static int cmd_setDate(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc > 3) { my_errno = TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; return 1; } if(argc < 3 ) { my_errno = TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; return 1; } char dest[1024]; sprintf(dest,"%s %s",argv[1],argv[2]); int result = svc_setDateAndTime(dest); if(result == 0) { struct datetime dtime; svc_getDateAndTime(&dtime); char tempstr[1024]; sprintf(tempstr,"Current Date and Time : %s %d, %d %02d:%02d:%02d.%d\r\n", getMonthName(dtime.month),,dtime.year,dtime.hour, dtime.minute,dtime.seconds,dtime.msecs);uprintf(tempstr); } return result; }
/** * Form the date **/ char* setDate() { time_t t = time(0); // get time now struct tm * now = localtime(&t); char* result = malloc(sizeof(char) * 40 + 1); result[40] = '\0'; // this is not the best possible solution (i can use direclty time.h to format the result) char* wday = getWeekDay(now->tm_wday); char* month = getMonthName(now->tm_mon + 1); sprintf(result, "Date: %s, %d %s %d %d:%d:%d GMT\r\n", wday, now->tm_mday, month, now->tm_year + 1900, now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec); return result; }
/** * Form Last Modified **/ char* setModified(struct fileInfo informator) { struct stat b; char* inf = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100); if (!stat(informator.filename, &b)) { struct tm *timenfo = localtime(&b.st_mtime); char* wday = getWeekDay(timenfo->tm_wday); char* month = getMonthName(timenfo->tm_mon + 1); sprintf(inf, "Last-Modified: %s, %d %s %d %d:%d:%d GMT \r\n\0", wday, timenfo->tm_mday, month, timenfo->tm_year + 1900, timenfo->tm_hour, timenfo->tm_min, timenfo->tm_sec); } return inf; }
static int cmd_date(int argc, char *argv[]) /* * function definition for date command * Parameters: * o int argc- number of arguments * o char *argv[] - array of arguments * Return : 0 if successful, otherwise 1 * sets my_errno to TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS if more than one argument is passed */ { if(argc > 1)//no arguments allowed, first argument is command name { my_errno = TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; return 1; } struct datetime dtime; svc_getDateAndTime(&dtime); char tempstr[1024]; sprintf(tempstr,"%s %d, %d %02d:%02d:%02d.%d\r\n", getMonthName(dtime.month),,dtime.year,dtime.hour, dtime.minute,dtime.seconds,dtime.msecs);uprintf(tempstr); return 0; }
// A function to show menu E. void showMenuEMonth(int categoryIndex, int yearIndex) { int month; int day; int expectedRainfallDayListCount; float expectedRainfall; float highestRainfall = 0; int highestDay; for (month = 0; month < rainfallMonthListGetCapacity(); month++) { expectedRainfallDayListCount = rainfallDayListCount(categoryIndex, yearIndex, month); if (expectedRainfallDayListCount > 0) { // Algorithm to get the highest rainfall value and its day. for (day = 0; day < expectedRainfallDayListCount; day++) { expectedRainfall = rainfallDayListGetItem(categoryIndex, yearIndex, month, day); if (highestRainfall < expectedRainfall) { highestDay = day + 1; highestRainfall = expectedRainfall; } } printf("The highest rainfall for %s is %.1f mm on %d %s.\n", getMonthName(month + 1), highestRainfall, highestDay, getMonthName(month + 1)); highestRainfall = 0; highestDay = 0; } } pause(); }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Prints the date from a given date/time structure into a string unsign * a specific format. * * Arguments * --------- * - buffer : Pointer to the string to write to. * - format : Date format to use. * - date : Structure containing the date to print * * Returns : The day of week index from 1 to 7. (1=Sunday, 7=Saturday) */ uint8_t dateToBuf( char *buffer, uint8_t format, DateTime *date ) { uint8_t length; switch( format ) { case DATE_FORMAT_MMDDYYYY: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%02d/%02d/%d" ), date->month(), date->date(), date->year() ); break; case DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMDD: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%d/%02d/%02d" ), date->year(), date->month(), date->date() ); break; case DATE_FORMAT_DDMMMYYYY: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%02d-%S-%d" ), date->date(), getMonthName( date->month(), true ), date->year() ); break; case DATE_FORMAT_MMMDDYYYY: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%S-%02d-%d" ), getMonthName( date->month(), true ), date->date(), date->year() ); break; case DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMMDD: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%d-%S-%02d" ), date->year(), getMonthName( date->month(), true ), date->date() ); break; case DATE_FORMAT_WDMMMDD: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%S, %S %d" ), getDayName( date->dow(), true ), getMonthName( date->month(), true ), date->date() ); break; case DATE_FORMAT_WDMMMDDYYYY: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%S, %S %d %d" ), getDayName( date->dow(), true ), getMonthName( date->month(), true ), date->date(), date->year() ); break; /* DATE_FORMAT_DDMMYYYY */ default: length = sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR( "%02d/%02d/%d" ), date->date(), date->month(), date->year() ); break; } return length; }