Beispiel #1
bool AD5933_Class::getComplexTetra(int millisDelay, double gainFactor, double vPhaseShift, double iPhaseShift, double &impVal, double &phase) {

	int rVoltage, iVoltage, rCurrent, iCurrent;

	int ctrReg = getByte(0x80); // Get the content of Control Register and put it into ctrReg

	digitalWrite(IV_MUX, LOW); // Voltage measurement

	if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
		return false;
	getComplexRawOnce(rVoltage, iVoltage);

	digitalWrite(IV_MUX, HIGH); // Current measurement

	if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
		return false;

	getComplexRawOnce(rCurrent, iCurrent);

	impVal = gainFactor * (getMag(rVoltage, iVoltage) / getMag(rCurrent, iCurrent));
	phase = (atan2(iVoltage, rVoltage) - vPhaseShift) - (atan2(iCurrent, rCurrent) - iPhaseShift);
	return true;
void MPU9150::getMagnetoScaled(float *mx, float *my, float *mz) {
	int16_t m1, m2, m3;
	getMag(&m1, &m2, &m3);
	*mx = normalizeMag(m1);
	*my = normalizeMag(m2);
	*mz = normalizeMag(m3);
int main(void)
	for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) LEEnabel(i);
	while (1)
		fireMode = getFireMode();
		newMagSize = getMag();			//save the Mag size 
		if(newMagSize == -1) 
			newMag = 0;					//Mag-slot empty 
			ammoCounter = -1;
		if(((newMag == 0) & !(newMagSize == -1)))		//Mag-slot not empty anymore 
			ammoCounter = newMagSize;
			newMag = 1;
		if(adcOn == 0)		display(ammoCounter);
		if(adcOn == 1)		
			volt |= (ADCL);
			volt |= (ADCH << 8);
 			volt = volt *15;
			volt = volt /1023;
		displaySpeed(speed, motorOn);
		setSpeed(speed, motorOn);
Vector2& Vector2::setMag(double m)
    // Check for zero mag
    if (getMag() == 0)
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        mag = 0;
        double oldMag = getMag();
        x /= oldMag;
        y /= oldMag;

        x *= m;
        y *= m;

    return *this;
Beispiel #5
bool AD5933_Class::getImpedance(double gainFactor, double &impVal) {
	while ( (getStatusReg() & 0x02) != 0x02 ); // Wait until measurement is complete.

	int rComp, iComp;

	byte impData[4];
	blockRead(0x94, 4, impData);
	rComp = impData[0] * 16 * 16 + impData[1];
	iComp = impData[2] * 16 * 16 + impData[3];

	double magSq = getMag(rComp, iComp);
	impVal = gainFactor / magSq;
	return true;
Beispiel #6
bool AD5933_Class::getGainFactorS_Set(double cResistance, int avgNum, double *gainFactorArr, double *pShiftArr)
	int ctrReg = getByte(0x80);
	if (setCtrMode(STAND_BY, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(INIT_START_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(START_FREQ_SWEEP, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;

	int t1 = 0;
	int rImag, rReal;
	double mag;
	while ( (getStatusReg() & 0x04) != 0x04) // Loop while if the entire sweep in not complete
		double tSumMag = 0, tSumPhase = 0;
		for (int t2 = 0; t2 < avgNum; t2++)
			getComplexRawOnce(rReal, rImag); // Only for real and Imag components.
			tSumMag += getMag(rReal, rImag);
			tSumPhase += atan2(rImag, rReal);
			if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
				return false;
		gainFactorArr[t1] = (tSumMag / avgNum) * cResistance;
		pShiftArr[t1] = tSumPhase / avgNum;

		if (setCtrMode(INCR_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
			return false;
	if (setCtrMode(POWER_DOWN, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	return true; // Succeed!
Beispiel #7
bool AD5933_Class::getGainFactorC(double cResistance, int avgNum, double &gainFactor, double &pShift, bool retStandBy)
	int ctrReg = getByte(0x80); // Get the content of Control Register and put it into ctrReg
	if (setCtrMode(STAND_BY, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(INIT_START_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(START_FREQ_SWEEP, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;

	int t1 = 0, rImag, rReal;
	double tSum = 0, tSumP = 0;
	while (t1 < avgNum) // Until reached pre-defined number for averaging.
		getComplexRawOnce(rReal, rImag);
		tSum += getMag(rReal, rImag);
		tSumP += atan2(rImag, rReal);
		if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
			return false;
	double mag = tSum / (double)avgNum;
	pShift = tSumP / (double)avgNum;

	if (retStandBy == false)
		gainFactor = mag * cResistance;
		return true;

	if ( setCtrMode(STAND_BY, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	// Gain Factor is different from one of the datasheet in this program. Reciprocal Value.
	gainFactor = mag * cResistance;
	return true;
Beispiel #8
 * Hidden Function to get magnitude value of impedance measurement. (It does not wait.)
 * Returns the magnitude of impedance value
double AD5933_Class::getMagValue() {

	int rComp, iComp;

	byte impData[4];
	blockRead(0x94, 4, impData);
	rComp = impData[0] * 16 * 16 + impData[1];
	iComp = impData[2] * 16 * 16 + impData[3];

	double result = getMag(rComp, iComp); // Calculating magnitude.
	printer->print("getMagValue - Resistance Magnitude is ");
	return result;
Beispiel #9
bool AD5933_Class::getComplexOnce(double gainFactor, double pShift, double &vReal, double &vComp, double &impVal, double &phase)
	while ( (getStatusReg() & 0x02) != 0x02 ); // Wait until measurement is complete.

	int rComp, iComp;

	byte impData[4];
	blockRead(0x94, 4, impData);
	rComp = impData[0] * 16 * 16 + impData[1];
	iComp = impData[2] * 16 * 16 + impData[3];

	double magSq = getMag(rComp, iComp);
	impVal = gainFactor / magSq;
	phase = atan2(iComp, rComp) - pShift;
	vReal = impVal * cos(phase);
	vComp = impVal * sin(phase);

	return true;
Beispiel #10
double AD5933_Class::getMagValue() {
	// Hidden Function to get magnitude value of impedance measurement. (It does not wait.)
	// TODO: Rewrite this function with using block read function.

	int rComp, iComp;
	//rComp = getRealComp(); // Getting Real Component
	//iComp = getImagComp(); // Getting Imaginary Component

	byte impData[4];
	blockRead(0x94, 4, impData);
	rComp = impData[0] * 16 * 16 + impData[1];
	iComp = impData[2] * 16 * 16 + impData[3];

	double result = getMag(rComp, iComp); // Calculating magnitude.
	printer->print("getMagValue - Resistance Magnitude is ");
	return result;
Beispiel #11
void ImuAdis16448::processMeasurements() {
	while (1) {

		//get the newest measurement
		Measurement::Ptr meas = Sensor::measurement_queue_.pop();

		//VISENSOR_DEBUG("in imu_adis thread %d\n", meas.buffersize);

    //check for missed frames
    // TODO(schneith): use a timer to check for missed frames (currently we only detected sequences of MISSED-RECEIVED-MISSED, not MISSED-MISSED,...)
    if( checkTimestamp(meas->timestamp) )
      //publish an empty missed frame
      ViImuMsg::Ptr missed_imu_ptr = boost::make_shared<ViImuMsg>();
      missed_imu_ptr->imu_id = Imu::imu_id_;
      publishImuData(missed_imu_ptr, ViErrorCodes::MEASUREMENT_DROPPED);

	//		//TODO adapt
	// create new shared pointer for the imu message
	ViImuMsg::Ptr imu_msg_ptr = boost::make_shared<ViImuMsg>();

	// Add imu information to the msg
	imu_msg_ptr->imu_id = Imu::imu_id_;
	imu_msg_ptr->timestamp_host = meas->timestamp_host;
	imu_msg_ptr->timestamp_fpga_counter = meas->timestamp_fpga_counter;

    // get imu data
    getGyro(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->gyro[0]);
    getAcc(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->acc[0]);
    getMag(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->mag[0]);
    getBaro(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->baro);

		publishImuData(imu_msg_ptr, ViErrorCodes::NO_ERROR);
Beispiel #12
 void Vector2D::setMag(double newMag)
     double mRatio = newMag / getMag();
     xComp *= mRatio;
     yComp *= mRatio;
Beispiel #13
bool AD5933_Class::getGainFactorTetra(double calResistance, int avgNum, double &gainFactor, double &vPShift, double &iPShift, bool retStandBy){

	int ctrReg = getByte(0x80); // Get the content of Control Register and put it into ctrReg

	if (setCtrMode(STAND_BY, ctrReg) == false){
		return false;

	if (setCtrMode(INIT_START_FREQ, ctrReg) == false){
		return false;

	if (setCtrMode(START_FREQ_SWEEP, ctrReg) == false){
		return false;

	int index = 0, iVoltage = 0, rVoltage = 0, iCurrent = 0, rCurrent = 0;
	double voltageSum = 0, currentSum = 0, voltagePhaseSum = 0, currentPhaseSum = 0;

	digitalWrite(IV_MUX, LOW); //Toggle current / voltage multiplexer to voltage

	if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
		return false;
	// Until reached pre-defined number for averaging.
	while (index < avgNum) {

		getComplexRawOnce(rVoltage, iVoltage);

		voltageSum += getMag(rVoltage, iVoltage);
		voltagePhaseSum += atan2(iVoltage, rVoltage);

		if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
			return false;


	digitalWrite(IV_MUX, HIGH); // Toggle current / voltage multiplexer to current
	delay(100); // delay for mux to settle

	index = 0; // Reset index for current

	if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
		return false;

	while (index < avgNum) {

		getComplexRawOnce(rCurrent, iCurrent);

		currentSum += getMag(rCurrent, iCurrent);
		currentPhaseSum += atan2(iCurrent, rCurrent);

		if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
			return false;


	double voltageMag = voltageSum / ((double) avgNum);
	double currentMag = currentSum / ((double) avgNum);

	vPShift = voltagePhaseSum / ((double) avgNum);
	iPShift = currentPhaseSum / ((double) avgNum);

	if (retStandBy == false){
		gainFactor = calResistance * (currentMag / voltageMag);
		return true;

	if ( setCtrMode(STAND_BY, ctrReg) == false){
		return false;


	gainFactor = calResistance * (currentMag / voltageMag);

	return true;
Beispiel #14
bool AD5933_Class::getGainFactorsTetraSweep(double cResistance, int avgNum, double *gainFactorArr, double *vShiftArr, double *cShiftArr){

	int ctrReg = getByte(0x80);
	if (setCtrMode(STAND_BY, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(INIT_START_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(START_FREQ_SWEEP, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;

	int arrayIndex = 0;

	while ( (getStatusReg() & 0x04) != 0x04) { // While the fequency sweep isn't complete


		int averageIndex = 0, iVoltage = 0, rVoltage = 0, iCurrent = 0, rCurrent = 0;
		double voltageSum = 0, currentSum = 0, voltagePhaseSum = 0, currentPhaseSum = 0;

		digitalWrite(IV_MUX, LOW); //Toggle current / voltage multiplexer to voltage

		if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
			return false;

		// Until reached pre-defined number for averaging.
		while (averageIndex < avgNum) {

			getComplexRawOnce(rVoltage, iVoltage);

			voltageSum += getMag(rVoltage, iVoltage);
			voltagePhaseSum += atan2(iVoltage, rVoltage);

			if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
				return false;


		digitalWrite(IV_MUX, HIGH); // Toggle current / voltage multiplexer to current
		delay(10); // delay for mux to settle

		averageIndex = 0; // Reset index for current

		if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
			return false;

		while (averageIndex < avgNum) {

			getComplexRawOnce(rCurrent, iCurrent);

			currentSum += getMag(rCurrent, iCurrent);
			currentPhaseSum += atan2(iCurrent, rCurrent);

			if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false) {
				return false;


		double voltageMag = voltageSum / ((double) avgNum);
		double currentMag = currentSum / ((double) avgNum);

		gainFactorArr[arrayIndex] = cResistance * (currentMag / voltageMag);
		vShiftArr[arrayIndex] = voltagePhaseSum / ((double) avgNum);
		cShiftArr[arrayIndex] = currentPhaseSum / ((double) avgNum);


		if (setCtrMode(INCR_FREQ, ctrReg) == false){
			return false;


	if (setCtrMode(POWER_DOWN, ctrReg) == false){
		return false;
	return true; // Succeed!
Beispiel #15
 void Vector2D::normalize()
     xComp /= getMag();
     yComp /= getMag();
Beispiel #16
bool AD5933_Class::getGainFactorS_TP(double cResistance, int avgNum, double startFreq, double endFreq, double &GF_Init, double &GF_Incr, double &PS_Init, double &PS_Incr)
	int ctrReg = getByte(0x80);
	byte numIncrementBackup = numIncrement;
	long incrHexBackup = incrHex;
	setIncrement(endFreq - startFreq);
	if (setCtrMode(STAND_BY, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(INIT_START_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	if (setCtrMode(START_FREQ_SWEEP, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;

	int t1 = 0;
	int rImag, rReal;
	double sumMag = 0, sumPhase = 0;
	for (t1 = 0; t1 < avgNum; t1++)
		getComplexRawOnce(rReal, rImag); // Only for real and Imag components.
		sumMag += getMag(rReal, rImag);
		sumPhase += atan2(rImag, rReal);

		if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
			return false;
	GF_Init = (sumMag / avgNum) * cResistance;
	PS_Init = sumPhase / avgNum;

	setCtrMode(INCR_FREQ, ctrReg);
	sumMag = 0;
	sumPhase = 0;

	for (t1 = 0; t1 < avgNum; t1++)
		getComplexRawOnce(rReal, rImag); // Only for real and Imag components.
		sumMag += getMag(rReal, rImag);
		sumPhase += atan2(rImag, rReal);

		if (setCtrMode(REPEAT_FREQ, ctrReg) == false)
			return false;
	GF_Incr = ((sumMag / avgNum) * cResistance - GF_Init) / numIncrementBackup;
	PS_Incr = ((sumPhase / avgNum) - PS_Init) / numIncrementBackup;

	if (setCtrMode(POWER_DOWN, ctrReg) == false)
		return false;
	return true; // Succeed!
Beispiel #17
 double Vector2D::getADelt(Vector2D vec)
    return acos((*this * vec) / (getMag() * vec.getMag()));