// This method is called when the edit packet layer has determined that it has a fully formed packet destined for
// a known nodeID.
void OctreeEditPacketSender::queuePacketToNode(const QUuid& nodeUUID, unsigned char* buffer, ssize_t length) {
    NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance();

    foreach (const SharedNodePointer& node, nodeList->getNodeHash()) {
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are getMyNodeType()
        if (node->getType() == getMyNodeType() &&
            ((node->getUUID() == nodeUUID) || (nodeUUID.isNull()))) {
            if (node->getActiveSocket()) {
                queuePacketForSending(node, QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer), length));

                // debugging output...
                bool wantDebugging = false;
                if (wantDebugging) {
                    int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer));
                    unsigned short int sequence = (*((unsigned short int*)(buffer + numBytesPacketHeader)));
                    quint64 createdAt = (*((quint64*)(buffer + numBytesPacketHeader + sizeof(sequence))));
                    quint64 queuedAt = usecTimestampNow();
                    quint64 transitTime = queuedAt - createdAt;

                    qDebug() << "OctreeEditPacketSender::queuePacketToNode() queued " << buffer[0] <<
                            " - command to node bytes=" << length <<
                            " sequence=" << sequence <<
                            " transitTimeSoFar=" << transitTime << " usecs";
void OctreeHeadlessViewer::queryOctree() {
    char serverType = getMyNodeType();
    PacketType packetType = getMyQueryMessageType();

    if (_hasViewFrustum) {
        ConicalViewFrustums views { _viewFrustum };
    } else {

    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();

    auto node = nodeList->soloNodeOfType(serverType);
    if (node && node->getActiveSocket()) {
        auto queryPacket = NLPacket::create(packetType);

        // encode the query data
        auto packetData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(queryPacket->getPayload());
        int packetSize = _octreeQuery.getBroadcastData(packetData);

        // make sure we still have an active socket
        nodeList->sendUnreliablePacket(*queryPacket, *node);
void OctreeEditPacketSender::queuePacketToNodes(unsigned char* buffer, ssize_t length) {
    if (!_shouldSend) {
        return; // bail early

    assert(serversExist()); // we must have jurisdictions to be here!!

    int headerBytes = numBytesForPacketHeader(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer)) + sizeof(short) + sizeof(quint64);
    unsigned char* octCode = buffer + headerBytes; // skip the packet header to get to the octcode

    // We want to filter out edit messages for servers based on the server's Jurisdiction
    // But we can't really do that with a packed message, since each edit message could be destined
    // for a different server... So we need to actually manage multiple queued packets... one
    // for each server

    foreach (const SharedNodePointer& node, NodeList::getInstance()->getNodeHash()) {
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are getMyNodeType()
        if (node->getActiveSocket() && node->getType() == getMyNodeType()) {
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();
            bool isMyJurisdiction = true;
            // we need to get the jurisdiction for this
            // here we need to get the "pending packet" for this server
            const JurisdictionMap& map = (*_serverJurisdictions)[nodeUUID];
            isMyJurisdiction = (map.isMyJurisdiction(octCode, CHECK_NODE_ONLY) == JurisdictionMap::WITHIN);
            if (isMyJurisdiction) {
                queuePacketToNode(nodeUUID, buffer, length);
bool OctreeEditPacketSender::serversExist() const {
    bool hasServers = false;
    bool atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing = false; // assume the best
    NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance();

    foreach (const SharedNodePointer& node, nodeList->getNodeHash()) {
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are getMyNodeType()
        if (node->getType() == getMyNodeType() &&  node->getActiveSocket()) {
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();
            // If we've got Jurisdictions set, then check to see if we know the jurisdiction for this server
            if (_serverJurisdictions) {
                // lookup our nodeUUID in the jurisdiction map, if it's missing then we're
                // missing at least one jurisdiction
                if ((*_serverJurisdictions).find(nodeUUID) == (*_serverJurisdictions).end()) {
                    atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing = true;
            hasServers = true;
        if (atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing) {
            break; // no point in looking further...

    return (hasServers && !atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing);
Beispiel #5
bool OctreeEditPacketSender::serversExist() const {
    bool hasServers = false;
    bool atLeastOneJurisdictionMissing = false; // assume the best
    DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->eachNodeBreakable([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
        if (node->getType() == getMyNodeType() && node->getActiveSocket()) {
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();
            // If we've got Jurisdictions set, then check to see if we know the jurisdiction for this server
            if (_serverJurisdictions) {
                // lookup our nodeUUID in the jurisdiction map, if it's missing then we're
                // missing at least one jurisdiction
                if ((*_serverJurisdictions).find(nodeUUID) == (*_serverJurisdictions).end()) {
                    atLeastOneJurisdictionMissing = true;
            hasServers = true;
        if (atLeastOneJurisdictionMissing) {
            return false; // no point in looking further - return false from anonymous function
        } else {
            return true;

    return (hasServers && !atLeastOneJurisdictionMissing);
Beispiel #6
// This method is called when the edit packet layer has determined that it has a fully formed packet destined for
// a known nodeID.
void OctreeEditPacketSender::queuePacketToNode(const QUuid& nodeUUID, unsigned char* buffer,
                                               size_t length, qint64 satoshiCost) {

    bool wantDebug = false;
    DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are getMyNodeType()
        if (node->getType() == getMyNodeType()
            && ((node->getUUID() == nodeUUID) || (nodeUUID.isNull()))
            && node->getActiveSocket()) {
            // pack sequence number
            int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer));
            unsigned char* sequenceAt = buffer + numBytesPacketHeader;
            quint16 sequence = _outgoingSequenceNumbers[nodeUUID]++;
            memcpy(sequenceAt, &sequence, sizeof(quint16));
            // send packet
            QByteArray packet(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), length);
            queuePacketForSending(node, packet);
            if (hasDestinationWalletUUID() && satoshiCost > 0) {
                // if we have a destination wallet UUID and a cost associated with this packet, signal that it
                // needs to be sent
                emit octreePaymentRequired(satoshiCost, nodeUUID, _destinationWalletUUID);
            // add packet to history
            _sentPacketHistories[nodeUUID].packetSent(sequence, packet);
            // debugging output...
            if (wantDebug) {
                int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer));
                unsigned short int sequence = (*((unsigned short int*)(buffer + numBytesPacketHeader)));
                quint64 createdAt = (*((quint64*)(buffer + numBytesPacketHeader + sizeof(sequence))));
                quint64 queuedAt = usecTimestampNow();
                quint64 transitTime = queuedAt - createdAt;
                qDebug() << "OctreeEditPacketSender::queuePacketToNode() queued " << buffer[0] <<
                " - command to node bytes=" << length <<
                " satoshiCost=" << satoshiCost <<
                " sequence=" << sequence <<
                " transitTimeSoFar=" << transitTime << " usecs";
// NOTE: codeColorBuffer - is JUST the octcode/color and does not contain the packet header!
void OctreeEditPacketSender::queueOctreeEditMessage(PacketType type, unsigned char* codeColorBuffer, ssize_t length) {

    if (!_shouldSend) {
        return; // bail early

    // If we don't have jurisdictions, then we will simply queue up all of these packets and wait till we have
    // jurisdictions for processing
    if (!serversExist()) {
        if (_maxPendingMessages > 0) {
            EditPacketBuffer* packet = new EditPacketBuffer(type, codeColorBuffer, length);

            // if we've saved MORE than out max, then clear out the oldest packet...
            int allPendingMessages = _preServerSingleMessagePackets.size() + _preServerPackets.size();
            if (allPendingMessages > _maxPendingMessages) {
                EditPacketBuffer* packet = _preServerPackets.front();
                delete packet;
        return; // bail early

    // We want to filter out edit messages for servers based on the server's Jurisdiction
    // But we can't really do that with a packed message, since each edit message could be destined
    // for a different server... So we need to actually manage multiple queued packets... one
    // for each server

    foreach (const SharedNodePointer& node, NodeList::getInstance()->getNodeHash()) {
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are getMyNodeType()
        if (node->getActiveSocket() && node->getType() == getMyNodeType()) {
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();
            bool isMyJurisdiction = true;

            if (_serverJurisdictions) {
                // we need to get the jurisdiction for this
                // here we need to get the "pending packet" for this server
                if ((*_serverJurisdictions).find(nodeUUID) != (*_serverJurisdictions).end()) {
                    const JurisdictionMap& map = (*_serverJurisdictions)[nodeUUID];
                    isMyJurisdiction = (map.isMyJurisdiction(codeColorBuffer, CHECK_NODE_ONLY) == JurisdictionMap::WITHIN);
                } else {
                    isMyJurisdiction = false;
            if (isMyJurisdiction) {
                EditPacketBuffer& packetBuffer = _pendingEditPackets[nodeUUID];
                packetBuffer._nodeUUID = nodeUUID;

                // If we're switching type, then we send the last one and start over
                if ((type != packetBuffer._currentType && packetBuffer._currentSize > 0) ||
                    (packetBuffer._currentSize + length >= _maxPacketSize)) {
                    initializePacket(packetBuffer, type);

                // If the buffer is empty and not correctly initialized for our type...
                if (type != packetBuffer._currentType && packetBuffer._currentSize == 0) {
                    initializePacket(packetBuffer, type);

                // This is really the first time we know which server/node this particular edit message
                // is going to, so we couldn't adjust for clock skew till now. But here's our chance.
                // We call this virtual function that allows our specific type of EditPacketSender to
                // fixup the buffer for any clock skew
                if (node->getClockSkewUsec() != 0) {
                    adjustEditPacketForClockSkew(codeColorBuffer, length, node->getClockSkewUsec());

                memcpy(&packetBuffer._currentBuffer[packetBuffer._currentSize], codeColorBuffer, length);
                packetBuffer._currentSize += length;
void OctreeHeadlessViewer::queryOctree() {
    char serverType = getMyNodeType();
    PacketType packetType = getMyQueryMessageType();
    NodeToJurisdictionMap& jurisdictions = *_jurisdictionListener->getJurisdictions();

    bool wantExtraDebugging = false;

    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeHeadlessViewer::queryOctree() _jurisdictionListener=" << _jurisdictionListener;
        qCDebug(octree) << "---------------";
        qCDebug(octree) << "_jurisdictionListener=" << _jurisdictionListener;
        qCDebug(octree) << "Jurisdictions...";
        for (NodeToJurisdictionMapIterator i = jurisdictions.begin(); i != jurisdictions.end(); ++i) {
            qCDebug(octree) << i.key() << ": " << &i.value();
        qCDebug(octree) << "---------------";

    // These will be the same for all servers, so we can set them up once and then reuse for each server we send to.
    _octreeQuery.setWantCompression(true); // TODO: should be on by default



    // Iterate all of the nodes, and get a count of how many voxel servers we have...
    int totalServers = 0;
    int inViewServers = 0;
    int unknownJurisdictionServers = 0;

    DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are serverType
        if (node->getActiveSocket() && node->getType() == serverType) {

            // get the server bounds for this server
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();

            // if we haven't heard from this voxel server, go ahead and send it a query, so we
            // can get the jurisdiction...
            if (jurisdictions.find(nodeUUID) == jurisdictions.end()) {
            } else {
                const JurisdictionMap& map = (jurisdictions)[nodeUUID];

                unsigned char* rootCode = map.getRootOctalCode();

                if (rootCode) {
                    VoxelPositionSize rootDetails;
                    voxelDetailsForCode(rootCode, rootDetails);
                    AACube serverBounds(glm::vec3(rootDetails.x, rootDetails.y, rootDetails.z), rootDetails.s);

                    ViewFrustum::location serverFrustumLocation = _viewFrustum.cubeInFrustum(serverBounds);

                    if (serverFrustumLocation != ViewFrustum::OUTSIDE) {
                } else {

    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree, "Servers: total %d, in view %d, unknown jurisdiction %d",
            totalServers, inViewServers, unknownJurisdictionServers);

    int perServerPPS = 0;
    const int SMALL_BUDGET = 10;
    int perUnknownServer = SMALL_BUDGET;
    int totalPPS = getMaxPacketsPerSecond();

    // determine PPS based on number of servers
    if (inViewServers >= 1) {
        // set our preferred PPS to be exactly evenly divided among all of the voxel servers... and allocate 1 PPS
        // for each unknown jurisdiction server
        perServerPPS = (totalPPS / inViewServers) - (unknownJurisdictionServers * perUnknownServer);
    } else {
        if (unknownJurisdictionServers > 0) {
            perUnknownServer = (totalPPS / unknownJurisdictionServers);

    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree, "perServerPPS: %d perUnknownServer: %d", perServerPPS, perUnknownServer);

    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    nodeList->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are serverType
        if (node->getActiveSocket() && node->getType() == serverType) {

            // get the server bounds for this server
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();

            bool inView = false;
            bool unknownView = false;

            // if we haven't heard from this voxel server, go ahead and send it a query, so we
            // can get the jurisdiction...
            if (jurisdictions.find(nodeUUID) == jurisdictions.end()) {
                unknownView = true; // assume it's in view
                if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "no known jurisdiction for node " << *node << ", assume it's visible.";
            } else {
                const JurisdictionMap& map = (jurisdictions)[nodeUUID];

                unsigned char* rootCode = map.getRootOctalCode();

                if (rootCode) {
                    VoxelPositionSize rootDetails;
                    voxelDetailsForCode(rootCode, rootDetails);
                    AACube serverBounds(glm::vec3(rootDetails.x, rootDetails.y, rootDetails.z), rootDetails.s);

                    ViewFrustum::location serverFrustumLocation = _viewFrustum.cubeInFrustum(serverBounds);
                    if (serverFrustumLocation != ViewFrustum::OUTSIDE) {
                        inView = true;
                    } else {
                        inView = false;
                } else {
                    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                        qCDebug(octree) << "Jurisdiction without RootCode for node " << *node << ". That's unusual!";

            if (inView) {
                if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "inView for node " << *node << ", give it budget of " << perServerPPS;
            } else if (unknownView) {
                if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "no known jurisdiction for node " << *node << ", give it budget of "
                    << perUnknownServer << " to send us jurisdiction.";

                // set the query's position/orientation to be degenerate in a manner that will get the scene quickly
                // If there's only one server, then don't do this, and just let the normal voxel query pass through
                // as expected... this way, we will actually get a valid scene if there is one to be seen
                if (totalServers > 1) {
                    const glm::quat OFF_IN_NEGATIVE_SPACE = glm::quat(-0.5, 0, -0.5, 1.0);
                    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                        qCDebug(octree) << "Using 'minimal' camera position for node" << *node;
                } else {
                    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                        qCDebug(octree) << "Using regular camera position for node" << *node;
            } else {

            // setup the query packet
            auto queryPacket = NLPacket::create(packetType);
            _octreeQuery.getBroadcastData(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(queryPacket->getPayload()));

            // ask the NodeList to send it
            nodeList->sendPacket(std::move(queryPacket), *node);
Beispiel #9
void OctreeServer::run() {
    // Before we do anything else, create our tree...
    _tree = createTree();
    // change the logging target name while this is running

    // Now would be a good time to parse our arguments, if we got them as assignment
    if (getNumPayloadBytes() > 0) {

    beforeRun(); // after payload has been processed

    const char* STATUS_PORT = "--statusPort";
    const char* statusPort = getCmdOption(_argc, _argv, STATUS_PORT);
    if (statusPort) {
        int statusPortNumber = atoi(statusPort);

    const char* JURISDICTION_FILE = "--jurisdictionFile";
    const char* jurisdictionFile = getCmdOption(_argc, _argv, JURISDICTION_FILE);
    if (jurisdictionFile) {
        qDebug("jurisdictionFile=%s\n", jurisdictionFile);

        qDebug("about to readFromFile().... jurisdictionFile=%s\n", jurisdictionFile);
        _jurisdiction = new JurisdictionMap(jurisdictionFile);
        qDebug("after readFromFile().... jurisdictionFile=%s\n", jurisdictionFile);
    } else {
        const char* JURISDICTION_ROOT = "--jurisdictionRoot";
        const char* jurisdictionRoot = getCmdOption(_argc, _argv, JURISDICTION_ROOT);
        if (jurisdictionRoot) {
            qDebug("jurisdictionRoot=%s\n", jurisdictionRoot);

        const char* JURISDICTION_ENDNODES = "--jurisdictionEndNodes";
        const char* jurisdictionEndNodes = getCmdOption(_argc, _argv, JURISDICTION_ENDNODES);
        if (jurisdictionEndNodes) {
            qDebug("jurisdictionEndNodes=%s\n", jurisdictionEndNodes);

        if (jurisdictionRoot || jurisdictionEndNodes) {
            _jurisdiction = new JurisdictionMap(jurisdictionRoot, jurisdictionEndNodes);

    NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance();
    // we need to ask the DS about agents so we can ping/reply with them
    const char nodeTypesOfInterest[] = { NODE_TYPE_AGENT, NODE_TYPE_ANIMATION_SERVER};
    nodeList->setNodeTypesOfInterest(nodeTypesOfInterest, sizeof(nodeTypesOfInterest));
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

    // tell our NodeList about our desire to get notifications
    nodeList->linkedDataCreateCallback = &OctreeServer::attachQueryNodeToNode;

    const char* VERBOSE_DEBUG = "--verboseDebug";
    _verboseDebug =  cmdOptionExists(_argc, _argv, VERBOSE_DEBUG);
    qDebug("verboseDebug=%s\n", debug::valueOf(_verboseDebug));

    const char* DEBUG_SENDING = "--debugSending";
    _debugSending =  cmdOptionExists(_argc, _argv, DEBUG_SENDING);
    qDebug("debugSending=%s\n", debug::valueOf(_debugSending));

    const char* DEBUG_RECEIVING = "--debugReceiving";
    _debugReceiving =  cmdOptionExists(_argc, _argv, DEBUG_RECEIVING);
    qDebug("debugReceiving=%s\n", debug::valueOf(_debugReceiving));

    // By default we will persist, if you want to disable this, then pass in this parameter
    const char* NO_PERSIST = "--NoPersist";
    if (cmdOptionExists(_argc, _argv, NO_PERSIST)) {
        _wantPersist = false;
    qDebug("wantPersist=%s\n", debug::valueOf(_wantPersist));

    // if we want Persistence, set up the local file and persist thread
    if (_wantPersist) {

        // Check to see if the user passed in a command line option for setting packet send rate
        const char* PERSIST_FILENAME = "--persistFilename";
        const char* persistFilenameParameter = getCmdOption(_argc, _argv, PERSIST_FILENAME);
        if (persistFilenameParameter) {
            strcpy(_persistFilename, persistFilenameParameter);
        } else {
            strcpy(_persistFilename, getMyDefaultPersistFilename());

        qDebug("persistFilename=%s\n", _persistFilename);

        // now set up PersistThread
        _persistThread = new OctreePersistThread(_tree, _persistFilename);
        if (_persistThread) {
    // Debug option to demonstrate that the server's local time does not 
    // need to be in sync with any other network node. This forces clock 
    // skew for the individual server node
    const char* CLOCK_SKEW = "--clockSkew";
    const char* clockSkewOption = getCmdOption(_argc, _argv, CLOCK_SKEW);
    if (clockSkewOption) {
        int clockSkew = atoi(clockSkewOption);
        qDebug("clockSkewOption=%s clockSkew=%d\n", clockSkewOption, clockSkew);

    // Check to see if the user passed in a command line option for setting packet send rate
    const char* PACKETS_PER_SECOND = "--packetsPerSecond";
    const char* packetsPerSecond = getCmdOption(_argc, _argv, PACKETS_PER_SECOND);
    if (packetsPerSecond) {
        _packetsPerClientPerInterval = atoi(packetsPerSecond) / INTERVALS_PER_SECOND;
        if (_packetsPerClientPerInterval < 1) {
            _packetsPerClientPerInterval = 1;
        qDebug("packetsPerSecond=%s PACKETS_PER_CLIENT_PER_INTERVAL=%d\n", packetsPerSecond, _packetsPerClientPerInterval);

    HifiSockAddr senderSockAddr;
    // set up our jurisdiction broadcaster...
    if (_jurisdiction) {
    _jurisdictionSender = new JurisdictionSender(_jurisdiction, getMyNodeType());
    // set up our OctreeServerPacketProcessor
    _octreeInboundPacketProcessor = new OctreeInboundPacketProcessor(this);

    // Convert now to tm struct for local timezone
    tm* localtm = localtime(&_started);
    const int MAX_TIME_LENGTH = 128;
    char localBuffer[MAX_TIME_LENGTH] = { 0 };
    char utcBuffer[MAX_TIME_LENGTH] = { 0 };
    strftime(localBuffer, MAX_TIME_LENGTH, "%m/%d/%Y %X", localtm);
    // Convert now to tm struct for UTC
    tm* gmtm = gmtime(&_started);
    if (gmtm != NULL) {
        strftime(utcBuffer, MAX_TIME_LENGTH, " [%m/%d/%Y %X UTC]", gmtm);
    qDebug() << "Now running... started at: " << localBuffer << utcBuffer << "\n";
    QTimer* domainServerTimer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(domainServerTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkInWithDomainServerOrExit()));
    domainServerTimer->start(DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECK_IN_USECS / 1000);
    QTimer* silentNodeTimer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(silentNodeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), nodeList, SLOT(removeSilentNodes()));
    silentNodeTimer->start(NODE_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_USECS / 1000);
    QTimer* pingNodesTimer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(pingNodesTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), nodeList, SLOT(pingInactiveNodes()));
    pingNodesTimer->start(PING_INACTIVE_NODE_INTERVAL_USECS / 1000);