size_t getFreeMemory()
  return (size_t)AVR_STACK_POINTER_REG-
void showMemory(void) {
  char buffer[100];

  snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%04u %04u %04u : used/free/large",

Beispiel #3
// the following only cares about finding the max segments
// ignoring the rest
MRImaxsegment(MRI *mri, float low_val, float hi_val)
  MRI_SEGMENT       *mseg, *mseg2 ;
  int               x, y, z, width, height, depth, xi, yi, zi, xk, yk, zk,
  val, border_labels[NBR_VOX], nlabels, label, nvox ;
  MRI               *mri_labeled ;
  float             voxel_size ;
  int max;
  int count =0;
  int totcount = 0;
  int mem =0;
  int maxarea=0;

  voxel_size = mri->xsize * mri->ysize * mri->zsize ;
  width = mri->width ;
  height = mri->height ;
  depth = mri->depth ;
  mriseg = MRIsegmentAlloc(MAX_SEGMENTS, MAX_VOXELS) ;
  mriseg->mri = mri ;

  for (z =0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y < height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++)
        val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0) ;
        if (val >= low_val && val <= hi_val)

  /* mri_labeled will contain the label number for each voxel (if it
     has been assigned to a segment).
  mri_labeled = MRIalloc(width, height, depth, MRI_SHORT) ;
  for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++)
      for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++)
        MRISvox(mri_labeled, x, y, z) = -1 ;

  for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++)
      for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++)
        val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0) ;
        // if within the range
        if (val >= low_val && val <= hi_val)

          // initializer for border_labels
          memset(border_labels, -1, NBR_VOX*sizeof(int)) ;
          for (nvox = 0, zk = -1 ; zk <= 1 ; zk++)
            zi = z+zk ;
            if ((zi < 0) || (zi >= depth))
              continue ;
            for (yk = -1 ; yk <= 1 ; yk++)
              yi = y+yk ;
              if ((yi < 0) || (yi >= height))
                continue ;
              // increment nvox count here
              for (xk = -1 ; xk <= 1 ; xk++, nvox++)
#if 1
                if ((abs(xk) + abs(yk) + abs(zk)) > 1)
                  continue ;  /* only allow 4 (6 in 3-d) connectivity */

                xi = x+xk ;
                if ((xi < 0) || (xi >= width))
                  continue ;
                // get the neighbor label
                label = MRISvox(mri_labeled, xi, yi, zi) ;
                if (label >= 0)
                  border_labels[nvox] = label ;
          // count nonzero labels in nbrs
          for (nlabels = nvox = 0 ; nvox < NBR_VOX ; nvox++)
            label = border_labels[nvox] ;
            if ((label >= 0) && (!mriseg->segments[label].found))
              mriseg->segments[label].found = 1 ;
              nlabels++ ;
          // reset found
          for (nvox = 0 ; nvox < NBR_VOX ; nvox++)
            label = border_labels[nvox] ;
            if (label >= 0)
              mriseg->segments[label].found = 0 ; /* for next time */
          label = 0 ;
          // create labels for those points which are not connected
          switch (nlabels)
          case 0:          /* allocate a new segment */
            if (mriseg->nsegments >= mriseg->max_segments)
              mem = getMemoryUsed();
              // only Linux gives the correct value
              // (the rest returns -1
              // mem > 800*1024) // 800 Mbytes virtual memory usage
              if (mriseg->max_segments >
                if (mem > 0) // only Linux can do this
                  fprintf(stdout, "\n             "
                          "heap usage = %d Kbytes.", mem);
                // find the region with the largest area
                maxarea = MRImaxSegmentArea(mriseg);
                 "\n             current max segment has "
                 "%d voxels", maxarea);
                // the second max area can have area up to
                // (current - maxarea) + (total - maxarea)
                //  = total + current - 2*maxarea
                // if this value is less than maxarea,
                // then the second candidate never
                // becomes the top. Thus I can remove
                // small segments
                // if (count+totcount < 3*maxarea)
                // For those which has < 100*N % of maxarea,
                // the possible max count is
                //    = maxarea*N + remaining voxels
                //    = maxarea*N + (total - count)
                // Thus I can remove those when
                // maxarea*N + (total-count) < maxarea
                // or total - count < maxarea*(1 - N)
                // Note that if you remove too much,
                // then possbile merging voxels will be lost
                if (totcount - count < maxarea*0.99)
                  int i,j,k;
                  fprintf(stdout, "\n             removing "
                          "small segments (less than 1 "
                          "percent of maxarea).");
                  MRIremoveSmallSegments(mriseg, maxarea*0.01);
                  // this does compactify
                  // go through mri_labeled to
                  // remove this label value s
                  for (k=0; k < mri_labeled->depth; ++k)
                    for (j=0; j < mri_labeled->height; ++j)
                      for (i=0; i < mri_labeled->width; ++i)
                        if (MRISvox(mri_labeled, i,j,k)
                            >= mriseg->nsegments)
                          MRISvox(mri_labeled, i,j,k) = -1;
            label = mriSegmentNew(mriseg) ;
            // returns this added segment position
            mseg = &mriseg->segments[label] ;
            if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON && 0)
              fprintf(stdout, "allocating new label %d (%d total)\n",
                      label, mriseg->nsegments) ;
            break ;
          case 1:          /* assign this voxel to the one that it borders */
            for (nvox = 0 ; nvox < NBR_VOX ; nvox++)
              if (border_labels[nvox] >= 0)
                label = border_labels[nvox] ;
                break ;
            // points to the same label position
            mseg = &mriseg->segments[label] ;
            break ;
          default:         /* merge segments and assign to lowest number */
            mseg = NULL ;
            for (nvox = 0 ; nvox < NBR_VOX ; nvox++)
              if (border_labels[nvox] >= 0)
                // the 1st encountered label case
                if (!mseg)
                  // set the first index position
                  label = border_labels[nvox] ;
                  mseg = &mriseg->segments[label] ;
                  mseg->found = 1 ;
                // the rest
                  mseg2 =
                    &mriseg->segments[border_labels[nvox]] ;
                  if (mseg2->found == 0)
                    mseg2->found = 1 ;  /* prevent merging more than once */
                    // merge to the label position
                    if (mriSegmentMerge(mriseg,
                        != NO_ERROR)
                      // nsegments decreased by one
                      MRIsegmentFree(&mriseg) ;
                      return(NULL) ;
            // reset found
            for (nvox = 0 ; nvox < NBR_VOX ; nvox++)
              if (border_labels[nvox] >= 0)
                mriseg->segments[border_labels[nvox]].found = 0 ;
            break ;
          /* add it to the existing list */
          if (mseg->nvoxels >= mseg->max_voxels)
            // this max could be the same as mseg->max_voxels
            // this is taken care in mriSegmentReallocateVoxels()
            max = nint(mseg->max_voxels*VOX_INCREASE);
            // if (mriSegmentReallocateVoxels(mriseg, label,
            //            nint(mseg->max_voxels*VOX_INCREASE))
            //    != NO_ERROR)
            if (mriSegmentReallocateVoxels(mriseg, label, max)
                != NO_ERROR)
              MRIsegmentFree(&mriseg) ;
              return(NULL) ;
          mseg->voxels[mseg->nvoxels].x = x ;
          mseg->voxels[mseg->nvoxels].y = y ;
          mseg->voxels[mseg->nvoxels].z = z ;
          mseg->nvoxels++ ;
          mseg->area += voxel_size ; // voxel_size = volume
#if 0
          // this is for only 1mm voxel case
          if (mseg->nvoxels != (int)mseg->area)
            DiagBreak() ;
          MRISvox(mri_labeled, x, y, z) = label ;
  mem = getMemoryUsed();
  if (mem > 0) // only Linux can do this
    fprintf(stdout, "\n             heap usage = %d Kbytes.", mem);
  maxarea = MRImaxSegmentArea(mriseg);
  fprintf(stdout, "\n             removing small segments (less "
          "than 1 percent of maxarea).");
  MRIremoveSmallSegments(mriseg, 0.01*maxarea);
  // MRIcompactSegments(mriseg) ;

  if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON && 0)
    MRIwrite(mri_labeled, "labeled.mgh") ;
  MRIfree(&mri_labeled) ;
  mriComputeSegmentStatistics(mriseg) ;
  return(mriseg) ;
Beispiel #4
void printMemoryUsed()
  printf("heap used: %d Kbytes.\n", getMemoryUsed());
Beispiel #5
qword sys_memoryUsed(qword ans, qword rdx, qword rcx, qword r8, qword r9) {
    int* ansM = ( int* )ans;
    *ansM = getMemoryUsed();