Beispiel #1
// MetaTable::removeString
// Removes the given field if it exists as a metastring_t.
// Only one object will be removed. If more than one such object 
// exists, you would need to call this routine until metaerrno is
// When calling this routine, the value of the object is returned 
// in case it is needed, and you will need to then free it yourself 
// using free(). If the return value is not needed, call
// MetaTable::removeStringNR instead and the string value will be destroyed.
char *MetaTable::removeString(const char *key)
   MetaObject *obj;
   MetaString *str;
   char *value;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaString))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;
      return NULL;


   // Destroying the MetaString will destroy the value inside it too, unless we
   // get and then nullify its value manually. This is one reason why MetaTable
   // is a friend to these basic types, as it makes some simple management 
   // chores like this more efficient. Otherwise I'd have to estrdup the string 
   // and that's stupid.

   str = static_cast<MetaString *>(obj);
   value = str->value;
   str->value = NULL; // destructor does nothing if this is cleared first

   delete str;

   return value;
Beispiel #2
// MetaTable::setInt
// If the metatable already contains a metaint of the given name, it will
// be edited to have the provided value. Otherwise, a new metaint will be
// added to the table with that value.
void MetaTable::setInt(size_t keyIndex, int newValue)
   MetaObject *obj;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(keyIndex, RTTI(MetaInteger))))
      addInt(keyIndex, newValue);
      static_cast<MetaInteger *>(obj)->value = newValue;
Beispiel #3
// MetaTable::setConstString
// If the table already contains a MetaConstString with the provided key, its
// value will be set to newValue. Otherwise, a new MetaConstString will be
// created with this key and value and will be added to the table.
void MetaTable::setConstString(size_t keyIndex, const char *newValue)
   MetaObject *obj;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(keyIndex, RTTI(MetaConstString))))
      addConstString(keyIndex, newValue);
      static_cast<MetaConstString *>(obj)->setValue(newValue);
Beispiel #4
// MetaTable::setDouble
// If the metatable already contains a metadouble of the given name, it will
// be edited to have the provided value. Otherwise, a new metadouble will be
// added to the table with that value.
void MetaTable::setDouble(const char *key, double newValue)
   MetaObject *obj;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaDouble))))
      addDouble(key, newValue);
      static_cast<MetaDouble *>(obj)->value = newValue;
Beispiel #5
// MetaTable::setString
// If the metatable already contains a metastring of the given name, it will
// be edited to have the provided value. Otherwise, a new metastring will be
// added to the table with that value. 
void MetaTable::setString(const char *key, const char *newValue)
   MetaObject *obj;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaString))))
      addString(key, newValue);
      static_cast<MetaString *>(obj)->setValue(newValue);
Beispiel #6
// MetaTable::setInt
// If the metatable already contains a metaint of the given name, it will
// be edited to have the provided value. Otherwise, a new metaint will be
// added to the table with that value.
void MetaTable::setInt(const char *key, int newValue)
   MetaObject *obj;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaInteger))))
      addInt(key, newValue);
      static_cast<MetaInteger *>(obj)->value = newValue;
Beispiel #7
// MetaTable::removeStringNR
// As above, but the string value is not returned, but instead freed, to
// alleviate any need the user code might have to free string values in
// which it isn't interested.
void MetaTable::removeStringNR(const char *key)
   MetaObject *obj;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaString))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;


   delete obj;
Beispiel #8
// MetaTable::getInt
// Get an integer from the metatable. This routine returns the value
// rather than a pointer to a metaint_t. If an object of the requested
// name doesn't exist in the table, defvalue is returned and metaerrno 
// is set to indicate the problem.
// Use of this routine only returns the first such value in the table.
// This routine is meant for singleton fields.
int  MetaTable::getInt(size_t keyIndex, int defValue)
   int retval;
   MetaObject *obj;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(keyIndex, RTTI(MetaInteger))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;
      retval = defValue;
      retval = static_cast<MetaInteger *>(obj)->value;

   return retval;
Beispiel #9
// MetaTable::getConstString
// Get a sharable string constant/literal value from the MetaTable. If the
// requested property does not exist as a MetaConstString, the value provided
// by the defValue parameter will be returned, and metaerrno will be set to
// META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT. Otherwise, the string constant value is returned and
// metaerrno is META_ERR_NOERR.
const char *MetaTable::getConstString(const char *key, const char *defValue)
   const char *retval;
   MetaObject *obj;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaConstString))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;
      retval    = defValue;
      retval = static_cast<MetaConstString *>(obj)->value;

   return retval;
Beispiel #10
// MetaTable::getDouble
// Get a double from the metatable. This routine returns the value
// rather than a pointer to a metadouble_t. If an object of the requested
// name doesn't exist in the table, defvalue is returned and metaerrno is set
// to indicate the problem.
// Use of this routine only returns the first such value in the table.
// This routine is meant for singleton fields.
double MetaTable::getDouble(const char *key, double defValue)
   double retval;
   MetaObject *obj;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaDouble))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;
      retval = defValue;
      retval = static_cast<MetaDouble *>(obj)->value;

   return retval;
Beispiel #11
// MetaTable::removeDouble
// Removes the given field if it exists as a metadouble_t.
// Only one object will be removed. If more than one such object 
// exists, you would need to call this routine until metaerrno is
// The value of the object is returned in case it is needed.
double MetaTable::removeDouble(const char *key)
   MetaObject *obj;
   double value;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaDouble))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;
      return 0.0;


   value = static_cast<MetaDouble *>(obj)->value;

   delete obj;

   return value;
Beispiel #12
// MetaTable::removeInt
// Removes the given field if it exists as a metaint_t.
// Only one object will be removed. If more than one such object 
// exists, you would need to call this routine until metaerrno is
// The value of the object is returned in case it is needed.
int MetaTable::removeInt(const char *key)
   MetaObject *obj;
   int value;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaInteger))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;
      return 0;


   value = static_cast<MetaInteger *>(obj)->value;

   delete obj;

   return value;
Beispiel #13
// MetaTable::removeConstString
// Removes a constant string from the table with the given key. If no such
// object exists, metaerrno will be META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT and NULL is returned.
// Otherwise, metaerrno is META_ERR_NOERR and the shared string value that 
// was in the MetaConstString instance is returned.
const char *MetaTable::removeConstString(const char *key)
   MetaObject *obj;
   MetaConstString *str;
   const char *value;

   metaerrno = META_ERR_NOERR;

   if(!(obj = getObjectKeyAndType(key, RTTI(MetaConstString))))
      metaerrno = META_ERR_NOSUCHOBJECT;
      return NULL;


   str = static_cast<MetaConstString *>(obj);
   value = str->value;
   delete str;

   return value;
Beispiel #14
// MetaTable::getObjectKeyAndType
// Overload taking a MetaObject interned key index and type name.
MetaObject *MetaTable::getObjectKeyAndType(size_t keyIndex, const char *type)
   MetaObject::Type *rttiType = FindTypeCls<MetaObject>(type);

   return rttiType ? getObjectKeyAndType(keyIndex, rttiType) : NULL;
Beispiel #15
// MetaTable::getObjectKeyAndType
// As above, but satisfying both conditions at once.
// Overload for type names.
MetaObject *MetaTable::getObjectKeyAndType(const char *key, const char *type) const
   MetaObject::Type *rttiType = FindTypeCls<MetaObject>(type);

   return rttiType ? getObjectKeyAndType(key, rttiType) : nullptr;