GridCardViewerWidget::getRowSelectableIndices( int row )
    // Use QMutableSetIterator to operate on set in-place.
    QSet<int> indices = getRowIndices( row );
    QMutableSetIterator<int> iter( indices );
    while( iter.hasNext() )
        int i = iter.next();
        if( !isIndexSelectable( i ) ) iter.remove();
    return indices;
GridCardViewerWidget::GridCardViewerWidget( ImageLoaderFactory*    imageLoaderFactory,
                                            const Logging::Config& loggingConfig,
                                            QWidget*               parent )
  : CardViewerWidget( imageLoaderFactory, loggingConfig, parent ),
    mGridCardsLayout( nullptr ),
    mWaitingForTurn( false )
    // Create column buttons.
    for( int col = 0; col < 3; ++col )
        for( bool top : { true, false } )
            GridToolButton* button = new GridToolButton();
            button->setArrowType( top ? Qt::DownArrow : Qt::UpArrow );
            button->setText( "Select Column" );
            button->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon );
            button->setToolTip( tr("Select column %0").arg(col+1) );

            // Keep the layout from jerking around when buttons are hidden.
            QSizePolicy sizePolicy = button->sizePolicy();
            sizePolicy.setRetainSizeWhenHidden( true );
            button->setSizePolicy( sizePolicy );

            connect( button, &GridToolButton::mouseEntered, [this,col]() {
                for( auto i : getColSelectableIndices( col ) )
                    if( i < mCardWidgetsList.size() ) mCardWidgetsList[i]->setHighlighted( true );
            } );
            connect( button, &GridToolButton::mouseExited, [this,col]() {
                for( auto i : getColIndices( col ) )
                    if( i < mCardWidgetsList.size() ) mCardWidgetsList[i]->setHighlighted( false );
            } );
            connect( button, &QToolButton::clicked, [this,col]() {
                QList<int> indices = QList<int>::fromSet( getColSelectableIndices( col ) );
                emit cardIndicesSelectRequested( indices );
            } );

            if( top )
                mTopColButtons[col] = button;
                mBottomColButtons[col] = button;

    // Create row buttons.
    for( int row = 0; row < 3; ++row )
        for( bool left : { true, false } )
            GridToolButton* button = new GridToolButton();
            button->setArrowType( left ? Qt::RightArrow : Qt::LeftArrow );
            button->setText( "Select\nRow" );
            button->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
            button->setToolTip( tr("Select row %0").arg(row+1) );

            connect( button, &GridToolButton::mouseEntered, [this,row]() {
                for( auto i : getRowSelectableIndices( row ) )
                    if( i < mCardWidgetsList.size() ) mCardWidgetsList[i]->setHighlighted( true );
            } );
            connect( button, &GridToolButton::mouseExited, [this,row]() {
                for( auto i : getRowIndices( row ) )
                    if( i < mCardWidgetsList.size() ) mCardWidgetsList[i]->setHighlighted( false );
            } );
            connect( button, &QToolButton::clicked, [this,row]() {
                QList<int> indices = QList<int>::fromSet( getRowSelectableIndices( row ) );
                emit cardIndicesSelectRequested( indices );
            } );

            if( left )
                mLeftRowButtons[row] = button;
                mRightRowButtons[row] = button;
Beispiel #3
	 int *getMutableRowIndices(int irow){
		 // using const_cast to stop warnings about cast-away constness
		 return const_cast<int *>(getRowIndices(irow));