void add_builtins () { pushLevel(); add_builtin_types(); add_builtin_functions(); /** * What to do with these? Consts * true * false * maxint * minint * pi */ symbol *booleanTypeDescription = getType ("boolean"); symbol *oddFunctionSymbol = calloc (1, sizeof (symbol)); GPtrArray *oddParam = g_ptr_array_new (); struct function_desc *funcDescription = createFunctionDesc (oddParam, booleanTypeDescription, 1); symbol *oddSymbol = createSymbol ("odd", booleanTypeDescription, OC_FUNC, funcDescription); addSymbol ("odd", oddSymbol); printf ("Type class of odd: %d\n", getTypeClass (oddSymbol)); printf ("Done adding builtins\n"); showAllSymbols(); printf ("done showing all symbols\n"); //exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Try block to detect exceptions raised by any of the calls inside it try { // Turn off the auto-printing when failure occurs so that we can // handle the errors appropriately H5std_string FILE_NAME(argv[1]); Exception::dontPrint(); // Open the file and the dataset in the file. H5File file(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDONLY); DataSet dataset; H5std_string dataset_name; auto objCount(H5Fget_obj_count(file.getId(), H5F_OBJ_ALL)); for (size_t i = 0; i != objCount; ++i) if (H5G_DATASET == file.getObjTypeByIdx(i)) { dataset_name = file.getObjnameByIdx(i); dataset = file.openDataSet(dataset_name); } auto datatype(dataset.getDataType()); auto dataspace(dataset.getSpace()); hsize_t dims_in[2]; auto ndims(dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dims_in, NULL)); hsize_t dims_out[2] = { DIM0, DIM1 }; // dataset dimensions double *buf = new double[dims_in[0] * dims_in[1]]; // Read data. dataset.read(buf, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);//, memspace, dataspace); H5std_string outFileName("out.h5"); // Create a new file using the default property lists. H5File outfile(outFileName, H5F_ACC_TRUNC); // Create the data space for the dataset. DataSpace *output_dataspace = new DataSpace(ndims, dims_out); hsize_t chunk_dims[2] = { 20, 20 }; // chunk dimensions // Modify dataset creation property to enable chunking DSetCreatPropList *plist = new DSetCreatPropList; plist->setChunk(2, chunk_dims); // Set ZLIB (DEFLATE) Compression using level 9. plist->setDeflate(9); // Create the attributes. const size_t numAttrs = file.getNumAttrs(); for (size_t i = 0; i != numAttrs; ++i) { auto attr(file.openAttribute(i)); auto output_attr(outfile.createAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getDataType(), attr.getSpace())); switch (attr.getTypeClass()) { case H5T_FLOAT: { double buf; attr.read(attr.getDataType(), &buf); output_attr.write(attr.getDataType(), &buf); } break; case H5T_STRING: { char *buf = new char[(unsigned long)attr.getStorageSize()]; attr.read(attr.getDataType(), buf); output_attr.write(attr.getDataType(), buf); delete buf; } break; default: break; } } // Create the dataset. DataSet *output_dataset = new DataSet(outfile.createDataSet(dataset_name, datatype, *output_dataspace, *plist)); // Write data to dataset. output_dataset->write(buf, datatype); // Close objects and file. Either approach will close the HDF5 item. delete output_dataspace; delete output_dataset; delete plist; file.close(); } // end of try block // catch failure caused by the H5File operations catch(FileIException &error) { error.printError(); return -1; } // catch failure caused by the DataSet operations catch(DataSetIException &error) { error.printError(); return -1; } // catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations catch(DataSpaceIException &error) { error.printError(); return -1; } // catch failure caused by the Attribute operations catch (AttributeIException &error) { error.printError(); return -1; } catch (std::exception &error) { std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl; return -1; } return 0; // successfully terminated }