void NGSD::executeQueriesFromFile(QString filename) { QStringList lines = Helper::loadTextFile(filename, true); QString query = ""; for(const QString& line : lines) { if (line.isEmpty()) continue; if (line.startsWith("--")) continue; query.append(' '); query.append(line); if (query.endsWith(';')) { //qDebug() << query; getQuery().exec(query); query.clear(); } } if (query.endsWith(';')) { //qDebug() << query; getQuery().exec(query); query.clear(); } }
TEST_F(DocumentSourceMatchTest, MultipleMatchStagesShouldCombineIntoOne) { auto match1 = DocumentSourceMatch::create(BSON("a" << 1), getExpCtx()); auto match2 = DocumentSourceMatch::create(BSON("b" << 1), getExpCtx()); auto match3 = DocumentSourceMatch::create(BSON("c" << 1), getExpCtx()); Pipeline::SourceContainer container; // Check initial state ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(match1->getQuery(), BSON("a" << 1)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(match2->getQuery(), BSON("b" << 1)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(match3->getQuery(), BSON("c" << 1)); container.push_back(match1); container.push_back(match2); match1->optimizeAt(container.begin(), &container); ASSERT_EQUALS(container.size(), 1U); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(match1->getQuery(), fromjson("{'$and': [{a:1}, {b:1}]}")); container.push_back(match3); match1->optimizeAt(container.begin(), &container); ASSERT_EQUALS(container.size(), 1U); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(match1->getQuery(), fromjson("{'$and': [{'$and': [{a:1}, {b:1}]}," "{c:1}]}")); }
static void manual() { if (smatch(getQuery(), "send")) { setHeader("X-SendCache", "true"); finalize(); } else if (!espRenderCached(getConn())) { render("{ when: %Ld, uri: '%s', query: '%s' }\r\n", mprGetTicks(), getUri(), getQuery()); } }
int NGSD::geneToApprovedID(const QByteArray& gene) { //init static SqlQuery q_gene = getQuery(true); static SqlQuery q_prev = getQuery(true); static SqlQuery q_syn = getQuery(true); static bool init = false; if (!init) { q_gene.prepare("SELECT id FROM gene WHERE symbol=:1"); q_prev.prepare("SELECT g.id FROM gene g, gene_alias ga WHERE g.id=ga.gene_id AND ga.symbol=:1 AND ga.type='previous'"); q_syn.prepare("SELECT g.id FROM gene g, gene_alias ga WHERE g.id=ga.gene_id AND ga.symbol=:1 AND ga.type='synonym'"); init = true; } //approved q_gene.bindValue(0, gene); q_gene.exec(); if (q_gene.size()==1) { q_gene.next(); return q_gene.value(0).toInt(); } //previous q_prev.bindValue(0, gene); q_prev.exec(); if (q_prev.size()==1) { q_prev.next(); return q_prev.value(0).toInt(); } else if(q_prev.size()>1) { return -1; } //synonymous q_syn.bindValue(0, gene); q_syn.exec(); if (q_syn.size()==1) { q_syn.next(); return q_syn.value(0).toInt(); } return -1; }
bool NGSD::tableEmpty(QString table) { SqlQuery query = getQuery(); query.exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table); query.next(); return query.value(0).toInt()==0; }
QStringList NGSD::getEnum(QString table, QString column) { //check cache static QMap<QString, QStringList> cache; QString hash = table+"."+column; if (cache.contains(hash)) { return cache.value(hash); } //DB query SqlQuery q = getQuery(); q.exec("DESCRIBE "+table+" "+column); while (q.next()) { QString type = q.value(1).toString(); type.replace("'", ""); type.replace("enum(", ""); type.replace(")", ""); cache[hash] = type.split(","); return cache[hash]; } THROW(ProgrammingException, "Could not determine enum values of column '"+column+"' in table '"+table+"'!"); }
void NGSD::init(QString password) { //remove existing tables SqlQuery query = getQuery(); query.exec("SHOW TABLES"); if (query.size()>0) { //check password for re-init of production DB if (!test_db_ && password!=Settings::string("ngsd_pass")) { THROW(DatabaseException, "Password provided for re-initialization of procution database is incorrect!"); } //get table list QStringList tables; while(query.next()) { tables << query.value(0).toString(); } //remove old tables if (!tables.isEmpty()) { query.exec("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;"); query.exec("DROP TABLE " + tables.join(",")); query.exec("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;"); } } //initilize executeQueriesFromFile(":/resources/NGSD_schema.sql"); }
string OAuthClient::getSignedUrl(string url, bool post, bool remove, bool put){ // cout << "Get URL signed" << endl; string urlSigned=""; string parameter; size_t pos = url.find(questionMark); string query; if(remove) query = deleteQuery(url, true); else if(post) query = postQuery(url, true); else if(put) query = putQuery(url, true); else query = getQuery(url, true); if(pos!=string::npos){ // if '?' found parameter = url.substr(pos+1, url.size()-1); url = url.substr(0,pos); } urlSigned = url + questionMark + query; return urlSigned; }
CPLErr RasdamanRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff, void * pImage ) { //cerr << "Read block " << nBlockXOff << " " << nBlockYOff << endl; RasdamanDataset *poGDS = (RasdamanDataset *) poDS; r_Database database; r_Transaction transaction; memset(pImage, 0, nRecordSize); try { database.set_servername(poGDS->host, poGDS->port); database.set_useridentification(poGDS->username, poGDS->userpassword); database.open(poGDS->databasename); transaction.begin(); char x_lo[11], x_hi[11], y_lo[11], y_hi[11]; int xPos = poGDS->xPos; int yPos = poGDS->yPos; sprintf(x_lo, "%d", nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize); sprintf(x_hi, "%d", (nBlockXOff+1) * nBlockXSize-1); sprintf(y_lo, "%d", nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize); sprintf(y_hi, "%d", (nBlockYOff+1) * nBlockYSize-1); CPLString queryString = getQuery(poGDS->queryParam, x_lo, x_hi, y_lo, y_hi); r_Set<r_Ref_Any> result_set; r_OQL_Query query (queryString); r_oql_execute (query, result_set); if (result_set.get_element_type_schema()->type_id() == r_Type::MARRAYTYPE) { r_Iterator<r_Ref_Any> iter = result_set.create_iterator(); r_Ref<r_GMarray> gmdd = r_Ref<r_GMarray>(*iter); r_Minterval sp = gmdd->spatial_domain(); r_Point extent = sp.get_extent(); r_Point base = sp.get_origin(); int tileX = extent[xPos]; int tileY = extent[yPos]; r_Point access = base; char *resultPtr; for (int j=0; j<tileY; ++j) { for (int i=0; i<tileX; ++i) { resultPtr = (char*)pImage + (j*nBlockYSize+i)*typeSize; access[xPos] = base[xPos]+i; access[yPos] = base[yPos]+j; const char *data = (*gmdd)[access] + typeOffset; memcpy(resultPtr, data, typeSize); } } } transaction.commit(); database.close(); } catch (r_Error error) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", error.what()); return CPLGetLastErrorType(); } return CE_None; }
void init(){ // Read the first line containing number of patients int tmp ; scanf("%d",&tmp); // Read into binary tree struct node * tree ; int i = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp ; i++){ if ( i == 0 ) tree = makeNode(readPatient()); else{ insert(&tree,readPatient()); } } // Read line containing number of queries. scanf("%d",&tmp); // Loop tmp number of times, reading the two queries, finding the query, and printing the value for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp ; i++ ){ char * organQ = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*20); char * bloodtypeQ = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*20); organT * rtn = NULL ; scanf("%s %s",organQ,bloodtypeQ); getQuery(&rtn, tree,organQ,bloodtypeQ); printPatient((rtn)); free(organQ); free(bloodtypeQ); free(rtn); } recursiveFree(tree); }
int TestUndelete::getPINIndex(PID lPID) { assert(lPID.pid != STORE_INVALID_PID); IPIN *lPIN = mSession->getPIN(lPID); if(!lPIN) { int i = 0; for( i = 0; i < (int)mPIDs.size(); i++) if(lPID.pid == mPIDs[i].pid && lPID.ident == mPIDs[i].ident) break; Value lV[1]; lV[0].set(i); IStmt *lQ = getQuery(4, mPropIDs[1], lV); ICursor *lR = NULL; TVERIFYRC(lQ->execute(&lR, 0,0,~0,0,MODE_DELETED)); if(lR) { lPIN = lR->next(); lR->destroy(); } else assert(lPIN!=NULL && "Failed to get PIN"); lQ->destroy(); } int lRetVal = 0; if(lPIN->defined(&mPropIDs[1], 1)) { Value const *lV = lPIN->getValue(mPropIDs[1]); lRetVal = lV->i; TVERIFY(lV!=NULL && "NULL Value returned"); } lPIN->destroy(); return lRetVal; }
/** * @brief Entry point for docker_volumes table. */ QueryData genVolumes(QueryContext& context) { std::string query; std::set<std::string> names; getQuery(context, "name", query, names, false); QueryData results; pt::ptree tree; Status s = dockerApi("/volumes" + query, tree); if (!s.ok()) { VLOG(1) << "Error getting docker volumes: " << s.what(); return results; } for (const auto& entry : tree.get_child("Volumes")) { try { const pt::ptree& node = entry.second; Row r; r["name"] = getValue(node, names, "Name"); r["driver"] = node.get<std::string>("Driver", ""); r["mount_point"] = node.get<std::string>("Mountpoint", ""); r["type"] = node.get<std::string>("Options.type", ""); results.push_back(r); } catch (const pt::ptree_error& e) { VLOG(1) << "Error getting docker volume details: " << e.what(); } } return results; }
std::string Uri::toString() { std::ostringstream oss; oss << proto_ << "://"; if ( !user_.empty() ) { oss << user_; if ( !pwd_.empty() ) { oss << ":" << pwd_; } oss << "@"; } oss << host_; if ( port_ != 80 && port_ != 443 && port_ != 22 ) { oss << ":" << port_; } oss << path_; oss << getQuery(); if ( anchor_.size() > 0 ) oss << "#" << anchor_; return oss.str(); }
SongListView::SongListView(DataStore *dataStore, QWidget *parent): QTableView(parent), dataStore(dataStore), currentSongListId(-1) { setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); createActions(); songListEntryModel = new MusicModel(getQuery(currentSongListId), dataStore, this); proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this); proxyModel->setSourceModel(songListEntryModel); setModel(proxyModel); setSortingEnabled(true); horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); verticalHeader()->hide(); setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(handleContextMenuRequest(const QPoint&))); connect(dataStore, SIGNAL(songListModified(song_list_id_t)), this, SLOT(onSongListEntriesChanged(song_list_id_t))); connect(dataStore, SIGNAL(songListDeleted(song_list_id_t)), this, SLOT(onSongListDelete(song_list_id_t))); songListEntryModel->refresh(); configHeaders(); }
static void sml() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { render("Line: %05d %s", i, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddd<br/>\r\n"); } render("{ when: %Ld, uri: '%s', query: '%s' }\r\n", mprGetTicks(), getUri(), getQuery()); }
void QueryExpression::setQueryContext(QueryContext& inCtx) { if(_ss == NULL){ MessageLoaderParms parms("Query.QueryExpression.SS_IS_NULL", "Trying to process a query with a NULL SelectStatement."); throw QueryException(parms); } // SelectStatement only allows this to be called once. _ss->setQueryContext(inCtx); #ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_CQL String cql("CIM:CQL"); if (_queryLang == cql) { // Now that we have a QueryContext, we can finish compiling // the CQL statement. CQLSelectStatement* tempSS = dynamic_cast<CQLSelectStatement*>(_ss); if (tempSS != NULL) { CQLParser::parse(getQuery(), *tempSS); tempSS->applyContext(); } } #endif }
bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& jsobj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ) { if ( !globalScriptEngine ) { errmsg = "server-side JavaScript execution is disabled"; return false; } /* db.$cmd.findOne( { group : <p> } ) */ const BSONObj& p = jsobj.firstElement().embeddedObjectUserCheck(); BSONObj q; if ( p["cond"].type() == Object ) q = p["cond"].embeddedObject(); else if ( p["condition"].type() == Object ) q = p["condition"].embeddedObject(); else q = getQuery( p ); BSONObj key; string keyf; if ( p["key"].type() == Object ) { key = p["key"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); if ( ! p["$keyf"].eoo() ) { errmsg = "can't have key and $keyf"; return false; } } else if ( p["$keyf"].type() ) { keyf = p["$keyf"]._asCode(); } else { // no key specified, will use entire object as key } BSONElement reduce = p["$reduce"]; if ( reduce.eoo() ) { errmsg = "$reduce has to be set"; return false; } BSONElement initial = p["initial"]; if ( initial.type() != Object ) { errmsg = "initial has to be an object"; return false; } string finalize; if (p["finalize"].type()) finalize = p["finalize"]._asCode(); const string ns = parseNs(dbname, jsobj); Client::ReadContext ctx(txn, ns); return group( txn, ctx.ctx().db() , ns , q , key , keyf , reduce._asCode() , reduce.type() != CodeWScope ? 0 : reduce.codeWScopeScopeDataUnsafe() , initial.embeddedObject() , finalize , errmsg , result ); }
static void huge() { int i; // This will emit ~762K (over the item limit) for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { render("Line: %05d %s", i, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddd<br/>\r\n"); } render("{ when: %Ld, uri: '%s', query: '%s' }\r\n", mprGetTicks(), getUri(), getQuery()); }
enum ePrivilegeLevel cUser::privilegeLevel() const { if (_privilegeLevel == ENUM_INVALID) { QSqlQuery q = getQuery(); return const_cast<cUser *>(this)->getRights(q); } return (ePrivilegeLevel)_privilegeLevel; }
bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& jsobj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ) { /* db.$cmd.findOne( { group : <p> } ) */ const BSONObj& p = jsobj.firstElement().embeddedObjectUserCheck(); BSONObj q; if ( p["cond"].type() == Object ) q = p["cond"].embeddedObject(); else if ( p["condition"].type() == Object ) q = p["condition"].embeddedObject(); else q = getQuery( p ); if ( p["ns"].type() != String ) { errmsg = "ns has to be set"; return false; } string ns = dbname + "." + p["ns"].String(); BSONObj key; string keyf; if ( p["key"].type() == Object ) { key = p["key"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); if ( ! p["$keyf"].eoo() ) { errmsg = "can't have key and $keyf"; return false; } } else if ( p["$keyf"].type() ) { keyf = p["$keyf"]._asCode(); } else { // no key specified, will use entire object as key } BSONElement reduce = p["$reduce"]; if ( reduce.eoo() ) { errmsg = "$reduce has to be set"; return false; } BSONElement initial = p["initial"]; if ( initial.type() != Object ) { errmsg = "initial has to be an object"; return false; } string finalize; if (p["finalize"].type()) finalize = p["finalize"]._asCode(); return group( dbname , ns , q , key , keyf , reduce._asCode() , reduce.type() != CodeWScope ? 0 : reduce.codeWScopeScopeData() , initial.embeddedObject() , finalize , errmsg , result ); }
const std::string Uri::getFullPath() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << path_; oss << getQuery(); if ( anchor_.size() > 0 ) oss << "#" << anchor_; return oss.str(); }
void FindSequenceDialog::aaSearch () { int a , b ; TVector *v = c->vec ; if ( v->getType() != TYPE_VECTOR && v->getType() != TYPE_SEQUENCE && v->getType() != TYPE_PRIMER ) return ; wxString s = getQuery() ; for ( a = 0 ; a < v->items.size() ; a++ ) { wxString ls = v->items[a].getAminoAcidSequence() ; if ( ls.IsEmpty() ) continue ; int dir = v->items[a].getDirection() ; int off = v->items[a].getOffset() ; vector <Tdna2aa> dna2aa ; p = 0 ; b = subsearch ( ls , s , p ) ; while ( b != -1 ) { if ( lb->GetCount() > FIND_MAX ) return ; if ( dna2aa.size() == 0 ) v->items[a].translate ( v , NULL , dna2aa ) ; int from = dir==1?b:last ; int to = dir==1?last:b ; wxString msg ; if ( off != -1 ) msg = wxString::Format ( _T(" [%d-%d]") , from+off , to+off ) ; from = dna2aa[from].dna[0] + 1 ; to = dna2aa[to].dna[2] + 1 ; if ( from > to ) { int x = from ; from = to ; to = x ; } lb->Append ( wxString::Format ( _T("%s: %s (%d-%d)%s") , txt("amino_acid").c_str() , v->items[a].name.c_str() , from , to , msg.c_str() ) ) ; vi.Add ( -1 ) ; p = b + 1 ; b = subsearch ( ls , s , p ) ; } } // Fixed reading frames wxString ss ; ss = v->getSequence() ; if ( v->isCircular() ) ss += ss.Left ( 2 ) ; else ss += _T(" ") ; aaSubSearch ( ss , 0 , 1 , txt("m_aa_1") ) ; // Reading frame +1 aaSubSearch ( ss , 1 , 1 , txt("m_aa_2") ) ; // Reading frame +2 aaSubSearch ( ss , 2 , 1 , txt("m_aa_3") ) ; // Reading frame +3 ss = v->transformSequence ( true , false ) ; if ( v->isCircular() ) ss = ss.Right ( 2 ) + ss ; else ss = _T(" ") + ss ; aaSubSearch ( ss , -1 , -1 , txt("m_aa_m1") ) ; // Reading frame -1 aaSubSearch ( ss , -2 , -1 , txt("m_aa_m2") ) ; // Reading frame -2 aaSubSearch ( ss , -3 , -1 , txt("m_aa_m3") ) ; // Reading frame -3 }
void TestUndelete::testClass() { IStmt *lQ = getQuery(2); long const lStartTime = getTimeInMs(); test(lQ); long const lEndTime = getTimeInMs(); mLogger.out() << "Time taken for testClass() :: " << (lEndTime - lStartTime) << " ms" << std::endl; lQ->destroy(); }
void NGSD::tableExists(QString table) { SqlQuery query = getQuery(); query.exec("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" + table + "'"); if (query.size()==0) { THROW(DatabaseException, "Table '" + table + "' does not exist!") } }
void NGSD::setReportVariants(const QString& filename, const VariantList& variants, QSet<int> selected_indices) { QString ps_id = processedSampleId(filename); //get variant ID for(int i=0; i<variants.count(); ++i) { getQuery().exec("UPDATE detected_variant SET report=" + QString(selected_indices.contains(i) ? "1" : "0" ) + " WHERE processed_sample_id='" + ps_id + "' AND variant_id='" + variantId(variants[i]) + "'"); } }
void TestUndelete::testFullScan() { Value lV[1]; lV[0].set(mQueryStr.c_str()); IStmt *lQ = getQuery(1, mPropIDs[2], lV); long const lStartTime = getTimeInMs(); test(lQ); long const lEndTime = getTimeInMs(); mLogger.out() << "Time taken for testFullScan() :: " << (lEndTime - lStartTime) << " ms" << std::endl; lQ->destroy(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cLv2QApp app(argc, argv); SETAPP(); lanView::snmpNeeded = true; lanView::sqlNeeded = SN_SQL_NEED; lv2test mo; if (mo.lastError != NULL) { _DBGFNL() << mo.lastError->mErrorCode << endl; return mo.lastError->mErrorCode; // a mo destruktora majd kiírja a hibaüzenetet. } if (mo.lastError) { // Ha hiba volt, vagy vége return mo.lastError->mErrorCode; // a mo destruktora majd kiírja a hibaüzenetet. } try { /* cRecordAny a1; cRecordAny a2; cNode n; cSnmpDevice s; a1 = n; a2 = s; n.clone(a1); s.clone(a2); n.clone(a2); n.clone(n); n.clone(s); s.clone(a1);*/ QString exp; QSqlQuery q = getQuery(); /* cUser u; if (u.fetch(*mo.pq, false, QBitArray(1))) { do { exp = u.objectExport(q, 1); PDEB(INFO) << exp << endl; } while (u.next(*mo.pq)); } cEnumVal oev; if (oev.fetch(*mo.pq, false, QBitArray(1))) { do { exp = oev.objectExport(q, 1); PDEB(INFO) << exp << endl; } while (oev.next(*mo.pq)); }*/ cTableShape ts; ts.setByName(q, "nodes"); exp = ts.objectExport(q); PDEB(INFO) << exp << endl; } CATCHS(mo.lastError) return mo.lastError == NULL ? 0 : mo.lastError->mErrorCode; }
bool DnsLayer::removeQuery(const std::string& queryNameToRemove, bool exactMatch) { DnsQuery* queryToRemove = getQuery(queryNameToRemove, exactMatch); if (queryToRemove == NULL) { LOG_DEBUG("Query not found"); return false; } return removeQuery(queryToRemove); }
/** * @brief Utility method to get containers tree. */ Status getContainers(QueryContext& context, std::set<std::string>& ids, pt::ptree& containers) { std::string query; getQuery(context, "id", query, ids, true); Status s = dockerApi("/containers/json" + query, containers); if (!s.ok()) { VLOG(1) << "Error getting docker containers: " << s.what(); return s; } return Status(0); }
bool MultiPlanRunner::forceYield() { saveState(); ClientCursor::registerRunner(this); ClientCursor::staticYield(ClientCursor::suggestYieldMicros(), getQuery().getParsed().ns(), NULL); // During the yield, the database we're operating over or any collection we're relying on // may be dropped. When this happens all cursors and runners on that database and // collection are killed or deleted in some fashion. (This is how the _killed gets set.) ClientCursor::deregisterRunner(this); if (!_killed) { restoreState(); } return !_killed; }