Beispiel #1
ConfigValues::pack(UtilBuffer& buf) const {
  Uint32 len = getPackedSize();
  void * tmp = buf.append(len);
  if(tmp == 0){
    return 0;
  return pack(tmp, len);
Beispiel #2
inline bool
Properties::pack(UtilBuffer &buf) const {
  Uint32 size = getPackedSize();
  void *tmp_buf = buf.append(size);
  if(tmp_buf == 0)
    return false;
  bool ret = pack((Uint32 *)tmp_buf);
  if(ret == false)
    return false;
  return true;
Beispiel #3
void Trace::sendTrace(int dest){
  int bufsize = getPackedSize();
  void *buf = malloc(bufsize);
  MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  int position = 0;
    cerr << "Trace::sendTrace(): cannot allocate buffer" << endl;
  PMPI_Send(&bufsize, 1, MPI_INT, dest, 0, comm);
  pack(buf, bufsize, &position, comm);
  PMPI_Send(buf, position, MPI_PACKED, dest, 0, comm);
Beispiel #4
	 * pack serializes this object into the provided buffer (pack will allocate the
	 * buffer) storing only the data fields (at the moment) and ignoring all the meta-
	 * data within the DataItem object.  The format for the packed object will be
	 * direct strings seperated by '\0' charaters.  If a given string field is empty
	 * then there will be consectutive '\0' characters.  Each of the vector fields will
	 * be preceeded by ::listNameStart:: and followed by ::listNameEnd:: (e.g. the
	 * children vector will be ::childrenStart::\0data\0data\0::childrenEnd::\0).
	unsigned int System::pack( void** buffer )
		u32 ret = getPackedSize( ), length;
		char* buf;

		buf = new char[ ret ];

		if( buf == NULL )
			string message( "Component.pack( ): new call failed, out of memory." );
			Logger l;
			l.log( message, LOG_ERR );
			VpdException ve( message );
			throw ve;

		memset( buf, '\0', ret );

		*buffer = (void*)buf;

		/* -----------------------------------------------------*/
		/* ------------ Load up the buffer with data -----------*/
		/* -----------------------------------------------------*/

		// The first entry in our buffer is our length in network byte order
		u32 netOrder = htonl( ret );
		memcpy( buf, &netOrder, sizeof( u32 ) );
		buf += sizeof( u32 );
		// Next is our system CPU count.
		netOrder = htonl( mCPUCount );
		memcpy( buf, &netOrder, sizeof( u32 ) );
		buf += sizeof( u32 );
		// Pack the individual data items.
		length = mIdNode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mArch.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = deviceTreeNode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mDescription.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mBrand.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mNodeName.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mOS.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mProcessorID.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mMachineType.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mMachineModel.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mFeatureCode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mFlagField.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mRecordType.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mSerialNum1.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mSerialNum2.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mSUID.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mKeywordVersion.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mLocationCode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;

		// Pack the child vector.
		memcpy( buf, CHILD_START.c_str( ), CHILD_START.length( ) );
		buf += CHILD_START.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		vector<string>::iterator child, cEnd;
		vector<DataItem*>::iterator item, dEnd;
		for( child = mChildren.begin( ), cEnd = mChildren.end( ); child != cEnd; ++child )
			const char* str = (*child).c_str( );
			int length = (*child).length( );
			memcpy( buf, str, length );
			buf+= length;
			*buf = '\0';
		memcpy( buf, CHILD_END.c_str( ), CHILD_END.length( ) );
		buf += CHILD_END.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		// Pack the Device Specific vector
		memcpy( buf, DEVICE_START.c_str( ), DEVICE_START.length( ) );
		buf += DEVICE_START.length( );
		*buf = '\0';
		for( item = mDeviceSpecific.begin( ), dEnd = mDeviceSpecific.end( ); item != dEnd;
				   ++item )
			length = (*item)->pack( buf );
			buf+= length;
		memcpy( buf, DEVICE_END.c_str( ), DEVICE_END.length( ) );
		buf += DEVICE_END.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		// Pack the User Data vector
		memcpy( buf, USER_START.c_str( ), USER_START.length( ) );
		buf += USER_START.length( );
		*buf = '\0';
		for( item = mUserData.begin( ), dEnd = mUserData.end( ); item != dEnd;
				   ++item )
			length = (*item)->pack( buf );
			buf+= length;
		memcpy( buf, USER_END.c_str( ), USER_END.length( ) );
		buf += USER_END.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		return ret;