Beispiel #1
    Status getRunnerAlwaysPlan(Collection* collection,
                               CanonicalQuery* rawCanonicalQuery,
                               const QueryPlannerParams& plannerParams,
                               Runner** out) {

        auto_ptr<CanonicalQuery> canonicalQuery(rawCanonicalQuery);

        vector<QuerySolution*> solutions;
        Status status = QueryPlanner::plan(*canonicalQuery, plannerParams, &solutions);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "error processing query: " + canonicalQuery->toString() +
                          " planner returned error: " + status.reason());

        // We cannot figure out how to answer the query.  Perhaps it requires an index
        // we do not have?
        if (0 == solutions.size()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          << "error processing query: "
                          << canonicalQuery->toString()
                          << " No query solutions");

        // See if one of our solutions is a fast count hack in disguise.
        if (plannerParams.options & QueryPlannerParams::PRIVATE_IS_COUNT) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
                if (turnIxscanIntoCount(solutions[i])) {
                    // Great, we can use solutions[i].  Clean up the other QuerySolution(s).
                    for (size_t j = 0; j < solutions.size(); ++j) {
                        if (j != i) {
                            delete solutions[j];

                    LOG(2) << "Using fast count: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                           << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*solutions[i]);

                    // We're not going to cache anything that's fast count.
                    WorkingSet* ws;
                    PlanStage* root;
                    verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *solutions[i], &root, &ws));
                    *out = new SingleSolutionRunner(collection,
                    return Status::OK();

        if (1 == solutions.size()) {
            LOG(2) << "Only one plan is available; it will be run but will not be cached. "
                   << canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                   << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*solutions[0]);

            // Only one possible plan.  Run it.  Build the stages from the solution.
            WorkingSet* ws;
            PlanStage* root;
            verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *solutions[0], &root, &ws));

            // And, run the plan.
            *out = new SingleSolutionRunner(collection,
            return Status::OK();
        else {
            // Many solutions.  Let the MultiPlanRunner pick the best, update the cache, and so on.
            auto_ptr<MultiPlanRunner> mpr(new MultiPlanRunner(collection,canonicalQuery.release()));

            for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
                WorkingSet* ws;
                PlanStage* root;
                if (solutions[i]->cacheData.get()) {
                    solutions[i]->cacheData->indexFilterApplied = plannerParams.indexFiltersApplied;
                verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *solutions[i], &root, &ws));
                // Takes ownership of all arguments.
                mpr->addPlan(solutions[i], root, ws);
            *out = mpr.release();
            return Status::OK();
Beispiel #2
    Status getRunnerDistinct(Collection* collection,
                             const BSONObj& query,
                             const string& field,
                             Runner** out) {
        // This should'a been checked by the distinct command.

        // TODO: check for idhack here?

        // When can we do a fast distinct hack?
        // 1. There is a plan with just one leaf and that leaf is an ixscan.
        // 2. The ixscan indexes the field we're interested in.
        // 2a: We are correct if the index contains the field but for now we look for prefix.
        // 3. The query is covered/no fetch.
        // We go through normal planning (with limited parameters) to see if we can produce
        // a soln with the above properties.

        QueryPlannerParams plannerParams;
        plannerParams.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;

        IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii = collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator(false);
        while (ii.more()) {
            const IndexDescriptor* desc =;
            // The distinct hack can work if any field is in the index but it's not always clear
            // if it's a win unless it's the first field.
            if (desc->keyPattern().firstElement().fieldName() == field) {

        // If there are no suitable indices for the distinct hack bail out now into regular planning
        // with no projection.
        if (plannerParams.indices.empty()) {
            CanonicalQuery* cq;
            Status status = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(collection->ns().ns(),
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;

            // Takes ownership of cq.
            return getRunner(collection, cq, out);

        // If we're here, we have an index prefixed by the field we're distinct-ing over.

        // Applying a projection allows the planner to try to give us covered plans that we can turn
        // into the projection hack.  getDistinctProjection deals with .find() projection semantics
        // (ie _id:1 being implied by default).
        BSONObj projection = getDistinctProjection(field);

        // Apply a projection of the key.  Empty BSONObj() is for the sort.
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status status = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(collection->ns().ns(),
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        // If there's no query, we can just distinct-scan one of the indices.
        // Not every index in plannerParams.indices may be suitable. Refer to
        // getDistinctNodeIndex().
        size_t distinctNodeIndex = 0;
        if (query.isEmpty() &&
            getDistinctNodeIndex(plannerParams.indices, field, &distinctNodeIndex)) {
            DistinctNode* dn = new DistinctNode();
            dn->indexKeyPattern = plannerParams.indices[distinctNodeIndex].keyPattern;
            dn->direction = 1;
            IndexBoundsBuilder::allValuesBounds(dn->indexKeyPattern, &dn->bounds);
            dn->fieldNo = 0;

            QueryPlannerParams params;

            // Takes ownership of 'dn'.
            QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(*cq, params, dn);

            LOG(2) << "Using fast distinct: " << cq->toStringShort()
                   << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*soln);

            WorkingSet* ws;
            PlanStage* root;
            verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *soln, &root, &ws));
            *out = new SingleSolutionRunner(collection, cq, soln, root, ws);
            return Status::OK();

        // See if we can answer the query in a fast-distinct compatible fashion.
        vector<QuerySolution*> solutions;
        status = QueryPlanner::plan(*cq, plannerParams, &solutions);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return getRunner(collection, cq, out);

        // We look for a solution that has an ixscan we can turn into a distinctixscan
        for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
            if (turnIxscanIntoDistinctIxscan(solutions[i], field)) {
                // Great, we can use solutions[i].  Clean up the other QuerySolution(s).
                for (size_t j = 0; j < solutions.size(); ++j) {
                    if (j != i) {
                        delete solutions[j];

                LOG(2) << "Using fast distinct: " << cq->toStringShort()
                       << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*solutions[i]);

                // Build and return the SSR over solutions[i].
                WorkingSet* ws;
                PlanStage* root;
                verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *solutions[i], &root, &ws));
                *out = new SingleSolutionRunner(collection, cq, solutions[i], root, ws);
                return Status::OK();

        // If we're here, the planner made a soln with the restricted index set but we couldn't
        // translate any of them into a distinct-compatible soln.  So, delete the solutions and just
        // go through normal planning.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
            delete solutions[i];

        // We drop the projection from the 'cq'.  Unfortunately this is not trivial.
        delete cq;
        status = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(collection->ns().ns(),
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        // Takes ownership of cq.
        return getRunner(collection, cq, out);
Beispiel #3
    Status getRunnerFromCache(CanonicalQuery* canonicalQuery,
                              Collection* collection,
                              const QueryPlannerParams& plannerParams,
                              Runner** out) {
        // Skip cache look up for non-cacheable queries.
        if (!PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(*canonicalQuery)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "query is not cacheable");

        CachedSolution* rawCS;
        Status cacheLookupStatus = collection->infoCache()->getPlanCache()->get(*canonicalQuery,
        if (!cacheLookupStatus.isOK()) {
            return cacheLookupStatus;

        // We have a CachedSolution.  Have the planner turn it into a QuerySolution.
        boost::scoped_ptr<CachedSolution> cs(rawCS);
        QuerySolution *qs, *backupQs;
        Status status = QueryPlanner::planFromCache(*canonicalQuery,
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        // If our cached solution is a hit for a count query, try to turn it into a fast count
        // thing.
        if (plannerParams.options & QueryPlannerParams::PRIVATE_IS_COUNT) {
            if (turnIxscanIntoCount(qs)) {
                LOG(2) << "Using fast count: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                       << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*qs);

                WorkingSet* ws;
                PlanStage* root;
                verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *qs, &root, &ws));
                *out = new SingleSolutionRunner(collection,
                                                canonicalQuery, qs, root, ws);
                if (NULL != backupQs) {
                    delete backupQs;
                return Status::OK();

        // If we're here, we're going to used the cached plan and things are normal.
        LOG(2) << "Using cached query plan: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
               << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*qs);

        WorkingSet* ws;
        PlanStage* root;
        verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *qs, &root, &ws));
        CachedPlanRunner* cpr = new CachedPlanRunner(collection,

        // If there's a backup solution, let the CachedPlanRunner know about it.
        if (NULL != backupQs) {
            WorkingSet* backupWs;
            PlanStage* backupRoot;
            verify(StageBuilder::build(collection, *backupQs, &backupRoot, &backupWs));
            cpr->setBackupPlan(backupQs, backupRoot, backupWs);

        *out = cpr;
        return Status::OK();
Beispiel #4
    Status getExecutorAlwaysPlan(OperationContext* txn,
                                 Collection* collection,
                                 CanonicalQuery* rawCanonicalQuery,
                                 const QueryPlannerParams& plannerParams,
                                 PlanExecutor** execOut) {
        auto_ptr<CanonicalQuery> canonicalQuery(rawCanonicalQuery);

        *execOut = NULL;

        vector<QuerySolution*> solutions;
        Status status = QueryPlanner::plan(*canonicalQuery.get(), plannerParams, &solutions);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "error processing query: " + canonicalQuery->toString() +
                          " planner returned error: " + status.reason());

        // We cannot figure out how to answer the query.  Perhaps it requires an index
        // we do not have?
        if (0 == solutions.size()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          << "error processing query: "
                          << canonicalQuery->toString()
                          << " No query solutions");

        // See if one of our solutions is a fast count hack in disguise.
        if (plannerParams.options & QueryPlannerParams::PRIVATE_IS_COUNT) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
                if (turnIxscanIntoCount(solutions[i])) {
                    // Great, we can use solutions[i].  Clean up the other QuerySolution(s).
                    for (size_t j = 0; j < solutions.size(); ++j) {
                        if (j != i) {
                            delete solutions[j];

                    LOG(2) << "Using fast count: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                           << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*solutions[i]);

                    // We're not going to cache anything that's fast count.
                    WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet();
                    PlanStage* root;

                    verify(StageBuilder::build(txn, collection, *solutions[i], ws, &root));

                    *execOut = new PlanExecutor(ws, root, solutions[i], canonicalQuery.release(),
                    return Status::OK();

        if (1 == solutions.size()) {
            LOG(2) << "Only one plan is available; it will be run but will not be cached. "
                   << canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                   << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*solutions[0]);

            // Only one possible plan.  Run it.  Build the stages from the solution.
            WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet();
            PlanStage* root;

            verify(StageBuilder::build(txn, collection, *solutions[0], ws, &root));

            *execOut = new PlanExecutor(ws, root, solutions[0], canonicalQuery.release(),
            return Status::OK();
        else {
            // Many solutions.  Create a MultiPlanStage to pick the best, update the cache, and so on.

            // The working set will be shared by all candidate plans and owned by the containing runner
            WorkingSet* sharedWorkingSet = new WorkingSet();

            MultiPlanStage* multiPlanStage = new MultiPlanStage(collection, canonicalQuery.get());

            for (size_t ix = 0; ix < solutions.size(); ++ix) {
                if (solutions[ix]->cacheData.get()) {
                    solutions[ix]->cacheData->indexFilterApplied = plannerParams.indexFiltersApplied;

                // version of StageBuild::build when WorkingSet is shared
                PlanStage* nextPlanRoot;
                verify(StageBuilder::build(txn, collection, *solutions[ix],
                                           sharedWorkingSet, &nextPlanRoot));

                // Owns none of the arguments
                multiPlanStage->addPlan(solutions[ix], nextPlanRoot, sharedWorkingSet);

            // Do the plan selection up front.

            PlanExecutor* exec = new PlanExecutor(sharedWorkingSet, multiPlanStage,
                                                  canonicalQuery.release(), collection);

            *execOut = exec;
            return Status::OK();
Beispiel #5
    Status getExecutor(OperationContext* txn,
                      Collection* collection,
                      CanonicalQuery* rawCanonicalQuery,
                      PlanExecutor** out,
                      size_t plannerOptions) {
        auto_ptr<CanonicalQuery> canonicalQuery(rawCanonicalQuery);

        // This can happen as we're called by internal clients as well.
        if (NULL == collection) {
            const string& ns = canonicalQuery->ns();
            LOG(2) << "Collection " << ns << " does not exist."
                   << " Using EOF runner: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort();
            EOFStage* eofStage = new EOFStage();
            WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet();
            *out = new PlanExecutor(ws, eofStage, canonicalQuery.release(), collection);
            return Status::OK();

        // Fill out the planning params.  We use these for both cached solutions and non-cached.
        QueryPlannerParams plannerParams;
        plannerParams.options = plannerOptions;
        fillOutPlannerParams(collection, canonicalQuery.get(), &plannerParams);

        // If we have an _id index we can use the idhack runner.
        if (IDHackStage::supportsQuery(*canonicalQuery.get()) &&
            collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIdIndex()) {
            return getExecutorIDHack(txn, collection, canonicalQuery.release(), plannerParams, out);

        // Tailable: If the query requests tailable the collection must be capped.
        if (canonicalQuery->getParsed().hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            if (!collection->isCapped()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "error processing query: " + canonicalQuery->toString() +
                              " tailable cursor requested on non capped collection");

            // If a sort is specified it must be equal to expectedSort.
            const BSONObj expectedSort = BSON("$natural" << 1);
            const BSONObj& actualSort = canonicalQuery->getParsed().getSort();
            if (!actualSort.isEmpty() && !(actualSort == expectedSort)) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "error processing query: " + canonicalQuery->toString() +
                              " invalid sort specified for tailable cursor: "
                              + actualSort.toString());

        // Try to look up a cached solution for the query.

        CachedSolution* rawCS;
        if (PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(*canonicalQuery) &&
            collection->infoCache()->getPlanCache()->get(*canonicalQuery.get(), &rawCS).isOK()) {
            // We have a CachedSolution.  Have the planner turn it into a QuerySolution.
            boost::scoped_ptr<CachedSolution> cs(rawCS);
            QuerySolution *qs, *backupQs;
            QuerySolution*& chosenSolution=qs; // either qs or backupQs
            Status status = QueryPlanner::planFromCache(*canonicalQuery.get(), plannerParams, *cs,
                                                        &qs, &backupQs);

            if (status.isOK()) {
                // the working set will be shared by the root and backupRoot plans
                // and owned by the containing single-solution-runner
                WorkingSet* sharedWs = new WorkingSet();

                PlanStage *root, *backupRoot=NULL;
                verify(StageBuilder::build(txn, collection, *qs, sharedWs, &root));
                if ((plannerParams.options & QueryPlannerParams::PRIVATE_IS_COUNT)
                    && turnIxscanIntoCount(qs)) {
                    LOG(2) << "Using fast count: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                           << ", planSummary: " << getPlanSummary(*qs);

                    if (NULL != backupQs) {
                        delete backupQs;
                else if (NULL != backupQs) {
                    verify(StageBuilder::build(txn, collection, *backupQs, sharedWs, &backupRoot));

                // add a CachedPlanStage on top of the previous root
                root = new CachedPlanStage(collection, canonicalQuery.get(), root, backupRoot);

                *out = new PlanExecutor(sharedWs, root, chosenSolution, canonicalQuery.release(),
                return Status::OK();

        if (internalQueryPlanOrChildrenIndependently
            && SubplanStage::canUseSubplanning(*canonicalQuery)) {

            QLOG() << "Running query as sub-queries: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort();

            auto_ptr<WorkingSet> ws(new WorkingSet());

            SubplanStage* subplan;
            Status subplanStatus = SubplanStage::make(txn, collection, ws.get(), plannerParams,
                                                      canonicalQuery.get(), &subplan);
            if (subplanStatus.isOK()) {
                LOG(2) << "Running query as sub-queries: " << canonicalQuery->toStringShort();
                *out = new PlanExecutor(ws.release(), subplan, canonicalQuery.release(),
                return Status::OK();
            else {
                QLOG() << "Subplanner: " << subplanStatus.reason();

        return getExecutorAlwaysPlan(txn, collection, canonicalQuery.release(), plannerParams, out);
Beispiel #6
    void MultiPlanStage::pickBestPlan() {
        // Run each plan some number of times. This number is at least as great as
        // 'internalQueryPlanEvaluationWorks', but may be larger for big collections.
        size_t numWorks = internalQueryPlanEvaluationWorks;
        if (NULL != _collection) {
            // For large collections, the number of works is set to be this
            // fraction of the collection size.
            double fraction = internalQueryPlanEvaluationCollFraction;

            numWorks = std::max(size_t(internalQueryPlanEvaluationWorks),
                                size_t(fraction * _collection->numRecords()));

        // We treat ntoreturn as though it is a limit during plan ranking.
        // This means that ranking might not be great for sort + batchSize.
        // But it also means that we don't buffer too much data for sort + limit.
        // See SERVER-14174 for details.
        size_t numToReturn = _query->getParsed().getNumToReturn();

        // Determine the number of results which we will produce during the plan
        // ranking phase before stopping.
        size_t numResults = (size_t)internalQueryPlanEvaluationMaxResults;
        if (numToReturn > 0) {
            numResults = std::min(numToReturn, numResults);

        // Work the plans, stopping when a plan hits EOF or returns some
        // fixed number of results.
        for (size_t ix = 0; ix < numWorks; ++ix) {
            bool moreToDo = workAllPlans(numResults);
            if (!moreToDo) { break; }

        if (_failure) { return; }

        // After picking best plan, ranking will own plan stats from
        // candidate solutions (winner and losers).
        std::auto_ptr<PlanRankingDecision> ranking(new PlanRankingDecision);
        _bestPlanIdx = PlanRanker::pickBestPlan(_candidates, ranking.get());
        verify(_bestPlanIdx >= 0 && _bestPlanIdx < static_cast<int>(_candidates.size()));

        // Copy candidate order. We will need this to sort candidate stats for explain
        // after transferring ownership of 'ranking' to plan cache.
        std::vector<size_t> candidateOrder = ranking->candidateOrder;

        CandidatePlan& bestCandidate = _candidates[_bestPlanIdx];
        std::list<WorkingSetID>& alreadyProduced = bestCandidate.results;
        QuerySolution* bestSolution = bestCandidate.solution;

        QLOG() << "Winning solution:\n" << bestSolution->toString() << endl;
        LOG(2) << "Winning plan: " << getPlanSummary(*bestSolution);

        _backupPlanIdx = kNoSuchPlan;
        if (bestSolution->hasBlockingStage && (0 == alreadyProduced.size())) {
            QLOG() << "Winner has blocking stage, looking for backup plan...\n";
            for (size_t ix = 0; ix < _candidates.size(); ++ix) {
                if (!_candidates[ix].solution->hasBlockingStage) {
                    QLOG() << "Candidate " << ix << " is backup child\n";
                    _backupPlanIdx = ix;

        // Store the choice we just made in the cache. In order to do so,
        //   1) the query must be of a type that is safe to cache, and
        //   2) two or more plans cannot have tied for the win. Caching in the
        //   case of ties can cause successive queries of the same shape to
        //   use a bad index.
        if (PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(*_query) && !ranking->tieForBest) {
            // Create list of candidate solutions for the cache with
            // the best solution at the front.
            std::vector<QuerySolution*> solutions;

            // Generate solutions and ranking decisions sorted by score.
            for (size_t orderingIndex = 0;
                 orderingIndex < candidateOrder.size(); ++orderingIndex) {
                // index into candidates/ranking
                size_t ix = candidateOrder[orderingIndex];

            // Check solution cache data. Do not add to cache if
            // we have any invalid SolutionCacheData data.
            // XXX: One known example is 2D queries
            bool validSolutions = true;
            for (size_t ix = 0; ix < solutions.size(); ++ix) {
                if (NULL == solutions[ix]->cacheData.get()) {
                    QLOG() << "Not caching query because this solution has no cache data: "
                           << solutions[ix]->toString();
                    validSolutions = false;

            if (validSolutions) {
                _collection->infoCache()->getPlanCache()->add(*_query, solutions, ranking.release());
Beispiel #7
    bool MultiPlanRunner::pickBestPlan(size_t* out, BSONObj* objOut) {
        static const int timesEachPlanIsWorked = 100;

        // Run each plan some number of times.
        for (int i = 0; i < timesEachPlanIsWorked; ++i) {
            bool moreToDo = workAllPlans(objOut);
            if (!moreToDo) { break; }

        if (_failure || _killed) { return false; }

        // After picking best plan, ranking will own plan stats from
        // candidate solutions (winner and losers).
        std::auto_ptr<PlanRankingDecision> ranking(new PlanRankingDecision);
        size_t bestChild = PlanRanker::pickBestPlan(_candidates, ranking.get());

        // Copy candidate order. We will need this to sort candidate stats for explain
        // after transferring ownership of 'ranking' to plan cache.
        std::vector<size_t> candidateOrder = ranking->candidateOrder;

        // Run the best plan.  Store it.
        _bestPlan.reset(new PlanExecutor(_candidates[bestChild].ws,
        _alreadyProduced = _candidates[bestChild].results;

        QLOG() << "Winning solution:\n" << _bestSolution->toString() << endl;
        LOG(2) << "Winning plan: " << getPlanSummary(*_bestSolution);

        size_t backupChild = bestChild;
        if (_bestSolution->hasBlockingStage && (0 == _alreadyProduced.size())) {
            QLOG() << "Winner has blocking stage, looking for backup plan.\n";
            for (size_t i = 0; i < _candidates.size(); ++i) {
                if (!_candidates[i].solution->hasBlockingStage) {
                    QLOG() << "Candidate " << i << " is backup child.\n";
                    backupChild = i;
                    _backupSolution = _candidates[i].solution;
                    _backupAlreadyProduced = _candidates[i].results;
                    _backupPlan = new PlanExecutor(_candidates[i].ws, _candidates[i].root);

        // Store the choice we just made in the cache. We do
        // not cache the query if:
        //   1) The query is of a type that is not safe to cache, or
        //   2) the winning plan did not actually produce any results,
        //   without hitting EOF. In this case, we have no information to
        //   suggest that this plan is good.
        const PlanStageStats* bestStats = ranking->stats.vector()[0];
        if (PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(*_query)
            && (!_alreadyProduced.empty() || bestStats->common.isEOF)) {
            Database* db = cc().database();
            verify(NULL != db);
            Collection* collection = db->getCollection(_query->ns());
            verify(NULL != collection);
            PlanCache* cache = collection->infoCache()->getPlanCache();
            // Create list of candidate solutions for the cache with
            // the best solution at the front.
            std::vector<QuerySolution*> solutions;

            // Generate solutions and ranking decisions sorted by score.
            for (size_t orderingIndex = 0;
                 orderingIndex < candidateOrder.size(); ++orderingIndex) {
                // index into candidates/ranking
                size_t i = candidateOrder[orderingIndex];

            // Check solution cache data. Do not add to cache if
            // we have any invalid SolutionCacheData data.
            // XXX: One known example is 2D queries
            bool validSolutions = true;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
                if (NULL == solutions[i]->cacheData.get()) {
                    QLOG() << "Not caching query because this solution has no cache data: "
                           << solutions[i]->toString();
                    validSolutions = false;

            if (validSolutions) {
                cache->add(*_query, solutions, ranking.release());

        // Clear out the candidate plans, leaving only stats as we're all done w/them.
        // Traverse candidate plans in order or score
        for (size_t orderingIndex = 0;
             orderingIndex < candidateOrder.size(); ++orderingIndex) {
            // index into candidates/ranking
            size_t i = candidateOrder[orderingIndex];

            if (i == bestChild) { continue; }
            if (i == backupChild) { continue; }

            delete _candidates[i].solution;

            // Remember the stats for the candidate plan because we always show it on an
            // explain. (The {verbose:false} in explain() is client-side trick; we always
            // generate a "verbose" explain.)
            PlanStageStats* stats = _candidates[i].root->getStats();
            if (stats) {
            delete _candidates[i].root;

            // ws must die after the root.
            delete _candidates[i].ws;

        if (NULL != out) { *out = bestChild; }
        return true;