Spec * RegionImplFactory::getSpec(const std::string nodeType)
  std::map<std::string, Spec*>::iterator it;
  // return from cache if we already have it
  it = nodespecCache_.find(nodeType);
  if (it != nodespecCache_.end())
    return it->second;

  // grab the nodespec and cache it
  // one entry per supported node type
  Spec * ns = nullptr;
  if (cppRegions.find(nodeType) != cppRegions.end())
    ns = cppRegions[nodeType]->createSpec();
  else if (nodeType.find(std::string("py.")) == 0)
    if (!pyLib_)
      pyLib_ = boost::shared_ptr<DynamicPythonLibrary>(new DynamicPythonLibrary());

    ns = getPySpec(pyLib_.get(), nodeType);
    NTA_THROW << "getSpec() -- Unsupported node type '" << nodeType << "'";

  if (!ns)
    NTA_THROW << "Unable to get node spec for: " << nodeType;

  nodespecCache_[nodeType] = ns;
  return ns;
Beispiel #2
Spec * RegionImplFactory::getSpec(const std::string nodeType)
  std::map<std::string, Spec*>::iterator it;
  // return from cache if we already have it
  it = nodespecCache_.find(nodeType);
  if (it != nodespecCache_.end())
    return it->second;

  // grab the nodespec and cache it
  // one entry per supported node type
  Spec * ns = NULL;
  if (nodeType == "TestNode")
    ns = TestNode::createSpec();
  else if (nodeType == "SpatialPoolerNode")
    ns = SpatialPoolerNode::createSpec();
  else if (nodeType == "TemporalPoolerNode")
    ns = TemporalPoolerNode::createSpec();
  else if (nodeType == "VectorFileEffector")
    ns = VectorFileEffector::createSpec();
  else if (nodeType == "VectorFileSensor")
    ns = VectorFileSensor::createSpec();
  else if (nodeType.find(std::string("py.")) == 0)
    if (!pyLib_)
      pyLib_ = boost::shared_ptr<DynamicPythonLibrary>(new DynamicPythonLibrary());

    ns = getPySpec(pyLib_.get(), nodeType);
    NTA_THROW << "getSpec() -- Unsupported node type '" << nodeType << "'";

  if (!ns)
    NTA_THROW << "Unable to get node spec for: " << nodeType;

  nodespecCache_[nodeType] = ns;
  return ns;