Beispiel #1
// pixelsToLatLon() - determine our lat lon position from a pixel X/Y
void MapPage::pixelsToLatLon(const int x, const int y, double &lat, double &lon)
   double xpos = x;
   double ypos = y;

   // convert pixels position from top left to movement from center, so we
   // can base our cals from the center.
   if (getDisplay() != nullptr) {
      double myLat = 0, myLon = 0;
      double dLat = 0, dLon = 0;
      GLsizei vpW = 0, vpH = 0;
      getDisplay()->getViewportSize(&vpW, &vpH);
      GLdouble tl = 0, tr = 0, tb = 0, tt = 0, tn = 0, tf = 0;
      getDisplay()->getOrtho(tl, tr, tb, tt, tn, tf);

      // determine the middle of our viewing screen
      const double startX = (vpW / 2.0);
      const double startY = (vpH / 2.0);

      // find the position from our screen center (in pixels)
      xpos -= startX;
      ypos = startY - ypos;

      // we have to find our units per pixel
      const double unitsPerPixE = ((tr * 2) / vpW);
      const double unitsPerPixN = ((tt * 2) / vpH);

      // now from that we can determine our position in inches
      xpos *= unitsPerPixE;
      ypos *= unitsPerPixN;

      if (!isCentered) ypos -= displacement;

      // ok, now we can find our xpos and ypos in nautical miles
      xpos /= nm2Screen;
      ypos /= nm2Screen;

      if (!getNorthUp()) {
         LCreal acX = 0;
         LCreal acY = 0;
         earth2Aircraft( static_cast<LCreal>(xpos), static_cast<LCreal>(ypos), &acX, &acY);
         xpos = acX;
         ypos = acY;

      // reference lat to figure off of (if centered())
      myLat = referenceLat;
      myLon = referenceLon;

      // now convert to degree from our reference lat/lon
      dLat = ypos / 60.0;
      dLon = xpos / (60.0 * cosineLatReference);

      myLat += dLat;
      myLon += dLon;

      lat = myLat;
      lon = myLon;
Beispiel #2
// converts screen to lat/lon coordinates
bool MapPage::screen2LatLon(const LCreal x, const LCreal y,
                              double* const lat, double* const lon) const
   bool ok = false;

   const double scale = getScale();
   const double cosLat = getCosRefLat();
   if (lat != nullptr && lon != nullptr && scale != 0 && cosLat != 0) {

      // buffer the inputs
      double screenX = x;
      double screenY = y;

      // Adjust for the decentered displayment
      if ( !getCentered() ) screenY -= getDisplacement();

      // Scale from screen (inches) to A/C (NM) and
      // transpose the X and Y from screen to A/C
      const double acX = screenY/scale;
      const double acY = screenX/scale;

      // Rotate A/C to NED
      double earthX = 0.0;
      double earthY = 0.0;
      if (getNorthUp()) {
         earthX = acX;
         earthY = acY;
      else {
         earthX = (acX * headingCos) - (acY * headingSin);
         earthY = (acX * headingSin) + (acY * headingCos);

      // Convert nautical miles (NED) from ref point to lat/lon
      *lat = (earthX/60.0) + getReferenceLatDeg();
      *lon = (earthY/(60.0*cosLat)) + getReferenceLonDeg();

      ok = true;
   return ok;
Beispiel #3
// converts lat/lon to screen coordinates
bool MapPage::latLon2Screen(const double lat, const double lon,
                              LCreal* const x, LCreal* const y) const
   bool ok = false;
   if (x != nullptr && y != nullptr) {

      // Convert to nautical miles (NED) centered on ownship
      const double earthX = ((lat - getReferenceLatDeg()) * 60.0);
      const double earthY = ((lon - getReferenceLonDeg()) * 60.0 * getCosRefLat());

      // Rotate to aircraft coordinates
      double acX = 0;
      double acY = 0;
      if (getNorthUp()) {
         acX = earthX;
         acY = earthY;
      else {
         acX =  (earthX * headingCos) + (earthY * headingSin);
         acY = -(earthX * headingSin) + (earthY * headingCos);

      // Scale from nautical miles to inches and
      // transpose the X and Y from A/C to screen
      double screenY = acX * getScale();
      const double screenX = acY * getScale();

      // Adjust for the decentered displayment
      if ( !getCentered() ) screenY += getDisplacement();

      *x = static_cast<LCreal>(screenX);
      *y = static_cast<LCreal>(screenY);

      ok = true;

   return ok;
Beispiel #4
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// drawMap() - Called from draw fun, it tells our specific map to draw.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MapDrawer::drawMap(const int zone, const int idx)
    if (myMap != 0 && pagers[idx] != 0 && showMap && getDisplay() != 0){
        // Update the tiles for the pager
        pagers[idx]->updateTextures(textureRow[idx], textureCol[idx]);
        // Set up for drawing	     
        lcColor3(mapIntensity, mapIntensity, mapIntensity);
            // Not centered, move the whole map down the displacement value.
            if (!getCentered()) {
                LCreal dis = getOuterRadius();
                //LCreal scale = getScale();
                LCreal myScale = vpHL / dis;
                glTranslatef(0, GLfloat(getDisplacement() * myScale), 0);
            glTranslatef(0, 0, -0.1f);
            sinAng = 0.0f;
            cosAng = 1.0f;

            // Set the scale, if not the CENTER_PAGER
            if (idx != CENTER_PAGER) determineScaling(idx);

            bool nu = getNorthUp();
            if (!nu) {
                GLfloat hdg = (GLfloat) getHeadingDeg();
                glRotatef(hdg, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                sinAng = (LCreal)lcSin(hdg * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC);
                cosAng = (LCreal)lcCos(hdg * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC);

            // Translate down the pixels first
            float transPixelX =  -pixelCol[idx] * scalingEast[idx]; 
            float transPixelY =   pixelRow[idx] * scalingNorth[idx]; 

            // Translate to the next tile
            glTranslatef(transPixelX, transPixelY, 0.0f);
            TextureTable& tbl = pagers[idx]->getTable();
            int si = tbl.getLowerBoundIndex();

            int i1 = si;
            int i = 0;
            int lb = 0, ub = 0;

            // Enable texturing
            lb = tbl.getLowerBoundIndex();
            ub = tbl.getUpperBoundIndex();
            for (i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
                int j1 = si;
                for (int j = lb; j <= ub; j++) {
                    drawTexture(i1, j1, idx);

            // Done drawing tiles, now draw grid, if selected to draw.

            if (drawGrid) {
                i1 = si;
                for (i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
                    int j1 = si;
                    for (int j = lb; j <= ub; j++) {
                        goDrawGrid(i1, j1, idx);