Beispiel #1
bool Channel::_isDone() const
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    if( !frameData.isIdle( ))
        return false;

    const eq::SubPixel& subpixel = getSubPixel();
    const Accum& accum = _accum[ lunchbox::getIndexOfLastBit( getEye()) ];
    return int32_t( subpixel.index ) >= accum.step;
Beispiel #2
eq::Vector2i Channel::_getJitterStep() const
    const eq::SubPixel& subPixel = getSubPixel();
    const uint32_t channelID = subPixel.index;
    const View* view = static_cast< const View* >( getView( ));
    if( !view )
        return eq::Vector2i::ZERO;

    const uint32_t totalSteps = uint32_t( view->getIdleSteps( ));
    if( totalSteps != 256 )
        return eq::Vector2i::ZERO;

    const Accum& accum = _accum[ lunchbox::getIndexOfLastBit( getEye()) ];
    const uint32_t subset = totalSteps / getSubPixel().size;
    const uint32_t index = ( accum.step * _primes[ channelID % 100 ] )%subset +
                           ( channelID * subset );
    const uint32_t sampleSize = 16;
    const int dx = index % sampleSize;
    const int dy = index / sampleSize;

    return eq::Vector2i( dx, dy );
Beispiel #3
 * Find the colors of all pixels of the job and write 
 * into the target image.
 * TODO: Jitter the samples within the grid.
 * @param job The job to render
void BoundaryAdaptive::render(const RenderJob& job) {

   vector<PixelBlock> blocks = vector<PixelBlock>(job.width * job.height);

    // Prepare the two PixelBlock buffers
    uint32_t block_size = 1 + (1 << aa_depth);
    for(int i = 0; i < img_w; i++) {

    std::vector<PixelBlock>* cur_row_ptr = &row1;
    std::vector<PixelBlock>* prev_row_ptr = &row2;
    std::vector<PixelBlock>* tmp_row_ptr;
    PixelBlock* cur_block;
    PixelBlock* prev_block;
    RGBA color;
    for (int y = job.begin_y; y < job.end_y && !aborting; y++) {
    	for (int x = job.begin_x; x < job.end_x && !aborting; x++) {
    	    PixelBlock& block = blocks[(x - job.begin_x) + job.width * (y - job.begin_y)];
    	    PixelBlock& above = blocks[(x - job.begin_x) + job.width * (y - 1 - job.begin_y)];
    	    PixelBlock& left =  blocks[(x - 1 -job.begin_x) + job.width * (y - job.begin_y)];

       	    if (y != job.begin_y) {
       = above.bottom;
            } else {
    	    if (x != job.begin_x) {
    	        block.left = left.right;
    	    color = getSubPixel(0, Vector2(x,y), cur_block, 1.0, 0, 0, block_size - 1, block_size - 1);
Beispiel #4
void Channel::frameDraw( const eq::uint128_t& frameID )
    if( stopRendering( ))

    if( _isDone( ))

    Window* window = static_cast< Window* >( getWindow( ));
    VertexBufferState& state = window->getState();
    const Model* oldModel = _model;
    const Model* model = _getModel();

    if( oldModel != model )
        state.setFrustumCulling( false ); // create all display lists/VBOs

    if( model )
        _updateNearFar( model->getBoundingSphere( ));

    eq::Channel::frameDraw( frameID ); // Setup OpenGL state

    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPosition );
    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT,  lightAmbient  );
    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE,  lightDiffuse  );
    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, lightSpecular );

    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT,   materialAmbient );
    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE,   materialDiffuse );
    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR,  materialSpecular );
    glMateriali(  GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, materialShininess );

    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,
                   frameData.useWireframe() ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL );

    const eq::Vector3f& position = frameData.getCameraPosition();

    glMultMatrixf( frameData.getCameraRotation().array );
    glTranslatef( position.x(), position.y(), position.z() );
    glMultMatrixf( frameData.getModelRotation().array );

    if( frameData.getColorMode() == COLOR_DEMO )
        const eq::Vector3ub color = getUniqueColor();
        glColor3ub( color.r(), color.g(), color.b() );
        glColor3f( .75f, .75f, .75f );

    if( model )
        _drawModel( model );
        glNormal3f( 0.f, -1.f, 0.f );
        glBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP );
            glVertex3f(  .25f, 0.f,  .25f );
            glVertex3f( -.25f, 0.f,  .25f );
            glVertex3f(  .25f, 0.f, -.25f );
            glVertex3f( -.25f, 0.f, -.25f );

    state.setFrustumCulling( true );
    Accum& accum = _accum[ lunchbox::getIndexOfLastBit( getEye()) ];
    accum.stepsDone = LB_MAX( accum.stepsDone,
                              getSubPixel().size * getPeriod( ));
    accum.transfer = true;