Beispiel #1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void IOSupport::addWarningMessage(const QString& filterName, const QString& warnDescription, int warnCode)
  PipelineMessage em(getNameOfClass(), warnDescription, warnCode, PipelineMessage::Warning);
Beispiel #2
Box* superRepr(Box* _s) {
    RELEASE_ASSERT(_s->cls == super_cls, "");
    BoxedSuper* s = static_cast<BoxedSuper*>(_s);

    if (s->obj_type) {
        return boxStringTwine(llvm::Twine("<super: <class '") + (s->type ? getNameOfClass(s->type) : "NULL") + "'>, <"
                              + getNameOfClass(s->obj_type) + " object>>");
    } else {
        return boxStringTwine(llvm::Twine("<super: <class '") + (s->type ? getNameOfClass(s->type) : "NULL")
                              + "'>, <NULL>>");
Beispiel #3
extern "C" Box* tupleNew(Box* _cls, BoxedTuple* args, BoxedDict* kwargs) {
    if (!PyType_Check(_cls))
        raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "tuple.__new__(X): X is not a type object (%s)", getTypeName(_cls));

    BoxedClass* cls = static_cast<BoxedClass*>(_cls);
    if (!isSubclass(cls, tuple_cls))
        raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "tuple.__new__(%s): %s is not a subtype of tuple", getNameOfClass(cls),

    int args_sz = args->size();
    int kwargs_sz = kwargs ? kwargs->d.size() : 0;

    if (args_sz + kwargs_sz > 1)
        raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "tuple() takes at most 1 argument (%d given)", args_sz + kwargs_sz);

    if (args_sz || kwargs_sz) {
        Box* elements;
        // if initializing from iterable argument, check common case positional args first
        if (args_sz) {
            elements = args->elts[0];
        } else {
            auto const seq = *(kwargs->d.begin());
            auto const kw = static_cast<BoxedString*>(seq.first.value);

            if (kw->s() == "sequence")
                elements = seq.second;
                raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "'%s' is an invalid keyword argument for this function", kw->data());

        if (cls == tuple_cls) {
            // Call PySequence_Tuple since it has some perf special-cases
            // that can make it quite a bit faster than the generic pyElements iteration:
            Box* r = PySequence_Tuple(elements);
            if (!r)
            return r;

        std::vector<Box*, StlCompatAllocator<Box*>> elts;
        for (auto e : elements->pyElements())

        return BoxedTuple::create(elts.size(), &elts[0], cls);
    } else {
        if (cls == tuple_cls)
            return EmptyTuple;
        return BoxedTuple::create(0, cls);
Beispiel #4
Box* typeRepr(BoxedClass* self) {
    if (isUserDefined(self)) {
        std::ostringstream os;
        os << "<class '";

        Box* m = self->getattr("__module__");
        RELEASE_ASSERT(m, "");
        if (m->cls == str_cls) {
            BoxedString* sm = static_cast<BoxedString*>(m);
            os << sm->s << '.';

        Box* n = self->getattr("__name__");
        RELEASE_ASSERT(n, "");
        RELEASE_ASSERT(n->cls == str_cls, "should have prevented you from setting __name__ to non-string");
        BoxedString* sn = static_cast<BoxedString*>(n);
        os << sn->s;

        os << "'>";

        return boxString(os.str());
    } else {
        char buf[80];
        snprintf(buf, 80, "<type '%s'>", getNameOfClass(self)->c_str());
        return boxStrConstant(buf);
Beispiel #5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void IOSupport::addErrorMessage(const QString& filterHumanLabel, const QString& errorDescription, int errorCode)
  PipelineMessage em(getNameOfClass(), errorDescription, errorCode, PipelineMessage::Error);
Beispiel #6
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void IOSupport::addWarningMessage(PipelineMessage& msg)
     * @param parentId
     * @return
    virtual int writeH5Data(hid_t parentId)

      int err = 0;

      // Generate the number of neighbors array and also compute the total number
      // of elements that would be needed to flatten the array
      std::vector<int32_t> numNeighbors(_data.size());

      size_t total = 0;
      for(size_t dIdx = 0; dIdx < _data.size(); ++dIdx)
        numNeighbors[dIdx] = static_cast<int32_t>(_data[dIdx]->size());
        total += _data[dIdx]->size();

      // Check to see if the NumNeighbors is already written to the file
      bool rewrite = false;
      if (H5Lite::datasetExists(parentId, DREAM3D::FieldData::NumNeighbors) == false)
        rewrite = true;
        std::vector<int32_t> fileNumNeigh(_data.size());
        err = H5Lite::readVectorDataset(parentId, DREAM3D::FieldData::NumNeighbors, fileNumNeigh);
        if (err < 0)
          return -602;

        // Compare the 2 vectors to make sure they are exactly the same;
        if (fileNumNeigh.size() != numNeighbors.size())
          rewrite = true;
        // The sizes are the same, now compare each value;
        int32_t* numNeighPtr = &(numNeighbors.front());
        int32_t* fileNumNeiPtr = &(fileNumNeigh.front());
        size_t nBytes = numNeighbors.size() * sizeof(int32_t);
        if (::memcmp(numNeighPtr, fileNumNeiPtr, nBytes) != 0)
          rewrite = true;

      // Write out the NumNeighbors Array
      if(rewrite == true)
        std::vector<hsize_t> dims(1, numNeighbors.size());
        err = H5Lite::writeVectorDataset(parentId, DREAM3D::FieldData::NumNeighbors, dims, numNeighbors);
        if(err < 0)
          return -603;
        err = H5Lite::writeScalarAttribute(parentId, DREAM3D::FieldData::NumNeighbors, std::string(H5_NUMCOMPONENTS), 1);
        if(err < 0)
          return -605;
        err = H5Lite::writeStringAttribute(parentId, DREAM3D::FieldData::NumNeighbors, DREAM3D::HDF5::ObjectType, "DataArray<T>");
        if(err < 0)
          return -604;

      // Allocate an array of the proper size to we can concatenate all the arrays together into a single array that
      // can be written to the HDF5 File. This operation can ballon the memory size temporarily until this operation
      // is complete.
      std::vector<T> flat (total);
      size_t currentStart = 0;
      for(size_t dIdx = 0; dIdx < _data.size(); ++dIdx)
        size_t nEle = _data[dIdx]->size();
        if (nEle == 0) { continue; }
        T* start = &(_data[dIdx]->front()); // Get the pointer to the front of the array
        //    T* end = start + nEle; // Get the pointer to the end of the array
        T* dst = &(flat.front()) + currentStart;
        ::memcpy(dst, start, nEle*sizeof(T));

        currentStart += _data[dIdx]->size();

      int32_t rank = 1;
      hsize_t dims[1] = { total };
      if (total > 0)
        err = H5Lite::writePointerDataset(parentId, GetName(), rank, dims, &(flat.front()));
        if(err < 0)
          return -605;
        err = H5Lite::writeScalarAttribute(parentId, GetName(), std::string(H5_NUMCOMPONENTS), 1);
        if(err < 0)
          return -606;

        err = H5Lite::writeStringAttribute(parentId, GetName(), DREAM3D::HDF5::ObjectType, getNameOfClass());
        if(err < 0)
          return -607;

        err = H5Lite::writeStringAttribute(parentId, GetName(), "Linked NumNeighbors Dataset", DREAM3D::FieldData::NumNeighbors);
        if(err < 0)
          return -608;
      return err;
  * @brief writeXdmfAttribute
  * @param out
  * @param volDims
  * @param hdfFileName
  * @param groupPath
  * @return
 virtual int writeXdmfAttribute(QTextStream& out, int64_t* volDims, const QString& hdfFileName,
                                const QString& groupPath, const QString& labelb)
   out << "<!-- Xdmf is not supported for " << getNameOfClass() << " with type " << getTypeAsString() << " --> ";
   return -1;
  * @brief GetTypeName Returns a string representation of the type of data that is stored by this class. This
  * can be a primitive like char, float, int or the name of a class.
  * @return
 void getXdmfTypeAndSize(QString& xdmfTypeName, int& precision)
   xdmfTypeName = getNameOfClass();
   precision = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitialReconstructionInitializer::execute()

  SinogramPtr sinogram = getSinogram();
  TomoInputsPtr input = getTomoInputs();
  GeometryPtr geometry = getGeometry();
  AdvancedParametersPtr advParams = getAdvParams();

  Real_t sum = 0, max;

  input->delta_xz = sinogram->delta_r * input->delta_xz;
  input->delta_xy = input->delta_xz;
  //Find the maximum absolute tilt angle
  max = absMaxArray(sinogram->angles);

  //The max is going to be used to reconstruct a large area
//However if its close to 90 this would result in a very large value - so truncate
  if(max > MBIR::Constants::k_MaxAngleStretch)
  { max = MBIR::Constants::k_MaxAngleStretch; }

  // Convert Max to radians
  max = max * M_PI / 180.0;
  input->LengthZ *= advParams->Z_STRETCH;
  input->LengthZ /= (input->interpolateFactor * sinogram->delta_r);
  input->LengthZ = floor(input->LengthZ + 0.5) * input->interpolateFactor * sinogram->delta_r; //interpolation_factor;

  geometry->LengthX = ((sinogram->N_r * sinogram->delta_r));
  geometry->N_x = floor(geometry->LengthX / input->delta_xz); //Number of voxels in x direction

  if(1 == input->extendObject)
    std::cout << "KNOWN BUG FIX NEEDED HERE IF MAX = 90 degrees" << std::endl;
    geometry->LengthX = advParams->X_SHRINK_FACTOR * ((sinogram->N_r * sinogram->delta_r) / cos(max)) + input->LengthZ * tan(max);
    geometry->LengthX /= (input->interpolateFactor * sinogram->delta_r);
    geometry->LengthX = floor(geometry->LengthX + 0.5) * input->interpolateFactor * sinogram->delta_r;

  geometry->LengthX = ((sinogram->N_r * sinogram->delta_r));
#endif//Forward projector mode end if
//  Geometry->LengthY = (Geometry->EndSlice- Geometry->StartSlice)*Geometry->delta_xy;
  geometry->LengthY = (input->yEnd - input->yStart + 1) * sinogram->delta_t;

  geometry->N_x = floor(geometry->LengthX / input->delta_xz); //Number of voxels in x direction
  geometry->N_z = floor(input->LengthZ / input->delta_xz); //Number of voxels in z direction
  geometry->N_y = floor(geometry->LengthY / input->delta_xy); //Number of measurements in y direction

  std::stringstream ss;

  ss << "Geometry->LengthX=" << geometry->LengthX << " nm"  << std::endl;
  ss << "Geometry->LengthY=" << geometry->LengthY << " nm"  << std::endl;
  ss << "Geometry->LengthZ=" << input->LengthZ << " nm"  << std::endl;

  ss << "Geometry->Nz=" <<  geometry->N_z << std::endl;
  ss << "Geometry->Nx=" <<  geometry->N_x << std::endl;
  ss << "Geometry->Ny=" <<  geometry->N_y << std::endl;

  size_t dims[3] =
  { geometry->N_z, geometry->N_x, geometry->N_y };
  geometry->Object = RealVolumeType::New(dims, "Geometry.Object");

  // geometry->Object = (DATA_TYPE ***)get_3D(geometry->N_z, geometry->N_x, geometry->N_y, sizeof(DATA_TYPE));//Allocate space for the 3-D object
//Coordinates of the left corner of the x-z object
  geometry->x0 = -geometry->LengthX / 2;
  geometry->z0 = -input->LengthZ / 2;
  // Geometry->y0 = -(sinogram->N_t * sinogram->delta_t)/2 + Geometry->StartSlice*Geometry->delta_xy;
  geometry->y0 = -(geometry->LengthY) / 2;

  ss << "Geometry->X0=" << geometry->x0 << std::endl;
  ss << "Geometry->Y0=" << geometry->y0 << std::endl;
  ss << "Geometry->Z0=" << geometry->z0 << std::endl;

    std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
  // Now we actually initialize the data to something. If a subclass is involved
  // then the subclasses version of initializeData() will be used instead

  //Doing a check sum to verify with matlab
  for (uint16_t y = 0; y < geometry->N_y; y++)
    sum = 0;
    for (uint16_t x = 0; x < geometry->N_x; x++)
      for (uint16_t z = 0; z < geometry->N_z; z++)
//        sum += geometry->Object->d[k][j][i];
        sum += geometry->Object->getValue(z, x, y);
    ss << "Geometry check sum Y:" << y << " Value:" << sum << std::endl;
  //End of check sum
  if (getVeryVerbose())
    std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
  ss << getNameOfClass() << " Complete";
  notify(ss.str(), 0, UpdateProgressMessage);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  std::cout << "Starting Conversion of H5Voxel to VTK with Feature ID and IPF Colors" << std::endl;
  if (argc < 3)
    std::cout << "This program takes 2 arguments: Input .h5voxel file and output vtk file." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  QString iFile = argv[1];

  int err = 0;

  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m = VolumeDataContainer::New();

  DataContainerReader::Pointer h5Reader = DataContainerReader::New();
  size_t dcDims[3];
  float spacing[3];
  float origin[3];
  err = h5Reader->getErrorCondition();
  if (err < 0)
//   addErrorMessages(h5Reader->getErrorMessages());
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  int64_t dims[3] = {dcDims[0], dcDims[1], dcDims[2]};

  /* Sanity check what we are trying to load to make sure it can fit in our address space.
   * Note that this does not guarantee the user has enough left, just that the
   * size of the volume can fit in the address space of the program
  int64_t max = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
  int64_t max = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
  if (dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2] > max )
    err = -1;
    std::stringstream s;
    s << "The total number of elements '" << (dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2])
      << "' is greater than this program can hold. Try the 64 bit version.";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (dims[0] > max || dims[1] > max || dims[2] > max)
    err = -1;
    std::stringstream s;
    s << "One of the dimensions is greater than the max index for this sysem. Try the 64 bit version.";
    s << " dim[0]=" << dims[0] << "  dim[1]=" << dims[1] << "  dim[2]=" << dims[2];
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  /* ************ End Sanity Check *************************** */

  std::stringstream ss;

  std::cout << "Writing VTK file" << std::endl;

  FILE* f = fopen(argv[2], "wb");


//  VoxelIPFColorScalarWriter<VolumeDataContainer> ipfWriter(m.get());
//  ipfWriter.m_WriteBinaryFiles = false;
//  ipfWriter.writeScalars(f);

  int64_t totalPoints = m->getTotalPoints();
  int32_t* m_FeatureIds = NULL;
  m_FeatureIds = m->getCellDataSizeCheck<int32_t, Int32ArrayType, AbstractFilter>(SIMPL::CellData::FeatureIds, totalPoints, 1, NULL);
  if (0 == m_FeatureIds )
    ss << "Filter " << getNameOfClass() << " requires the data array '" <<
       "DREAM3D" << "::" << "CellData" << "::" <<  "FeatureIds" << "' to already be created prior to execution." << std::endl;

  WRITE_VTK_GRAIN_IDS_ASCII(m, SIMPL::CellData::FeatureIds, m_FeatureIds)


  std::cout << "Done Converting" << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int BinaryNodesTrianglesReader::read()

    SurfaceMeshDataContainer *sm = getSurfaceMeshDataContainer();
    int err = 0;

    std::stringstream s;
    // Open the Nodes file for reading
    FILE* nodesFile = fopen(m_BinaryNodesFile.c_str(), "rb+");
    if(nodesFile == NULL)
        s << "Error opening nodes file '" << m_BinaryNodesFile << "'";
        //    PipelineMessage em (getHumanLabel(), s.str(), -1);
        //    addErrorMessage(em);
        //    notifyMessage(em);
        return getErrorCondition();
    ScopedFileMonitor nodesMonitor(nodesFile);

    // Calculate how many nodes are in the file based on the file size
    fseek(nodesFile, 0, SEEK_END);
    size_t fLength = ftell(nodesFile);
    size_t nNodes = fLength / SurfaceMesh::NodesFile::ByteCount;
    fseek(nodesFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
    fLength = ftell(nodesFile);
    if(0 != fLength)
        s << getNameOfClass() << ": Error Could not rewind to beginning of file after nodes count.'" << m_BinaryNodesFile << "'";
        //    PipelineMessage em (getHumanLabel(), s.str(), -1);
        //    addErrorMessage(em);
        //    notifyMessage(em);
        return getErrorCondition();
    s << "Calc Node Count from Nodes.bin File: " << nNodes;

    // Open the triangles file for reading
    FILE* triFile = fopen(m_BinaryTrianglesFile.c_str(), "rb+");
    if(triFile == NULL)
        s << getNameOfClass() << ": Error opening Triangles file '" << m_BinaryTrianglesFile << "'";
        //    PipelineMessage em (getHumanLabel(), s.str(), -1);
        //    addErrorMessage(em);
        //    notifyMessage(em);
        return getErrorCondition();

    ScopedFileMonitor trianglesMonitor(triFile);
    // Calculate how many Triangles are in the file based in the file size
    fseek(triFile, 0, SEEK_END);
    fLength = ftell(triFile);
    size_t nTriangles = fLength / SurfaceMesh::TrianglesFile::ByteCount;
    fseek(triFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
    fLength = ftell(triFile);
    if(0 != fLength)
        s << getNameOfClass() << ": Error Could not rewind to beginning of file after triangles count.'" << m_BinaryTrianglesFile << "'";
        //    PipelineMessage em (getHumanLabel(), s.str(), -1);
        //    addErrorMessage(em);
        //    notifyMessage(em);
        return getErrorCondition();
    s << "Calc Triangle Count from Triangles.bin File: " << nTriangles;

    // Allocate all the nodes
    typedef DREAM3D::SurfaceMesh::Vert_t Vert_t;
    StructArray<Vert_t>::Pointer m_NodeListPtr = StructArray<Vert_t>::CreateArray(nNodes, DREAM3D::VertexData::SurfaceMeshNodes);
    Vert_t* m_NodeList = m_NodeListPtr->GetPointer(0);

    Int8ArrayType::Pointer nodeTypePtr = Int8ArrayType::CreateArray(nNodes, 1, DREAM3D::VertexData::SurfaceMeshNodeType);
    int8_t* nodeType = nodeTypePtr->GetPointer(0);

    s << "Reading Nodes file into Memory";
    size_t nread = 0;
    SurfaceMesh::NodesFile::NodesFileRecord_t nRecord;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)

        nread = fread(&nRecord, SurfaceMesh::NodesFile::ByteCount, 1, nodesFile); // Read one set of positions from the nodes file
        if(nread != 1)
        DREAM3D::SurfaceMesh::Vert_t& node = m_NodeList[nRecord.nodeId];
        node.pos[0] = nRecord.x;
        node.pos[1] = nRecord.y;
        node.pos[2] = nRecord.z;
        nodeType[nRecord.nodeId] = nRecord.nodeKind;

    s << "Reading Triangles file into Memory";

    // Allocate all the Triangle Objects
    typedef DREAM3D::SurfaceMesh::Face_t Face_t;
    StructArray<Face_t>::Pointer m_TriangleListPtr = StructArray<Face_t>::CreateArray(nTriangles, DREAM3D::FaceData::SurfaceMeshFaces);
    Face_t* m_TriangleList = m_TriangleListPtr->GetPointer(0);
    ::memset(m_TriangleList, 0xAB, sizeof(Face_t) * nTriangles);

    DataArray<int32_t>::Pointer faceLabelPtr = DataArray<int32_t>::CreateArray(nTriangles, 2, DREAM3D::FaceData::SurfaceMeshFaceLabels);
    int32_t* faceLabels = faceLabelPtr->GetPointer(0);

    SurfaceMesh::TrianglesFile::TrianglesFileRecord_t tRecord;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++)
        // Read from the Input Triangles Temp File
        nread = fread(&tRecord, SurfaceMesh::TrianglesFile::ByteCount, 1, triFile);
        if(nread != 1)

        DREAM3D::SurfaceMesh::Face_t& triangle = m_TriangleList[tRecord.triId];

        triangle.verts[0] = tRecord.nodeId_0;
        triangle.verts[1] = tRecord.nodeId_1;
        triangle.verts[2] = tRecord.nodeId_2;
        faceLabels[tRecord.triId * 2] = tRecord.label_0;
        faceLabels[tRecord.triId * 2 + 1] = tRecord.label_1;

    sm->addFaceData(faceLabelPtr->GetName(), faceLabelPtr);
    sm->addVertexData(nodeTypePtr->GetName(), nodeTypePtr);

    // The ScopedFileMonitor classes will take care of closing the files

    return getErrorCondition();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ModifiedLambertProjectionArray::getXdmfTypeAndSize(QString& xdmfTypeName, int& precision)
  xdmfTypeName = getNameOfClass();
  precision = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void StatsDataArray::getXdmfTypeAndSize(QString& xdmfTypeName, int& precision)
  xdmfTypeName = getNameOfClass();
  precision = 0;