Beispiel #1
void test_hardest(void)
	std::cout << "test: add all words, get a random nth popular word, increase that "
		  << "words count by 1 then get the most common word along with its count" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> words = getWordList("data/28885.txt");

	std::random_device rd;
	std::default_random_engine rand(rd());


	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++){
		tr.increaseCount(words[i], 1);

	double start = getTimeInMillis();

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
		unsigned int temp = rand() % tr.numEntries();
		std::string word = tr.getNthPopular(temp);
		tr.increaseCount(word, 1);

		word = tr.getNthPopular(0);
		temp = tr.getCount(word);

	double end = getTimeInMillis();

	std::cout << "time per item: " << (end - start) / words.size() << " ms " << std::endl
		  << "total time: " << (end - start) << " ms" << std::endl << std::endl;
Beispiel #2
void test_add_all_increment_get_pop(void)
	std::cout << "test: add all words then increment every word by 1 then get the most "
		  << "popular word" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> words = getWordList("data/28885.txt");
	std::ofstream out("data/28885.txt.out" + OUT_FILE);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++){
		tr.increaseCount(words[i], 1);

	double start = getTimeInMillis();

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
		tr.increaseCount(words[i], 1);
		std::string pop = tr.getNthPopular(0);
		out << pop << "\n";

	double end = getTimeInMillis();


	std::cout << "time per item: " << (end - start) / words.size() << " ms " << std::endl
		  << "total time: " << (end - start) << " ms" << std::endl << std::endl;
Beispiel #3
void test_add_all_get_count()
	std::cout << "test: add all words then get count of random words" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> words = getWordList("data/28885.txt");
	std::ofstream out("data/28885.txt.out" + OUT_FILE);

	std::random_device rd;
	std::default_random_engine rand(rd());


	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++){
		tr.increaseCount(words[i], 1);

	double start = getTimeInMillis();

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
		std::string w = words[rand() % words.size()];
		unsigned int temp = tr.getCount(w);
		out << w << " " << temp << "\n";

	double end = getTimeInMillis();


	std::cout << "time per item: " << (end - start) / words.size() << " ms " << std::endl
		  << "total time: " << (end - start) << " ms" << std::endl << std::endl;
Beispiel #4
void test_print_words_in_order_with_count(void)
	std::cout << "test: add all words then print them in order with word count" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> words = getWordList("data/28885.txt");
	std::ofstream out("data/28885.txt.out" + OUT_FILE);

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
		tr.increaseCount(words[i], 1);
	double start = getTimeInMillis();

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tr.numEntries(); i++) {
		std::string word = tr.getNthPopular(i);
		out << tr.getCount(word) << " " << word << "\n";

	double end = getTimeInMillis();


	std::cout << "time per item: " << (end - start) / words.size() << " ms " << std::endl
		  << "total time: " << (end - start) << " ms" << std::endl << std::endl;
Beispiel #5
 * This tests a simple (but unlikely) use case, which is to read in all the data, and then print out the data in sorted order
 * based on popularity.
 * Compare your 28885.txt.out to 28885_txt.out, using diff,s to see if your code is producing correct output.
double useCase_addAllThenGetInOrder(){
	Trends* tr = new smarterTrends(); //You will need to change this to match your own class!

	std::vector<std::string> wordlist = getWordList("data/28885.txt");

	//We only want to time how long addToTrends takes, so we get
	// the starting time, which is the clock time, in milliseconds
	double start = getTimeInMillis();
	//Now add all the words to the Trends data structure
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<wordlist.size(); i++){
	//Now get the end time
	double end = getTimeInMillis();
	std::cout << "increaseCount time: " << (end-start)/wordlist.size() << " ms per word" << std::endl;

	//Now we will print out the complete results. This could be REALLY clow, if
	// your getNthPopular is not a little bit smart.
	std::string outfname = "data/28885.txt.out";
	std::ofstream out(outfname.c_str());

	start = getTimeInMillis();
	for(unsigned int i=0; i< tr->numEntries(); i++){
		std::string s = tr->getNthPopular(i);
		out << tr->getCount(s) << ": " << s << std::endl;
	end = getTimeInMillis();
	std::cout << "getNth followed by getCount, time: " << (end - start) / tr->numEntries() << " ms per entry" << std::endl;

	delete tr;

	return end - start;
Beispiel #6
	long currentTimeInMillis()
		struct timeval now;

		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
		return getTimeInMillis(&now);
Beispiel #7
Calendar::operator==(const Calendar& that) const
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    return isEquivalentTo(that) &&
        getTimeInMillis(status) == that.getTimeInMillis(status) &&
Beispiel #8
void test_adding(void)
	std::cout << "test: add all words" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> words = getWordList("data/28885.txt");

	double start = getTimeInMillis();

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++){
		tr.increaseCount(words[i], 1);

	double end = getTimeInMillis();

	std::cout << "time per item: " << (end - start) / words.size() << " ms " << std::endl
		  << "total time: " << (end - start) << " ms" << std::endl << std::endl;
Beispiel #9
 * Determines whether this object uses the fixed-cycle Islamic civil calendar
 * or an approximation of the religious, astronomical calendar.
 * @param beCivil   <code>true</code> to use the civil calendar,
 *                  <code>false</code> to use the astronomical calendar.
 * @draft ICU 2.4
void IslamicCalendar::setCivil(ECivil beCivil, UErrorCode &status)
  if (civil != beCivil) {
    // The fields of the calendar will become invalid, because the calendar
    // rules are different
    UDate m = getTimeInMillis(status);
    civil = beCivil;
    setTimeInMillis(m, status);
Beispiel #10
void IslamicCalendar::setCalculationType(ECalculationType type, UErrorCode &status)
    if (cType != type) {
        // The fields of the calendar will become invalid, because the calendar
        // rules are different
        UDate m = getTimeInMillis(status);
        cType = type;
        setTimeInMillis(m, status);
Beispiel #11
int main(void)
	std::cout << "testing: " << TESTING << std::endl << std::endl;

	double start = getTimeInMillis();

	double end = getTimeInMillis();

	std::cout << "total test time: " << (end - start) << " ms" << std::endl;
	return 0;
Beispiel #12
void test_add_get_count_of_word(void)
	std::cout << "test: add a word then get the count of that word" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> words = getWordList("data/28885.txt");
	std::ofstream out("data/28885.txt.out" + OUT_FILE);

	double start = getTimeInMillis();

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++){
		tr.increaseCount(words[i], 1);
		unsigned int value = tr.getCount(words[i]);
		out << words[i] << " " << value << "\n";

	double end = getTimeInMillis();


	std::cout << "time per item: " << (end - start) / words.size() << " ms " << std::endl
		  << "total time: " << (end - start) << " ms" << std::endl << std::endl;
Beispiel #13
void mainLoop(GLuint &vertexbuffer, GLuint &glslProgramID,
        GLuint &matrixID, glm::mat4 &mvp)
    long start, end;
    start = getTimeInMillis();
    end = getTimeInMillis();
    bool running = true;
    while (running) {
        // limited to 60 fps 
        if (end - start > 16) {
            start = getTimeInMillis();
            // clear the screen

            // use our shaders

            // send our transofrmation to currently bound shader,
            // in the "MVP" uniform
            // for each model that is rendered, since the MVP will be different
            // (atleast model part)
            glUniformMatrix4fv(matrixID, 1, GL_FALSE, &mvp[0][0]); 


            glfwSwapBuffers(); // swap buffers
            if (glfwGetKey(GLFW_KEY_ESC) == GLFW_PRESS ||
                !glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_OPENED)) {
                running = false;
        end = getTimeInMillis();
Beispiel #14
int32_t Calendar::fieldDifference(UDate targetMs, UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& ec) {
    if (U_FAILURE(ec)) return 0;
    int32_t min = 0;
    double startMs = getTimeInMillis(ec);
    // Always add from the start millis.  This accomodates
    // operations like adding years from February 29, 2000 up to
    // February 29, 2004.  If 1, 1, 1, 1 is added to the year
    // field, the DOM gets pinned to 28 and stays there, giving an
    // incorrect DOM difference of 1.  We have to add 1, reset, 2,
    // reset, 3, reset, 4.
    if (startMs < targetMs) {
        int32_t max = 1;
        // Find a value that is too large
        while (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
            setTimeInMillis(startMs, ec);
            add(field, max, ec);
            double ms = getTimeInMillis(ec);
            if (ms == targetMs) {
                return max;
            } else if (ms > targetMs) {
            } else {
                max <<= 1;
                if (max < 0) {
                    // Field difference too large to fit into int32_t
                    ec = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        // Do a binary search
        while ((max - min) > 1 && U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
            int32_t t = (min + max) / 2;
            setTimeInMillis(startMs, ec);
            add(field, t, ec);
            double ms = getTimeInMillis(ec);
            if (ms == targetMs) {
                return t;
            } else if (ms > targetMs) {
                max = t;
            } else {
                min = t;
    } else if (startMs > targetMs) {
        int32_t max = -1;
        // Find a value that is too small
        while (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
            setTimeInMillis(startMs, ec);
            add(field, max, ec);
            double ms = getTimeInMillis(ec);
            if (ms == targetMs) {
                return max;
            } else if (ms < targetMs) {
            } else {
                max <<= 1;
                if (max == 0) {
                    // Field difference too large to fit into int32_t
                    ec = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        // Do a binary search
        while ((min - max) > 1 && U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
            int32_t t = (min + max) / 2;
            setTimeInMillis(startMs, ec);
            add(field, t, ec);
            double ms = getTimeInMillis(ec);
            if (ms == targetMs) {
                return t;
            } else if (ms < targetMs) {
                max = t;
            } else {
                min = t;
    // Set calendar to end point
    setTimeInMillis(startMs, ec);
    add(field, min, ec);
    /* Test for buffer overflows */
    if(U_FAILURE(ec)) {
        return 0;
    return min;
Beispiel #15
Calendar::after(const Calendar& when, UErrorCode& status) const
    return (this != &when &&
            getTimeInMillis(status) > when.getTimeInMillis(status));
Beispiel #16
// Read from FSA to detect new sensors being attached to datalogger.
void detect_new_sensors(int fd) {
    int i,n,write_chr;
    int ec;
    int mptr = 1;
    int can_check_fsa = 1;
    int new_data;
    FSA_Status fsa_status;

    typedef struct Sensor_s {
	int valid;
	char *type;
	char *table_name;
  // Added by Vinay
  // Start
  SensorMetaData* smd;
  // End
    } Sensor;
    // This array is indexed by array ID - 1;
    static Sensor sensors[MAX_ARRAY_ID];
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ARRAY_ID; i++) {
	sensors[i].valid = 0;
	sensors[i].type = NULL;
	sensors[i].table_name = NULL;
      // Added by Vinay
      // Start
      sensors[i].smd = NULL;
      // End
    int array_id = 1;

    // Initialize the sensor StatusInfo  struct
    struct StatusInfo sen_status[10];
    for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
	sen_status[i].present = 0;
	sen_status[i].address = i;

    METADATA *metadata;
    int flag = 1;

    //Continuously check for new data in the FSA
    while (1) {

	//Check the status of the Final Storage Area
	fsa_status = get_fsa_status(fd);
	//If the dsp and mptr are different, then we have new data in the FSA
	new_data = fsa_status.DSP_location - mptr;

	if (new_data > 0) {
	    //Manually set the mptr	
	    printf("\n*** New data in FSA ***\n");
	    printf("\nDSP is %d\n", fsa_status.DSP_location);
	    printf("\nMPTR is %d\n", mptr);
	    set_mptr(fd, mptr);
	    //Get the new binary data
	    char dump[new_data*2 + 2];
	    get_binary_dump(fd, new_data, dump);
	    //Decode the binary data
	    int n_arrays;
	    const Cdl_Array *arrays = decode_binary_dump(dump, new_data*2 + 2 ,

	    //present or not present values
	    const double pres = 0.0;
	    const double not_pres = -99999.0;
	    for (int i = 0; i < n_arrays; i++) {

		const Cdl_Array *a = &arrays[i];
		printf("array id: %d, n: %d\n", a->id, a->length);
		for (int j = 0; j < a->length; j++) {
		    Cdl_Element *e = &a->elements[j];
		    switch (e->type) {
			case CDL_ET_LO_RES:
			case CDL_ET_HI_RES:
			    printf("element %d: %f\n", j, e->value.dble);
			case CDL_ET_STRING:
			    printf("element %d: %s\n", j, e->value.strng);
		if (a->id == POLLING_RESULTS_ARRAY_ID) {

		    // If truncated array, just ignore it.
		    // XXX - Length should not be hard-coded.
		    if (a->length < 12) {
			fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Truncated array.\n");

		    Cdl_Element *e = &a->elements[0];
		    if (e->type != CDL_ET_LO_RES) {
			fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Time format unexpected.\n");
		    double start_time = e->value.dble;
		    printf("start time is %f\n", start_time);

		    int first_status = -1;
		    for (int i = 1; i < a->length; i++) {
			if (a->elements[i].type != CDL_ET_STRING) {
			    first_status = i + 1;
		    if (first_status == -1) {
			 "WARNING: Couldn't find second timestamp.\n");

		    e = &a->elements[first_status - 1];
		    if (e->type != CDL_ET_LO_RES) {
			fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Time format unexpected.\n");
		    double stop_time = e->value.dble;
		    printf("Stop time is %f\n", stop_time);

		    if (first_status + 10 > a->length) {
			fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Array is truncated.\n");

		    // Traverse the ten "present or not present" data elements.
		    // When the value of the element is 0.0, then there is a
		    // sensor present.  So we set the StatusInfo to present and
		    // read the sensorID that is located at cur_id.  We
		    // increment to the next id with cur_id and move on If the
		    // value of the element is -99999.0, then the sensor is not
		    // present.  Set the StatusInfo to not present and move on.
		    int cur_id = 1; // Current index into ID region of array.
		    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			Cdl_Element *e = &a->elements[i + first_status];
			assert(e->type == CDL_ET_HI_RES);
			if (e->value.dble == pres) {
			    sen_status[i].present = 1;
			    // XXX - Need to remove only trailing spaces, but
			    // for demo, remove all spaces. -kec
			    printf("sensor %s present at address %d\n",
			     a->elements[cur_id].value.strng, i);
			} else if (e->value.dble == not_pres) {
			    sen_status[i].present = 0;
			    sen_status[i].id[0] = '\0';
			    printf("sensor not present at address %d\n", i);
			} else {
			     "unknown value for checking sensor");

		} else {

		    assert(a->id >= 1 && a->id <= 500);

		    const Sensor *s = &sensors[a->id - 1];
		    if (s->valid) {
			printf("array id: %d, n: %d\n", a->id, a->length);
			for (int j = 0; j < a->length; j++) {
			    Cdl_Element *e = &a->elements[j];
			    switch (e->type) {
				case CDL_ET_LO_RES:
				case CDL_ET_HI_RES:
				    printf("element %d: %f\n", j, e->value.dble);
				case CDL_ET_STRING:
				    printf("element %d: %s\n", j, e->value.strng);
			if (strcmp(s->type, "Greenspan") == 0) {
			    printf("Got data from greenspan.\n");

			    double data[4];
			    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
				Cdl_Element *e = &a->elements[i];
				assert(e->type == CDL_ET_HI_RES);
				data[i] = e->value.dble;

			    char buf[100];
			    char tb[100];
				time_t t = time(0);
				struct tm tm;
				localtime_r(&t, &tm);
				strftime(tb, sizeof tb, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
			    sprintf(buf, "'%s',%f,%f,%f,%f",
			     tb, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]);
			    printf("Name: %s, value: %s\n", s->table_name, buf);
                // Altered by Vinay
                // Start
                // Commented 2 line below
			    // int ec = insertData(s->table_name, buf);
			    // assert(ec);
                // Added the below code
                  int bufSize = sizeof(double)*4;
                  double* dataBuffer = (double*)malloc(bufSize);
                  long long timestamp = getTimeInMillis();
                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    dataBuffer[i] = (double) data[i];

                  printf("Sending the data to the connector...\n");
                  sendData(s->smd, dataBuffer, bufSize, timestamp);
                // End
		    } else {
			printf("WARNING: array id doesn't correspond.\n");
	    //Free up memory
	    for (int i = 0; i < n_arrays; i++) {
	    free((void *) arrays);

	    //print out struct
	    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		printf("--Address %d--\n", i);
		printf("address = %d\n", sen_status[i].address);
		printf("present = %d\n", sen_status[i].present);
		printf("id = %s\n", sen_status[i].id);

	    int num;

	    //Call webservice
	    // XXX - The number of status should not be hard-coded.
	    metadata = update_sensor_list(sen_status, 10, &flag, &num);

	    if(metadata == NULL){
		printf("No information found\n");
	    } else {
		printf("\nNumber of sensors %d\n",num); 
		for(int i = 0; i< num; i++) {
		    printf("\n Sensor ID %s",metadata[i]->sensorID);
		    printf("\n Lake ID %s",metadata[i]->lakeID);
		    printf("\n Logger ID %s",metadata[i]->loggerID);
		    printf("\n Buoy ID %s",metadata[i]->buoyID);
		    printf("\n TableName %s",metadata[i]->tableName);
		    printf("\n SampleRate %s\n",metadata[i]->sampleRate);
		    printf("\n sensorType %s\n",metadata[i]->sensorType);

		    for(int j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_IDS; j++) {
			    printf("Data ID %s\n",metadata[i]->dataID[j]);

		 * Generate new datalogger program for reading data.
		    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ARRAY_ID; i++) {
			sensors[i].valid = 0;
			sensors[i].table_name = NULL;
            // Added by Vinay
            // Start
            sensors[i].smd = NULL;
            // End

		    Cdl_Program input, output;
		    Cdl_Program__ctor(&input, 10);
		    Cdl_Program__ctor(&output, 5);

		    // Set hi-res output.
		    Cdl_Program__p78(&input, 1);
		    // Turn on output flag.
		    Cdl_Program__p86(&input, 10);

		    int loc = 1;
		    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

			const struct Metadata *const m = metadata[i];

			sensors[array_id - 1].valid = 1;
			sensors[array_id - 1].type = strdupe(m->sensorType);
			sensors[array_id - 1].table_name
			 = strdupe(m->tableName);
            // Added by Vinay
            // Start
            sensors[array_id - 1].smd = m->smd;
            // End

			if (strcmp(m->sensorType, "Greenspan") == 0) {

			    printf("greenspan detected.\n");

			    // XXXX - Fix hard-coded address.
			     m->address,	// Address
			     0, // Command
			     8, // Port
			     1, 0);

			    Cdl_Program__p80(&input, 1, array_id);
			    Cdl_Program__p70(&input, 4, loc);
			    loc += 4;

			    printf("greenspan detected: 2.\n");

			} else if (strcmp(metadata[i]->sensorType,
			 "TempLine thermistor chain") == 0) {

			    printf("greenspan deteced.\n");

			} else {

			assert(array_id <= 501);
			if (array_id == 501) {
			    array_id = 1;

		    Cdl_String tbl1_s = Cdl_Program__String(&input);

		    Cdl_String s;

		    Cdl_String__fcatl(&s, "MODE 1");
		    Cdl_String__cat(&s, tbl1_s.str);
		    Cdl_String__cat(&s, program_ten_locations);

		    printf("Program: %s\n", s.str);

		    // Upload program.
		    //load_Program(fd, 1, &input);
		    load_program(fd, s.str);


		    // Skip old data.
		    FSA_Status st = get_fsa_status(fd);
		    mptr = st.DSP_location;
		    goto end_cycle;
	    mptr += new_data;	//increment mptr past the binary data that we just read