int main( int argc, char **argv){
  int i =0, j=0;
    return 1;
  struct hostent* h = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
    return 1;
  //affichage du nom
  printf("nom officiel: %s \n", h->h_name);
  //affichage des alias
  while(h->h_aliases[j]!= NULL){
  //affichage du type d'adresse
  printf("type d'adresse: %d \n",h->h_addrtype);
  //affichage de la taille
  printf("taille: %d \n",h->h_length);
  // affichage des adresses
 while(h->h_addr_list[i]!= NULL){
    int a=getIntFromChar(h->h_addr_list[i][0]);
    int b=getIntFromChar(h->h_addr_list[i][1]);
    int c=getIntFromChar(h->h_addr_list[i][2]);
    int d=getIntFromChar(h->h_addr_list[i][3]);
    printf("adresse %d:  %d.%d.%d.%d\n",i+1,a,b,c,d);
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
// getIntFromChar test//
void test_getIntFromChar_get_97(){
  Dictionary *dictionary = dictionaryNew(4000);
  char *code = "a";
  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(97, getIntFromChar(dictionary, code));

Beispiel #3
void test_getIntFromChar_get_256(){
  Dictionary *dictionary = dictionaryNew(4000);
  char *code = "ba";
  dictionary->entries[256].code = "ba";
  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(256, getIntFromChar(dictionary, code));

Beispiel #4
/* ==========================================================
 * hexStr2int : convert a Hex string into decimal number
 * ----------------------------------------------------------
int hexStr2int(char * str) {
	int v=0;
	while (*str != '\0') {
		int w = getIntFromChar(*str);
		if ( w < 0 ) return -1;
		v = v << 4;
		v = v | w;
	return v;
	// -----------------------------------------------------
	// Validate CRC and Checksum value from the signal
	// Starts at the Sync header digit
	// return true if both are valid
	bool OregonSensorV2::validate(char * _str, int _len, int _CRC, int _SUM) {

		int i,j,c,CRC,SUM;
		CRC =0x43;
		int CCIT_POLY = 0x07;
		SUM = 0x00;

		// swap each 2 digit
		char __str[100];
		for (j=0 ; j < _len ; j+=2){
		   __str[j]		= _str[j+1];
		   __str[j+1]	= _str[j];
		__str[_len]='\0'; 	// recopie de \0

		for (j=1; j< _len; j++)
			c = getIntFromChar(__str[j]);
			SUM += c;
			CRC ^= c;

			// Because we have to skip the rolling value in the CRC computation
			if ( j != 6 && j != 7  ) {
				for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
					if( (CRC & 0x80) != 0 )
						CRC =  ( (CRC << 1) ^ CCIT_POLY ) & 0xFF;
						CRC = (CRC << 1 ) & 0xFF;

		// CRC is 8b but the len is quartet based and we start are digit 1
		if ( ! (_len & 1) ) {
			for(i = 0; i<4; i++) {
				if( (CRC & 0x80) != 0 )
					CRC = ( (CRC << 1) ^ CCIT_POLY ) & 0xFF;
					CRC = (CRC << 1 ) & 0xFF;
		   printf("Validate OOK - SUM : 0x%02X(0x%02X) CRC : 0x%02X(0x%02X)\n",SUM,_SUM,CRC,_CRC);
		// Do not check crc anymore as depend on sensor it is not working as expected
		if ( SUM == _SUM /* && CRC == _CRC */ ) return true;
		else {
			printf("OSV2 - validate err (%s) SUM : 0x%02X(0x%02X) CRC : 0x%02X(0x%02X)\n",_str,SUM,_SUM,CRC,_CRC);
		return false;
	// --------------------------------------------------
	// getDoubleFromString() - get double value related to
	//                         BCD encoded string XXX = XX.X
	double Sensor::getDoubleFromString(char * s) {
		int r = 0;
		while ( *s != '\0' ) {
		    r *= 10;
			int t = getIntFromChar(*s);
			if ( t == -1 || t >= 10 ) return -1;
			r += t;
		return (double)( r / 10.0 );
	// ---------------------------------------------------
	// getIntFromString() - get an unsigned int value from
	//   the given string. -1 if error
	int Sensor::getIntFromString(char * s) {
		int r = 0;
		while ( *s != '\0' ) {
		    r *= 16;
			int t = getIntFromChar(*s);
			if ( t == -1 ) return -1;
			r += t;
		return r;
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Decode OregonScientific V2 protocol for specific
	// Oregon Devices
	// - THGR122NX : Temp + Humidity
	//				 1A2D1002502060552A4C
	//			     1A2D1002300638042BB7 		=> -6°C
	//				 A 1D20 1 20 0 360 8 340 2BB7
	//               In correct order :
	//					A 1D20 1 20 0 502 0 655 2A 4C
	//						 A => Sync header
	//						   1D20	=> THGR122NX ID
	//                              1 => Channel ( 1 | 2 | 4 )
	//                                20 => rolling (random value def @ reset)
	//                                   0 => battery flag & 0x4
	//										XXX => temperature BCD to be read left from right
	//                                          0 => temperature sign 0 = positive
	//                                            XX (X) => hummidity BCD to be read L from R
	//                                                      last digit unclear as it is not a BCD when > 75%
	//                                                2A => checksum from ID to Humid (8b sum)
	//													4C => CRC8 from ID to Humid w/o rolling
	//														  init : 0x43 CRCPoly : 0x07
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	bool OregonSensorV2::decode_THGR122NX(char * pt) {

		char channel; int ichannel;				// values 1,2,4
		char rolling[3]; int irolling;
		char battery; int ibattery;				// value & 0x4
		char temp[4]; double dtemp;				// Temp in BCD
		char tempS;	int itempS;					// Sign 0 = positif
		char humid[4]; double dhumid;				// Humid in BCD
		char checksum[3]; int ichecksum;
		char crc[3]; int icrc;
		int  len = strlen(pt);

		if ( len == 20 ) {
			channel = pt[4];
			rolling[0]=pt[7]; rolling[1]=pt[6]; rolling[2]='\0';
			battery = pt[9];
			temp[0] = pt[10] ; temp[1] = pt[11] ; temp[2] = pt[8] ; temp[3] = '\0';
			tempS = pt[13];
// BugFix	humid[0] = pt[15] ; humid[1] = pt[12]; humid[2] = pt[14] ; humid[3] = '\0'; /* when humid >75% pt[14] = 0xD ... */
			humid[0] = pt[15] ; humid[1] = pt[12]; humid[2] = '0' ; humid[3] = '\0';
			checksum[0] = pt[16];	checksum[1] = pt[17]; checksum[2] = '\0';
			crc[0] = pt[18] ; crc[1] = pt[19] ; crc[2] = '\0';

			printf("OSV2 - decode : id(%s) ch(%c) bat(%c) temp(%s) sign(%c) humid(%s) cksum(%s) crc(%s)\n",
			                        "1D20",channel,battery,temp,tempS,humid, checksum, crc);

			// Conversion to int value
			ichannel = getIntFromChar(channel);
			irolling = getIntFromString(rolling);
			ibattery = getIntFromChar(battery);
			itempS = getIntFromChar(tempS) & 0x08;
			ichecksum = getIntFromString(checksum);
			icrc = getIntFromString(crc);
			dtemp = getDoubleFromString(temp);
			dhumid = getDoubleFromString(humid);

			printf("OSV2 - decode : id(0x%04X) ch(%d) bat(%d) temp(%f) sign(%d) humid(%f) cksum(0x%02X) crc(0x%02X)\n",
			                        0x1D20,ichannel,ibattery,dtemp,itempS,dhumid, ichecksum, icrc);

			// Check SUM & CRC
			if ( validate(pt,16,icrc,ichecksum) == true ) {

				// now we can decode the important flag and fill the object
				this->haveChannel = true;
				this->channel = (ichannel != 4)?ichannel:3;

				this->haveBattery = true;
				this->battery = (ibattery & 0x4);

				this->haveTemperature = true;
				this->temperature = (itempS == 0)?dtemp:-dtemp;

				this->haveHumidity = true;
				this->humidity = dhumid;

				return true;
			} else return false;

		return false;
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Decode OregonScientific V2 protocol for specific
	// Oregon Devices
	// - THN132N : Temp
	//				OSV2 EA4C2080 9822 D013		22.8°C
	//              OSV2 EA4C2080 5208 F813		08.5°C
	//			    OSV2 EA4C2080 0201 B082
	//				OSV2 EA4C2080 7202 3053
	//				OSV2 EA4C2080 2204 0073
	//			    OSV2 EA4C2080 6206 6063
	//				OSV2 EA4C2080 9210 40C3
	//			    OSV2 EA4C2080 4211 0033
	//			    OSV2 EA4C2080 1212 E002
	//				OSV2 EA4C2080 6234 70C3		34.6°C
	//			    OSV2 EA4C2080 5231 3043		31.5°C
	//				OSV2 EA4C2080 9207 28F4		// negatif autour de -7 ?
	//			    OSV2 EA4C2080 0213 68A3		// negatif -13
	//				OSV2 EA4C2080 7019 9043
	//				In correct order :
	//				   OSV2 A EC40 2 08 8 922 0 3D 1
	//	     				A => Sync header
	//						  EC40	=> THN132N ID
	//                             2 => Channel ( 1 | 2 | 4 )
	//                               08 => rolling (random value def @ reset)
	//                                  8 => battery flag & 0x4 other unknown
	//										could be : 0x2 => rising
	//												   0x8 => decreasing, to be analysed
	//									  XXX => temperature BCD to be read left from right
	//											0 => Sign 0 = + ; 8 = -
	//											  3D => CheckSum ( from EC40 to Sign)
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	bool OregonSensorV2::decode_THN132N(char * pt) {

		char channel; int ichannel;				// values 1,2,4
		char rolling[3]; int irolling;
		char battery; int ibattery;				// value & 0x4
		char temp[4]; double dtemp;				// Temp in BCD
		char tempS;	int itempS;					// Sign 0 = positif
		char checksum[3]; int ichecksum;
		int  len = strlen(pt);

		if ( len == 16 ) {
			channel = pt[4];
			rolling[0]=pt[7]; rolling[1]=pt[6]; rolling[2]='\0';
			battery = pt[9];
			temp[0] = pt[10] ; temp[1] = pt[11] ; temp[2] = pt[8] ; temp[3] = '\0';
			tempS = pt[13];
			checksum[0] = pt[15];	checksum[1] = pt[12]; checksum[2] = '\0';

			printf("OSV2 - decode : id(%s) ch(%c) bat(%c) temp(%s) sign(%c) cksum(%s) \n",
			                        "EC040",channel,battery,temp,tempS, checksum);

			// Conversion to int value
			ichannel = getIntFromChar(channel);
			irolling = getIntFromString(rolling);
			ibattery = getIntFromChar(battery) & 0x04;
			itempS = getIntFromChar(tempS) & 0x08;
			ichecksum = getIntFromString(checksum);
			dtemp = getDoubleFromString(temp);

			// Check SUM
			int _sum = getIntFromChar(pt[0]);
			for ( int i = 2 ; i <= 11 ; i++ ) _sum += getIntFromChar(pt[i]);
			_sum += getIntFromChar(pt[13]);

			printf("OSV2 - decode : id(0x%04X) ch(%d) bat(%d) temp(%f) sign(%d) cksum(0x%02X) _chksum(0x%02X)\n",
			                        0xEC40,ichannel,ibattery,dtemp,itempS, ichecksum, _sum);

			if ( _sum == ichecksum ){

				// now we can decode the important flag and fill the object
				this->haveChannel = true;
				this->channel = (ichannel != 4)?ichannel:3;

				this->haveBattery = true;
				this->battery = (ibattery != 0);

				this->haveTemperature = true;
				this->temperature = (itempS == 0)?dtemp:-dtemp;

				this->haveHumidity = false;

				return true;
			} else return false;

		return false;