	MFnFluid& 		fluid,
	const MMatrix&	fluidWorldMatrix,
	int 			plugIndex,
	MDataBlock& 	block,
	double 			dt,
	double			conversion,
	double			dropoff
//	Method:	
//		simpleFluidEmitter::omniFluidEmitter
//	Description:
//		Emits fluid from a point, or from a set of object control points.
//	Parameters:
//		fluid:				fluid into which we are emitting
//		fluidWorldMatrix:	object->world matrix for the fluid
//		plugIndex:			identifies which fluid connected to the emitter
//							we are emitting into
//		block:				datablock for the emitter, to retrieve attribute
//							values
//		dt:					time delta for this frame
//		conversion:			mapping from UI emission rates to internal units
//		dropoff:			specifies how much emission rate drops off as
//							we move away from each emission point.
//	Notes:
//		If no owner object is present for the emitter, we simply emit from
//		the emitter position.  If an owner object is present, then we emit
//		from each control point of that object in an identical fashion.
//		To associate an owner object with an emitter, use the
//		addDynamic MEL command, e.g. "addDynamic simpleFluidEmitter1 pPlane1".
	//	find the positions that we need to emit from
	MVectorArray emitterPositions;
	//	first, try to get them from an owner object, which will have its
	//	"ownerPositionData" attribute feeding into the emitter.  These
	//	values are in worldspace
	bool gotOwnerPositions = false;
	MObject ownerShape = getOwnerShape();
	if( ownerShape != MObject::kNullObj )
		MStatus status;
		MDataHandle hOwnerPos = block.inputValue( mOwnerPosData, &status );
		if( status == MS::kSuccess )
			MObject dOwnerPos = hOwnerPos.data();
			MFnVectorArrayData fnOwnerPos( dOwnerPos );
			MVectorArray posArray = fnOwnerPos.array( &status );
			if( status == MS::kSuccess )
				// assign vectors from block to ownerPosArray.
				for( unsigned int i = 0; i < posArray.length(); i ++ )
					emitterPositions.append( posArray[i] );
				gotOwnerPositions = true;
	//	there was no owner object, so we just use the emitter position for
	//	emission.
	if( !gotOwnerPositions )
		MPoint emitterPos = getWorldPosition();
		emitterPositions.append( emitterPos );

	//	get emission rates for density, fuel, heat, and emission color
	double densityEmit = fluidDensityEmission( block );
	double fuelEmit = fluidFuelEmission( block );
	double heatEmit = fluidHeatEmission( block );
	bool doEmitColor = fluidEmitColor( block );
	MColor emitColor = fluidColor( block );

	//	rate modulation based on frame time, user value conversion factor, and
	//	standard emitter "rate" value (not actually exposed in most fluid
	//	emitters, but there anyway).
	double theRate = getRate(block) * dt * conversion;

	//	get voxel dimensions and sizes (object space)
	double size[3];
	unsigned int res[3];
	fluid.getDimensions( size[0], size[1], size[2] );
	fluid.getResolution( res[0], res[1], res[2] );
	//	voxel sizes
	double dx = size[0] / res[0];
	double dy = size[1] / res[1];
	double dz = size[2] / res[2];
	//	voxel centers
	double Ox = -size[0]/2;
	double Oy = -size[1]/2;
	double Oz = -size[2]/2;	

	//	emission will only happen for voxels whose centers lie within
	//	"minDist" and "maxDist" of an emitter position
	double minDist = getMinDistance( block );
	double maxDist = getMaxDistance( block );

	//	bump up the min/max distance values so that they
	//	are both > 0, and there is at least about a half
	//	voxel between the min and max values, to prevent aliasing
	//	artifacts caused by emitters missing most voxel centers
	MTransformationMatrix fluidXform( fluidWorldMatrix );
	double fluidScale[3];
	fluidXform.getScale( fluidScale, MSpace::kWorld );
	//	compute smallest voxel diagonal length
	double wsX =  fabs(fluidScale[0]*dx);
	double wsY = fabs(fluidScale[1]*dy);
	double wsZ = fabs(fluidScale[2]*dz);
	double wsMin = MIN( MIN( wsX, wsY), wsZ );
	double wsMax = MAX( MAX( wsX, wsY), wsZ );
	double wsDiag  = wsMin * sqrt(3.0);

	//	make sure emission range is bigger than 0.5 voxels
	if ( maxDist <= minDist || maxDist <= (wsDiag/2.0) ) {
		if ( minDist < 0 ) minDist = 0;

		maxDist = minDist + wsDiag/2.0;
		dropoff = 0;

	//	Now, it's time to actually emit into the fluid:
	//	foreach emitter point
	//		foreach voxel
	//			- select some points in the voxel
	//			- compute a dropoff function from the emitter point
	//			- emit an appropriate amount of fluid into the voxel
	//	Since we've already expanded the min/max distances to cover
	//	the smallest voxel dimension, we should only need 1 sample per
	//	voxel, unless the voxels are highly non-square.  We increase the
	//	number of samples in these cases.
	//	If the "jitter" flag is enabled, we jitter each sample position,
	//	using the rangen() function, which keeps track of independent 
	//	random states for each fluid, to make sure that results are
	//	repeatable for multiple simulation runs.

	// basic sample count
	int numSamples = 1;

	// increase samples if necessary for non-square voxels
	if(wsMin >.00001) 
		numSamples = (int)(wsMax/wsMin + .5);
		if(numSamples > 8) 
			numSamples = 8;
		if(numSamples < 1)
			numSamples = 1;
	bool jitter =  fluidJitter(block);
	if( !jitter )
		//	I don't have a good uniform sample generator for an 
		//	arbitrary number of samples.  It would be a good idea to use
		//	one here.  For now, just use 1 sample for the non-jittered case.
		numSamples = 1;

	for( unsigned int p = 0; p < emitterPositions.length(); p++ )
		MPoint emitterWorldPos = emitterPositions[p];

		//	loop through all voxels, looking for ones that lie at least
		//	partially within the dropoff field around this emitter point
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < res[0]; i++ )
			double x = Ox + i*dx;
			for( unsigned int j = 0; j < res[1]; j++ )
				double y = Oy + j*dy;
				for( unsigned int k = 0; k < res[2]; k++ )
					double z = Oz + k*dz;
					int si;
					for( si = 0; si < numSamples; si++ )
						//	compute sample point (fluid object space)
						double rx, ry, rz;
						if( jitter )
							rx = x + randgen()*dx;
							ry = y + randgen()*dy;
							rz = z + randgen()*dz;
							rx = x + 0.5*dx;
							ry = y + 0.5*dy;
							rz = z + 0.5*dz;

						//	compute distance from sample to emitter point
						MPoint point( rx, ry, rz );
						point *= fluidWorldMatrix;
						MVector diff = point - emitterWorldPos;
						double distSquared = diff * diff;
						double dist = diff.length();
						//	discard if outside min/max range
						if( (dist < minDist) || (dist > maxDist) )
						//	drop off the emission rate according to the falloff
						//	parameter, and divide to accound for multiple samples
						//	in the voxel
						double distDrop = dropoff * distSquared;
						double newVal = theRate * exp( -distDrop ) / (double)numSamples;

						//	emit density/heat/fuel/color into the current voxel
						if( newVal != 0 )
							fluid.emitIntoArrays( (float) newVal, i, j, k, (float)densityEmit, (float)heatEmit, (float)fuelEmit, doEmitColor, emitColor );

						float *fArray = fluid.falloff();
						if( fArray != NULL )
							MPoint midPoint( x+0.5*dx, y+0.5*dy, z+0.5*dz );
							midPoint.x *= 0.2;
							midPoint.y *= 0.2;
							midPoint.z *= 0.2;

							float fdist = (float) sqrt( midPoint.x*midPoint.x + midPoint.y*midPoint.y + midPoint.z*midPoint.z );
							fdist /= sqrtf(3.0f);
							fArray[fluid.index(i,j,k)] = 1.0f-fdist;
	// TODO: had synchronized in definition
	float_t FuzzyTermEnum::similarity(const TCHAR* target, const size_t m) {
		const size_t n = textLen; // TODO: remove after replacing n with textLen
		if (n == 0)  {
			//we don't have anything to compare.  That means if we just add
			//the letters for m we get the new word
			return prefixLength == 0 ? 0.0f : 1.0f - ((float_t) m / prefixLength);
		if (m == 0) {
			return prefixLength == 0 ? 0.0f : 1.0f - ((float_t) n / prefixLength);

		const uint32_t maxDistance = getMaxDistance(m);

		if ( maxDistance < (uint32_t)(abs((int32_t)(m-n))) ) {
			//just adding the characters of m to n or vice-versa results in
			//too many edits
			//for example "pre" length is 3 and "prefixes" length is 8.  We can see that
			//given this optimal circumstance, the edit distance cannot be less than 5.
			//which is 8-3 or more precisesly Math.abs(3-8).
			//if our maximum edit distance is 4, then we can discard this word
			//without looking at it.
			return 0.0f;

		//let's make sure we have enough room in our array to do the distance calculations.
		//Check if the array must be reallocated because it is too small or does not exist
		size_t dWidth  = n+1;
		size_t dHeight = m+1;
    if (d == NULL){
      dLen = dWidth*dHeight;
			d = (int32_t*)(malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*dLen));
		} else if (dLen < dWidth*dHeight) {
      dLen = dWidth*dHeight;
			d = (int32_t*)(realloc(d, sizeof(int32_t)*dLen));

  	size_t i;     // iterates through the source string
		size_t j;     // iterates through the target string

		// init matrix d
		for (i = 0; i <= n; i++){
			d[i + (0*dWidth)] = i;
		for (j = 0; j <= m; j++){
			d[0 + (j*dWidth)] = j;

		int32_t __t; //temporary variable for min3

		// start computing edit distance
		TCHAR s_i; // ith character of s
		for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
			size_t bestPossibleEditDistance = m;
			s_i = text[i - 1];
			for (j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
				if (s_i != target[j-1]) {
					min3(d[i-1 + (j*dWidth)], d[i + ((j-1)*dWidth)], d[i-1 + ((j-1)*dWidth)]);
					d[i + (j*dWidth)] = __t+1;
				else {
					min3(d[i-1 + (j*dWidth)]+1, d[i + ((j-1)*dWidth)]+1, d[i-1 + ((j-1)*dWidth)]);
					d[i + (j*dWidth)] = __t;
				bestPossibleEditDistance = cl_min(bestPossibleEditDistance, d[i + (j*dWidth)]);

			//After calculating row i, the best possible edit distance
			//can be found by finding the smallest value in a given column.
			//If the bestPossibleEditDistance is greater than the max distance, abort.

			if (i > maxDistance && bestPossibleEditDistance > maxDistance) {  //equal is okay, but not greater
				//the closest the target can be to the text is just too far away.
				//this target is leaving the party early.
				return 0.0f;

		// this will return less than 0.0 when the edit distance is
		// greater than the number of characters in the shorter word.
		// but this was the formula that was previously used in FuzzyTermEnum,
		// so it has not been changed (even though minimumSimilarity must be
		// greater than 0.0)
		return 1.0f - ((float_t)d[n + m*dWidth] / (float_t) (prefixLength + cl_min(n, m)));
Beispiel #3
int OnNewvision(IplImage* currImageBefore, IplImage* maskImage)
	//int pAPosition[6][2]={0};//pointArrayPosition
	//pAPosition[0][0]=0; pAPosition[0][1]=6;
	//pAPosition[1][0]=6; pAPosition[1][1]=0;

	//pAPosition[3][0]=0; pAPosition[3][1]=9;
	//pAPosition[4][0]=6; pAPosition[4][1]=12;

	//ListPoint pointSet1;
	//pointSet1.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	//for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex <3; dIndex++)
	//{//cvPoint(wIndex, hIndex)
	//	pointSet1.Item->push_back(cvPoint(pAPosition[dIndex][0], pAPosition[dIndex][1]));
	//cvCircleObj outCircle1;
	//if(pointSet1.Item->size() == 0)
	//	return;
	//FitCircleObj(pointSet1, &outCircle1);

	//ListPoint pointSet2;
	//pointSet2.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	//for (int dIndex = 3; dIndex <6; dIndex++)
	//{//cvPoint(wIndex, hIndex)
	//	pointSet2.Item->push_back(cvPoint(pAPosition[dIndex][0], pAPosition[dIndex][1]));
	//cvCircleObj outCircle2;
	//if(pointSet2.Item->size() == 0)
	//	return;
	//FitCircleObj(pointSet2, &outCircle2);

	//IplImage* currImage1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(2000, 3000), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	//memset(currImage1->imageData, 0, currImage1->height*currImage1->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char));

	//int bwPosition = 0;
	//for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < currImage1->width; hIndex++)
	//	int y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
	//	y1 = sqrt( outCircle1.Radius * outCircle1.Radius - hIndex * hIndex);
	//	y2 = sqrt( outCircle2.Radius * outCircle2.Radius - hIndex * hIndex);
	//	for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < currImage1->height; wIndex++)
	//	{
	//		bwPosition = hIndex*currImage1->widthStep + wIndex;
	//		if( wIndex < y1)
	//			currImage1->imageData[bwPosition] = 0;
	//		else if (wIndex > y1 && wIndex < y2)
	//			currImage1->imageData[bwPosition] = 255;
	//		else
	//			currImage1->imageData[bwPosition] = 0;
	//	}


	int hIndex = 0, wIndex = 0, ImagePosition = 0, TempPosition = 0, colorValue = 0;
	bool leakLight = false;	int LeakLightNum = 5;

	//IplImage* currImageBefore = cvLoadImage("00.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

	if (currImageBefore == NULL)
		return 1;

	if (maskImage == NULL)
		return 2;

	IplImage* currImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	memset(currImage->imageData, 0, currImage->height*currImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char));

	cvCopy(currImageBefore, currImage, maskImage);


	IplImage* EdgeImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	memset(EdgeImage->imageData, 0, EdgeImage->height*EdgeImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char));

	cvCanny(currImage, EdgeImage, 50, 180, 3);

	//cvShowImage("EdgeImage", EdgeImage);

	int edgeTempPosition = 0;
	for (int hIndex = 1; hIndex < EdgeImage->height - 1; hIndex++)
		for (int wIndex = 1; wIndex < EdgeImage->width - 1; wIndex++)
			edgeTempPosition = hIndex*EdgeImage->widthStep + wIndex;
			if (EdgeImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition] == 255)
			if (maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition + 1] == 0
				|| maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition - 1] == 0
				|| maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition + maskImage->widthStep] == 0
				|| maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition - maskImage->widthStep] == 0)
				EdgeImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition] = 0;

	//cvShowImage("EdgeImage2", EdgeImage);

	ListPoint pointSet; ListPoint bestPoint; ListPoint tempPoint;
	pointSet.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	bestPoint.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	tempPoint.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();

	ListPoint pointSet13, pointSet23, pointSet33;
	ListPoint bestPoint13, bestPoint23, bestPoint33;
	pointSet13.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	pointSet23.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	pointSet33.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();

	bestPoint13.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	bestPoint23.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();
	bestPoint33.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();

	IplImage* markImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(currImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	memset(markImage->imageData, 0, markImage->height*markImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char));

	//ArrayPoint* PointArray = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();

	ListRect rectList; ListInt intAreaList;
	rectList.Item = (ArrayRect*)MallocArrayRect();
	intAreaList.Item = (ArrayInt *)MallocArrayInt();

	ExtractAllEdgePointNumForItem(EdgeImage, markImage, cvRect(0, 0, currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height), 255, &pointSet);

	if (pointSet.Item->size() == 0 || pointSet.Item->size() < 10)
		return 3;

	CvPoint PartTempPoint;

	for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex < pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex++)
		PartTempPoint = (*pointSet.Item)[dIndex];

		AddArrayPoint(pointSet13.Item, PartTempPoint);

	cvCircleObj TempCircle;

	memset(markImage->imageData, 0, markImage->height*markImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char));

	//RansacCirclePoint(pointSet, &bestPoint, &tempPoint);
	//if(bestPoint.Item->size() == 0)
	//	cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore);
	//	cvReleaseImage(&maskImage);
	//	cvReleaseImage(&markImage);
	//	cvReleaseImage(&currImage);
	//	cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage);
	//	return;

	RansacCirclePoint(pointSet13, &bestPoint13, &tempPoint);

	if (bestPoint13.Item->size() == 0)
		return 4;

	cvCircleObj outCircle;
	cvCircleObj outCircle13, outCircle23, outCircle33;
	//ListPoint bestPoint13, bestPoint23, bestPoint33;
	//bestPoint13.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();	
	//bestPoint23.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();	
	//bestPoint33.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();	

	//for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex< bestPoint.Item->size()/3; dIndex++)
	//	AddArrayPoint(bestPoint13.Item, (*bestPoint.Item)[dIndex]);
	FitCircleObj(bestPoint13, &outCircle13);

	if (outCircle13.CirclePoint.x < 0 || outCircle13.CirclePoint.y >0)
		for (int dIndex = pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex < 2 * pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex++)
			PartTempPoint = (*pointSet.Item)[dIndex];

			AddArrayPoint(pointSet23.Item, PartTempPoint);

		RansacCirclePoint(pointSet23, &bestPoint23, &tempPoint);

		if (bestPoint23.Item->size() == 0)
			return 5;

		FitCircleObj(bestPoint23, &outCircle23);

		if (outCircle23.CirclePoint.x < 0 || outCircle23.CirclePoint.y >0)
			for (int dIndex = 2 * pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex < pointSet.Item->size(); dIndex++)
				PartTempPoint = (*pointSet.Item)[dIndex];

				AddArrayPoint(pointSet33.Item, PartTempPoint);

			RansacCirclePoint(pointSet33, &bestPoint33, &tempPoint);

			if (bestPoint33.Item->size() == 0)
				return 6;

			FitCircleObj(bestPoint33, &outCircle33);

			if (outCircle33.CirclePoint.x < 0 || outCircle33.CirclePoint.y >0)
				outCircle.CirclePoint.x = 0;
				outCircle.CirclePoint.y = 1;
				outCircle.Radius = 1;
				outCircle = outCircle33;;
			outCircle = outCircle23;

		outCircle = outCircle13;

	//FitCircleObj(bestPoint, &outCircle);

	if (outCircle.CirclePoint.y == 1 && outCircle.Radius == 1)
		return 7;

	ListPoint pointOutCircleSet;
	pointOutCircleSet.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();

	int radiusAdd = 0;
	int radiusMove = 35;

	for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex < VL_MAX(bestPoint.Item->size(), 0); dIndex++)
		CvPoint TempPoint;
		TempPoint.x = ((*bestPoint.Item)[dIndex]).x;
		TempPoint.y = ((*bestPoint.Item)[dIndex]).y + radiusMove;
		AddArrayPoint(pointOutCircleSet.Item, TempPoint);


	ListPoint pointMoreCircleSet;
	pointMoreCircleSet.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint();

	for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < currImageBefore->width; wIndex++)
		CvPoint TempPoint;
		CvPoint TempOutPoint;
		float x = 0, y = 0;
		x = wIndex - outCircle.CirclePoint.x;
		//y = dIndex - outCircle.CirclePoint.y;

		y = sqrt((outCircle.Radius + radiusMove) * (outCircle.Radius + radiusMove) - x * x);

		TempPoint.x = wIndex;
		if (outCircle.CirclePoint.y < 0)
			y = VL_MAX(0, outCircle.CirclePoint.y + y);
			y = VL_MAX(0, outCircle.CirclePoint.y - y);

		TempPoint.y = y;
		if (TempPoint.x >= 0 && TempPoint.y >= 0)
			AddArrayPoint(pointMoreCircleSet.Item, TempPoint);


	int maskCircleTemp = 0;

	for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < markImage->width; wIndex++)
		for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < markImage->height; hIndex++)
			maskCircleTemp = hIndex*markImage->widthStep + wIndex;

			if (hIndex <= ((*pointMoreCircleSet.Item)[wIndex]).y)
				markImage->imageData[maskCircleTemp] = 255;


	int a[4] = { 0 };

	//currImageBefore = cvLoadImage("E:\\wuxi\\leak\\1532.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
	getMaxDistance(currImageBefore, &pointMoreCircleSet, a);

	int subPotion = 0;
	for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < markImage->height; hIndex++)
		for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < markImage->width; wIndex++)
			subPotion = hIndex*markImage->widthStep + wIndex;

			//currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] -= maskCircle->imageData[subPotion];
			//if (maskCircle->imageData[subPotion] == 255)
			//	currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] = 0;
			if (currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] - markImage->imageData[subPotion] <= 0)
				currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] = 0;

			if (currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] - markImage->imageData[subPotion] >= 255)
				currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] = 255;


	cvThreshold(currImageBefore, markImage, 110, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

	//cvShowImage("currbf", currImageBefore);

	CvPoint LineCenter;
	CvPoint LineCenter2;
	LineCenter2.x = (int)outCircle.CirclePoint.x;
	LineCenter2.y = (int)outCircle.CirclePoint.y;

	//LineCenter.x = (a[1]+a[0]/2);
	LineCenter.x = a[1] + a[0] / 2;
	LineCenter.y = a[3];

	CvSize imgSize = cvSize(currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height);

	CvRect Zone;
	Zone.x = 0;
	Zone.y = 0;
	Zone.width = 0;
	Zone.height = 0;

	int checkLightValue = 55;
	bool Zone0 = false, Zone1 = false, Zone2 = false, Zone3 = false, Zone4 = false;
	if (a[0] == 0)
		if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, currImage->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 0))
			if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, currImageBefore->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 0))
				Zone0 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue);
			//IplImage* ZoneImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Zone.width, Zone.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
			//memset(ZoneImg->imageData, 0, ZoneImg->height*ZoneImg->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char));

			//IplImage* ZoneImg2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Zone.width, Zone.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
			//memset(ZoneImg2->imageData, 0, ZoneImg2->height*ZoneImg2->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char));




			//cvThreshold(ZoneImg, ZoneImg2, 110, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);	

			//int leakNum = 0;
			//int bwPosition = 0;
			//for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < ZoneImg2->height; hIndex++)
			//	for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < ZoneImg2->width; wIndex++)
			//	{
			//		bwPosition = hIndex*ZoneImg2->widthStep + wIndex;
			//		if( ZoneImg2->imageData[bwPosition] == 255)
			//			leakNum++;					
			//	}

			//if (leakNum > LeakLightNum)
			//	leakLight = true;
			//	//cvShowImage("ZoneImage2", ZoneImg2);
			//	//cvWaitKey(0);

		//getMinYPositon(ListPoint* line, int firstPosition, int lastPosition, CvRect* zone, int* a, int direction)

		if (a[1] > currImageBefore->width / 2)
			if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, a[2], currImageBefore->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 4))
				Zone4 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue);

			if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, a[1], &Zone, a, imgSize, 3))
				Zone3 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue);

		if (a[1] <= currImageBefore->width / 2)
			if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, a[1], &Zone, a, imgSize, 1))
				Zone1 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue);

			if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, a[2], currImageBefore->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 2))
				Zone2 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue);


	bool lastResult = false;
	if (Zone0 || Zone1 || Zone2 || Zone3 || Zone4)
		lastResult = true;
		return -1;

	lastResult = false;
	return 0;
