Beispiel #1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
		_2Real::app::Engine engine;

		auto threadpool = engine.createThreadpool( _2Real::ThreadpoolPolicy::FIFO );

		// additional bundle loaded b/c of custom type
		auto customTypeBundle = engine.loadBundle( "TestBundle_CustomTypes" );
		auto simpleInfo = customTypeBundle.second.getExportedType( "simpleType" );

		std::shared_ptr< _2Real::network::Publisher > publisher = _2Real::network::Publisher::create( "tcp://*:5556", engine, threadpool );

		// each topic may only publish a single type of data.
		// this restriction makes things a lot easier
		_2Real::network::Publisher::Topic_T< int > topic_int = publisher->addTopic< int >( "int" );
		_2Real::network::Publisher::Topic_T< float > topic_float = publisher->addTopic< float >( "float" );
		_2Real::network::Publisher::Topic_T< _2Real::CustomDataItem > topic_custom = publisher->addTopic( "simpleType", "custom" );

		_2Real::CustomDataItem in_custom = simpleInfo.makeCustomData();
		int32_t in_custom_int_field = 0;
		std::string in_custom_str_field = "";
		std::vector< uint16_t > in_custom_vec_field;

		int in_int = 0;
		float in_float = 0.f;

		//auto callback_int = std::bind( []( const int i ){ std::cout << i << std::endl; }, std::placeholders::_1 );
		//auto callback_float = std::bind( []( const float f ){ std::cout << f << std::endl; }, std::placeholders::_1 );
		//auto callback_custom = std::bind( []( _2Real::CustomDataItem const& c ){ std::cout << c << std::endl; }, std::placeholders::_1 );

		//auto testAsyncSubscriber_int = _2Real::network::AsyncSubscriber_T< int >::create( "tcp://localhost:5556", "int", callback_int, engine, threadpool );
		//auto testAsyncSubscriber_float = _2Real::network::AsyncSubscriber_T< float >::create( "tcp://localhost:5556", "float", callback_float, engine, threadpool );
		//auto testAsyncSubscriber_custom = _2Real::network::AsyncSubscriber_T< _2Real::CustomDataItem >::create( "tcp://localhost:5556", "custom", "simpleType", callback_custom, engine, threadpool );

		auto testQueuedSubscriber_int = _2Real::network::QueuedSubscriber_T< int >::create( "tcp://localhost:5556", "int", engine, threadpool );
		auto testQueuedSubscriber_float = _2Real::network::QueuedSubscriber_T< float >::create( "tcp://localhost:5556", "float", engine, threadpool );
		auto testQueuedSubscriber_custom = _2Real::network::QueuedSubscriber_T< _2Real::CustomDataItem >::create( "tcp://localhost:5556", "custom", "simpleType", engine, threadpool );

		while( 1 )

			std::string line;
			char lineEnd = '\n';
			std::getline( std::cin, line, lineEnd );

			if ( line == "q" )

			else if ( line == "pub" )
				in_custom_int_field += 1;
				in_custom_str_field.append( "-yay-" );
				in_custom_vec_field.push_back( 10 );
				in_custom.set( "int_field", in_custom_int_field );
				in_custom.set( "string_field", in_custom_str_field );
				in_custom.set( "ushort_field", (uint16_t)100 );
				in_custom.set( "vector_field", in_custom_vec_field );

				in_int += 5;
				in_float += 0.1f;

				topic_int.publish( in_int );
				topic_float.publish( in_float );
				topic_custom.publish( in_custom );

				while ( testQueuedSubscriber_int->empty() || testQueuedSubscriber_float->empty() || testQueuedSubscriber_custom->empty() )

				//std::cout << "the int data is    " << testQueuedSubscriber_int->getNewest() << std::endl;
				//std::cout << "the float data is  " << testQueuedSubscriber_float->getNewest() << std::endl;
				std::cout << "the custom data is " << testQueuedSubscriber_custom->getNewest() << std::endl;

		publisher.reset();		// <---- absolutely vital! the 'high level' publisher attempts to manipulate ( singlestep ) a framework block
								// in a separate thread; clearing the engine in this thread while a block is still in use is a very bad idea
		std::cout << "enter \'q\' to exit the application" << std::endl;
	catch ( _2Real::Exception &e )
		std::cout << "-------------exception caught in main------------" << std::endl;
		std::cout << e.what() << " " << e.message() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "-------------exception caught in main------------" << std::endl;
	catch ( std::exception const& e )
		std::cout << "-------------exception caught in main------------" << std::endl;
		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "-------------exception caught in main------------" << std::endl;

	while( 1 )

		std::string line;
		char lineEnd = '\n';
		std::getline( std::cin, line, lineEnd );
		if ( line == "q" )

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
 /// Advance the delay line and set the "newest" sample.
 inline void put(const TElem &v) { advance(); getNewest() = v; }