bool Page::deleteObj(long long headerpos) { //reading the Page tasking::RWLockGuard<> lock(m_rwLock, tasking::WRITE); auto l_header = reinterpret_cast<HeaderMetaData*>(static_cast<char*>(m_header) + headerpos); auto l_oid = l_header->getOID(); //start delete by calculating the start position and passing the hash of the obj name deleteObj(l_header->getObjektType(), static_cast<char*>(m_body) + l_header->getPos()); //now its delete put the freetype ptr to the start //of the "prepared" deleted object auto l_free = m_free; while (l_free->getNext() == 0) l_free = reinterpret_cast<FreeType*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(l_free) + l_free->getNext()); // now l_Free is the last element; l_free->setNext(dist(l_free, static_cast<char*>(m_body) + l_header->getPos())); // Delete header l_free = m_headerFree; while (l_free->getNext() == 0) l_free = reinterpret_cast<FreeType*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(l_free) + l_free->getNext()); //now we have the last free element of the header //insert free type with the right size auto l_deletedHeader = new(l_header) FreeType(sizeof(HeaderMetaData)); //set the freeType pointer to it l_free->setNext(dist(l_free, l_deletedHeader)); //delete the obj of the idx index::ObjectIndex::getInstance().erase(l_oid); //do NOT delete the Meta! it is way faster to //insert with meta then without so keep the data return true; }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__REMOVEV, "_rtnLocalLobStream::_removev" ) INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_removev( const RTN_LOB_TUPLES &tuples, _pmdEDUCB *cb ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__REMOVEV ) ; dmsLobRecord record ; for ( RTN_LOB_TUPLES::const_iterator itr = tuples.begin() ; itr != tuples.end() ; ++itr ) { record.set( &getOID(), itr->tuple.columns.sequence, itr->tuple.columns.offset, itr->tuple.columns.len, itr->data ) ; rc = _su->lob()->remove( record, _mbContext, cb, _getDPSCB() ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to remove lob[%s]," "sequence:%d, rc:%d", record._oid->str().c_str(), record._sequence, rc ) ; goto error ; } } done: PD_TRACE_EXITRC( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__REMOVEV, rc ) ; return rc ; error: goto done ; }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__ROLLBACK, "_rtnLocalLobStream::_rooback" ) INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_rollback( _pmdEDUCB *cb ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__ROLLBACK ) ; dmsLobRecord piece ; INT32 num = _getSequence( curOffset() ) ; while ( 0 < num ) { --num ; piece.set( &getOID(), num, 0, 0, NULL ) ; rc = _su->lob()->remove( piece, _mbContext, cb, _getDPSCB() ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to remove lob[%s]," "sequence:%d, rc:%d", piece._oid->str().c_str(), piece._sequence, rc ) ; if ( SDB_LOB_SEQUENCE_NOT_EXIST != rc ) { goto error ; } rc = SDB_OK ; } } done: PD_TRACE_EXITRC( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__ROLLBACK, rc ) ; return rc ; error: goto done ; }
INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_read( const _rtnLobTuple &tuple, _pmdEDUCB *cb, CHAR *buf ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; UINT32 len = 0 ; dmsLobRecord record ; record.set( &getOID(), tuple.tuple.columns.sequence, tuple.tuple.columns.offset, tuple.tuple.columns.len, ) ; rc = _su->lob()->read( record, _mbContext, cb, buf, len ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to read lob[%s], sequence[%d], rc:%d", record._oid->str().c_str(), record._sequence, rc ) ; goto error ; } SDB_ASSERT( len == record._dataLen, "impossible" ) ; done: return rc ; error: goto done ; }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__ENSURELOB, "_rtnLocalLobStream::_ensureLob" ) INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_ensureLob( _pmdEDUCB *cb, _dmsLobMeta &meta, BOOLEAN &isNew ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; _dmsLobMeta tmpMeta ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__ENSURELOB ) ; rc = _su->lob()->getLobMeta( getOID(), _mbContext, cb, tmpMeta ) ; if ( SDB_OK == rc ) { if ( !tmpMeta.isDone() ) { PD_LOG( PDINFO, "Lob[%s] meta[%s] is not available", getOID().str().c_str(), tmpMeta.toString().c_str() ) ; rc = SDB_LOB_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE ; goto error ; } isNew = FALSE ; goto done ; } else if ( SDB_FNE != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to get meta of lob, rc:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } else { rc = SDB_OK ; isNew = TRUE ; } done: PD_TRACE_EXITRC( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__ENSURELOB, rc ) ; return rc ; error: goto done ; }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__QUERYANDINVALIDATEMETADATA, "_rtnLocalLobStream::_queryAndInvalidateMetaData" ) INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_queryAndInvalidateMetaData( _pmdEDUCB *cb, _dmsLobMeta &meta ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__QUERYANDINVALIDATEMETADATA ) ; rc = rtnQueryAndInvalidateLob( getFullName(), getOID(), cb, 1, _getDPSCB(), meta, NULL, NULL, TRUE ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to invalidate lob:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } done: PD_TRACE_EXITRC( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__QUERYANDINVALIDATEMETADATA, rc ) ; return rc ; error: goto done ; }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__WRITE, "_rtnLocalLobStream::_write" ) INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_write( const _rtnLobTuple &tuple, _pmdEDUCB *cb, BOOLEAN orUpdate ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__WRITE ) ; _dmsLobRecord record ; record.set( &getOID(), tuple.tuple.columns.sequence, tuple.tuple.columns.offset, tuple.tuple.columns.len, ) ; if ( orUpdate ) { rc = _su->lob()->writeOrUpdate( record, _mbContext, cb, _getDPSCB() ) ; } else { rc = _su->lob()->write( record, _mbContext, cb, _getDPSCB() ) ; } if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to write lob[%s]," "sequence:%d, rc:%d", record._oid->str().c_str(), record._sequence, rc ) ; goto error ; } done: PD_TRACE_EXITRC( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__WRITE, rc ) ; return rc ; error: goto done ; }
std::shared_ptr<rapidjson::Document> Page::getJSONObject(long long headerpos) { //reading the Page tasking::RWLockGuard<> lock(m_rwLock, tasking::READ); //get the header first auto l_header = reinterpret_cast<HeaderMetaData*>(static_cast<char*>(m_header) + headerpos); //get the type auto l_objectType = l_header->getObjektType(); //get the idx auto& l_metaIdx = meta::MetaIndex::getInstance(); //get the meta dataset auto& l_meta = l_metaIdx[l_objectType]; //create the document auto l_obj = std::make_shared<rapidjson::Document>(); l_obj->SetObject(); //now generate the inner part of the object rapidjson::Value l_value; l_value.SetObject(); //calc the start id void* start = (static_cast<char*>(m_body) + l_header->getPos()); auto temp = buildObject(l_objectType, start, l_value, l_obj->GetAllocator()); if(temp == nullptr) { LOG_WARN << "build failed id: " << l_header->getOID(); return nullptr; } //generate name auto l_objName = l_meta->getName(); rapidjson::Value l_name(l_objName.c_str(), l_objName.length(), l_obj->GetAllocator()); //now add the inner object l_obj->AddMember(l_name, l_value, l_obj->GetAllocator()); return l_obj; }
void _rtnLocalLobStream::_closeInner( _pmdEDUCB *cb ) { if ( _hasLobPrivilege ) { sdbGetRTNCB()->getLobAccessManager()->releaseAccessPrivilege( getFullName(), getOID(), _getMode(), uniqueId() ) ; _hasLobPrivilege = FALSE ; } if ( _mbContext && _su ) { _su->data()->releaseMBContext( _mbContext ) ; _mbContext = NULL ; } if ( _su && _dmsCB ) { sdbGetDMSCB()->suUnlock ( _su->CSID() ) ; _su = NULL ; } if ( _writeDMS ) { _dmsCB->writeDown( cb ) ; _writeDMS = FALSE ; } }
OID OIDInfo::getOID(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue value) { JS::RootedObject obj(cx, value.toObjectOrNull()); return getOID(cx, obj); }
CTransfer::CTransfer(unsigned int oid, SERootObject* root) : Transfer(oid, root) { fprintf(stdout,"New Transfer oid %d\n", getOID()); }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__UPDATE, "_rtnLocalLobStream::_update" ) INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_update( const _rtnLobTuple &tuple, _pmdEDUCB *cb ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; BOOLEAN accessInfoLocked = FALSE ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__UPDATE ) ; dmsLobRecord record ; const MsgLobTuple &t = tuple.tuple ; CHAR* buf = NULL ; record.set( &getOID(), t.columns.sequence, t.columns.offset, t.columns.len, ( const CHAR * ) ) ; if ( DMS_LOB_META_SEQUENCE == t.columns.sequence && SDB_LOB_MODE_WRITE == _getMode() && 0 == t.columns.offset && t.columns.len >= sizeof(_dmsLobMeta) ) { _rtnLobMetaCache* metaCache = NULL ; const _dmsLobMeta* meta = (const _dmsLobMeta*) ; if ( meta->hasPiecesInfo() && t.columns.len < DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ) { rc = SDB_SYS ; PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Invalid lob meta data length:%d, rc=%d", t.columns.len, rc ) ; goto error ; } SDB_ASSERT( NULL != _accessInfo, "_accessInfo is null" ) ; _accessInfo->lock() ; accessInfoLocked = TRUE ; metaCache = _accessInfo->getMetaCache() ; SDB_ASSERT( NULL != metaCache, "metaCache is null" ) ; SDB_ASSERT( NULL != metaCache->lobMeta(), "lob meta cache is null" ) ; if ( metaCache->needMerge() ) { _rtnLobMetaCache newCache ; rc = newCache.cache( *(metaCache->lobMeta()) ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to cache lob meta, rc=%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } rc = newCache.merge( *meta, _su->getLobPageSize() ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to merge lob meta data, rc=%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } SDB_ASSERT( NULL != newCache.lobMeta(), "new lob meta cache is null" ) ; rc = metaCache->cache( *( newCache.lobMeta() ) ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to cache lob meta, rc=%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } buf = (CHAR*)SDB_OSS_MALLOC( record._dataLen > DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ? record._dataLen : DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ) ; if ( NULL == buf ) { rc = SDB_OOM ; PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to malloc buf, rc=%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } ossMemset( buf, 0, DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ) ; ossMemcpy( buf, record._data, record._dataLen ) ; record._data = (const CHAR*)buf ; if ( newCache.lobMeta()->hasPiecesInfo() ) { ossMemcpy( (void*)record._data, newCache.lobMeta(), DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ) ; if ( record._dataLen < DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ) { record._dataLen = DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ; } } else { ossMemcpy( (void*)record._data, newCache.lobMeta(), sizeof( _dmsLobMeta ) ) ; } } else { rc = metaCache->cache( *meta ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to cache lob meta, rc=%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } } rc = _su->lob()->update( record, _mbContext, cb, _getDPSCB() ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to update to lob:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } _accessInfo->unlock() ; accessInfoLocked = FALSE ; } else { rc = _su->lob()->update( record, _mbContext, cb, _getDPSCB() ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to update to lob:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } } done: if ( accessInfoLocked ) { _accessInfo->unlock() ; } SAFE_OSS_FREE( buf ) ; PD_TRACE_EXITRC( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__UPDATE, rc ) ; return rc ; error: goto done ; }
INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_queryLobMeta4Write( _pmdEDUCB *cb, _dmsLobMeta &meta, _rtnLobPiecesInfo* piecesInfo ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; _rtnLobMetaCache* metaCache = NULL ; const _dmsLobMeta* cachedMeta = NULL ; BOOLEAN accessInfoLocked = FALSE ; SDB_ASSERT( NULL != _accessInfo, "_accessInfo is null" ) ; SDB_ASSERT( SDB_LOB_MODE_WRITE == _getMode(), "should be write mode" ) ; _accessInfo->lock() ; accessInfoLocked = TRUE ; metaCache = _accessInfo->getMetaCache() ; if ( NULL == metaCache ) { metaCache = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnLobMetaCache() ; if ( NULL == metaCache ) { rc = SDB_OOM ; PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to new _rtnLobMetaCache, rc:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } _accessInfo->setMetaCache( metaCache ) ; } else { metaCache->setNeedMerge( TRUE ) ; } cachedMeta = metaCache->lobMeta() ; if ( NULL == cachedMeta ) { UINT32 readLen = 0 ; UINT32 len = DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ; CHAR* buf = NULL ; dmsLobRecord record ; _getPool().clear() ; rc = _getPool().allocate( len, &buf ) ; if ( rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to alloc buffer[%u], rc: %d", len, rc ) ; goto error ; } record.set( &getOID(), DMS_LOB_META_SEQUENCE, 0, len, NULL ) ; rc = _su->lob()->read( record, _mbContext, cb, buf, readLen ) ; if ( SDB_OK == rc ) { if ( readLen < sizeof( meta ) ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Read lob[%s]'s meta page len is less than " "meta size[%u]", getOID().str().c_str(), sizeof( meta ) ) ; rc = SDB_SYS ; goto error ; } ossMemcpy( &meta, buf, sizeof( meta ) ) ; if ( !meta.isDone() ) { PD_LOG( PDINFO, "Lob[%s] meta[%s] is not available", getOID().str().c_str(), meta.toString().c_str() ) ; rc = SDB_LOB_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE ; goto error ; } if ( meta.hasPiecesInfo() && NULL != piecesInfo ) { INT32 length = meta._piecesInfoNum * (INT32)sizeof( _rtnLobPieces ) ; const CHAR* pieces = (const CHAR*) ( buf + DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH - length ) ; rc = piecesInfo->readFrom( pieces, length ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDINFO, "Failed to read pieces info of Lob[%s]", getOID().str().c_str() ) ; goto error ; } } rc = metaCache->cache( *(_dmsLobMeta*)buf ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDINFO, "Failed to cache meta data of Lob[%s]", getOID().str().c_str() ) ; goto error ; } } else { if ( SDB_LOB_SEQUENCE_NOT_EXIST == rc ) { rc = SDB_FNE ; } else if ( SDB_FNE != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to get meta of lob, rc:%d", rc ) ; } goto error ; } } else { ossMemcpy( &meta, cachedMeta, sizeof( meta ) ) ; if ( meta.hasPiecesInfo() && NULL != piecesInfo ) { INT32 length = meta._piecesInfoNum * (INT32)sizeof( _rtnLobPieces ) ; rc = piecesInfo->readFrom( (CHAR*)cachedMeta + DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH - length, length ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to read lob pieces info, rc:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } } } done: if ( accessInfoLocked ) { _accessInfo->unlock() ; accessInfoLocked = FALSE ; } return rc ; error: goto done ; }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__QUERYLOBMETA, "_rtnLocalLobStream::_queryLobMeta" ) INT32 _rtnLocalLobStream::_queryLobMeta( _pmdEDUCB *cb, _dmsLobMeta &meta, BOOLEAN allowUncompleted, _rtnLobPiecesInfo* piecesInfo ) { INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__QUERYLOBMETA ) ; UINT32 len = _su->getLobPageSize() ; UINT32 readLen = 0 ; CHAR *buf = NULL ; dmsLobRecord record ; if ( SDB_LOB_MODE_WRITE == _getMode() ) { rc = _queryLobMeta4Write( cb, meta, piecesInfo ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to query meta for write, rc: %d", rc ) ; goto error ; } goto done ; } _getPool().clear() ; rc = _getPool().allocate( len, &buf ) ; if ( rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to alloc buffer[%u], rc: %d", len, rc ) ; goto error ; } record.set( &getOID(), DMS_LOB_META_SEQUENCE, 0, len, NULL ) ; rc = _su->lob()->read( record, _mbContext, cb, buf, readLen ) ; if ( SDB_OK == rc ) { if ( readLen < sizeof( _dmsLobMeta ) ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Read lob[%s]'s meta page len is less than " "meta size[%u]", getOID().str().c_str(), sizeof( _dmsLobMeta ) ) ; rc = SDB_SYS ; goto error ; } ossMemcpy( (void*)&meta, buf, sizeof( meta ) ) ; if ( !meta.isDone() && !allowUncompleted ) { PD_LOG( PDINFO, "Lob[%s] meta[%s] is not available", getOID().str().c_str(), meta.toString().c_str() ) ; rc = SDB_LOB_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE ; goto error ; } if ( 0 == meta._modificationTime ) { meta._modificationTime = meta._createTime ; } if ( meta._version >= DMS_LOB_META_MERGE_DATA_VERSION && meta._lobLen > 0 && readLen > DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ) { rc = _getPool().push( buf + DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH, ( meta._lobLen <= readLen-DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ? meta._lobLen : readLen-DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH ), 0 ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to push data to pool, rc:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } _getPool().pushDone() ; } if ( NULL != piecesInfo && meta.hasPiecesInfo() ) { INT32 length = meta._piecesInfoNum * (INT32)sizeof( _rtnLobPieces ) ; const CHAR* piecesInfoBuf = (const CHAR*) ( buf + DMS_LOB_META_LENGTH - length ) ; rc = piecesInfo->readFrom( piecesInfoBuf, length ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to read pieces info from meta, rc:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } } goto done ; } else { if ( SDB_LOB_SEQUENCE_NOT_EXIST == rc ) { rc = SDB_FNE ; } else if ( SDB_FNE != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to get meta of lob, rc:%d", rc ) ; } goto error ; } done: PD_TRACE_EXITRC( SDB_RTNLOCALLOBSTREAM__QUERYLOBMETA, rc ) ; return rc ; error: goto done ; }