Beispiel #1
dTileModel dMap::getVisibleTileModel(int x, int y)
    return getNPC(x,y)->getModel();
    return getItem(x,y)->getModel();
    return dTileModel();
  return mMap[x][y]->getModel();
void NPCCameraman_DZ::onUpdate(float dt)


    // follow cat toy untile it is roaming
    if( false && getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpRoaming )
		getCore()->logMessage("call NPCFollow");
        call( new NPCFollow( getNPC(), 100.0f ) );
    // frefall for cat toy until it is in freefall
    else if( getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpRoaming || getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpFreeFalling )
		//getCore()->logMessage("call NPCFreefall_DZ");
        call( new NPCFreefall_DZ( getNPC() ) );
    // flight for cat toy
		getCore()->logMessage("call NPCFlight_DZ");

        bool canopyIsSkydiving = database::Canopy::getRecord( getNPC()->getJumper()->getVirtues()-> )->skydiving;
        if( canopyIsSkydiving )
            call( new NPCFlight_DZ( getNPC(), 75.0f, 50.0f ) );
            call( new NPCFlight_DZ( getNPC(), 25.0f, 7.5f ) );
void NPCCameraman::onUpdate(float dt)
    // follow cat toy untile it is roaming
    if( getNPC()->getCatToy()->getPhase() == ::jpRoaming )
        call( new NPCFollow( getNPC(), 100.0f ) );
    // frefall for cat toy until it is in freefall
    else if( getNPC()->getCatToy()->getPhase() == ::jpFreeFalling )
        call( new NPCFreefall( getNPC() ) );
    // flight for cat toy
        bool canopyIsSkydiving = database::Canopy::getRecord( getNPC()->getJumper()->getVirtues()-> )->skydiving;
        if( canopyIsSkydiving )
            call( new NPCFlight( getNPC(), 75.0f, 50.0f ) );
            call( new NPCFlight( getNPC(), 25.0f, 7.5f ) );
Beispiel #4
void NPCAssist::onUpdate(float dt)
    // follow cat toy until it is roaming
    if( getNPC()->getCatToy()->getPhase() == ::jpRoaming )
        call( new NPCFollow( getNPC(), 75.0f ) );
    // pull and drop ward's pilotchute
    else if( _ward && !_ward->getFreefallActor()->isSleeping() )
        // pilotchute pull frame
        Vector3f pp = Jumper::getLineHandJoint( getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump() )->getPos();
        Vector3f py = _ward->getClump()->getFrame()->getPos() - getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getPos(); py.normalize();
        Vector3f px; px.cross( py, Vector3f(0,1,0) ); px.normalize();
        Vector3f pz; py.cross( px, py ); pz.normalize();

        // check wind
        float windSpeed = 0.5f * ( getNPC()->getScene()->getLocation()->getWindAmbient() +
                                   getNPC()->getScene()->getLocation()->getWindBlast() );
        Vector3f wardAt = _ward->getClump()->getFrame()->getAt();
        if( windSpeed < 2.0f || Vector3f::dot( wardAt, getNPC()->getScene()->getLocation()->getWindDirection() ) < 0 )
            // connect pilot chute
                Jumper::getBackBone( _ward->getClump() ), 

            // pull pilotchute
            _ward->getPilotchuteSimulator()->pull( Matrix4f(
                px[0], px[1], px[2], 0.0f,
                py[0], py[1], py[2], 0.0f,
                pz[0], pz[1], pz[2], 0.0f,
                pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], 1.0f
            ) );
            _ward->getPilotchuteSimulator()->updateActivity( 0.0f );

            // and drop
            _ward->getPilotchuteSimulator()->drop( NxVec3( 0,0,0 ) );
            _ward->getPilotchuteSimulator()->setInflation( 0.25f );

        // and no longer track the ward happiness :)
        _ward = NULL;
bool NPCFreefall_DZ::isEndOfProgram(void)
    return getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpFlight;
void NPCFreefall_DZ::onUpdate(float dt)
    // obtain spinal cord
    SpinalCord* spinalCord = getNPC()->getSpinalCord();

    // update target position
    Matrix4f catToyPose = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getCurrentPose();
    _targetPos.set( catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][1], catToyPose[3][2] );

	// jump only when the wind is right
	Vector2f pos = Vector2f(catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][2]);
	NxVec3 wind = getNPC()->getJumper()->getScene()->getWindAtPoint(NxVec3(catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][1], catToyPose[3][2]));
	Vector2f wind2(wind.x, wind.z);
	float wind_angle = 0.0;
	if (wind.magnitude() < 1.5f) {
		wind_angle = 1.0f;
	} else {
		wind_angle =;

    // if my character is still roaming
	if (wind_angle >= 0.8f && catToyPose[3][1] >= 300.0f) _timeUntilJump -= dt;
	//getCore()->logMessage("%s has %2.4f seconds to jump", getNPC()->getNPCName(), _timeUntilJump);

	if( _timeUntilJump <= 0.0f && getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpRoaming )
		Vector3f pos = Vector3f(catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][1], catToyPose[3][2]);
        // if npc on airplane
        if( getNPC()->getJumper()->getAirplane() != NULL )
            // just jump!
            spinalCord->phase = true;
        // if npc at the exit point and ready to jump        
        else if( _positionIsSucceed && _directionIsSucceed )
            // jump!
            spinalCord->phase = true;
        // if npc at the exit point and not surely ready to clear jump
            if( !_positionIsSucceed )
                // move to abyss
                Matrix4f jumpPose = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getJumpPose();
                Vector3f jumpPos( jumpPose[3][0], jumpPose[3][1], jumpPose[3][2] );
                call( new NPCMove( getNPC(), jumpPos ) );
                _positionIsSucceed = true;
            if( !_directionIsSucceed )
                // jumper absolute orientation
                Vector3f jumperAt = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getAt();

                // direction of cat toy jump
                Matrix4f jumpPose = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getJumpPose();
                Vector3f targetDir( jumpPose[2][0], 0.0f, jumpPose[2][2] );

                // angle to target
                Vector3f atH = jumperAt; atH[1] = 0; atH.normalize();
                Vector3f dirH = targetDir; dirH[1] = 0; dirH.normalize();
                float targetAngle = ::calcAngle( dirH, atH, Vector3f( 0,1,0 ) );

                if( fabs( targetAngle ) < 1.0f )
                    _directionIsSucceed = true;
                    // turn jumper by AI algo
                    float aiRotationVel = 180.0f;
                    float aiRotationAngle = sgn( targetAngle ) * aiRotationVel * dt;
                    if( fabs( aiRotationAngle ) > fabs( targetAngle ) ) aiRotationAngle = targetAngle;
                    getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->rotateRelative( Vector3f( 0,1,0 ), aiRotationAngle );
    // else, turn & track towards the target
    else if( getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpFreeFalling )
         // jumper absolute orientation
        Vector3f jumperAt = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getAt();

        Vector3f jumperRight = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getRight();

        Vector3f jumperUp = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getUp();

        // retrieve current jumper position    
        Vector3f jumperPos = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getPos();
        jumperPos += Vector3f( 0, jumperRoamingSphereSize, 0 );

		// wingsuit
		bool wingsuit = database::Suit::getRecord(getNPC()->getJumper()->getVirtues()->>wingsuit;

		// leveling
		// wlo - when npc higher
		//if (!wingsuit) {
		//	if (jumperPos[1] - _targetPos[1] > 1500.0f) {
		//		spinalCord->wlo = true;
		//	} else if (jumperPos[1] - _targetPos[1] < -1500.0f)  {
		//		spinalCord->hook = true;
		//	}

        // direction to target
        Vector3f targetDir = _targetPos - jumperPos;
        float distanceToTarget = Vector3f( targetDir[0], 0, targetDir[2] ).length();

		// landing too far away? let's deploy in order to return safely
		// glide ratio is based on canopy size
		database::Canopy *canopy = database::Canopy::getRecord(getNPC()->getJumper()->getVirtues()->;
		Vector3f pos = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getPos();
		float glide = canopy->square / 150.0f;
		float alt = pos[1];
		pos[1] = 0;
		bool farEnough = pos.length() >= alt*glide;
		//getCore()->logMessage("alt: %2.5f; dst: %2.5f; coverage: %2.5f", alt, pos.length(), alt*glide);
		// deploy now?
		if ((alt <= 85000.0f || farEnough) && alt <= 150000.0f) {
			if (getNPC()->getJumper()->getCanopySimulator()) {
				//getCore()->logMessage("npc pull. Far enough: %d", (int)farEnough);
				spinalCord->phase = true;
				spinalCord->modifier = wingsuit;
			} else {
				//getCore()->logMessage("npc pull reserve. Far enough: %d", (int)farEnough);
				spinalCord->pullReserve = true;
				spinalCord->modifier = wingsuit;

        // if toy tracking modifier is on
		if( wingsuit /* getNPC()->getCatToy()->getModifier()*/ )
            // sum up target direction 
            Vector3f targetFlatAt(
                "POS: %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f AT : %3.2f 0.0 %3.2f", 
                targetFlatAt[0], targetFlatAt[2] 
            targetDir += targetFlatAt * 3;

        // horizontal steering
		float minAngle = 5.0f;
		float minValue = 0.0f;
        float maxAngle = 45.0f;
        float maxValue = 1.0f;

        // angle to target
		Vector3f atH = jumperAt; 
		// headdown
		if (getNPC()->getJumper()->getDefaultPose() == 1) {
			atH = jumperUp;
			minAngle = 25.0f;
			maxValue = 0.1f;
		// sitfly
		} else if (getNPC()->getJumper()->getDefaultPose() == 2) {
			atH = jumperUp;
			atH[2] *= -1;
			//minAngle = 25.0f;
			maxValue = 0.1f;

        atH[1] = 0; atH.normalize();
        Vector3f dirH = targetDir; dirH[1] = 0; dirH.normalize();
        float targetAngle = ::calcAngle( dirH, atH, Vector3f( 0,1,0 ) );

        // inclination angle relative to the horizont
        float horizontalAngle = -1 * ::calcAngle( atH, jumperUp, jumperRight );

        // horizontal steering 
        float factor = ( fabs( targetAngle ) - minAngle ) / ( maxAngle - minAngle );
        factor = ( factor < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( factor > 1 ) ? 1 : factor );
        float impulse = minValue * ( 1 - factor ) + maxValue * factor;
		if (wingsuit) impulse = 0.0f;
        // smooth impulse
        impulse = pow( impulse, 1.25f );
		if (alt <= 130000.0f) impulse = 0.0f;
        // apply impulse
        if( targetAngle < 0 )
            spinalCord->right = impulse;
            spinalCord->left = impulse;
        // relation btw desired inclination and target angle
        minAngle = 5.0f;
        minValue = 25.0f;
        maxAngle = 90.0f;
        maxValue = 0.0f;

        factor = ( fabs( targetAngle ) - minAngle ) / ( maxAngle - minAngle );
        factor = ( factor < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( factor > 1 ) ? 1 : factor );
        float desiredInclination = minValue * ( 1 - factor ) + maxValue * factor;

        // inclination difference
        float inclinationDifference = desiredInclination - horizontalAngle;

        // vertical steering
        minAngle = 0.0f;
        minValue = 0.0f;
        maxAngle = 30.0f;
        maxValue = 1.0f;
        factor = ( fabs( inclinationDifference ) - minAngle ) / ( maxAngle - minAngle );
        factor = ( factor < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( factor > 1 ) ? 1 : factor );
        impulse = minValue * ( 1 - factor ) + maxValue * factor;

		if (!wingsuit && distanceToTarget > 2500.0f && alt > 130000.0f) {
			if( inclinationDifference < 0 )
				spinalCord->down += impulse;
				if (spinalCord->down > 1.0f) spinalCord->down = 1.0f;
				spinalCord->up += impulse;
				if (spinalCord->up > 1.0f) spinalCord->up = 1.0f;

        // tracking modifier
        if( fabs( targetAngle ) < 90.0f && distanceToTarget > 2500.0f )
            spinalCord->modifier = 0.0f;
			spinalCord->trigger_modifier = false;
            spinalCord->modifier = 0.0f;
			spinalCord->trigger_modifier = false;

		if (wingsuit || alt <= 130000.0f) spinalCord->modifier = 1.0f;
		if (wingsuit || alt <= 130000.0f) spinalCord->trigger_modifier = true;

        // force tracking in several condition        
        if( getNPC()->getCatToy()->getModifier() )
            // not a skydiving?
            if( !getNPC()->getJumper()->getCanopySimulator()->getGearRecord()->skydiving )
                // imitate cat toy modifier
                spinalCord->modifier = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getModifier();
                Vector3f cattoyFaceH( catToyPose[2][0], 0, catToyPose[2][2] );
                Vector3f npcFaceH = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getAt();
                npcFaceH[1] = 0;
                //if( Vector3f::dot( dirH, cattoyFaceH ) > 0.85f ) spinalCord->modifier = true;