bool BlendedKeyframeAnimator::checkSequencesValidity(void) const
    //Check that the sizes are the same
    if(getMFKeyframeSequences()->size() != getMFBlendAmounts()->size())
        SWARNING << "BlendedKeyframeAnimator: The number of keyframe sequences and blend amounts must be the same."  << std::endl;
        return false;

    //Check that the types of the KeyframeSequences are all the same
    if(getMFKeyframeSequences()->size() > 0)
        const DataType &FrontDataType(getMFKeyframeSequences()->front()->getDataType());
        for(UInt32 i(1) ; i< getMFKeyframeSequences()->size() ; ++i)
            if(FrontDataType != getKeyframeSequences(i)->getDataType())
                SWARNING << "BlendedKeyframeAnimator: All of the KeyframeSequences attached to a BlenededKeyframeAnimator must work on the same data type."  << std::endl;
                return false;
            SWARNING << "BlendedKeyframeAnimator: Cannot create a blended animation for a KeyframeSequence of type: " << getMFKeyframeSequences()->front()->getType().getCName() << "."  << std::endl;
            return false;

    return true;
void SkeletonBlendedAnimation::internalUpdate(Real32 t, const Real32 prev_t)
	if(getMFSkeletonAnimations()->size() == getMFBlendAmounts()->size())
		//Get scaled transformations and add them together
		std::vector<std::map<unsigned long, Matrix> > relTransformations;  //Each map in the vector contains the rel trans matrices for skeletonAnimation[i]
		std::set<JointUnrecPtr> animatedJoints;
		for (int i(0); i < getMFSkeletonAnimations()->size(); ++i)
			relTransformations.push_back(getSkeletonAnimations(i)->getRelTransformations(t, prev_t, animatedJoints));

		//Apply the transformations to the joints
		std::set<JointUnrecPtr>::iterator iter;
		for (iter = animatedJoints.begin(); iter != animatedJoints.end(); ++iter)
			//Find all of the rel dif transformations for this joint
			//Note that i will correspond to the skeleton animation from which these rel dif trans matrices came
			//(so it we should scale them by blendAmounts[i])
			Matrix blendedRelDifTrans;
			bool firstForThisJoint = true;
			for(int i(0); i < relTransformations.size(); ++i)
				int exists = relTransformations[i].count((*iter)->getId());
					if(getOverrideStatuses(i) && getBlendAmounts(i) != 0)
						//If this skeleton animation is set to override, we don't consider any other difference transformations
						//Matrix relDifTrans = (*iter)->previewRelativeDifferenceTransformation(relTransformations[i][(*iter)->getId()]);
						//blendedRelDifTrans = (OSG::lerp(Matrix().identity(), relDifTrans, getBlendAmounts(i)));
							//Use the calculated relative difference transformation from bind pose to the transformation defined by
							//the skeleton animation
							//Matrix relDifTrans = (*iter)->previewRelativeDifferenceTransformation(relTransformations[i][(*iter)->getId()]);
							//blendedRelDifTrans = (OSG::lerp(Matrix().identity(), relDifTrans, getBlendAmounts(i)));
							//Use the difference transformation between the joint's current transformation and the transformation
							//defined by the skeleton animation
							//Matrix relDifTrans = (*iter)->previewRelativeTransformation(blendedRelDifTrans);

							//blendedRelDifTrans.mult(OSG::lerp(Matrix().identity(), relDifTrans, getBlendAmounts(i)));
					if(getBlendAmounts(i) != 0)
						firstForThisJoint = false;

			////Update joint, but don't tell skeleton
			//(*iter)->updateTransformations(false, false);


		//Tell skeleton to update
void SkeletonBlendedGeometry::calculatePositions(void)
	if(getBaseGeometry() == NULL)
		SWARNING << "SkeletonBlendedGeometry::calculatePositions(): Base Geometry is NULL." << std::endl;
	if(getPositions() == NULL)
		SWARNING << "SkeletonBlendedGeometry::calculatePositions(): Positions is NULL." << std::endl;
	if(getBaseGeometry()->getPositions() == NULL)
		SWARNING << "SkeletonBlendedGeometry::calculatePositions(): Base Geometry Postions is NULL." << std::endl;
	if(getMFPositionIndexes()->size() != getMFJoints()->size())
		SWARNING << "SkeletonBlendedGeometry::calculatePositions(): Positions Indexes size is not the same as the affecting Joints size." << std::endl;
	if(getMFPositionIndexes()->size() != getMFBlendAmounts()->size())
		SWARNING << "SkeletonBlendedGeometry::calculatePositions(): Positions Indexes size is not the same as the affecting blend amount size." << std::endl;

    Pnt3f CalculatedPoint;
    Pnt3f PointTemp;
    Vec3f CalculatedNormal;

    //Set the values of all points to 0
    for (int i(0); i < getPositions()->size(); ++i)
        getPositions()->setValue(Pnt3f(0, 0, 0), i);

    //Update the Positions and Normals
    for(UInt32 i(0) ; i < getMFPositionIndexes()->size() ; ++i)

        Matrix temp = getJoints(i)->getAbsoluteDifferenceTransformation();
        getBaseGeometry()->getPositions()->getValue<Pnt3f>(PointTemp, getPositionIndexes(i));
        temp.mult(PointTemp, CalculatedPoint);
        //temp.mult(getBaseGeometry()->getNormals()->getValue(getPositionIndexes(i)), CalculatedNormal);

        CalculatedPoint += PointTemp.subZero();
        getPositions()->setValue<Pnt3f>(CalculatedPoint, getPositionIndexes(i));

    for(UInt32 i = 0; i < _mfParents.size(); i++)
