int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 4) usage(); database = argv[1]; hSetDb(database); snpSimpleTable = argv[2]; if (!hTableExistsDb(database, snpSimpleTable)) errAbort("can't get table %s\n", snpSimpleTable); orthoTable = argv[3]; if (!hTableExistsDb(database, orthoTable)) errAbort("can't get table %s\n", orthoTable); outputFileHandle = mustOpen("", "w"); missingFileHandle = mustOpen("snpOrthoJoin.missing", "w"); chimpHash = getOrtho(orthoTable, "panTro2"); macaqueHash = getOrtho(orthoTable, "rheMac2"); writeResults(snpSimpleTable); carefulClose(&outputFileHandle); carefulClose(&missingFileHandle); return 0; }
void ViewingCore::pickCenter( const double ndcX, const double ndcY ) { // Preserve the view direction. const osg::Vec3d lastPosition = getEyePosition(); osg::Matrixd p = computeProjection(); osg::Vec4d ccFarPoint( ndcX, ndcY, 1., 1. ); if( !getOrtho() ) { // Not ortho, so w != 1.0. Multiply by the far plane distance. // This yields a value in clip coords. double fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar; p.getPerspective( fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar ); ccFarPoint *= zFar; } // Get inverse view & proj matrices to back-transform the clip coord point. osg::Matrixd v = getMatrix(); p.invert( p ); osg::Vec4d wc = ccFarPoint * p * v; osg::Vec3d farPoint( wc.x(), wc.y(), wc.z() ); if( !( intersect( _viewCenter, farPoint ) ) ) osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "ViewingCore::pickCenter: No intersections." << std::endl; _viewDistance = ( lastPosition - _viewCenter ).length(); }
void ViewingCore::setPanStart( const double ndcX, const double ndcY ) { osg::Matrixd p = computeProjection(); // Assume ortho, where ndc far plane == 1 and w always == 1. osg::Vec4d farPoint = osg::Vec4d( ndcX, ndcY, 1., 1. ); if( !getOrtho() ) { // Not ortho, so w != 1.0. Multiply by the far plane distance. // This yields a value in clip coords. double fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar; p.getPerspective( fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar ); farPoint *= zFar; } // Get inverse view & proj matrices to back-transform the clip coord far point. osg::Matrixd v = getMatrix(); p.invert( p ); osg::Vec4d wc = farPoint * p * v; osg::Vec3d wcFarPoint( wc.x(), wc.y(), wc.z() ); // Define world coord plane orthogonal to view, which contains the picked point. osg::Vec3d pickPoint; if( !( intersect( pickPoint, wcFarPoint ) ) ) { // Intersection failed, probably user clicked on background. // Use _viewCenter to compute plane distance value. pickPoint = _viewCenter; osg::notify( osg::DEBUG_FP ) << "Intersection failed. "; } _panPlane = osg::Vec4d( _viewDir, -( pickPoint * _viewDir ) ); osg::notify( osg::DEBUG_FP ) << "Pick point " << pickPoint << std::endl; osg::notify( osg::DEBUG_FP ) << " Plane " << _panPlane << std::endl; }
void ViewingCore::dolly( const double deltaMovement ) { if( getOrtho() ) // No dolly in ortho mode return; double scale( 1.0 ); if( !( _scene.valid() ) ) { osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "ViewingCore::dolly: _scene == NULL." << std::endl; } else { // Scale based on model size. TBD this should be under // app control so that it can be disabled if desired. const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = _scene->getBound(); scale = bs._radius * .5; if( _viewDistance > bs._radius ) scale *= ( _viewDistance / bs._radius ); } _viewDistance += ( deltaMovement * scale ); if( _viewDistance < 0. ) { double centerDistanceToMove = 1 - _viewDistance; _viewCenter = _viewCenter + (_viewDir * centerDistanceToMove); _viewDistance = 1.; } }
osg::Vec3d ViewingCore::findDeltaOnPanPlane(double ndcX1, double ndcY1, double ndcX2, double ndcY2) { // Get the view volume far plane value, and the distance from // the near to far plane. double zNear, zFar; osg::Matrixd p = computeProjection(); if( getOrtho() ) { double l, r, b, t; p.getOrtho( l, r, b, t, zNear, zFar ); } else { double fovy, aspect; p.getPerspective( fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar ); } const double distance = zFar - zNear; // Create two points, both in NDC space, and lying on the far plane at the back // of the view volume. One is the xy origin, the other with the passed xy parameters. osg::Vec4d farPoint0 = osg::Vec4d( ndcX1, ndcY1, 1., 1. ); osg::Vec4d farPoint1 = osg::Vec4d( ndcX2, ndcY2, 1., 1. ); if( !getOrtho() ) { // Not ortho, so w != 1.0. Multiply by the far plane distance. // This yields values in clip coordinates. farPoint0 *= zFar; farPoint1 *= zFar; } // Get inverse view & proj matrices to back-transform the // two clip coord far points into world space. osg::Matrixd v = getMatrix(); p.invert( p ); osg::Vec4d wc0 = farPoint0 * p * v; osg::Vec4d wc1 = farPoint1 * p * v; // Intersect the two world coord points with the pan plane. osg::Vec3d result0, result1; osg::Vec3d p1( wc0.x(), wc0.y(), wc0.z() ); osg::Vec3d p0 = getOrtho() ? p1 - ( _viewDir * distance ) : getEyePosition(); intersectPlaneRay( result0, _panPlane, p0, p1 ); p1 = osg::Vec3d( wc1.x(), wc1.y(), wc1.z() ); p0 = getOrtho() ? p1 - ( _viewDir * distance ) : getEyePosition(); intersectPlaneRay( result1, _panPlane, p0, p1 ); // Subtract the two plane intersection points to get the delta world coord // motion return return result1 - result0; }
void ViewingCore::pan( const double ndcX, const double ndcY ) { // Get the view volume far plane value, and the distance from // the near to far plane. double zNear, zFar; osg::Matrixd p; getZNearZFarProj(zNear, zFar, p); const double distance = zFar - zNear; // Create two points, both in NDC space, and lying on the far plane at the back // of the view volume. One is the xy origin, the other with the passed xy parameters. osg::Vec4d farPoint0 = osg::Vec4d( 0., 0., 1., 1. ); osg::Vec4d farPoint1 = osg::Vec4d( ndcX, ndcY, 1., 1. ); if( !getOrtho() ) { // Not ortho, so w != 1.0. Multiply by the far plane distance. // This yields values in clip coordinates. farPoint0 *= zFar; farPoint1 *= zFar; } // Get inverse view & proj matrices to back-transform the // two clip coord far points into world space. osg::Matrixd v = getMatrix(); p.invert( p ); osg::Vec4d wc0 = farPoint0 * p * v; osg::Vec4d wc1 = farPoint1 * p * v; // Intersect the two world coord points with the pan plane. osg::Vec3d result0, result1; osg::Vec3d p1( wc0.x(), wc0.y(), wc0.z() ); osg::Vec3d p0 = getOrtho() ? p1 - ( _viewDir * distance ) : getEyePosition(); intersectPlaneRay( result0, _panPlane, p0, p1 ); p1 = osg::Vec3d( wc1.x(), wc1.y(), wc1.z() ); p0 = getOrtho() ? p1 - ( _viewDir * distance ) : getEyePosition(); intersectPlaneRay( result1, _panPlane, p0, p1 ); // Subtract the two plane intersection points to get the delta world coord // motion and move the view center accordingly. osg::Vec3d delta = result1 - result0; osg::notify( osg::DEBUG_FP ) << " delta " << delta << std::endl; _viewCenter -= delta; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // pick() -- Perform for select/pick operation; returns the selected (picked) // graphic or zero(0) if nothing was selected. // // 1) When item == 0, returns nearest (by depth buffer) selected entry. // 2) When item < 0, returns furthest (by depth buffer) selected entry. // 3) When item > 0, returns the item'th selected entry or the first entry if // there are less than 'item' entries // 4) Returns zero(0) when there are no entries in the select buffer or if the // Graphic for the select ID is not found. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BasicGL::Graphic* GlutDisplay::pick(const int item) { GLint viewport[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT,viewport); // make sure we are starting at 0, 0 int xm = 0, ym = 0; getMouse(&xm,&ym); int x = xm; int y = viewport[3] - ym; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); gluPickMatrix(x, y, getPickWidth(), getPickHeight(), viewport); // Get our ortho parameters GLdouble oLeft(0), oRight(0), oBottom(0), oTop(0), oNear(0), oFar(0); getOrtho(oLeft, oRight, oBottom, oTop, oNear, oFar); glOrtho(oLeft, oRight, oBottom, oTop, oNear, oFar); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); if (getDisplayOrientation() != NORMAL) { glPushMatrix(); if (getDisplayOrientation() == CW90) glRotated(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); else if (getDisplayOrientation() == CCW90) glRotated(90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); else glRotated(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } static const unsigned int MAX_BUFF_SIZE = 1024; GLuint sbuff[MAX_BUFF_SIZE]; clearSelectBuffer(sbuff,MAX_BUFF_SIZE); glSelectBuffer(MAX_BUFF_SIZE, sbuff); glRenderMode(GL_SELECT); glInitNames(); draw(); GLint hits = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER); if (getDisplayOrientation() != NORMAL) glPopMatrix(); Graphic* selected = findSelected(hits, sbuff, item); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); return selected; }
void ViewingCore::getZNearZFarProj(double &zNear, double &zFar, osg::Matrixd &projMat) { projMat = computeProjection(); if( getOrtho() ) { double l, r, b, t; projMat.getOrtho( l, r, b, t, zNear, zFar ); } else { double fovy, aspect; projMat.getPerspective( fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar ); } }
bool ViewingCore::getStartPoint(osg::Vec3d & startPoint, const osg::Vec3d farPoint, const double ndcX, const double ndcY) { if( !( _scene.valid() ) ) { osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "ViewingCore::intersect: _scene == NULL." << std::endl; return( false ); } const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = _scene->getBound(); const double distance = _viewDistance + bs._radius; startPoint = getOrtho() ? farPoint - ( _viewDir * distance * 2. ) : getEyePosition(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* generate snpOrtho table from snp ortho file */ /* combine with snp table */ { if (argc != 4) usage(); hSetDb(argv[1]); if (!hTableExistsDb(argv[1], argv[2])) errAbort("can't get table %s\n", argv[2]); if (!fileExists(argv[3])) errAbort("can't find %s\n", argv[3]); orthoHash = getOrtho(argv[3]); writeResults(argv[2]); return 0; }
BasicGL::Graphic* FoxDisplay::pick(const int mouseX, const int mouseY, const int item) { GLint viewport[4]; // get our canvas and make it current getCanvas()->makeCurrent(); //glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT,viewport); getViewport(&viewport[0], &viewport[1], &viewport[2], &viewport[3]); int x = mouseX; int y = mouseY; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); gluPickMatrix(x, y, 10, 10, viewport); GLdouble tl = 0, tr = 0, tb = 0, tt = 0, tn = 0, tf = 0; getOrtho(tl, tr, tb, tt, tn, tf); glOrtho(tl, tr, tb, tt, tn, tf); //std::cout << "viewport is " << viewport[2] << " " << viewport[3] << std::endl; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); GLuint sbuff[100]; clearSelectBuffer(sbuff,100); glSelectBuffer(100, sbuff); glRenderMode(GL_SELECT); draw(); glRenderMode(GL_RENDER); printSelectBuffer(sbuff,100); Graphic* selected = findSelected(sbuff,100,item); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); getCanvas()->makeNonCurrent(); return selected; }
osg::Vec3d ViewingCore::getFarPoint(const double ndcX, const double ndcY) { osg::Matrixd p = computeProjection(); osg::Vec4d ccFarPoint( ndcX, ndcY, 1., 1. ); if( !getOrtho() ) { // Not ortho, so w != 1.0. Multiply by the far plane distance. // This yields a value in clip coords. double fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar; p.getPerspective( fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar ); ccFarPoint *= zFar; } // Get inverse view & proj matrices to back-transform the clip coord point. osg::Matrixd v = getMatrix(); p.invert( p ); osg::Vec4d wc = ccFarPoint * p * v; osg::Vec3d farPoint( wc.x(), wc.y(), wc.z() ); return farPoint; }
bool ViewingCore::intersect( osg::Vec3d& result, const osg::Vec3d& farPoint ) { if( !( _scene.valid() ) ) { osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "ViewingCore::intersect: _scene == NULL." << std::endl; return( false ); } const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = _scene->getBound(); const double distance = _viewDistance + bs._radius; osg::Vec3d startPoint = getOrtho() ? farPoint - ( _viewDir * distance * 2. ) : getEyePosition(); osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector* intersector = new osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector( startPoint, farPoint ); osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor intersectVisitor( intersector, NULL ); _scene->accept( intersectVisitor ); osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections = intersector->getIntersections(); if( intersections.empty() ) return( false ); const osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection& intersection = *( intersections.begin() ); result = intersection.getWorldIntersectPoint(); return( true ); }
Camera ViewData::getCamera() const { if( _view.getMode() == eq::View::MODE_STEREO ) return CAM_STEREO; return getOrtho() ? CAM_ORTHO : CAM_PERSPECTIVE; }
/*! \brief Set orthogonality flag */ inline void setOrtho(const int flag) const { *is_ortho = flag; static char *test = getenv("HMAT_TEST_ORTHO"); if (flag && test) assert(getOrtho() == testOrtho()); }