Beispiel #1
SCMapSeries::setSize(double r)
	double tol = 1e-2, q;
	unsigned N = 1000, Nmax, Nmin;
	q = getMaxRadius();

	// Find N with multiplication by 2
	while ( q > r)
		N *= 2;
		q = getMaxRadius();
		std::cout << "First loop N=" << N << ", maxR=" << q << std::endl;

	Nmax = N;
	Nmin = std::floor(N / 2);

	N = std::floor(3 * Nmax / 4);
	q = getMaxRadius();

	// Start bisection serch
	while (std::abs(r - q) > tol)
		if (q > r) {
			Nmin = N;
			N += (unsigned)std::floor((Nmax - N) / 2);
		else {
			// Chek if difference is less than 1%
			q = (N - Nmin) / (2.0 * N);
			//std::cout << "Relative difference in N dN/N=" << q << std::endl;
			if (q < tol) {
				q = getMaxRadius();
				std::cout << "Final N=" << N << ", Rmax=" << q << std::endl;

			Nmax = N;
			N -= std::floor((N - Nmin) / 2);
		std::cout << "Bisection loop N=" << N << std::endl;
		q = getMaxRadius();
Beispiel #2
void AngleRadiusWidget::setAngleRadiusAtPosition(const QPoint& pos) {
    QPoint center(width()/2, height()/2);
    QPoint pixelSpacePos = pos - center;
    // Scale point from pixel coordinates to lie in [-maxRadius maxRadius]
    // Flip y-coordinate to get it facing upward instead of downward
    double x =  getMaxRadius()*pixelSpacePos.x() / ((double)getMaxPixelSpaceRadius());
    double y = -getMaxRadius()*pixelSpacePos.y() / ((double)getMaxPixelSpaceRadius());

    double radius = std::sqrt(x*x+y*y);
    double theta = std::atan2(y, x);
    // Convert angle to lie within [0 2pi),
    if (theta < 0.) theta += 2.*M_PI;
	void BlockFormationShape::calcFormationPositions(Formation& p_formation)
		currentFormation_ = &p_formation;

		rows_ = sqrt(((float)currentFormation_->units.size()) / ROW_LENGTH_RATIO);
		if(rows_ <= 0)
			rows_ = 1;
		rowLength_ = ROW_LENGTH_RATIO * rows_;

		while(rowLength_ * rows_ < currentFormation_->units.size())

		float maxRadius = getMaxRadius();

		float x = (((float) rows_) / 2) * maxRadius;

		for(int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) {
			for(int j = 0; j < rowLength_; ++j) {
				if(i * rowLength_ + j < currentFormation_->units.size()) {
					currentFormation_->units[i * rowLength_ + j].position.x = x - i * maxRadius * 2;
					currentFormation_->units[i * rowLength_ + j].position.y = pow(-1, j) * ((j / 2) * maxRadius * 2 + maxRadius);

Beispiel #4
void AngleRadiusWidget::setMaxRadius(double radius) {
    if (maxRadius_ != radius) {
        maxRadius_ = radius;
        // Update radius to be within bounds
        setRadius(std::min(getRadius(), getMaxRadius()));
        emit radiusMinMaxChanged();
Beispiel #5
void AngleRadiusWidget::setMinMaxRadius(double minRadius, double maxRadius) {
    if (minRadius_ != minRadius || maxRadius_ != maxRadius) {
        minRadius_ = minRadius;
        maxRadius_ = maxRadius;
        // Update radius to be within bounds
        setRadius(glm::clamp(getRadius(), getMinRadius(), getMaxRadius()));
        emit radiusMinMaxChanged();
void SerpinskiShape::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
    QPainter painter(this);
    QPen pen(QBrush(Qt::darkGreen), 2.3f);
    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

    drawShape(painter, width() * 0.5, height() * 0.5, getMaxRadius());

    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
Beispiel #7
ZCircleCloud_ptr Worm::toZCircleCloud(hpuint pointsPerTooth) {
	hpreal maxRadius = getMaxRadius();
	hpreal startZ = 0.0;
	hpreal endZ = m_toothCount * m_module * M_PI;

	// Determine resolution (important for following simulations)
	hpuint resolutionZ = m_toothCount * pointsPerTooth;

	ZCircleCloud_ptr result = ZCircleCloud_ptr(new ZCircleCloud(maxRadius, startZ, endZ, resolutionZ));
	return result;
Beispiel #8
	unsigned N, 
	std::vector<double> const& angle, 
	std::vector< std::complex<sc::REAL> > const& prevertex, 
	std::complex<sc::REAL> const& C,
	double rot
	if (angle.size() != prevertex.size())
		throw std::runtime_error("Size Mismatch: angles and prevertex size does NOT match!");

	mM = angle.size();
	for (auto a : angle)
		mvAngle.push_back(1.0 - a);

	mvPrevertex = prevertex;
	mC = C;
	mRotation = rot;

 * Get the peaks info for a single peak, defined by the row in the peaks table.
 * @param peaksWorkspace A pointer to a peaks workspace.
 * @param row The row in the peaks table.
 * @param position A reference which holds the position of the peak.
 * @param radius A reference which holds the radius of the peak.
 * @param specialCoordinateSystem The coordinate system.
void ConcretePeaksPresenterVsi::getPeaksInfo(
    Mantid::API::IPeaksWorkspace_sptr peaksWorkspace, int row,
    Mantid::Kernel::V3D &position, double &radius,
    Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem specialCoordinateSystem) const {

  switch (specialCoordinateSystem) {
  case (Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem::QLab):
    position = peaksWorkspace->getPeak(row).getQLabFrame();
  case (Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem::QSample):
    position = peaksWorkspace->getPeak(row).getQSampleFrame();
  case (Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem::HKL):
    position = peaksWorkspace->getPeak(row).getHKL();
    throw std::invalid_argument("The coordinate system is invalid.\n");

  // Peak radius
  Mantid::Geometry::PeakShape_sptr shape(
  radius = getMaxRadius(shape);
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    bgPoint* backgroundData;
    long numberOfWindows;
    long maxRadius;
    bgPoint* background;

    FILE* windowsFile;
    char chrom[16];
    long chromStart;
    long chromEnd;
    double percentId;
    long number;

    double backgroundPercentId;
    long backgroundNumber;
    double score;

    long AA;
    long AC;
    long AG;
    long AT;
    long CA;
    long CC;
    long CG;
    long CT;
    long GA;
    long GC;
    long GG;
    long GT;
    long TA;
    long TC;
    long TG;
    long TT;
    long globalNumber;
    double globalPercentId;

    long numWindowsScored = 0;
    long numWindowsDefaulted = 0;
    /* make sure that there are the correct number of arguments */
    if(argc < 5 || argc > 6) {

    /* load the data and get the number of windows */
    backgroundData = loadBackground(argv[1], &numberOfWindows);
    maxRadius = 200 * getMaxRadius(backgroundData, numberOfWindows);
    qsort(backgroundData, numberOfWindows, sizeof(bgPoint), bgPointCompar);

    globalNumber = atol(argv[3]); // 100516125;
    globalPercentId = atof(argv[4]); // 0.668947295769709;

    /*fprintf(stderr, "maxRadius: %ld\n", maxRadius);*/
    fprintf(stderr, "loaded %ld background window\n", numberOfWindows - 2);

    windowsFile = mustOpen(argv[2], "r");
    /* see if the first character is a # */
    *chrom = fgetc(windowsFile);
    if(*chrom == '#') {
        /* read the rest of the line */
        while(fgetc(windowsFile) != '\n')
    } else
        ungetc(*chrom, windowsFile);
    while(!feof(windowsFile)) {
        if(fscanf(windowsFile, "%15s\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t"
                chrom, &chromStart, &chromEnd, &number, 
                &AA, &AC, &AG, &AT, &CA, &CC, &CG, &CT,
                &GA, &GC, &GG, &GT, &TA, &TC, &TG, &TT) != 20)

        percentId = (((double)AA) + CC + GG +TT) /
            (((double)AA) + AC + AG + AT + CA + CC + CG + CT + GA + GC + GG + GT + TA + TC + TG + TT);

        background = getNearestEnclosing( (chromStart + chromEnd) / 2, backgroundData,
            numberOfWindows, maxRadius);            

        /* if we didn't find an enclosing window */
        if(background == 0 || background->number == -1) {
            /* used the genome-wide background numbers */
            backgroundPercentId = globalPercentId;
            backgroundNumber = globalNumber;

        } else {
            backgroundPercentId = background->score;
            backgroundNumber = background->number;

        /* adjust for the percent identity for the current window */
        backgroundPercentId = (backgroundPercentId * backgroundNumber - number * percentId) /
            (backgroundNumber - number);
        if(argc == 5)
            score = number * (percentId - backgroundPercentId) / sqrt(number * backgroundPercentId * (1.0 - backgroundPercentId));
            score = number * (percentId - backgroundPercentId) / sqrt(number);
        printf("%s\t%ld\t%ld\t%lf\t%ld\n", chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, score, number);

    fprintf(stderr, "%ld windows of the %ld total windows scored used the default background\n", numWindowsDefaulted, numWindowsScored);
    return 0;
Beispiel #11
void AngleRadiusWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
    const int referenceRadius = getMaxPixelSpaceRadius();
    const double pixelSpaceRadius =  referenceRadius*(getRadius()/getMaxRadius());
    const qreal angleIndicatorCircleDiameter = 6.;

    QPen angleIndicatorPen(palette().midlight(), 2, Qt::SolidLine,  Qt::SquareCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
    QPen coordinateSystemPen(palette().alternateBase(), 1, Qt::SolidLine,  Qt::SquareCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
    QPen circleBoundsPen(palette().alternateBase(), 1, Qt::DashLine,  Qt::SquareCap, Qt::MiterJoin);

    // x and y in pixel coordinates
    auto x = pixelSpaceRadius*std::cos(getAngle());
    auto y = -pixelSpaceRadius*std::sin(getAngle());

    int side = qMin(width(), height());

    QStylePainter painter(this);
    painter.translate(width() / 2, height() / 2);
    painter.scale(side / (qreal)100., side / (qreal)100.);

    // Draw axes and bounds circle(s)
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        painter.drawLine(0, 0, referenceRadius+5, 0);
    // Display angle bounds by drawing a pie (pacman) if min/max is not 0/2pi 
    int innerBoundsCircleRadius = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(referenceRadius)*(getMinRadius()/getMaxRadius()));
    if (getMinAngle() > 0. || getMaxAngle() < 2.*M_PI) {
        // drawPie wants 16*degrees
        int pieStart = static_cast<int>( 16*glm::degrees(getMinAngle()) );
        int pieEnd = static_cast<int>( 16*(glm::degrees(getMaxAngle())-glm::degrees(getMinAngle())) );
        painter.drawPie(-referenceRadius, -referenceRadius, 2*referenceRadius, 2*referenceRadius, pieStart, pieEnd);
        if (minRadius_ > 0.) {
            painter.drawPie(-innerBoundsCircleRadius, -innerBoundsCircleRadius, 2*innerBoundsCircleRadius, 2*innerBoundsCircleRadius, pieStart, pieEnd);
    } else {
        painter.drawEllipse(-referenceRadius, -referenceRadius, 2*referenceRadius, 2*referenceRadius);
        if (minRadius_ > 0.) {
            painter.drawEllipse(-innerBoundsCircleRadius, -innerBoundsCircleRadius, 2*innerBoundsCircleRadius, 2*innerBoundsCircleRadius);

    // Draw angle and radius 
    QPainterPath anglePath;
    // Make sure that angle goes from 0 to 2*pi
    double sweepAngle = getAngle() < 0. ? 2.*M_PI+getAngle() : getAngle();
    // Draw angle arc and text
    anglePath.arcTo(-10., -10., 20., 20., 0., glm::degrees(sweepAngle));
    std::stringstream angleStream; angleStream.precision(1); angleStream << std::fixed << glm::degrees(sweepAngle);
    int anglePosX = 5;
    int anglePosY = -10;
    QFontMetrics fm(painter.font());
    QString angleText = QString::fromStdString(angleStream.str())+ QChar(0260);
    int angleTextWidth = fm.width(angleText);
    if (anglePosX+angleTextWidth > referenceRadius) {
        anglePosX = referenceRadius+2;
        anglePosY = -2;

    // 0260 is the degree symbol
    painter.drawText(anglePosX, anglePosY, angleText);
    // Draw radius text
    std::stringstream radiusStream; radiusStream.precision(2); radiusStream << getRadius();
                     static_cast<int>(y), QString::fromStdString(radiusStream.str()));
    // Rotated line and circle
    painter.drawLine(QLineF(QPointF(0., 0.), QPointF(x, y)));
    painter.setBrush(QBrush(palette().shadow().color(), Qt::SolidPattern));
    painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), angleIndicatorCircleDiameter, angleIndicatorCircleDiameter);