Beispiel #1
animate(double t)
  if      (getAttributeName() == "fill") {
    CSVGColor fromColor, toColor;

    svg_.decodeColorString(getFrom(), fromColor);
    svg_.decodeColorString(getTo  (), toColor  );

    CRGBA c = fromColor.rgba()*(1 - t) + toColor.rgba()*t;


  else if (getAttributeName() == "stroke") {
    CSVGColor fromColor, toColor;

    svg_.decodeColorString(getFrom(), fromColor);
    svg_.decodeColorString(getTo  (), toColor  );

    CRGBA c = fromColor.rgba()*(1 - t) + toColor.rgba()*t;


Beispiel #2
 * Converts string to (@p direction = @c UTF8_TO) and from
 * (@p direction = @c UTF8_FROM) UTF-8.
 * Since Elektra provides portability for key names and string values between
 * different codesets, you should use this helper in your backend to convert
 * to and from universal UTF-8 strings, when storing key names, values and
 * comments.
 * Broken locales in applications can cause problems too. Make sure to load
 * the environment locales in your application using
 * @code
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
 * @endcode
 * Otherwise kdbbUTF8Engine and this plugin will quit
 * with error when non-ascii characters appear.
 * Binary values are not effected.
 * If iconv() or nl_langinfo() is not available on your system, or if iconv()
 * this plugin can't be used.
 * @param direction must be @c UTF8_TO (convert from current non-UTF-8 to
 * 	UTF-8) or @c UTF8_FROM (convert from UTF-8 to current non-UTF-8)
 * @param string before the call: the string to be converted; after the call:
 * 	reallocated to carry the converted string
 * @param inputOutputByteSize before the call: the size of the string including
 * 	leading NULL; after the call: the size of the converted string including
 * 	leading NULL
 * @retval 0 on success
 * @retval -1 on failure
 * @ingroup backendhelper
int kdbbUTF8Engine (Plugin * handle, int direction, char ** string, size_t * inputOutputByteSize)
	/* Current solution is not very complete.
	 * Iconv might well be available when a usable nl_langinfo is not.
	 * In this case we it should be possible to determine charset through other means
	 * See for more info on a possible solution */

	char * converted = 0;
	char *readCursor, *writeCursor;
	size_t bufferSize;
	iconv_t converter;

	if (!*inputOutputByteSize) return 0;
	if (!kdbbNeedsUTF8Conversion (handle)) return 0;

	if (direction == UTF8_TO)
		converter = iconv_open (getTo (handle), getFrom (handle));
		converter = iconv_open (getFrom (handle), getTo (handle));

	if (converter == (iconv_t) (-1)) return -1;

	/* work with worst case, when all chars are wide */
	bufferSize = *inputOutputByteSize * 4;
	converted = elektraMalloc (bufferSize);
	if (!converted) return -1;

	readCursor = *string;
	writeCursor = converted;
	/* On some systems and with libiconv, arg1 is const char **.
	 * ICONV_CONST is defined by configure if the system needs this */
	if (iconv (converter, &readCursor, inputOutputByteSize, &writeCursor, &bufferSize) == (size_t) (-1))
		elektraFree (converted);
		iconv_close (converter);
		return -1;

	/* calculate the UTF-8 string byte size, that will be returned */
	*inputOutputByteSize = writeCursor - converted;
	/* store the current kdbbDecoded string for future free */
	readCursor = *string;
	/* allocate an optimal size area to store the converted string */
	*string = elektraMalloc (*inputOutputByteSize);
	/* copy all that matters for returning */
	memcpy (*string, converted, *inputOutputByteSize);
	/* release memory used by passed string */
	elektraFree (readCursor);
	/* release buffer memory */
	elektraFree (converted);
	/* release the conversor engine */
	iconv_close (converter);
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
int elektraIconvSet (Plugin * handle, KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	Key * cur;

	if (!kdbbNeedsUTF8Conversion (handle)) return 0;

	ksRewind (returned);

	while ((cur = ksNext (returned)) != 0)
		if (keyIsString (cur))
			/* String or similar type of value */
			size_t convertedDataSize = keyGetValueSize (cur);
			char * convertedData = elektraMalloc (convertedDataSize);

			memcpy (convertedData, keyString (cur), keyGetValueSize (cur));
			if (kdbbUTF8Engine (handle, UTF8_TO, &convertedData, &convertedDataSize))
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (46, parentKey,
						    "Could not convert string %s, got result %s,"
						    " encoding settings are from %s to %s (but swapped for write)",
						    keyString (cur), convertedData, getFrom (handle), getTo (handle));
				elektraFree (convertedData);
				return -1;
			keySetString (cur, convertedData);
			elektraFree (convertedData);
		const Key * meta = keyGetMeta (cur, "comment");
		if (meta)
			/* String or similar type of value */
			size_t convertedDataSize = keyGetValueSize (meta);
			char * convertedData = elektraMalloc (convertedDataSize);

			memcpy (convertedData, keyString (meta), keyGetValueSize (meta));
			if (kdbbUTF8Engine (handle, UTF8_TO, &convertedData, &convertedDataSize))
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (46, parentKey,
						    "Could not convert string %s, got result %s,"
						    " encodings settings are from %s to %s (but swapped for write)",
						    keyString (meta), convertedData, getFrom (handle), getTo (handle));
				elektraFree (convertedData);
				return -1;
			keySetMeta (cur, "comment", convertedData);
			elektraFree (convertedData);

	return 1; /* success */
void ImplAlignandum::shuffle( unsigned int num_iterations,
		Position window_size)
	if (window_size == 0)
		window_size = getLength();

	Position first_from = getFrom();

	for (unsigned x = 0; x < num_iterations; ++x)

		Position i,j;
		Position to = getTo();

		while (to > first_from )
			Position from = to - window_size;

			if (from < 0)
				from = 0;
				window_size = to;

			for (i = to - 1; i >= from; --i)
				j = to - getRandomPosition(window_size) - 1;
				swap( i, j );
			to -= window_size;
Beispiel #5
StateMachineNode* AnimationStateMachine::next()
    // 入ってきたノードに遷移するビヘイビアを探す.
    IZ_ASSERT(m_fromBehaviour != nullptr);

    auto from = m_fromBehaviour->getFrom();
    IZ_ASSERT(from != nullptr);

    auto item = m_behaviours.GetTop();

    while (item) {
        auto behaviour = item->GetData();

        auto to = behaviour->getTo();

        if (from == to) {
            return behaviour;

        item = item->GetNext();


    return nullptr;
Beispiel #6
bool Move::isEquivalent(Move const& m) const
	if(m.getTo()==getTo() && m.getFrom()==getFrom() && m.getSpecial()==getSpecial())
		return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #7
tgRodInfo::getConnectionPoint(const btVector3& referencePoint,
                   const btVector3& destinationPoint,
                   const double rotation) const
    if (referencePoint == destinationPoint)
        std::invalid_argument("Destination point is the reference point.");
    // Find the closest point on the radius from the referencePoint
    const btVector3 cylinderAxis = (getTo() - getFrom()).normalize();
    const btVector3 cylinderAxis2 = (getTo() - getFrom()).normalize();
    // Vector from reference point to destination point
    const btVector3 refToDest =
        (referencePoint - destinationPoint).normalize();

    // Find a vector perpendicular to both the cylinder axis and refToDest
    btVector3 rotationAxis = cylinderAxis.cross(refToDest);
    // Handle a vector crossed with itself
    if (rotationAxis.length() == 0.0)
        btScalar a = cylinderAxis[0];
        btScalar b = cylinderAxis[1];
        btScalar c = cylinderAxis[2];
        // Find an arbitrary perpendicular vector
        rotationAxis = btVector3(b - c, -a, a).normalize(); 

    const btVector3 directional =
        cylinderAxis.rotate(rotationAxis, -M_PI / 2.0).normalize();

    // Apply one additional rotation so we can end up anywhere we
    // want on the radius of the rod
    // When added to any point along the cylinder axis, this will take you
    // to the surface in the direction of the destinationPoint
    const btVector3 surfaceVector = directional.rotate(cylinderAxis2, rotation).normalize()
                                    * m_config.radius;

    // Return the the surface point closest to the reference point in the
    // direction of the destination point. 
    return referencePoint + surfaceVector;
Beispiel #8
	PVRTVec3 SimpleCamera::getTarget() const
		PVRTVec3 vTarget = getTo();
		vTarget.x += m_vPosition.x;
		vTarget.y += m_vPosition.y;
		vTarget.z += m_vPosition.z;

		return vTarget;
Beispiel #9
std::string MapExpr::toString() {
  std::string ret = "{";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mapSize(); ++i) {
    if (i > 0) ret.push_back(',');
  return ret;
Beispiel #10
string Move::toString() const
	string s = "";
	int i = getSpecial();
	if(i==PIECE_QUEEN) s="Q";
	else if(i==PIECE_KNIGHT) s="N";
	else if(i==PIECE_ROOK) s="R";
	else if(i==PIECE_BISHOP) s="B";
	return (Int2Sq(getFrom()) + Int2Sq(getTo()) + s);
Beispiel #11
int RootOperationData::copyAttr(const std::string& name, Element & attr) const
    if (name == SERIALNO_ATTR) { attr = getSerialno(); return 0; }
    if (name == REFNO_ATTR) { attr = getRefno(); return 0; }
    if (name == FROM_ATTR) { attr = getFrom(); return 0; }
    if (name == TO_ATTR) { attr = getTo(); return 0; }
    if (name == SECONDS_ATTR) { attr = getSeconds(); return 0; }
    if (name == FUTURE_SECONDS_ATTR) { attr = getFutureSeconds(); return 0; }
    if (name == ARGS_ATTR) { attr = getArgsAsList(); return 0; }
    return RootData::copyAttr(name, attr);
Beispiel #12
void MapExpr::print(FILE* file, int indent) const {
  fprintf(file, "%*sMapExpr:\n", indent, "");
  fprintf(file, "%*sfromTyp: %s", indent + 2, "",
  fprintf(file, "%*stoTyp: %s", indent + 2, "",
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mapSize(); i++) {
    fprintf(file, "%*sfrom#%d: \n", indent + 2, "", (int)i);
    getFrom(i)->print(file, indent + 4);
    fprintf(file, "%*sto#%d: \n", indent + 2, "", (int)i);
    getTo(i)->print(file, indent + 4);
tgBulletSpringCable* tgBasicActuatorInfo::createTgBulletSpringCable()
    //std::cout << "tgBasicActuatorInfo::createMuscle2P()" << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "  getFromRigidInfo(): " << getFromRigidInfo() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "  getFromRigidInfo(): " << getFromRigidInfo()->getRigidInfoGroup() << std::endl;
    // @todo: need to check somewhere that the rigid bodies have been set...
    btRigidBody* fromBody = getFromRigidBody();
    btRigidBody* toBody = getToRigidBody();

    btVector3 from = getFromRigidInfo()->getConnectionPoint(getFrom(), getTo(), m_config.rotation);
    btVector3 to = getToRigidInfo()->getConnectionPoint(getTo(), getFrom(), m_config.rotation);
	std::vector<tgBulletSpringCableAnchor*> anchorList;
	tgBulletSpringCableAnchor* anchor1 = new tgBulletSpringCableAnchor(fromBody, from);
	tgBulletSpringCableAnchor* anchor2 = new tgBulletSpringCableAnchor(toBody, to);
    return new tgBulletSpringCable(anchorList, m_config.stiffness, m_config.damping, m_config.pretension);
Beispiel #14
bool Move::operator<(Move const& m) const
	int sp = getSpecial();
	int msp = m.getSpecial();
		return true;
	else if(sp==PIECE_QUEEN || sp==PIECE_KING || sp==PIECE_PAWN || msp==PIECE_KNIGHT || msp==PIECE_ROOK || msp==PIECE_BISHOP)
		return false;
	int c = getCapturedPiece();
	int mc = m.getCapturedPiece();
	int cap = CapturedPiecePriority[c];
	int mcap = CapturedPiecePriority[mc];
		return true;
	else if(cap>mcap)
		return false;
		int mov = MovingPiecePriority[c][getMovingPiece()];
		int mmov = MovingPiecePriority[mc][m.getMovingPiece()];
			return true;
		else if(mmov>mov)
			return false;
				return true;
				return false;
	return false;
Beispiel #15
int main(){
  char line[128];
  int k;
  FILE *fp  = fopen("testgraph.txt", "r");
  for(k=0; k < 2; k++){     // 2 ---> should be number of lines from file.
    fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp); 
    int busslinje = getLinje(line);
    char *bussfran = getFrom(line);
    char *busstill = getTo(line);
    int busstid = getWeight(line);

    printf("LINE: %d\nFROM:%s\nTO:%s\nTIME: %d\n\n", busslinje+1, bussfran, busstill, busstid-1);
  return 0;
Beispiel #16
void Search::saveSettings(QSettings *config)
    config->setValue("mailbox", mailbox() );
    config->setValue("name", name() );
    config->setValue("from", getFrom() );
    config->setValue("to", getTo() );
    config->setValue("subject", getSubject() );
    config->setValue("body", getBody() );
    config->setValue("status", status() );
    if ( !getBeforeDate().isNull() ) {
        config->setValue("datebefore", getBeforeDate().toString() );
    } else {
        config->setValue("datebefore", "" );
    if ( !getAfterDate().isNull() ) {
        config->setValue("dateafter", getAfterDate().toString() );
    } else {
        config->setValue("dateafter", "" );
Beispiel #17
 * Checks if UTF-8 conversion is needed in current context.
 * if nl_langinfo() is not available, no conversion is ever needed.
 * If iconv usage is disabled there is no need to check if we need to convert.
 * Furthermore, some systems have nl_langinfo(), but lacks ability to get
 * CODESET through it.
 * Look at the comments by the kdbbUTF8Engine() function for more information.
 * @return 0 if not needed
 * @return anything else if needed
 * @ingroup backendhelper
int kdbbNeedsUTF8Conversion (Plugin * handle)
	return strcmp (getFrom (handle), getTo (handle));
Beispiel #18
std::set<btVector3> tgRodInfo::getContainedNodes() const {
    std::set<btVector3> contained;
    return contained;
Beispiel #19
bool Move::isNullMove() const
	if (getTo() == 0 && getFrom() == 0)
		return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #20
Bitset Move::getbit135() const
    return getPos2Bit(getturn135(getTo())) | getPos2Bit(getturn135(getFrom()));
Beispiel #21
Bitset Move::getbit90() const
    return getPos2Bit(getturn90(getTo())) | getPos2Bit(getturn90(getFrom()));
Beispiel #22
 //comparison - to sort ranges
 bool operator<(const DistrValue& v) const {
     if(getFrom() == v.getFrom() )
         return getTo() < v.getTo();
     return getFrom() < v.getFrom();
Beispiel #23
int elektraIconvGet (Plugin * handle, KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	Key * cur;

	ksRewind (returned);

	if (!strcmp (keyName (parentKey), "system/elektra/modules/iconv"))
		KeySet * pluginConfig =
			ksNew (30, keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/iconv", KEY_VALUE, "iconv plugin waits for your orders", KEY_END),
			       keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/iconv/exports", KEY_END),
			       keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/iconv/exports/get", KEY_FUNC, elektraIconvGet, KEY_END),
			       keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/iconv/exports/set", KEY_FUNC, elektraIconvSet, KEY_END),
#include "readme_iconv.c"
			       keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/iconv/infos/version", KEY_VALUE, PLUGINVERSION, KEY_END), KS_END);
		ksAppend (returned, pluginConfig);
		ksDel (pluginConfig);
		return 1;

	if (!kdbbNeedsUTF8Conversion (handle)) return 0;

	while ((cur = ksNext (returned)) != 0)
		if (keyIsString (cur))
			/* String or similar type of value */
			size_t convertedDataSize = keyGetValueSize (cur);
			char * convertedData = elektraMalloc (convertedDataSize);

			memcpy (convertedData, keyString (cur), keyGetValueSize (cur));
			if (kdbbUTF8Engine (handle, UTF8_FROM, &convertedData, &convertedDataSize))
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (46, parentKey,
						    "Could not convert string %s, got result %s, encoding settings are from %s to %s",
						    keyString (cur), convertedData, getFrom (handle), getTo (handle));
				elektraFree (convertedData);
				return -1;
			keySetString (cur, convertedData);
			elektraFree (convertedData);
		const Key * meta = keyGetMeta (cur, "comment");
		if (meta)
			/* String or similar type of value */
			size_t convertedDataSize = keyGetValueSize (meta);
			char * convertedData = elektraMalloc (convertedDataSize);

			memcpy (convertedData, keyString (meta), keyGetValueSize (meta));
			if (kdbbUTF8Engine (handle, UTF8_FROM, &convertedData, &convertedDataSize))
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (46, parentKey,
						    "Could not convert string %s, got result %s, encoding settings are from %s to %s",
						    keyString (meta), convertedData, getFrom (handle), getTo (handle));
				elektraFree (convertedData);
				return -1;
			keySetMeta (cur, "comment", convertedData);
			elektraFree (convertedData);

	return 1; /* success */
Beispiel #24
	void SimpleCamera::MoveBack()
		PVRTVec3 vTo = getTo().normalized();
		m_vVelocity -=vTo*m_fMoveSpeed;
Beispiel #25
	void SimpleCamera::MoveForward()
		PVRTVec3 vTo = getTo().normalized();
		m_vVelocity +=vTo*m_fMoveSpeed;