Beispiel #1
// weaponDynamics -- default dynamics; using Robot Aircraft (RAC) dynamics
void Effects::weaponDynamics(const LCreal dt)
   // Useful constant
   static const LCreal g = ETHG * Basic::Distance::FT2M;      // Acceleration of Gravity (m/s/s)

   // ---
   // Compute & Set acceleration vector (earth)
   // ---

   // First drag
   osg::Vec3 tmp = getVelocity() * (-dragIndex);

   // then gravity
   osg::Vec3 ae1 = tmp;
   ae1[IDOWN] += g;


   // ---
   // Comute & set new velocity vectory (earth)
   // ---
   osg::Vec3 ve1 = getVelocity() + (ae1 * dt);

   // ---
   // .. Only after setVelocity has been called ...
   // ---
   LCreal vp = getTotalVelocity();
   LCreal vg = getGroundSpeed();

   // ---
   // Set velocity vector (body)
   //  (total velocity is along X)
   // ---
   setVelocityBody(vp, 0.0, 0.0);

   // ---
   // Sent angular values
   // ---
   LCreal newPsi   = lcAtan2(ve1[IEAST],ve1[INORTH]);
   LCreal newTheta = lcAtan2( -ve1[IDOWN], vg );
   setEulerAngles(0.0, newTheta, newPsi);
   setAngularVelocities(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Beispiel #2
// weaponDynamics -- default missile dynamics; using Robot Aircraft (RAC) dynamics
void Missile::weaponDynamics(const LCreal dt)
   static const LCreal g = ETHG;              // Acceleration of Gravity

   // ---
   // Max turning G (Missiles: Use Gmax)
   // ---
   LCreal gmax = maxG;

   // ---
   // Computer max turn rate, max/min pitch rates
   // ---

   // Turn rate base on vp and g,s
   LCreal ra_max = gmax * g / getTotalVelocity();

   // Set max (pull up) pitch rate same as turn rate
   LCreal qa_max = ra_max;

   // Set min (push down) pitch rate
   LCreal qa_min = -qa_max;

   // ---
   // Get old angular values 
   // ---
   const osg::Vec3 oldRates = getAngularVelocities();
   //LCreal pa1 = oldRates[IROLL];
   LCreal qa1 = oldRates[IPITCH];
   LCreal ra1 = oldRates[IYAW];

   // ---
   // Find pitch rate and update pitch
   // ---
   LCreal qa = lcAepcRad(cmdPitch - (LCreal) getPitchR());
   if(qa > qa_max) qa = qa_max;
   if(qa < qa_min) qa = qa_min;

   // Using Pitch rate, integrate pitch
   LCreal newTheta = (LCreal) (getPitch() + (qa + qa1) * dt / 2.0);

   // Find turn rate
   LCreal ra = lcAepcRad(cmdHeading - (LCreal) getHeadingR());
   if(ra > ra_max) ra = ra_max;
   if(ra < -ra_max) ra = -ra_max;

   // Use turn rate integrate heading
   LCreal newPsi = (LCreal) (getHeading() + (ra + ra1) * dt / 2.0);
   if(newPsi > 2.0f*PI) newPsi -= (LCreal)(2.0*PI);
   if(newPsi < 0.0f) newPsi += (LCreal)(2.0*PI);

   // Roll angle proportional to max turn rate - filtered
   LCreal pa = 0.0;
   LCreal newPhi = (LCreal) ( 0.98 * getRollR() + 0.02 * ((ra / ra_max) * (Basic::Angle::D2RCC * 60.0)) );

   // Sent angular values
   setEulerAngles(newPhi, newTheta, newPsi);
   setAngularVelocities(pa, qa, ra);

   // Find Acceleration
   LCreal vpdot = (cmdVelocity - getTotalVelocity());
   if(vpdot > maxAccel)  vpdot = maxAccel;
   if(vpdot < -maxAccel) vpdot = -maxAccel;

   // Set acceleration vector
   osg::Vec3 aa(vpdot, 0.0, 0.0);
   osg::Vec3 ae = aa * getRotMat();

   // Comute new velocity
   LCreal newVP = getTotalVelocity() + vpdot * dt;

   // Set acceleration vector
   osg::Vec3 ve0 = getVelocity();
   osg::Vec3 va(newVP, 0.0, 0.0);
   osg::Vec3 ve1 = va * getRotMat();
   setVelocityBody(newVP, 0.0, 0.0);