Beispiel #1
void Project::setMissingDefaultValues()
    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (ComponentBuilder::idProperty))
        projectRoot.setProperty (ComponentBuilder::idProperty, createAlphaNumericUID(), nullptr);

    // Create main file group if missing
    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::projectMainGroup).isValid())
        Item mainGroup (*this, ValueTree (Tags::projectMainGroup));
        projectRoot.addChild (mainGroup.state, 0, 0);


    if (getDocumentTitle().isEmpty())
        setTitle ("Juce Project");

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::projectType))
        getProjectTypeValue() = ProjectType::getGUIAppTypeName();

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::version))
        getVersionValue() = "1.0.0";

    moveOldPropertyFromProjectToAllExporters (Ids::bigIcon);
    moveOldPropertyFromProjectToAllExporters (Ids::smallIcon);

    for (Project::ExporterIterator exporter (*this);;)
        if (exporter->getNumConfigurations() == 0)

    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::exporters).isValid())

    getProjectType().setMissingProjectProperties (*this);

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::bundleIdentifier))

    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::modulesGroup).isValid())
        addDefaultModules (false);
void Project::setMissingDefaultValues()
    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::ID))
        projectRoot.setProperty (Ids::ID, createAlphaNumericUID(), nullptr);

    // Create main file group if missing
    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Ids::MAINGROUP).isValid())
        Item mainGroup (*this, ValueTree (Ids::MAINGROUP), false);
        projectRoot.addChild (mainGroup.state, 0, 0);


    if (getDocumentTitle().isEmpty())
        setTitle ("JUCE Project");

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::projectType))
        getProjectTypeValue() = ProjectType_GUIApp::getTypeName();

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::version))
        getVersionValue() = "1.0.0";

    moveOldPropertyFromProjectToAllExporters (Ids::bigIcon);
    moveOldPropertyFromProjectToAllExporters (Ids::smallIcon);

    if (getProjectType().isAudioPlugin())


    if (getBundleIdentifier().toString().isEmpty())
        getBundleIdentifier() = getDefaultBundleIdentifier();

    if (shouldIncludeBinaryInAppConfig() == var::null)
        shouldIncludeBinaryInAppConfig() = true;

    ProjucerApplication::getApp().updateNewlyOpenedProject (*this);
Beispiel #3
void Project::setMissingDefaultValues()
    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::ID))
        projectRoot.setProperty (Ids::ID, createAlphaNumericUID(), nullptr);

    // Create main file group if missing
    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::projectMainGroup).isValid())
        Item mainGroup (*this, ValueTree (Tags::projectMainGroup));
        projectRoot.addChild (mainGroup.state, 0, 0);


    if (getDocumentTitle().isEmpty())
        setTitle ("JUCE Project");

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::projectType))
        getProjectTypeValue() = ProjectType::getGUIAppTypeName();

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::version))
        getVersionValue() = "1.0.0";

    moveOldPropertyFromProjectToAllExporters (Ids::bigIcon);
    moveOldPropertyFromProjectToAllExporters (Ids::smallIcon);

    getProjectType().setMissingProjectProperties (*this);

    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::modulesGroup).isValid())
        addDefaultModules (false);

    if (getBundleIdentifier().toString().isEmpty())
        getBundleIdentifier() = getDefaultBundleIdentifier();

    IntrojucerApp::getApp().updateNewlyOpenedProject (*this);
Beispiel #4
void Project::createPropertyEditors (PropertyListBuilder& props)
    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectNameValue(), "Project Name", 256, false),
               "The name of the project.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getVersionValue(), "Project Version", 16, false),
               "The project's version number, This should be in the format major.minor.point");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getCompanyName(), "Company Name", 256, false),
               "Your company name, which will be added to the properties of the binary where possible");

        StringArray projectTypeNames;
        Array<var> projectTypeCodes;

        const Array<ProjectType*>& types = ProjectType::getAllTypes();

        for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i)
            projectTypeNames.add (types.getUnchecked(i)->getDescription());
            projectTypeCodes.add (types.getUnchecked(i)->getType());

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getProjectTypeValue(), "Project Type", projectTypeNames, projectTypeCodes));

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getBundleIdentifier(), "Bundle Identifier", 256, false),
               "A unique identifier for this product, mainly for use in OSX/iOS builds. It should be something like 'com.yourcompanyname.yourproductname'");

    getProjectType().createPropertyEditors (*this, props);

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectPreprocessorDefs(), "Preprocessor definitions", 32768, false),
               "Extra preprocessor definitions. Use the form \"NAME1=value NAME2=value\", using whitespace or commas to separate the items - to include a space or comma in a definition, precede it with a backslash.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectUserNotes(), "Notes", 32768, true),
               "Extra comments: This field is not used for code or project generation, it's just a space where you can express your thoughts.");
void Project::createPropertyEditors (PropertyListBuilder& props)
    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectNameValue(), "Project Name", 256, false),
               "The name of the project.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getVersionValue(), "Project Version", 16, false),
               "The project's version number, This should be in the format major.minor.point[.point]");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getCompanyName(), "Company Name", 256, false),
               "Your company name, which will be added to the properties of the binary where possible");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getCompanyWebsite(), "Company Website", 256, false),
               "Your company website, which will be added to the properties of the binary where possible");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getCompanyEmail(), "Company E-mail", 256, false),
               "Your company e-mail, which will be added to the properties of the binary where possible");

        StringArray projectTypeNames;
        Array<var> projectTypeCodes;

        const Array<ProjectType*>& types = ProjectType::getAllTypes();

        for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i)
            projectTypeNames.add (types.getUnchecked(i)->getDescription());
            projectTypeCodes.add (types.getUnchecked(i)->getType());

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getProjectTypeValue(), "Project Type", projectTypeNames, projectTypeCodes));

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getBundleIdentifier(), "Bundle Identifier", 256, false),
               "A unique identifier for this product, mainly for use in OSX/iOS builds. It should be something like 'com.yourcompanyname.yourproductname'");

    if (getProjectType().isAudioPlugin())
        createAudioPluginPropertyEditors (props);

        const int maxSizes[] = { 20480, 10240, 6144, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64 };

        StringArray maxSizeNames;
        Array<var> maxSizeCodes;

        maxSizeNames.add (TRANS("Default"));
        maxSizeCodes.add (var::null);

        maxSizeNames.add (String::empty);
        maxSizeCodes.add (var::null);

        for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInArray (maxSizes); ++i)
            const int sizeInBytes = maxSizes[i] * 1024;
            maxSizeNames.add (File::descriptionOfSizeInBytes (sizeInBytes));
            maxSizeCodes.add (sizeInBytes);

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getMaxBinaryFileSize(), "BinaryData.cpp size limit", maxSizeNames, maxSizeCodes),
                   "When splitting binary data into multiple cpp files, the Projucer attempts to keep the file sizes below this threshold. "
                   "(Note that individual resource files which are larger than this size cannot be split across multiple cpp files).");

    props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldIncludeBinaryInAppConfig(), "Include Binary",
                                             "Include BinaryData.h in the AppConfig.h file"));

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectPreprocessorDefs(), "Preprocessor definitions", 32768, true),
               "Global preprocessor definitions. Use the form \"NAME1=value NAME2=value\", using whitespace, commas, or "
               "new-lines to separate the items - to include a space or comma in a definition, precede it with a backslash.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectUserNotes(), "Notes", 32768, true),
               "Extra comments: This field is not used for code or project generation, it's just a space where you can express your thoughts.");