float SWE::simulate(float tStart, float tEnd)
	static int iter = 0;

	float t = tStart;
		//do debug output
		//writeVTKFile(generateFileName("detailed_out/out", iter));
		float tMax = getMaxTimestep();
		cout << "max dt: " << tMax << endl;
		t += eulerTimestep();
	} while (t < tEnd);

	return t;
Beispiel #2
void River::flowSingleTimestep(Grid<FlowData> &source, Grid<FlowData> &dest, Configuration &config) {
    for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            if( !source(x,y).hasWater || source(x,y).velocity <= 0.0 ) {

            double px_vector = source(x,y).px_vector;
            double py_vector = source(x,y).py_vector;

            double corner_patch = fabs( py_vector * px_vector ) / PATCH_AREA;
            double tb_patch = fabs( py_vector*( PATCH_LENGTH - fabs(px_vector) ) ) / PATCH_AREA;
            double rl_patch = fabs( px_vector*( PATCH_LENGTH - fabs(py_vector) ) ) / PATCH_AREA;

            // if a neighbor patch is dry, the carbon does not move in that direction
            double max_timestep = getMaxTimestep();
            int tb_moved = 0;
            int corner_moved = 0;
            int rl_moved = 0;

            int px = (int)(max_timestep * px_vector);
            int py = (int)(max_timestep * py_vector);

            // is this the opposite of what is waned?
            if (config.adjacent) {
                if (px >= 1) {
                    px = 1;
                } else if (px <= -1) {
                    px = -1;
                } else {
                    px = 0;

                if (py >= 1) {
                    py = 1;
                } else if (py <= -1) {
                    py = -1;
                } else {
                    py = 0;

            // flow carbon to the top/bottom patches
            if ( is_valid_patch(x, y+py) && (py!=0) ) {
                if (is_calc_nan(x,y+py,tb_patch, dest)) {
                    g.nan_trigger = true;
                } else {
                    dest(x, y+py).DOC += source(x,y).DOC*tb_patch;
                    dest(x, y+py).POC += source(x,y).POC*tb_patch;
                    dest(x, y+py).phyto += source(x,y).phyto*tb_patch;
                    dest(x, y+py).waterdecomp += source(x,y).waterdecomp*tb_patch;
                    tb_moved = 1;

            // flow carbon to the corner patch
            if ( is_valid_patch(x+px, y+py) && (px!=0) && (py!=0)) {
                if (is_calc_nan(x+px,y+py,corner_patch, dest)) {
                    g.nan_trigger = true;
                } else {
                    dest(x+px, y+py).DOC += source(x,y).DOC*corner_patch;
                    dest(x+px, y+py).POC += source(x,y).POC*corner_patch;
                    dest(x+px, y+py).phyto += source(x,y).phyto*corner_patch;
                    dest(x+px, y+py).waterdecomp += source(x,y).waterdecomp*corner_patch;
                    corner_moved = 1;

            // flow carbon to the left/right patches
            //TODO code pushes carbon onto land patches...
            if ( is_valid_patch(x+px, y) && (px!=0) ) {
                if ( is_calc_nan(x+px,y,rl_patch, dest) ) {
                    g.nan_trigger = true;
                } else {
                    dest(x+px, y).DOC += source(x,y).DOC*rl_patch;
                    dest(x+px, y).POC += source(x,y).POC*rl_patch;
                    dest(x+px, y).phyto += source(x,y).phyto*rl_patch;
                    dest(x+px, y).waterdecomp += source(x,y).waterdecomp*rl_patch;
                    rl_moved = 1;

            // how much components did we loose
            double patch_loss = tb_patch*tb_moved + corner_patch*corner_moved + rl_patch*rl_moved;
            dest(x,y).DOC = source(x,y).DOC - source(x,y).DOC*patch_loss;
            dest(x,y).POC = source(x,y).POC - source(x,y).POC*patch_loss;
            dest(x,y).phyto = source(x,y).phyto - source(x,y).phyto*patch_loss;
            dest(x,y).waterdecomp = source(x,y).waterdecomp - source(x,y).waterdecomp*patch_loss;
