static void inline
fxHorizontalFoldsModelStepObject(CompWindow * w,
				 Model * model,
				 Object * object,
				 float forwardProgress,
				 float sinForProg, float foldMaxAmp, int rowNo)

	float origx = w->attrib.x + (WIN_W(w) * object->gridPosition.x -
				     w->output.left) * model->scale.x;
	float origy = w->attrib.y + (WIN_H(w) * object->gridPosition.y -
				     w-> * model->scale.y;

	object->position.x = origx;

	if (aw->com.curWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
	    aw->com.curWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade) {
		// Execute shade mode

		float relDistToFoldCenter = (rowNo % 2 == 1 ? 0.5 : 0);

		if (object->gridPosition.y == 0) {
			object->position.y = WIN_Y(w);
			object->position.z = 0;
		} else if (object->gridPosition.y == 1) {
			object->position.y =
			    (1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
			    forwardProgress *
			    (WIN_Y(w) + model->topHeight + model->bottomHeight);
			object->position.z = 0;
		} else {
			object->position.y =
			    (1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
			    forwardProgress * (WIN_Y(w) + model->topHeight);
			object->position.z =
			    getObjectZ(model, forwardProgress, sinForProg,
				       relDistToFoldCenter, foldMaxAmp);
	} else {
		// Execute normal mode

		float relDistToFoldCenter;

		relDistToFoldCenter = (rowNo % 2 == 0 ? 0.5 : 0);

		object->position.y =
		    (1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
		    forwardProgress * (BORDER_Y(w) + BORDER_H(w) / 2.0);
		object->position.z =
		    getObjectZ(model, forwardProgress, sinForProg,
			       relDistToFoldCenter, foldMaxAmp);
HorizontalFoldsAnim::step ()
    GridZoomAnim::step ();

    CompRect winRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->saveWinRect () :
		      mWindow->geometry ());
    CompRect inRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		     mAWindow->savedInRect () :
		     mWindow->inputRect ());
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
				  mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
				  mWindow->output ());

    int wx = winRect.x ();
    int wy = winRect.y ();

    int oy = outRect.y ();
    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    float winHeight = 0;
    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
	mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
	winHeight = winRect.height ();
	winHeight = inRect.height ();
    int nHalfFolds =
	2.0 * optValI (AnimationOptions::HorizontalFoldsNumFolds);
    float foldMaxAmp =
	0.3 * pow ((winHeight / nHalfFolds) / ::screen->height (), 0.3) *
	optValF (AnimationOptions::HorizontalFoldsAmpMult);

    float forwardProgress = getActualProgress ();

    float sinForProg = sin (forwardProgress * M_PI / 2);

    GridModel::GridObject *object = mModel->objects ();
    unsigned int n = mModel->numObjects ();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++object)
	Point3d &objPos = object->position ();

	if (i % 2 == 0) // object is at the left side
	    float objGridY = object->gridPosition ().y ();

	    int rowNo = (int)i / mGridWidth;
	    float origy = (wy +
			   (oheight * objGridY - * mModel->scale ().y ());
	    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
		mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
		// Execute shade mode

		if (objGridY == 0)
		    objPos.setY (oy);
		    objPos.setZ (0);
		else if (objGridY == 1)
		    objPos.setY (
			(1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
			forwardProgress *
			(oy + mDecorTopHeight + mDecorBottomHeight));
		    objPos.setZ (0);
		    float relDistToFoldCenter = (rowNo % 2 == 1 ? 0.5 : 0);

		    objPos.setY (
			(1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
			forwardProgress * (oy + mDecorTopHeight));
		    objPos.setZ (
			getObjectZ (mModel, forwardProgress, sinForProg,
				    relDistToFoldCenter, foldMaxAmp));
		// Execute normal mode

		float relDistToFoldCenter = (rowNo % 2 == 0 ? 0.5 : 0);

		objPos.setY (
		    (1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
		    forwardProgress * (inRect.y () + inRect.height () / 2.0));
		objPos.setZ (
			getObjectZ (mModel, forwardProgress, sinForProg,
				    relDistToFoldCenter, foldMaxAmp));
	else // object is at the right side
	    // Set y/z position to the y/z position of the object at the left
	    // on the same row (previous object)
	    Point3d &leftObjPos = (object - 1)->position ();
	    objPos.setY (leftObjPos.y ());
	    objPos.setZ (leftObjPos.z ());

	float origx = (wx +
		       (owidth * object->gridPosition ().x () -
			outExtents.left) * mModel->scale ().x ());
	objPos.setX (origx);