bool QuadTreeTracer::castRay(const Point3F &start, const Point3F &end, RayInfo *info)

   // Do some precalculations we'll use for the rest of this routine.
   // Set up our intercept calculation methods.
   F32 invDeltaX;
   if(end.x == start.x)
      calcInterceptX = calcInterceptNone;
      invDeltaX = 0;
      invDeltaX = 1.f / (end.x - start.x);
      calcInterceptX = calcInterceptV;

   F32 invDeltaY;
   if(end.y == start.y)
      calcInterceptY = calcInterceptNone;
      invDeltaY = 0;
      invDeltaY = 1.f / (end.y - start.y);
      calcInterceptY = calcInterceptV;

   // Subdivide our space based on the size of the lowest level of the tree...
   const F32 invSize   = 1.f / F32(BIT(mTreeDepth-1));

   // Grab this off the frame allocator, we don't want to do a proper alloc
   // on every ray!
   FrameAllocatorMarker stackAlloc;
   RayStackNode *stack = (RayStackNode*)stackAlloc.alloc(sizeof(RayStackNode) * (mTreeDepth * 3 + 1));

   U32 stackSize = 1;

   // Kick off the stack with the root node.
   stack[0].startT   = 0;
   stack[0].endT     = 1;
   stack[0].level    = mTreeDepth - 1;

   //Con::printf("QuadTreeTracer::castRay(%x)", this);

   // Aright, now let's do some raycasting!
      // Get the current node for easy access...
      RayStackNode *sn = stack + stackSize;

      const U32 level         = sn->level;
      const F32 startT        = sn->startT;
      const F32 endT          = sn->endT;
      const Point2I squarePos = sn->squarePos;

      AssertFatal((startT >= 0.f) && (startT <= 1.f),  "QuadTreeTracer::castRay - out of range startT on stack!");
      AssertFatal((endT >= 0.f) && (endT <= 1.f),     "QuadTreeTracer::castRay - out of range endT   on stack!");

      //Con::printf(" -- node(%d, %d @ %d), sT=%f, eT=%f", squarePos.x, squarePos.y, level, startT, endT);

      // Figure our start and end Z.
      const F32 startZ = startT * (end.z - start.z) + start.z;
      const F32 endZ   = endT   * (end.z - start.z) + start.z;

      // Ok, now let's see if we hit the lower bound
      const F32 squareMin = getSquareMin(level, squarePos);

      if(startZ < squareMin && endZ < squareMin)
         continue; //Nope, skip out.

      // Hmm, let's check the upper bound.
      const F32 squareMax = getSquareMax(level, squarePos);

      if(startZ > squareMax && endZ > squareMax)
         continue; //Nope, skip out.

      // We might be intersecting something... If we've hit
      // the tree depth let's deal with the leaf intersection.
      if(level == 0)
         //Con::printf(" ++ check node(%d, %d @ %d), sT=%f, eT=%f", squarePos.x, squarePos.y, level, startT, endT);

         if(castLeafRay(squarePos, start, end, startT, endT, info))
            return true; // We hit, tell 'em so!
         continue; // Otherwise, keep looking.
         // Ok, we have to push our children as we're an inner node.

         // First, figure out some widths...
         U32 subSqSize  = BIT(level - 1);

         // Now, calculate intercepts so we know how to deal with this
         // situation... (intercept = position, int = t value for that pos)

         const F32 xIntercept = (squarePos.x + subSqSize) * invSize;
         F32 xInt = calcInterceptX(start.x, invDeltaX, xIntercept);

         const F32 yIntercept = (squarePos.y + subSqSize) * invSize;
         F32 yInt = calcInterceptY(start.y, invDeltaY, yIntercept);

         // Our starting position for this subray...
         const F32 startX = startT * (end.x - start.x) + start.x;
         const F32 startY = startT * (end.y - start.y) + start.y;

         // Deal with squares that might be "behind" the ray.
         if(xInt < startT) xInt = F32_MAX;
         if(yInt < startT) yInt = F32_MAX;

         // Do a little magic to calculate our next checks...
         const U32 x0 = (startX > xIntercept) * subSqSize;
         const U32 y0 = (startY > yIntercept) * subSqSize;

         const U32 x1 = subSqSize - x0;
         const U32 y1 = subSqSize - y0;

         const U32 nextLevel = level - 1;

         // Ok, now let's figure out what nodes, in what order, need to go
         // on the stack. We push things on in reverse order of processing.
         if(xInt > endT && yInt > endT)
            stack[stackSize].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x0, squarePos.y + y0);
            stack[stackSize].level = nextLevel;
         else if(xInt < yInt)
            F32 nextIntersect = endT;

            if(yInt <= endT)
               stack[stackSize].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x1, squarePos.y + y1);
               stack[stackSize].startT = yInt;
               stack[stackSize].endT   = endT;
               stack[stackSize].level  = nextLevel;
               nextIntersect = yInt;

            // Do middle two, order doesn't matter.
            stack[stackSize].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x1, squarePos.y + y0);
            stack[stackSize].startT = xInt;
            stack[stackSize].endT   = nextIntersect;
            stack[stackSize].level  = nextLevel;

            stack[stackSize+1].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x0, squarePos.y + y0);
            stack[stackSize+1].startT = startT;
            stack[stackSize+1].endT   = xInt;
            stack[stackSize+1].level  = nextLevel;
            stackSize += 2;
         else if(yInt < xInt)
            F32 nextIntersect = endT;
            if(xInt <= endT)
               stack[stackSize].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x1, squarePos.y + y1);
               stack[stackSize].startT = xInt;
               stack[stackSize].endT   = endT;
               stack[stackSize].level  = nextLevel;
               nextIntersect = xInt;
            stack[stackSize].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x0, squarePos.y + y1);
            stack[stackSize].startT  = yInt;
            stack[stackSize].endT    = nextIntersect;
            stack[stackSize].level   = nextLevel;

            stack[stackSize+1].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x0, squarePos.y + y0);
            stack[stackSize+1].startT = startT;
            stack[stackSize+1].endT   = yInt;
            stack[stackSize+1].level  = nextLevel;
            stackSize += 2;
            stack[stackSize].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x1, squarePos.y + y1);
            stack[stackSize].startT = xInt;
            stack[stackSize].endT   = endT;
            stack[stackSize].level  = nextLevel;

            stack[stackSize+1].squarePos.set(squarePos.x + x0, squarePos.y + y0);
            stack[stackSize+1].startT = startT;
            stack[stackSize+1].endT   = xInt;
            stack[stackSize+1].level  = nextLevel;
            stackSize += 2;

   // Nothing found, so give up.
   return false;
bool AtlasGeomChunkTracer::castLeafRay(const Point2I pos, const Point3F &start,
                                       const Point3F &end, const F32 &startT, 
                                       const F32 &endT, RayInfo *info)
   if(AtlasInstance::smRayCollisionDebugLevel == AtlasInstance::RayCollisionDebugToColTree)
      const F32 invSize = 1.f / F32(BIT(mTreeDepth-1));

      // This is a bit of a hack. But good for testing.
      // Do collision against the collision tree leaf bounding box and return the result...
      F32 t; Point3F n;
      Box3F box;

      box.minExtents.set(Point3F(F32(pos.x  ) * invSize, F32(pos.y  ) * invSize, getSquareMin(0, pos)));
      box.maxExtents.set(Point3F(F32(pos.x+1) * invSize, F32(pos.y+1) * invSize, getSquareMax(0, pos)));

      //Con::printf("   checking at xy = {%f, %f}->{%f, %f}, [%d, %d]", start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, pos.x, pos.y);

      if(box.collideLine(start, end, &t, &n) && t >= startT && t <= endT)
         info->t      = t;
         info->normal = n;
         return true;

      return false;
   else if( AtlasInstance::smRayCollisionDebugLevel == AtlasInstance::RayCollisionDebugToMesh )
	   bool haveHit = false;
	   U32 currentIdx = 0;
	   U32 numIdx = mChunk->mIndexCount;
	   F32 bestT = F32_MAX;
	   U32 bestTri = -1;
	   Point2F bestBary;

	   while( !haveHit && currentIdx < numIdx )
		   const Point3F& a = mChunk->mVert[ mChunk->mIndex[ currentIdx ] ].point;
		   const Point3F& b = mChunk->mVert[ mChunk->mIndex[ currentIdx + 1 ] ].point;
		   const Point3F& c = mChunk->mVert[ mChunk->mIndex[ currentIdx + 2 ] ].point;

		   F32     localT;
		   Point2F localBary;

		   // Do the cast, using our conveniently precalculated ray delta...
		   if(castRayTriangle(mRayStart, mRayDelta, a,b,c, localT, localBary))
			   if(localT < bestT)
				   // And it hit before anything else we've seen.
				   bestTri  = currentIdx;
				   bestT    = localT;
				   bestBary = localBary;

				   haveHit = true;

		   currentIdx += 3;

      // Fill in extra info for the hit.
         return false;

      // Calculate the normal, we skip that for the initial check.
      Point3F norm; // Hi norm!

      const Point3F &a = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+0]].point;
      const Point3F &b = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+1]].point;
      const Point3F &c = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+2]].point;

      const Point2F &aTC = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+0]].texCoord;
      const Point2F &bTC = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+1]].texCoord;
      const Point2F &cTC = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+2]].texCoord;

      // Store everything relevant into the info structure.
      info->t = bestT;

      const Point3F e0 = b-a;
      const Point3F e1 = c-a;

      info->normal = mCross(e1, e0);

      // Calculate and store the texture coords.
      const Point2F e0TC = bTC-aTC;
      const Point2F e1TC = cTC-aTC;
      info->texCoord = e0TC * bestBary.x + e1TC * bestBary.y + aTC;

      // Return true, we hit something!
      return true;
      // Get the triangle list...
      U16 *triOffset = mChunk->mColIndicesBuffer + 
         mChunk->mColIndicesOffsets[pos.x * BIT(mChunk->mColTreeDepth-1) + pos.y];

      // Store best hit results...
      bool gotHit = false;
      F32 bestT = F32_MAX;
      U16 bestTri = -1, offset;
      Point2F bestBary;

      while((offset = *triOffset) != 0xFFFF)
         // Advance to the next triangle..

         // Get each triangle, and do a raycast against it.
         Point3F a,b,c;

         AssertFatal(offset <  mChunk->mIndexCount, 
            "AtlasGeomTracer2::castLeafRay - offset past end of index list.");

         a = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[offset+0]].point;
         b = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[offset+1]].point;
         c = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[offset+2]].point;

         /*Con::printf("  o testing triangle %d ({%f,%f,%f},{%f,%f,%f},{%f,%f,%f})",
                              offset, a.x, a.y, a.z, b.x, b.y, b.z, c.x, c.y, c.z); */

         F32     localT;
         Point2F localBary;

         // Do the cast, using our conveniently precalculated ray delta...
         if(castRayTriangle(mRayStart, mRayDelta, a,b,c, localT, localBary))
            //Con::printf(" - hit triangle %d at  t=%f", offset, localT);

            // The ray intersected, but we have to make sure we hit actually on
            // the line segment. (ie, a ray isn't a ray, Ray.)

            // BJGTODO - This should prevent some nasty edge cases, but we
            //           seem to be calculating the wrong start and end T's.
            //           So I've disabled this for now but it will cause
            //           problems later!
            //if(localT < startT || localT > endT)
            //   continue;

            // It really, really hit, wow!
            if(localT < bestT)
               // And it hit before anything else we've seen.
               bestTri  = offset;
               bestT    = localT;
               bestBary = localBary;

               gotHit = true;
            //Con::printf(" - didn't hit triangle %d at  t=%f", offset, localT);

      // Fill in extra info for the hit.
         return false;

      // Calculate the normal, we skip that for the initial check.
      Point3F norm; // Hi norm!

      const Point3F &a = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+0]].point;
      const Point3F &b = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+1]].point;
      const Point3F &c = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+2]].point;

      const Point2F &aTC = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+0]].texCoord;
      const Point2F &bTC = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+1]].texCoord;
      const Point2F &cTC = mChunk->mVert[mChunk->mIndex[bestTri+2]].texCoord;

      // Store everything relevant into the info structure.
      info->t = bestT;

      const Point3F e0 = b-a;
      const Point3F e1 = c-a;

      info->normal = mCross(e1, e0);

      // Calculate and store the texture coords.
      const Point2F e0TC = bTC-aTC;
      const Point2F e1TC = cTC-aTC;
      info->texCoord = e0TC * bestBary.x + e1TC * bestBary.y + aTC;

      // Return true, we hit something!
      return true;