Beispiel #1
//  Entry Point
        rEvent isTimeToStop
    RU32 ret = 0;

    RU64 nextBeaconTime = 0;

    rList cloudMessages = NULL;
    rSequence msg = NULL;
    rList newConfigurations = NULL;
    rList newNotifications = NULL;
    RPU8 newConfigurationHash = NULL;
    RU32 newHashSize = 0;
    rSequence staticConfig = NULL;
    RU8* tmpBuffer = NULL;
    RU32 tmpSize = 0;




    // This is the event for the collectors, it is different than the
    // hbs proper event so that we can restart the collectors without
    // signaling hbs as a whole.
    if( NULL == ( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop = rEvent_create( TRUE ) ) )
        return (RU32)-1;

    // By default, no collectors are running
    rEvent_set( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop );

    // We attempt to load some initial config from the serialized
    // rSequence that can be patched in this binary.
    if( NULL != ( staticConfig = getStaticConfig() ) )
        if( rSequence_getBUFFER( staticConfig, RP_TAGS_HBS_ROOT_PUBLIC_KEY, &tmpBuffer, &tmpSize ) )
            hbs_cloud_pub_key = rpal_memory_duplicate( tmpBuffer, tmpSize );
            if( NULL == hbs_cloud_pub_key )
                hbs_cloud_pub_key = hbs_cloud_default_pub_key;
            rpal_debug_info( "loading hbs root public key from static config" );

        if( rSequence_getRU32( staticConfig, RP_TAGS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, &g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum ) )
            rpal_debug_info( "loading max queue size from static config" );
            g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_NUM;

        if( rSequence_getRU32( staticConfig, RP_TAGS_MAX_SIZE, &g_hbs_state.maxQueueSize ) )
            rpal_debug_info( "loading max queue num from static config" );
            g_hbs_state.maxQueueSize = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE;

        rSequence_free( staticConfig );
        hbs_cloud_pub_key = hbs_cloud_default_pub_key;
        g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_NUM;
        g_hbs_state.maxQueueSize = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE;

    if( !rQueue_create( &g_hbs_state.outQueue, freeExfilEvent, g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum ) )
        rEvent_free( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop );
        return (RU32)-1;

    // We simply enqueue a message to let the cloud know we're starting

    while( !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, (RU32)nextBeaconTime ) )
                         ( rpal_rand() % HBS_DEFAULT_BEACON_TIMEOUT_FUZZ ) );

        if( NULL != ( cloudMessages = beaconHome() ) )
            while( rList_getSEQUENCE( cloudMessages, RP_TAGS_MESSAGE, &msg ) )
                // Cloud message indicating next requested beacon time, as a Seconds delta
                if( rSequence_getTIMEDELTA( msg, RP_TAGS_TIMEDELTA, &nextBeaconTime ) )
                    nextBeaconTime = MSEC_FROM_SEC( nextBeaconTime );
                    rpal_debug_info( "received set_next_beacon" );

                if( NULL == newConfigurations &&
                    rSequence_getLIST( msg, RP_TAGS_HBS_CONFIGURATIONS, &newConfigurations ) )
                    rpal_debug_info( "received a new profile" );

                    if( rSequence_getBUFFER( msg, RP_TAGS_HASH, &newConfigurationHash, &newHashSize ) &&
                        newHashSize == CRYPTOLIB_HASH_SIZE )
                        newConfigurations = rList_duplicate( newConfigurations );
                        rpal_memory_memcpy( &( g_hbs_state.currentConfigHash ), 
                                            CRYPTOLIB_HASH_SIZE );
                        g_hbs_state.isProfilePresent = TRUE;
                        newConfigurations = NULL;
                        rpal_debug_error( "profile hash received is invalid" );

                if( NULL == newNotifications &&
                    rSequence_getLIST( msg, RP_TAGS_HBS_CLOUD_NOTIFICATIONS, &newNotifications ) )
                    rpal_debug_info( "received cloud events" );
                    newNotifications = rList_duplicate( newNotifications );

            rList_free( cloudMessages );

        // If this is the initial boot and we have no profile yet, we'll load a dummy
        // blank profile and use our defaults.
        if( NULL == newConfigurations &&
            !g_hbs_state.isProfilePresent &&
            !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) )
            newConfigurations = rList_new( RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULES, RPCM_SEQUENCE );
            rpal_debug_info( "setting empty profile" );

        if( NULL != newConfigurations )
            // We try to be as responsive as possible when asked to quit
            // so if we happen to have received the signal during a beacon
            // we will action the quit instead of the config change.
            if( !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) )
                rpal_debug_info( "begining sensor update on new profile" );

                updateCollectorConfigs( newConfigurations );
                rList_free( newConfigurations );
                newConfigurations = NULL;

                rList_free( newConfigurations );

            newConfigurations = NULL;

        if( NULL != newNotifications )
            if( !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) )
                publishCloudNotifications( newNotifications );

            rList_free( newNotifications );

            newNotifications = NULL;

    // We issue one last beacon indicating we are stopping

    // Shutdown everything

    // Cleanup the last few resources
    rEvent_free( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop );
    rQueue_free( g_hbs_state.outQueue );


    if( hbs_cloud_default_pub_key != hbs_cloud_pub_key &&
        NULL != hbs_cloud_pub_key )
        rpal_memory_free( hbs_cloud_pub_key );
        hbs_cloud_pub_key = NULL;

    return ret;
NARoutine::NARoutine(const QualifiedName   &name,
           const TrafDesc    *routine_desc,
           BindWA                *bindWA,
           Int32                 &errorOccurred,
           NAMemory              *heap)
    : name_                   (name, heap)
    , hashKey_                (name, heap) 
    , language_               (routine_desc->routineDesc()->language)
    , UDRType_                (routine_desc->routineDesc()->UDRType)
    , sqlAccess_              (routine_desc->routineDesc()->sqlAccess)
    , transactionAttributes_  (routine_desc->routineDesc()->transactionAttributes)
    , maxResults_             (routine_desc->routineDesc()->maxResults)
    , stateAreaSize_          (routine_desc->routineDesc()->stateAreaSize)
    , externalFile_           ("", heap)
    , externalPath_           (routine_desc->routineDesc()->libraryFileName, heap)
    , externalName_           ("", heap)
    , librarySqlName_         (routine_desc->routineDesc()->librarySqlName, COM_UNKNOWN_NAME, FALSE, heap) //TODO
    , signature_              (routine_desc->routineDesc()->signature, heap)
    , paramStyle_             (routine_desc->routineDesc()->paramStyle)
    , paramStyleVersion_      (COM_ROUTINE_PARAM_STYLE_VERSION_1)
    , isDeterministic_        (routine_desc->routineDesc()->isDeterministic)
    , isCallOnNull_           (routine_desc->routineDesc()->isCallOnNull )
    , isIsolate_              (routine_desc->routineDesc()->isIsolate)
    , externalSecurity_       (routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalSecurity)
    , isExtraCall_            (FALSE) //TODO
    , hasOutParams_           (FALSE)
    , redefTime_              (0)  //TODO
    , lastUsedTime_           (0)
    , routineSecKeySet_       (heap)
    , passThruDataNumEntries_ (0)
    , passThruData_           (NULL)
    , passThruDataSize_       (0)
    , udfFanOut_              (1) // TODO
    , uecValues_              (heap,0)
    , isUniversal_            (0) // TODO
    , actionPosition_         (0) // TODO
    , executionMode_          (COM_ROUTINE_SAFE_EXECUTION)
    , objectUID_              (routine_desc->routineDesc()->objectUID)
    , dllName_                (routine_desc->routineDesc()->libraryFileName, heap)
    , dllEntryPoint_          (routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalName, heap)
    , sasFormatWidth_         ("", heap) //TODO
    , systemName_             ("", heap) // TODO
    , dataSource_             ("", heap) // TODO
    , fileSuffix_             ("", heap) // TODO
    , schemaVersionOfRoutine_ ((COM_VERSION)0) // TODO
    , objectOwner_            (routine_desc->routineDesc()->owner)
    , schemaOwner_            (routine_desc->routineDesc()->schemaOwner)
    , privInfo_               (NULL)
    , heap_(heap)
  char parallelism[5];
  CmGetComRoutineParallelismAsLit(routine_desc->routineDesc()->parallelism, parallelism);
  comRoutineParallelism_ = ((char *)parallelism);

  if (paramStyle_ == COM_STYLE_JAVA_CALL)
    NAString extName(routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalName);
    size_t pos=extName.last('.');
    externalName_ = extName(pos+1, (extName.length()-pos-1)); // method_name
    externalFile_ = extName.remove (pos); // package_name.class_name 
    externalName_ = routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalName;
    if (language_ == COM_LANGUAGE_C ||
        language_ == COM_LANGUAGE_CPP)
        // Split the fully-qualified DLL name into a directory name and
        // simple file name
        ComUInt32 len = dllName_.length();
        if (len > 0)
            size_t lastSlash = dllName_.last('/');
            if (lastSlash == NA_NPOS)
                // No slash was found
                externalPath_ = ".";
                externalFile_ = dllName_;
                // A slash was found. EXTERNAL PATH is everything before the
                // slash. EXTERNAL FILE is everything after.
                externalPath_ = dllName_;
                externalPath_.remove(lastSlash, len - lastSlash);
                externalFile_ = dllName_;
                externalFile_.remove(0, lastSlash + 1);
      } // if (len > 0)

  ComSInt32 colCount = routine_desc->routineDesc()->paramsCount;
  NAColumn *newCol = NULL;
  NAType   *newColType = NULL;
  extRoutineName_ = new (heap) ExtendedQualName( name_, heap );
  extActionName_  = new (heap) NAString(heap);
  intActionName_  = new (heap) ComObjectName(heap);
  params_         = new (heap) NAColumnArray(heap);
  inParams_       = new (heap) NAColumnArray(heap);
  outParams_      = new (heap) NAColumnArray(heap);

  // to compute java signature
  ComFSDataType *paramType = new STMTHEAP ComFSDataType[colCount];
  ComUInt32     *subType   = new STMTHEAP ComUInt32    [colCount];
  ComColumnDirection *direction = new STMTHEAP ComColumnDirection[colCount] ;
  // Construct the CostVectors
  // CQDs are checked at Bind time.
  Int32 initCpuCost = -1;
  Int32 initIOCost = -1;
  Int32 initMsgCost = -1;

  CostScalar initialCpuCost( initCpuCost);
  CostScalar initialIOCost( initIOCost);
  CostScalar initialMsgCost( initMsgCost);

  initialRowCost_.setCPUTime( initCpuCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : initialCpuCost);
  initialRowCost_.setIOTime( initIOCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : initialIOCost);
  initialRowCost_.setMSGTime( initMsgCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : initialMsgCost);

  Int32 normCpuCost = -1;
  Int32 normIOCost = -1;
  Int32 normMsgCost = -1;

  CostScalar normalCpuCost( normCpuCost);
  CostScalar normalIOCost( normIOCost);
  CostScalar normalMsgCost( normMsgCost);

  normalRowCost_.setCPUTime( normCpuCost < 0 ? csMinusOne  : normalCpuCost);
  normalRowCost_.setIOTime( normIOCost < 0 ? csMinusOne  : normalIOCost);
  normalRowCost_.setMSGTime( normMsgCost < 0 ? csMinusOne  : normalMsgCost);

  TrafDesc *params_desc_list  = routine_desc->routineDesc()->params;
  TrafColumnsDesc *param_desc;

  int i = 0;
  while (params_desc_list)
    param_desc = params_desc_list->columnsDesc();

    // Create the new NAType.
    if (NAColumn::createNAType(param_desc->columnsDesc(), (const NATable *)NULL, newColType, heap_))
      errorOccurred = TRUE;
    if (param_desc->colname && strncmp(param_desc->colname, "#:", 2) == 0)
      memset(param_desc->colname, 0, 2);

    ComParamDirection colDirection = param_desc->paramDirection();
    // Create the new NAColumn and insert it into the NAColumnArray
    newCol = new (heap) NAColumn(
         (const char *)UDRCopyString (param_desc->colname, heap)
         , param_desc->colnumber
         , newColType
         , heap
         , NULL   // NATable *
         , USER_COLUMN
         , COM_NO_DEFAULT
         , NULL   // default value
         , UDRCopyString("", heap) // TODO:heading can it have some value
         , param_desc->isUpshifted()
         , FALSE // addedColumn
         , (ComColumnDirection) colDirection
         , param_desc->isOptional()
         , (char *) COM_NORMAL_PARAM_TYPE_LIT
    // We have to check for INOUT in both the
    // if's below
    if ( COM_OUTPUT_PARAM == colDirection ||
	 COM_INOUT_PARAM == colDirection )
      hasOutParams_ = TRUE;
      outParams_->insert (newCol);
      params_->insert (newCol );

    if ( COM_INPUT_PARAM == colDirection ||
	 COM_INOUT_PARAM == colDirection )
      inParams_->insert (newCol);
      if ( COM_INOUT_PARAM != colDirection )
	params_->insert (newCol );
      }    // if not INOUT
    } // if IN or INOUT

    // Gather the param attributes for LM from the paramDefArray previously
    // populated and from the routineparamList generated from paramDefArray.
    paramType[i] = (ComFSDataType)newColType->getFSDatatype();
    subType[i] = 0;  // default

    // Set subType for special cases detected by LM
    switch ( paramType[i] )
      case COM_SIGNED_BIN16_FSDT :
      case COM_SIGNED_BIN32_FSDT :
      case COM_SIGNED_BIN64_FSDT :
      case COM_UNSIGNED_BIN16_FSDT :
      case COM_UNSIGNED_BIN32_FSDT :
          subType[i] = newColType->getPrecision();

      case COM_DATETIME_FSDT :
        switch ( ((DatetimeType *)newColType)->getSubtype() )
        case DatetimeType::SUBTYPE_SQLDate : subType[i] = 1;      break;
        case DatetimeType::SUBTYPE_SQLTime : subType[i] = 2;      break;
        case DatetimeType::SUBTYPE_SQLTimestamp : subType[i] = 3; break;
    } // end switch paramType[i]

    direction[i] = (ComColumnDirection) colDirection;
    params_desc_list = params_desc_list->next;
  } // for

  passThruDataNumEntries_ = 0;
  passThruData_ = NULL;
  passThruDataSize_ = NULL;

  if ((language_ == COM_LANGUAGE_JAVA)&&(signature_.length() < 2))
      // Allocate buffer for generated signature
      char sigBuf[MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
      sigBuf[0] = '\0';

      // If the syntax specified a signature, pass that to LanguageManager.
      char* optionalSig = NULL;
      ComBoolean isJavaMain =
        ((str_cmp_ne(, "main") == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);

      LmResult createSigResult;
      LmJavaSignature *lmSignature =  new (STMTHEAP) LmJavaSignature(NULL,
      createSigResult = lmSignature->createSig(paramType, subType, direction,
                                               colCount, COM_UNKNOWN_FSDT, 0,
                                               maxResults_, optionalSig, 
                                               isJavaMain, sigBuf,
      NADELETE(lmSignature, LmJavaSignature, STMTHEAP);

      // Lm returned error. Lm fills diags area
      if (createSigResult != LM_ERR)
        signature_ = sigBuf;

  heapSize_ = (heap ? heap->getTotalSize() : 0);