Beispiel #1
int MLPOutputLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
   int status = MLPSigmoidLayer::updateState(timef, dt);
   //Collect stats if needed
   if(statProgressPeriod > 0){
      //TODO add more if statements for different cases
         if(getLayerLoc()->nf == 1){
         if(getLayerLoc()->nf == 1){
            std::cout << "Not implemented\n";
   //For testing purposes
   pvdata_t * A = getCLayer()->activity->data;
  // for(int ni = 0; ni < getNumNeurons(); ni++){
      //int nExt = kIndexExtended(ni, loc->nx, loc->ny, loc->nf, loc->nb);
  //    std::cout << timef <<":  ni: " << ni << "  A: " << A[ni] << "\n";
  // }
   return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
int SoundStream::allocateDataStructures() {
   int status = PV::HyPerLayer::allocateDataStructures();
   clayer->V = NULL;

   // Point to clayer data struct
   soundData = clayer->activity->data;
   //Layer must be 1 by 1 by 1
   if(getLayerLoc()->nx != 1 || getLayerLoc()->ny != 1){
      fprintf(stderr, "SoundStream::SoundStream layer must be 1 by 1 in the x and y direction\n");
   if(getLayerLoc()->nf > fileHeader->channels){
      fprintf(stderr, "SoundStream::Audio file has %d channels, while the number of features is %d\n", fileHeader->channels, getLayerLoc()->nf);
   //Allocate read buffer based on number of channels
   soundBuf = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * fileHeader->channels);
   if(frameStart <= 1){
      frameStart = 1;
   //Set to frameStart, which is 1 indexed
   sf_seek(fileStream, frameStart-1, SEEK_SET);
   status = updateState(0,parent->getDeltaTime());
   //Reset filepointer to reread the same frame on the 0th timestep
   sf_seek(fileStream, frameStart-1, SEEK_SET);
   return status;
Beispiel #3
int PursuitLayer::constrainMinima() {
    int nxy = getLayerLoc()->nx * getLayerLoc()->ny;
    for (int kxy=0; kxy<nxy; kxy++) {
        if (foundFeatures[kxy]>=0 && minLocationsBestFeature[kxy]<-gSynSparse[kxy]) {
            pvdata_t b = (gSynSparse[kxy]+minLocationsBestFeature[kxy])/minLocationsBestFeature[kxy];
            energyDropsBestFeature[kxy] -= energyDropsBestFeature[kxy]*b*b;
            minLocationsBestFeature[kxy] = -gSynSparse[kxy];
    return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #4
int LCALIFLayer::checkpointWrite(const char * cpDir) {
   int status = LIFGap::checkpointWrite(cpDir);
   InterColComm * icComm = parent->icCommunicator();
   char basepath[PV_PATH_MAX];
   char filename[PV_PATH_MAX];
   int lenbase = snprintf(basepath, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cpDir, name);
   if (lenbase+strlen("_integratedSpikeCount.pvp") >= PV_PATH_MAX) { // currently _integratedSpikeCount.pvp is the longest suffix needed
      if (icComm->commRank()==0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "LCALIFLayer::checkpointWrite error in layer \"%s\".  Base pathname \"%s/%s_\" too long.\n", name, cpDir, name);
   double timed = (double) parent->simulationTime();
   int chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_integratedSpikeCount.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &integratedSpikeCount, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_Vadpt.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &Vadpt, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_Vattained.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &Vattained, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_Vmeminf.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &Vmeminf, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_G_Norm.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &G_Norm, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_GSynExcEffective.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &GSynExcEffective, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_GSynInhEffective.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &GSynInhEffective, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_excitatoryNoise.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &excitatoryNoise, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_inhibitoryNoise.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &inhibitoryNoise, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   chars_needed = snprintf(filename, PV_PATH_MAX, "%s_inhibNoiseB.pvp", basepath);
   assert(chars_needed < PV_PATH_MAX);
   writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &inhibNoiseB, 1, /*extended*/false, getLayerLoc());

   return status;
Beispiel #5
 * Segment values are such:
 * 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
 * 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
 * 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 
 * 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6
 * 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6
 * 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6
 * 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9
 * 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9
float SegmentifyTest::getTargetVal(int yi, int xi, int fi){
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
   //We can convert yi and xi to an index between 0 and 2
   int newYi = yi / 3; 
   int newXi = xi / 3;
   int segmentLabel = newYi * 3 + newXi + 1;
   int returnLabel = -1;
   if(strcmp(inputMethod, "sum") == 0){
      //Account for edge cases
      if(segmentLabel == 3 || segmentLabel == 6 || segmentLabel == 7 || segmentLabel == 8){
         returnLabel = segmentLabel * 6;
      else if(segmentLabel == 9){
         returnLabel = segmentLabel * 4;
         returnLabel = segmentLabel * 9;
   else if(strcmp(inputMethod, "average") == 0 || strcmp(inputMethod, "max") == 0){
      returnLabel = segmentLabel;
      //Should never get here
   return returnLabel;
Beispiel #6
int BinaryThresh::updateState(double time, double dt)
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();

   int nx = loc->nx;
   int ny = loc->ny;
   int nf = loc->nf;
   int num_neurons = nx*ny*nf;
   //Reset pointer of gSynHead to point to the inhib channel
   pvdata_t * GSynExt = getChannel(CHANNEL_EXC);
   pvdata_t * GSynInh = getChannel(CHANNEL_INH);

   pvdata_t * A = getCLayer()->activity->data;
   pvdata_t * V = getV();

#pragma omp parallel for
   for(int ni = 0; ni < num_neurons; ni++){
      int next = kIndexExtended(ni, nx, ny, nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
      //Activity is either 0 or 1 based on if it's active
      A[next] = GSynExt[ni] == 0 ? 0 : 1;
   return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #7
int SegmentifyTest::updateState(double timef, double dt){
   //Do update state first
   Segmentify::updateState(timef, dt);
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
   pvdata_t * A = getActivity();

   for(int bi = 0; bi < loc->nbatch; bi++){
      pvdata_t * batchA = A + bi * getNumExtended();
      for(int yi = 0; yi < loc->ny; yi++){
         for(int xi = 0; xi < loc->nx; xi++){
            for(int fi = 0; fi < loc->nf; fi++){
               int extIdx = (yi + loc->halo.up) * (loc->nx + loc-> + loc->halo.rt) * loc->nf + (xi + loc-> * loc->nf + fi;
               float actualVal = batchA[extIdx];
               float targetVal = getTargetVal(yi+loc->ky0, xi+loc->kx0, fi);
               checkOutputVals(yi+loc->ky0, xi+loc->kx0, fi, targetVal, actualVal);

               //std::cout << "Idx: (" << bi << "," << yi << "," << xi << "," << fi << ") Val: " << actualVal << " Target: " << targetVal << "\n";


   return PV_SUCCESS;
int ImageTestLayer::updateStateWrapper(double time, double dt)
   Image::updateStateWrapper(time, dt);
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
   int nx = loc->nx;
   int ny = loc->ny;
   int nf = loc->nf;
   int nbatch = loc->nbatch;
   for(int b = 0; b < nbatch; b++){
      pvdata_t * dataBatch = data + b * getNumExtended();
      for(int nkRes = 0; nkRes < getNumNeurons(); nkRes++){
         //Calculate extended index
         int nkExt = kIndexExtended(nkRes, nx, ny, nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);  
         //checkVal is the value from batch index 0
         pvdata_t checkVal = dataBatch[nkExt] * 255;

         int kxGlobal = kxPos(nkRes, nx, ny, nf) + loc->kx0;
         int kyGlobal = kyPos(nkRes, nx, ny, nf) + loc->ky0; 
         int kf = featureIndex(nkRes, nx, ny, nf);

         pvdata_t expectedVal = kIndex(kxGlobal, kyGlobal, kf, loc->nxGlobal, loc->nyGlobal, nf);
         if(fabs(checkVal - expectedVal) >= 1e-5){
            std::cout << "ImageFileIO test Expected: " << expectedVal << " Actual: " << checkVal << "\n";
   return PV_SUCCESS;
int ComparisonLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt){

   //Grab layer size
   const PVLayerLoc* loc = getLayerLoc();
   int nx = loc->nx;
   int ny = loc->ny;
   int nf = loc->nf;
   int kx0 = loc->kx0;
   int ky0 = loc->ky0;

   pvdata_t * GSynExt = getChannel(CHANNEL_EXC); //gated
   pvdata_t * GSynInh = getChannel(CHANNEL_INH); //gt

   bool isCorrect = true;
   //Grab the activity layer of current layer
   //We only care about restricted space
   for (int k = 0; k < getNumNeurons(); k++){
      if(GSynExt[k] != GSynInh[k]){
          std::cout << "Connection " << name << " Mismatch at " << k << ": actual value: " << GSynExt[k] << " Expected value: " << GSynInh[k] << ".\n";
          isCorrect = false;
   return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #10
int SoundStream::updateState(double time, double dt){
   int status = PV_SUCCESS;
    // if (time >= nextSampleTime) {
    //     nextSampleTime += (1.0 / sampleRate);
       //Read 1 frame
       int numRead = sf_readf_float(fileStream, soundBuf, 1);
       if(numRead == 0){
          sf_seek(fileStream, 0, SEEK_SET);
          numRead = sf_readf_float(fileStream, soundBuf, 1);
          if(numRead == 0){
             fprintf(stderr, "SoundStream:: Fatal error, is the file empty?\n");
          std::cout << "Rewinding sound file\n";
       else if(numRead > 1){
          fprintf(stderr, "SoundStream:: Fatal error, numRead is bigger than 1\n");
       for(int fi = 0; fi < getLayerLoc()->nf; fi++){
          soundData[fi] = soundBuf[fi];
   // }
   return status;
Beispiel #11
int MaskError::updateState(double time, double dt)
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();

   int nx = loc->nx;
   int ny = loc->ny;
   int nf = loc->nf;
   int num_neurons = nx*ny*nf;
   //Reset pointer of gSynHead to point to the inhib channel
   pvdata_t * GSynExt = getChannel(CHANNEL_EXC);
   pvdata_t * GSynInh = getChannel(CHANNEL_INH);

   pvdata_t * A = getCLayer()->activity->data;
   pvdata_t * V = getV();

#pragma omp parallel for
   for(int ni = 0; ni < num_neurons; ni++){
      int next = kIndexExtended(ni, nx, ny, nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
      //expected - actual only if expected isn't 0
      if(GSynExt[ni] == 0){
         A[next] = 0;
         A[next] = GSynExt[ni] - GSynInh[ni];
   return PV_SUCCESS;
int MaskFromMemoryBuffer::updateState(double time, double dt)
    if (imageLayer->getDataLeft() == dataLeft &&
            imageLayer->getDataTop() == dataTop &&
            imageLayer->getDataWidth() == dataRight-dataLeft &&
            imageLayer->getDataHeight() && dataBottom-dataTop) {
        return PV_SUCCESS; // mask only needs to change if the imageLayer changes its active region

    dataLeft = imageLayer->getDataLeft();
    dataRight = dataLeft+imageLayer->getDataWidth();
    dataTop = imageLayer->getDataTop();
    dataBottom = dataTop + imageLayer->getDataHeight();

    PVLayerLoc const * loc = getLayerLoc();
    for(int b = 0; b < loc->nbatch; b++) {
        pvdata_t * ABatch = getActivity() + b * getNumExtended();
        int const num_neurons = getNumNeurons();
        #pragma omp parallel for
        for(int ni = 0; ni < num_neurons; ni++) {
            PVHalo const * halo = &loc->halo;
            int const nx = loc->nx;
            int const ny = loc->ny;
            int const nf = loc->nf;
            int x = kxPos(ni, nx, ny, nf);
            int y = kyPos(ni, nx, ny, nf);
            pvadata_t a = (pvadata_t) (x>=dataLeft && x < dataRight && y >= dataTop && y < dataBottom);
            int nExt = kIndexExtended(ni, nx, ny, nf, halo->lt, halo->rt, halo->dn, halo->up);
            ABatch[nExt] = a;
    return PV_SUCCESS;
int MLPForwardLayer::updateState(double time, double dt)

   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
   int nx = loc->nx;
   int ny = loc->ny;
   int nf = loc->nf;
   int num_neurons = nx*ny*nf;
   //Reset pointer of gSynHead to point to the excitatory channel
   pvdata_t * GSynExt = getChannel(CHANNEL_EXC);

   pvdata_t * V = getV();
#pragma omp parallel for
   for(int ni = 0; ni < num_neurons*loc->nbatch; ni++){
      //int next = kIndexExtended(ni, nx, ny, nf, loc->nb);
      double p = randState->uniformRandom();
      if(p <= dropoutChance){
         //Set dropout flag
         dropout[ni] = true;
         dropout[ni] = false;
      V[ni] = GSynExt[ni] * potentialScale;
      //if(strcmp(name, "ForwardLayerFinal") == 0){
      //   std::cout << "Neuron: " << ni << " V: " << V[ni] << "\n";
   //A never updated, TODO see if you can remove A buffer
   return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #14
int PursuitLayer::checkpointWrite(const char * cpDir) {
    int status = HyPerLayer::checkpointWrite(cpDir);
    InterColComm * icComm = parent->icCommunicator();
    double timed = (double) parent->simulationTime();
    int chars_needed;

    int filenamesize = strlen(cpDir)+1+strlen(name)+29;
    // The +1 is for the slash between cpDir and name; the +29 needs to be large enough to hold the suffix (e.g. _minLocationsBestFeature.pvp) plus the null terminator
    char * filename = (char *) malloc( filenamesize*sizeof(char) );
    assert(filename != NULL);

    PVLayerLoc flat_loc;
    memcpy(&flat_loc, getLayerLoc(), sizeof(PVLayerLoc)); = 1;

    chars_needed = snprintf(filename, filenamesize, "%s/%s_gSynSparse.pvp", cpDir, name);
    assert(chars_needed < filenamesize);
    writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &gSynSparse, 1/*numbands*/, false/*extended*/, &flat_loc);
    pvdata_t buffer1feature[flat_loc.nx*flat_loc.ny];

    chars_needed = snprintf(filename, filenamesize, "%s/%s_foundFeatures.pvp", cpDir, name);
    assert(chars_needed < filenamesize);
    for (int k=0; k<flat_loc.nx*flat_loc.ny; k++) {
        buffer1feature[k] = (pvdata_t) foundFeatures[k];
    pvdata_t * buffer1ptr = buffer1feature;
    writeBufferFile(filename, icComm, timed, &buffer1ptr, 1/*numbands*/, false/*extended*/, &flat_loc);

    status = parent->writeScalarToFile(cpDir, getName(), "nextUpdate", nextUpdate);

    return status;
Beispiel #15
int MLPOutputLayer::communicateInitInfo(){
   int status = MLPSigmoidLayer::communicateInitInfo();
   if(statProgressPeriod > 0){
      gtLayer = parent->getLayerFromName(gtLayername);
      if (gtLayer==NULL) {
         if (parent->columnId()==0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" error: gtLayername \"%s\" is not a layer in the HyPerCol.\n",
                    getKeyword(), name, gtLayername);
#ifdef PV_USE_MPI

      const PVLayerLoc * srcLoc = gtLayer->getLayerLoc();
      const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
      assert(srcLoc != NULL && loc != NULL);
      if (srcLoc->nxGlobal != loc->nxGlobal || srcLoc->nyGlobal != loc->nyGlobal || srcLoc->nf != loc->nf) {
         if (parent->columnId()==0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" error: gtLayerName \"%s\" does not have the same dimensions.\n",
                    getKeyword(), name, gtLayername);
            fprintf(stderr, "    original (nx=%d, ny=%d, nf=%d) versus (nx=%d, ny=%d, nf=%d)\n",
                    srcLoc->nxGlobal, srcLoc->nyGlobal, srcLoc->nf, loc->nxGlobal, loc->nyGlobal, loc->nf);
#ifdef PV_USE_MPI
Beispiel #16
int CIFARGTLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
   //getline (inputfile,inputString);
   inputString = std::string(imageLayer->getFilename());
   unsigned found = inputString.find_last_of("/\\");
   //CIFAR is 0 indexed
   char cVal =;
   iVal = cVal - '0';

   pvdata_t * A = getCLayer()->activity->data;
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc(); 

   //std::cout << "time: " << parent->simulationTime() << " inputString:" << inputString << "  iVal:" << iVal << "\n";
   assert(iVal >= 0 && iVal < 10);
   //NF must be 10, one for each class
   assert(loc->nf == 10);
   for(int ni = 0; ni < getNumNeurons(); ni++){
      int nExt = kIndexExtended(ni, loc->nx, loc->ny, loc->nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
      int fi = featureIndex(nExt, loc->nx+loc->halo.rt+loc->, loc->ny+loc->halo.dn+loc->halo.up, loc->nf);
      if(fi == iVal){
         A[nExt] = 1;
            A[nExt] = -1;
            A[nExt] = 0;
   return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #17
int BinningLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
   int status;
   pvdata_t * gSynHead = NULL;

   status = doUpdateState(timef, dt, originalLayer->getLayerLoc(), getLayerLoc(), originalLayer->getLayerData(delay), getActivity(), binMax, binMin);
   return status;
Beispiel #18
int SegmentLayer::communicateInitInfo() {
   int status = HyPerLayer::communicateInitInfo();
   //Get original layer
   originalLayer = parent->getLayerFromName(originalLayerName);
   if (originalLayer==NULL) {
      if (parent->columnId()==0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" error: originalLayerName \"%s\" is not a layer in the HyPerCol.\n",
                 getKeyword(), name, originalLayerName);
   if (originalLayer->getInitInfoCommunicatedFlag()==false) {
      return PV_POSTPONE;

   //Sync margins

   //Check size
   const PVLayerLoc * srcLoc = originalLayer->getLayerLoc();
   const PVLayerLoc * thisLoc = getLayerLoc();

   //Original layer must be the same x/y size as this layer
   if (srcLoc->nxGlobal != thisLoc->nxGlobal || srcLoc->nyGlobal != thisLoc->nyGlobal) {
      if (parent->columnId()==0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" error: originalLayer \"%s\" does not have the same x and y dimensions as this layer.\n",
                 getKeyword(), name, originalLayerName);
         fprintf(stderr, "    original (nx=%d, ny=%d) versus (nx=%d, ny=%d)\n",
                 srcLoc->nxGlobal, srcLoc->nyGlobal, thisLoc->nxGlobal, thisLoc->nyGlobal);

   //This layer must have only 1 feature
   if(thisLoc->nf != 1){
      if (parent->columnId()==0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" error: SegmentLayer must have 1 feature.\n",
                 getKeyword(), name);

   //If segmentMethod is none, we also need to make sure the srcLayer also has nf == 1
   if(strcmp(segmentMethod, "none") == 0 && srcLoc->nf != 1){
      if (parent->columnId()==0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" error: Source layer must have 1 feature with segmentation method \"none\".\n",
                 getKeyword(), name);

   return status;
Beispiel #19
 * - Update the image buffers
 * - If the time is a multiple of biasChangetime then the position of the bias (biasX, biasY) changes.
 * - With probability persistenceProb the offset position (offsetX, offsetY) remains unchanged.
 * - Otherwise, with probability (1-persistenceProb) the offset position performs a random walk
 *   around the bias position (biasX, biasY).
 * - If the time is a multiple of displayPeriod then load the next image.
 * - If nf=1 then the image is converted to grayscale during the call to read(filename, offsetX, offsetY).
 *   If nf>1 then the image is loaded with color information preserved.
 * - Return true if buffers have changed
bool Movie::updateImage(double time, double dt)
   if( jitterFlag ) {
   } // jitterFlag

   InterColComm * icComm = getParent()->icCommunicator();

      //TODO: Fix movie layer to take with batches. This is commented out for compile
      //if(!flipOnTimescaleError && (parent->getTimeScale() > 0 && parent->getTimeScale() < parent->getTimeScaleMin())){
      //   if (parent->icCommunicator()->commRank()==0) {
      //      std::cout << "timeScale of " << parent->getTimeScale() << " is less than timeScaleMin of " << parent->getTimeScaleMin() << ", Movie is keeping the same frame\n";
      //   }
         //Only do this if it's not the first update timestep
         //The timestep number is (time - startTime)/(width of timestep), with allowance for roundoff.
         //But if we're using adaptive timesteps, the dt passed as a function argument is not the correct (width of timestep).  
      if(fabs(time - (parent->getStartTime() + parent->getDeltaTime())) > (parent->getDeltaTime()/2)){
         int status = getFrame(time, dt);
         assert(status == PV_SUCCESS);

      //nextDisplayTime removed, now using nextUpdateTime in HyPerLayer
      //while (time >= nextDisplayTime) {
      //   nextDisplayTime += displayPeriod;
      //Set frame number (member variable in Image)
      //Write to timestamp file here when updated
      if( icComm->commRank()==0 ) {
          //Only write if the parameter is set
             std::ostringstream outStrStream;
             int kb0 = getLayerLoc()->kb0;
             for(int b = 0; b < parent->getNBatch(); b++){
                outStrStream << time << "," << b+kb0 << "," << frameNumbers[b] << "," << framePath[b] << "\n";

             size_t len = outStrStream.str().length();
             int status = PV_fwrite(outStrStream.str().c_str(), sizeof(char), len, timestampFile)==len ? PV_SUCCESS : PV_FAILURE;
             if (status != PV_SUCCESS) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" error: Movie::updateState failed to write to timestamp file.\n", getKeyword(), name);
             //Flush buffer
   //} // randomMovie

   return true;
int LeakyIntegrator::updateState(double timed, double dt) {
   pvdata_t * V = getV();
   pvdata_t * gSyn = GSyn[0];
   pvdata_t decayfactor = (pvdata_t) exp(-dt/integrationTime);
   for (int k=0; k<getNumNeuronsAllBatches(); k++) {
      V[k] *= decayfactor;
      V[k] += gSyn[k];
   int nx = getLayerLoc()->nx;
   int ny = getLayerLoc()->ny;
   int nf = getLayerLoc()->nf;
   int nbatch = getLayerLoc()->nbatch;

   PVHalo const * halo = &getLayerLoc()->halo;
   pvdata_t * A = getActivity();
   int status = setActivity_PtwiseLinearTransferLayer(nbatch, getNumNeurons(), A, V, nx, ny, nf, halo->lt, halo->rt, halo->dn, halo->up, numVertices, verticesV, verticesA, slopes);
   return status;
int MLPForwardLayer::allocateDataStructures() {
   int status = ANNLayer::allocateDataStructures();
   // // a random state variable is needed for every neuron/clthread
   randState = new PV::Random(parent, getLayerLoc(), false/*isExtended*/);
   if (randState == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "MLPForwardLayer::initialize error.  Layer \"%s\" unable to create object of Random class.\n", getName());
   return status;
Beispiel #22
int PursuitLayer::readStateFromCheckpoint(const char * cpDir, double * timeptr) {
    int status = ANNLayer::readStateFromCheckpoint(cpDir, timeptr);
    PVLayerLoc flat_loc;
    memcpy(&flat_loc, getLayerLoc(), sizeof(PVLayerLoc)); = 1;
    pvdata_t buffer1feature[flat_loc.nx*flat_loc.ny];
    status = read_gSynSparseFromCheckpoint(cpDir, timeptr, &flat_loc);
    status = read_foundFeaturesFromCheckpoint(cpDir, timeptr, &flat_loc);
    return status;
int StreamReconLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
    pvdata_t * V = getV();
    int nx = getLayerLoc()->nx;
    int ny = getLayerLoc()->ny;
    int nf = getLayerLoc()->nf;
    for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
        int vx = i;
        int gx = i;
        for (int j = 0; j < nf; j ++) {
            int vf = j;
            int gf;
            if (vf + bufferLevel < nf) {
                gf = bufferLevel + j;
            else {
                gf = bufferLevel + j - nf;
            int vindex = kIndex(vx, 0, vf, nx, ny, nf);
            int gindex = kIndex(gx, 0, gf, nx, ny, nf);
            V[vindex] = GSyn[0][gindex];
    //Copy V to A buffer
    if (bufferLevel < nf - 1) {
        bufferLevel++; }
    else {
        bufferLevel = 0;
    return PV_SUCCESS;
} // end update state
// set V to global x/y/f position
int PlasticConnTestLayer::copyAtoV(){
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
   pvdata_t * V = getV();
   pvdata_t * A = clayer->activity->data;
   for (int kLocal = 0; kLocal < getNumNeurons(); kLocal++){
      int kExtended = kIndexExtended(kLocal, loc->nx, loc->ny, loc->nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
      V[kLocal] = A[kExtended];
   return PV_SUCCESS;
int BackwardsBatchNorm::clearDelta() {
    int nf = getLayerLoc()->nf;
    for(int i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
        deltaVar[i] = 0;
        deltaMean[i] = 0;
        deltaVarShift[i] = 0;
        deltaMeanShift[i] = 0;
    return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #26
int InputLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
   if(!constantValue || firstRun){
      char cVal =>simulationTime()-1)%numExamples);
      iVal = cVal - '0';
   pvdata_t * A = getCLayer()->activity->data;
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc(); 
   assert(loc->nf == 2);
   //Set binary values of xor values
   std::cout << timef << ": input val:" << iVal << "\n";
   int negVal;
   negVal = -1;
   for(int ni = 0; ni < getNumNeurons(); ni++){
      int nExt = kIndexExtended(ni, loc->nx, loc->ny, loc->nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
      int fi = featureIndex(nExt, loc->nx+loc->>halo.rt, loc->ny+loc->halo.dn+loc->halo.up, loc->nf);
         case 0:
            if(fi == 0){
               A[nExt] = negVal;
            if(fi == 1){
               A[nExt] = negVal;
         case 1:
            if(fi == 0){
               A[nExt] = negVal;
            if(fi == 1){
               A[nExt] = 1;
         case 2:
            if(fi == 0){
               A[nExt] = 1;
            if(fi == 1){
               A[nExt] = negVal;
         case 3:
            if(fi == 0){
               A[nExt] = 1;
            if(fi == 1){
               A[nExt] = 1;
   firstRun = false;
   return PV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #27
int MLPOutputLayer::allocateDataStructures() {
   int status = MLPSigmoidLayer::allocateDataStructures();
   //Allocate buffer size of this layer's nf (number of output classes)
   int nf = getLayerLoc()->nf;
      classBuffer = (pvdata_t*) malloc(nf * sizeof(pvdata_t));
   //Grab gtLayername if it exists

   return status;
  int ANNWeightedErrorLayer::allocateDataStructures() 
    int status = HyPerLayer::allocateDataStructures();
    int nf = getLayerLoc()->nf;
    errWeights = (float *) calloc(nf, sizeof(float *));
    for(int i_weight = 0; i_weight < nf; i_weight++){
      errWeights[i_weight] = 1.0f;
    PV_Stream * pvstream = NULL;
    InterColComm *icComm = getParent()->icCommunicator();
    char errWeight_string[PV_PATH_MAX];
    if (getParent()->icCommunicator()->commRank()==0) {
      PV_Stream * errWeights_stream = pvp_open_read_file(errWeightsFileName, icComm);
      for(int i_weight = 0; i_weight < nf; i_weight++){

	char * fgetsstatus = fgets(errWeight_string, PV_PATH_MAX, errWeights_stream->fp);
	if( fgetsstatus == NULL ) {
	  bool endoffile = feof(errWeights_stream->fp)!=0;
	  if( endoffile ) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "File of errWeights \"%s\" reached end of file before all %d errWeights were read.  Exiting.\n", errWeightsFileName, nf);
	  else {
	    int error = ferror(errWeights_stream->fp);
	    fprintf(stderr, "File of errWeights: error %d while reading.  Exiting.\n", error);
	else {
	  // Remove linefeed from end of string
	  errWeight_string[PV_PATH_MAX-1] = '\0';
	  int len = strlen(errWeight_string);
	  if (len > 1) {
	    if (errWeight_string[len-1] == '\n') {
	      errWeight_string[len-1] = '\0';
	} // fgetstatus
	// set errWeight = chance / relative fraction 
	float errWeight_tmp = atof(errWeight_string);
	fprintf(stderr, "errWeight %i = %f\n", i_weight, errWeight_tmp);
	errWeights[i_weight] = (1.0/nf) / errWeight_tmp;

      } // i_weight
    } // commRank() == rootproc
#ifdef PV_USE_MPI
      //broadcast errWeights
    MPI_Bcast(errWeights, nf, MPI_FLOAT, 0, icComm->communicator());
#endif // PV_USE_MPI
int AccumulateLayer::setActivity() {
   const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
   int nx = loc->nx;
   int ny = loc->ny;
   int nf = loc->nf;
   int num_neurons = nx*ny*nf;
   int status = PV_SUCCESS;
   memset(clayer->activity->data, 0, sizeof(pvdata_t)*getNumExtended());
   if( status == PV_SUCCESS ) status = applyVThresh_ANNLayer(num_neurons, getV(), AMin, VThresh, AShift, VWidth, getCLayer()->activity->data, nx, ny, nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
   if( status == PV_SUCCESS ) status = applyVMax_ANNLayer(num_neurons, getV(), AMax, getCLayer()->activity->data, nx, ny, nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
   return status;
int RunningAverageLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
   int status = PV_SUCCESS;
   double deltaT = parent->getDeltaTime();
   //Check if an update is needed
   //Done in cloneVLayer
       int numNeurons = originalLayer->getNumNeurons();
       pvdata_t * A = clayer->activity->data;
       const pvdata_t * originalA = originalLayer->getCLayer()->activity->data;
       const PVLayerLoc * loc = getLayerLoc();
       const PVLayerLoc * locOriginal = originalLayer->getLayerLoc();
       int nbatch = loc->nbatch;
       //Make sure all sizes match
       //assert(locOriginal->nb == loc->nb);
       assert(locOriginal->nx == loc->nx);
       assert(locOriginal->ny == loc->ny);
       assert(locOriginal->nf == loc->nf);

       for(int b = 0; b < nbatch; b++){
          const pvdata_t * originalABatch = originalA + b * originalLayer->getNumExtended();
          pvdata_t * ABatch = A + b * getNumExtended();
          if (numUpdateTimes < numImagesToAverage*deltaT){
#pragma omp parallel for
                for(int k=0; k<numNeurons; k++) {
                   int kExt = kIndexExtended(k, loc->nx, loc->ny, loc->nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
                   int kExtOriginal = kIndexExtended(k, locOriginal->nx, locOriginal->ny, locOriginal->nf,
                         locOriginal->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
                   ABatch[kExt] = ((numUpdateTimes/deltaT-1) * ABatch[kExt] + originalABatch[kExtOriginal]) * deltaT / numUpdateTimes;
#pragma omp parallel for
             for(int k=0; k<numNeurons; k++) {
                int kExt = kIndexExtended(k, loc->nx, loc->ny, loc->nf, loc->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
                int kExtOriginal = kIndexExtended(k, locOriginal->nx, locOriginal->ny, locOriginal->nf,
                      locOriginal->, loc->halo.rt, loc->halo.dn, loc->halo.up);
                ABatch[kExt] = ((numImagesToAverage-1) * ABatch[kExt] + originalABatch[kExtOriginal]) / numImagesToAverage;

       //Update lastUpdateTime
       lastUpdateTime = parent->simulationTime();

   return status;