Beispiel #1
void BDManager::addRequest( BDRequest* bdr )
  if( bdr->getDevID() < getNumberOfDevices() )
    getDeviceByNumber( bdr->getDevID() )->addRequest( bdr );
    bdr->setStatus( BDRequest::BD_ERROR );
Beispiel #2
        if (getNumberOfDevices())
            id_ = audio_.getDefaultOutputDevice();
        api_ = audio_.getCurrentApi();
    catch(RtAudioError& error)
    apiName_ = getApiName(api_);
Beispiel #3
bool yarp::dev::UrbtcControl::open(yarp::os::Searchable& config){
//	ConstString fname = 
//             config.check("source",
//                         Value("default.avi"),    // a default value
//                         "movie file to read from").asString();

	//cout << "Urbtc config: " << config.toString() << endl;
	 // checking for number of attached devices
    _intNumControllers = getNumberOfDevices();
    if (_intNumControllers == 0){
        printf("No controller device files found. Controllers attached? Access rights ok?\n");
        return false;

	// init data structures
    _fd = new int[_intNumControllers];
    _cmd = new ccmd[_intNumControllers];
    _out = new uout[_intNumControllers];
    _in = new uin[_intNumControllers];
    _pos = new long[_intNumControllers];
    _posOld = new long[_intNumControllers];
    _posDesired = new long[_intNumControllers];
    _periodCounter = new int[_intNumControllers];
    for (int i = 0; i < _intNumControllers; i++){
        _pos[i] = 0;
        _posOld[i] = 0;
        _posDesired[i] = 0;
        _periodCounter[i] = 0;

	bool configValid = true;

	// encoder tic factors
	double *encoderFactors = new double[_intNumControllers];
	if (config.check("encoderFactors", "how many encoder tics are 1 radian/degree? List of double values (1 value for each axis)")){
		Bottle botEncoderFactors = config.findGroup("encoderFactors");
		if (botEncoderFactors.size() > _intNumControllers){ // bottle contains key as well
			for (int i = 1; i <= _intNumControllers; i++)
					encoderFactors[i-1] = botEncoderFactors.get(i).asDouble();
			configValid = false;
			printf("Caution: UrbtcControl::open(): encoderFactors set to default, number of encoder factors in configuration too low.\n");
		configValid = false;
	if (!configValid){
		// default configuration
		for (int i = 0; i < _intNumControllers; i++)
			encoderFactors[i] = _dblFactDeg2Raw;

	configValid = true;

	// axis map
	int *axisMap = new int[_intNumControllers];
	if (config.check("axisMap","Mapping of axis indices. List of int values (1 value for each axis)")){
		Bottle botAxisMap = config.findGroup("axisMap");
		if (botAxisMap.size() > _intNumControllers){ // bottle contains key as well
			for (int i = 1; i <= _intNumControllers; i++)
					axisMap[i-1] = botAxisMap.get(i).asInt();
			configValid = false;
			printf("Caution: UrbtcControl::open(): axisMap set to default, number of values in configuration too low.\n");
		configValid = false;
		printf("Caution: UrbtcControl::open(): axisMap set to default, values not found in configuration.\n");
	if (!configValid){
		// default configuration
		for (int i = 0; i < _intNumControllers; i++)
			axisMap[i] = i;

	configValid = true;

	// limits
	_limitsMax = new int[_intNumControllers];
	_limitsMin = new int[_intNumControllers];
    config.check("limitsMax", "+ limits in radian. List of double values (1 for each axis)."); // for --verbose switch only
    config.check("limitsMin","- limits in radian, List of double values (1 for each axis).");  // for --verbose switch only
	if (config.check("limitsMax") &&
		Bottle botLimitsMin = config.findGroup("limitsMin");
		Bottle botLimitsMax = config.findGroup("limitsMax");
		if (botLimitsMin.size() > _intNumControllers && botLimitsMax.size() > _intNumControllers){ // bottle contains key as well
			for (int i = 1; i <= _intNumControllers; i++){
					_limitsMin[i-1] = (int)(botLimitsMin.get(i).asDouble() * encoderFactors[i-1]);
					_limitsMax[i-1] = (int)(botLimitsMax.get(i).asDouble() * encoderFactors[i-1]);
			configValid = false;
			printf("Caution: UrbtcControl::open(): limitsMin, limitsMax set to default, number of values in configuration too low.\n");
		configValid = false;
		printf("Caution: UrbtcControl::open(): limitsMin, limitsMax set to default, values not found in configuration.\n");
	if (!configValid){
		// default configuration
		for (int i = 0; i < _intNumControllers; i++){
			_limitsMin[i] = -_intLimitDefault;
			_limitsMax[i] = _intLimitDefault;

	configValid = true;
	// pid values
    config.check("kp", "The p values for the PID controller. List of double values (1 for each axis).");
    config.check("ki", "The i values for the PID controller. List of double values (1 for each axis).");
    config.check("kd", "The d values for the PID controller. List of double values (1 for each axis).");
	if (config.check("kp") &&
        config.check("ki") &&
		Bottle botKp = config.findGroup("kp");
		Bottle botKi = config.findGroup("ki");
		Bottle botKd = config.findGroup("kd");
		if (botKp.size() > _intNumControllers && botKi.size() > _intNumControllers && botKd.size() > _intNumControllers){ // bottle contains key as well
			for (int i = 1; i <= _intNumControllers; i++){
				 for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
						_out[i-1].ch[j].x = 0;          // target position
						_out[i-1].ch[j].d = 0;          // target velocity
						_out[i-1].ch[j].kp = (signed short)(botKp.get(i).asDouble() * _pidAccuracy);
						_out[i-1].ch[j].kpx = (unsigned short) _pidAccuracy;        // P gain  = 5/1 = 5  
						_out[i-1].ch[j].kd = (signed short)(botKd.get(i).asDouble() * _pidAccuracy);         
						_out[i-1].ch[j].kdx =(unsigned short) _pidAccuracy;        // D gain = 2/1 = 2   
						_out[i-1].ch[j].ki = (signed short)(botKi.get(i).asDouble() * _pidAccuracy);         
						_out[i-1].ch[j].kix = (unsigned short)_pidAccuracy;        // I gain = 0/1 = 0
                        //printf ("kp nomin: %lf\n" , (botKp.get(i).asDouble() * _pidAccuracy));
                        //printf ("kd nomin: %lf\n" , (botKd.get(i).asDouble() * _pidAccuracy));
                        //printf ("ki nomin: %lf\n" , (botKi.get(i).asDouble() * _pidAccuracy));
			configValid = false;
			printf("Caution: UrbtcControl::open(): kp, ki, kd set to default, number of values in configuration too low.\n");
		configValid = false;
		printf("Caution: UrbtcControl::open(): kp, ki, kd set to default, values not found in configuration.\n");
	if (!configValid){
		// default configuration
		for (int i = 0; i < _intNumControllers; i++){
			for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
					_out[i].ch[j].x = 0;          // target position
					_out[i].ch[j].d = 0;          // target velocity
					_out[i].ch[j].kp = (signed short)( * _pidAccuracy);
					_out[i].ch[j].kpx = (unsigned short) _pidAccuracy;        // P gain  = 5/1 = 5  
					_out[i].ch[j].kd = (signed short)(_pidPosDefault.kd * _pidAccuracy);         
					_out[i].ch[j].kdx =(unsigned short) _pidAccuracy;        // D gain = 2/1 = 2   
					_out[i].ch[j].ki = (signed short)( * _pidAccuracy);         
					_out[i].ch[j].kix = (unsigned short)_pidAccuracy;        // I gain = 0/1 = 0   

    // motion done accuracy
    _posAccuracy = config.check("motionDoneAccuracy",
                                "Integer value specifying +/- range of encoder tics").asInt();

   // encoder zeros
   // limit exceedings
    double *encoderZeros = new double[_intNumControllers];
    _limitsExceeding = new bool[_intNumControllers];
    for (int i = 0; i < _intNumControllers; i++){
        encoderZeros[i] = 0.0;
        _limitsExceeding[i] = false;

	// Wrapper initialization
    ImplementPositionControl<UrbtcControl, IPositionControl>::
            initialize(_intNumControllers, axisMap, encoderFactors, encoderZeros);

    ImplementVelocityControl<UrbtcControl, IVelocityControl>::
            initialize(_intNumControllers, axisMap, encoderFactors, encoderZeros);

    ImplementPidControl<UrbtcControl, IPidControl>::
            initialize(_intNumControllers, axisMap, encoderFactors, encoderZeros);

    ImplementEncoders<UrbtcControl, IEncoders>::
            initialize(_intNumControllers, axisMap, encoderFactors, encoderZeros);
    ImplementControlLimits<UrbtcControl, IControlLimits>::
            initialize(_intNumControllers, axisMap, encoderFactors, encoderZeros);

    // output devices found 
    printf("Number of urbtc devices found: %d\n", _intNumControllers);

    // opening devices
    for (int i = 0; i < _intNumControllers; i++){   // for all found devices

        printf("Trying to open ");
        puts (_deviceFilename[i]);

        // open devicefile
        if ( (_fd[i] = ::open(_deviceFilename[i], O_RDWR)) == -1 ){
            printf("Error opening device number: %d\n", i);
            return false;

        // init ccmd 

        // position
        _cmd[i].retval = 0; 
        _cmd[i].setoffset  = CH0 | CH1 | CH2 | CH3;
        _cmd[i].setcounter = CH0 | CH1 | CH2 | CH3;
        _cmd[i].resetint   = CH0 | CH1 | CH2 | CH3;
        _cmd[i].selin = SET_SELECT | SET_CH2_HIN;
        _cmd[i].dout = 0;
        _cmd[i].selout = SET_SELECT | CH2;
        _cmd[i].offset[0] = _cmd[i].offset[1] = _cmd[i].offset[2] = _cmd[i].offset[3] = _intOffset;
        _cmd[i].counter[0] = _cmd[i].counter[1] = _cmd[i].counter[2] = _cmd[i].counter[3] = 0;
        _cmd[i].posneg = SET_POSNEG | CH0 | CH1 | CH2 | CH3; /*POS PWM out*/
        _cmd[i].breaks = SET_BREAKS | CH0 | CH1 | CH2 | CH3; /*No Brake*/
        _cmd[i].magicno = 0x00;
        _cmd[i].wrrom = 0; /* WR_MAGIC | WR_OFFSET | WR_SELOUT;*/  

        // do some ioctl stuff
        if (ioctl(_fd[i], URBTC_COUNTER_SET) < 0)   {			
            printf("Error on ioctl() for device number: %d\n",i);
            return false;

        // write the cmd struct out to the device 
        if (write(_fd[i], &_cmd[i], sizeof(_cmd[i])) < 0)    {			
            printf("Error writing cmd struct to device number: %d\n",i);
            return false;
 	    // do some more ioctl() stuff
        if (ioctl(_fd[i], URBTC_DESIRE_SET) < 0)  {
            printf("Error ioctl() URBTC_DESIRE_SET\n");
            return false;
        if (ioctl(_fd[i], URBTC_CONTINUOUS_READ) < 0)   {
            printf("Error ioctl() URBTC_CONTINUOUS_READ\n");
            return false;
        if (ioctl(_fd[i], URBTC_BUFREAD) < 0) {
            printf("Error ioctl() URBTC_BUFREAD\n");
            return false;
        int test;
        if ((test = read(_fd[i], &_in[i], sizeof(_in[i]))) != sizeof(_in[i])) {
            printf("Warning: read size mismatch %d != %d\n", test, sizeof(_in[i]));

        printf("Successfully opened.\n");


    return true;
Beispiel #4
/* Plugin: Multithreaded loop. */
void InputPlugin::operator()()
        /* ZMQ: Create framework subscription socket on this thread. */
        zmq::socket_t zmq_framework_subscriber (*this->zmq_context.get(), ZMQ_SUB);
        /* ZMQ: Connect. */

        /* ZMQ: Suscribe to all messages. */
        zmq_framework_subscriber.setsockopt(ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0);
        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds( 10 ));
        /* OIS: Initialization.*/
        OIS::ParamList pl;
        std::ostringstream wnd; 
        wnd << this->base_window.get()->native_window();
        pl.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("WINDOW"), wnd.str()));
        pl.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_mouse_grab"), std::string("false")));
        pl.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_mouse_hide"), std::string("false")));
        pl.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_keyboard_grab"), std::string("false")));

        auto ois_manager = OIS::InputManager::createInputSystem(pl);

        /* OIS: Print debugging information. */
        auto ois_info = std::string("-----OIS-----\n") + 
            "Version: " + ois_manager->getVersionName() + "\n" +
            "Manager: " + ois_manager->inputSystemName() + "\n" +
            "Total keyboards: " + std::to_string(ois_manager->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISKeyboard)) + "\n" +
            "Total mice: " + std::to_string(ois_manager->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISMouse)) + "\n" +
            "Total gamepads: " + "-" + "\n" +
            "Total joysticks: " + std::to_string(ois_manager->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISJoyStick));

        std::cout << ois_info << std::endl;

        /* OIS: Keyboard initialization. */
        auto ois_keyboard = static_cast<OIS::Keyboard*>(ois_manager->createInputObject( OIS::OISKeyboard, false));
        /* ZMQ: Send ready message. */
            zeug::string_hash message("Ready");
            zmq::message_t zmq_message_send(message.Size());
            memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
        /* ZMQ: Listen for start message. */
            zmq::message_t zmq_message;
            if (zmq_framework_subscriber.recv(&zmq_message, ZMQ_NOBLOCK)) 
                if (zeug::string_hash("Start") == zeug::string_hash(
        /* Plugin: Loop. */        
            /* ZMQ: Listen for stop message. */
                zmq::message_t zmq_message;
                if (zmq_framework_subscriber.recv(&zmq_message, ZMQ_NOBLOCK)) 
                    if (zeug::string_hash("Stop") == zeug::string_hash(
            if (this->base_window->poll())
                /* OIS: Handle input */
                if( ois_keyboard->isKeyDown( OIS::KC_ESCAPE )) 
                    /* Topic */
                        zeug::string_hash message("Keyboard");
                        zmq::message_t zmq_message(message.Size());
                        memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
                        zmq_input_publisher->send(zmq_message, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
                    /* Message */
                        zeug::string_hash message("Esc");
                        zmq::message_t zmq_message(message.Size());
                        memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
                        zmq_input_publisher->send(zmq_message, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
                    /* End of message. */
                        zeug::string_hash message("Finish");
                        zmq::message_t zmq_message(message.Size());
                        memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
                else if( ois_keyboard->isKeyDown( OIS::KC_RETURN )) 
                    /* Topic */
                        zeug::string_hash message("Keyboard");
                        zmq::message_t zmq_message(message.Size());
                        memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
                        zmq_input_publisher->send(zmq_message, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
                    /* Message */
                        zeug::string_hash message("Enter");
                        zmq::message_t zmq_message(message.Size());
                        memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
                        zmq_input_publisher->send(zmq_message, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
                    /* End of message. */
                        zeug::string_hash message("Finish");
                        zmq::message_t zmq_message(message.Size());
                        memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
    /* Plugin: Catch plugin specific exceptions and rethrow them as runtime error*/
    catch(const OIS::Exception& ois_exception )
        /* ZMQ: Send stop message. */
        zeug::string_hash message("Stop");
        zmq::message_t zmq_message_send(message.Size());
        memcpy(, message.Get(), message.Size()); 
        throw std::runtime_error(std::string(" OIS - ") + ois_exception.eText);