Beispiel #1
std::string PEHeaderParser::getSubsystemName()
	return GUISubsystemNameMap[getSubsystem()];
JausSubsystem SystemTree::getSubsystem(JausAddress address)
	return getSubsystem(address->subsystem);
bool TinyAmixerControl::accessHW(bool receive, std::string &error)
    CAutoLog autoLog(getConfigurableElement(), "ALSA", isDebugEnabled());

    // Mixer handle
    struct mixer *mixer;
    // Mixer control handle
    struct mixer_ctl *mixerControl;
    uint32_t elementCount;
    std::string controlName = getControlName();

    // Debug conditionnaly enabled in XML

    // Check parameter type is ok (deferred error, no exceptions available :-()
    if (!isTypeSupported()) {

        error = "Parameter type not supported.";
        return false;

    // Check card number
    int32_t cardIndex = getCardNumber();
    if (cardIndex < 0) {

        error = "Card " + getCardName() + " not found. Error: " + strerror(-cardIndex);
        return false;

    // Open alsa mixer
    // getMixerHandle is non-const; we need to forcefully remove the constness
    // then, we need to cast the generic subsystem into a TinyAlsaSubsystem.
    mixer = static_cast<TinyAlsaSubsystem *>(
        const_cast<CSubsystem *>(getSubsystem()))->getMixerHandle(cardIndex);

    if (!mixer) {

        error = "Failed to open mixer for card: " + getCardName();
        return false;

    // Get control handle
    if (isdigit(controlName[0])) {

        mixerControl = mixer_get_ctl(mixer, asInteger(controlName));
    } else {

        mixerControl = mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, controlName.c_str());

    // Check control has been found
    if (!mixerControl) {
        error = "Failed to open mixer control: " + controlName;

        return false;

    // Get element count
    elementCount = getNumValues(mixerControl);

    uint32_t scalarSize = getScalarSize();

    // Check available size
    if (elementCount * scalarSize != getSize()) {

        error = "ALSA: Control element count (" + asString(elementCount) +
                ") and configurable scalar element count (" +
                asString(getSize() / scalarSize) + ") mismatch";

        return false;

    // Read/Write element
    bool success;
    if (receive) {

        success = readControl(mixerControl, elementCount, error);

    } else {

        success = writeControl(mixerControl, elementCount, error);


    return success;
JausSubsystem SystemTree::getSubsystem(JausSubsystem subsystem)
	return getSubsystem(subsystem->id);