Beispiel #1
 void vaCopy(LLValue* pDest, LLValue* src) {
     // Analog to va_start, we need to allocate a new __va_list struct on the stack,
     // fill it with a bitcopy of the source struct...
     src = DtoLoad(DtoBitCast(src, getValistType()->getPointerTo())); // *(__va_list*)src
     LLValue* valistmem = DtoAllocaDump(src, 0, "__va_list_mem");
     // ... and finally set the passed 'dest' char* pointer to the new struct's address.
     DtoStore(DtoBitCast(valistmem, getVoidPtrType()),
         DtoBitCast(pDest, getPtrToType(getVoidPtrType())));
Beispiel #2
 void vaCopy(DLValue *dest, DValue *src) override {
   // Analog to va_start, we first need to allocate a new __va_list struct on
   // the stack and set `dest` to its address.
   LLValue *valistmem = DtoRawAlloca(getValistType(), 0, "__va_list_mem");
            DtoBitCast(DtoLVal(dest), getPtrToType(valistmem->getType())));
   // Then fill the new struct with a bitcopy of the source struct.
   // `src` is a char* pointer to the source struct.
   DtoMemCpy(valistmem, DtoRVal(src));
Beispiel #3
 LLValue *prepareVaStart(DLValue *ap) override {
   // Since the user only created a char* pointer (ap) on the stack before
   // invoking va_start, we first need to allocate the actual __va_list struct
   // and set `ap` to its address.
   LLValue *valistmem = DtoRawAlloca(getValistType(), 0, "__va_list_mem");
            DtoBitCast(DtoLVal(ap), getPtrToType(valistmem->getType())));
   // Pass a i8* pointer to the actual struct to LLVM's va_start intrinsic.
   return DtoBitCast(valistmem, getVoidPtrType());
Beispiel #4
    LLValue* prepareVaStart(LLValue* pAp) {
        // Since the user only created a char* pointer (ap) on the stack before invoking va_start,
        // we first need to allocate the actual __va_list struct and set 'ap' to its address.
        LLValue* valistmem = DtoRawAlloca(getValistType(), 0, "__va_list_mem");
        valistmem = DtoBitCast(valistmem, getVoidPtrType());
        DtoStore(valistmem, pAp); // ap = (void*)__va_list_mem

        // pass a void* pointer to the actual struct to LLVM's va_start intrinsic
        return valistmem;