ConstantWavelengthDependentParam(Reference<Indigo::Spectrum>(new Indigo::UniformSpectrum(0))));
			Indigo::Texture texture;

			if( useTexture )
				texture.path = texturePath;
				texture.exponent = 1; // Since we will usually use a HDR image, the exponent (gamma) should be set to one.
				MColor colorGain(1,1,1);
				getColor("colorGain", fileTexNode, colorGain);
				MColor colorOffset(0,0,0);
				getColor("colorOffset", fileTexNode, colorOffset);
				double cg = (colorGain.r + colorGain.g + colorGain.b) / 3.0;
				double co = (colorOffset.r + colorOffset.g + colorOffset.b) / 3.0;
				texture.a = 0.0;
				texture.b = cg;
				texture.c = co;
				texture.tex_coord_generation = Reference<Indigo::TexCoordGenerator>(new Indigo::SphericalTexCoordGenerator(Reference<Indigo::Rotation>(new Indigo::MatrixRotation())));
				if( mapType == 1 )
					texture.tex_coord_generation = Reference<Indigo::TexCoordGenerator>(new Indigo::SphericalEnvTexCoordGenerator(Reference<Indigo::Rotation>(new Indigo::MatrixRotation())));
				mat->emission = Reference<Indigo::WavelengthDependentParam>(new Indigo::TextureWavelengthDependentParam(0));
				Indigo::RGBSpectrum *iBgColor = new Indigo::RGBSpectrum(Indigo::Vec3d(bgColor.r,bgColor.g,bgColor.b), 2.2);
				mat->emission = Reference<Indigo::WavelengthDependentParam>(new Indigo::ConstantWavelengthDependentParam(Reference<Indigo::Spectrum>(iBgColor)));

			// Base emission is the emitted spectral radiance. No effect here?
			double multiplier = (double)getFloatAttr("environmentMapMultiplier", gFn, 1.0) * 1000.0;
			mat->base_emission = Reference<Indigo::WavelengthDependentParam>(new Indigo::ConstantWavelengthDependentParam(Reference<Indigo::Spectrum>(new Indigo::UniformSpectrum(multiplier))));

			background_settings->background_material = mat;
		case 2: // sun/sky
			// first get the globals node and serach for a directional light connection
			MObjectArray nodeList;
			getConnectedInNodes(MString("sunLightConnection"), gFn.object(), nodeList);
			if( nodeList.length() > 0)
				MObject sunObj = nodeList[0];
					// we suppose what's connected here is a dir light transform
					MVector lightDir(0,0,1); // default dir light dir
					MFnDagNode sunDagNode(sunObj);
					lightDir *= sunDagNode.transformationMatrix() * renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix;

					Indigo::SceneNodeBackgroundSettingsRef background_settings_node(new Indigo::SceneNodeBackgroundSettings());
					Reference<Indigo::SunSkyMaterial> sun_sky_mat(new Indigo::SunSkyMaterial());
					MString sky_model;
					int modelId;
					getEnum("sky_model", gFn, modelId, sky_model);
					sun_sky_mat->model = sky_model.asChar();
					sun_sky_mat->enable_sky = true;
					getBool("extra_atmospheric", gFn, sun_sky_mat->extra_atmospheric);
					sun_sky_mat->name = "sunsky";
					getUInt("sky_layer", gFn, sun_sky_mat->sky_layer);
					getUInt("sun_layer", gFn, sun_sky_mat->sun_layer);
					getDouble(MString("turbidity"), gFn, sun_sky_mat->turbidity);

					sun_sky_mat->sundir = Indigo::Vec3d(lightDir.x, lightDir.y, lightDir.z); // Direction to sun.

					background_settings_node->background_material = sun_sky_mat;
