Beispiel #1
void TerrainNormalMapFeatHLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                             const MaterialFeatureData &fd )

   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   Var *viewToTangent = getInViewToTangent( componentList );

   // This var is read from GBufferConditionerHLSL and 
   // used in the prepass output.
   Var *gbNormal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "gbNormal" );
   if ( !gbNormal )
      gbNormal = new Var;
      gbNormal->setName( "gbNormal" );
      gbNormal->setType( "float3" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = @[2];\r\n", new DecOp( gbNormal ), viewToTangent ) );

   const S32 normalIndex = getProcessIndex();

   Var *detailBlend = (Var*)LangElement::find( String::ToString( "detailBlend%d", normalIndex ) );
   AssertFatal( detailBlend, "The detail blend is missing!" );

   // If we're using SM 3.0 then take advantage of 
   // dynamic branching to skip layers per-pixel.
   if ( GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() >= 3.0f )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   if ( @ > 0.0f )\r\n", detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   {\r\n" ) );

   // Get the normal map texture.
   Var *normalMap = _getNormalMapTex();

   /// Get the texture coord.
   Var *inDet = _getInDetailCoord( componentList );
   Var *inTex = getVertTexCoord( "texCoord" );

   // Sample the normal map.
   // We take two normal samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   LangElement *texOp;
   if (mIsDirect3D11)
      String name(String::ToString("normalMapTex%d", getProcessIndex()));
      Var *normalMapTex = (Var*)LangElement::find(name);
      if (!normalMapTex)
         normalMapTex = new Var;
         normalMapTex->setName(String::ToString("normalMapTex%d", getProcessIndex()));
         normalMapTex->uniform = true;
         normalMapTex->texture = true;
         normalMapTex->constNum = normalMap->constNum;
      if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_TerrainSideProject, normalIndex))
         texOp = new GenOp("lerp( @.Sample( @, @.yz ), @.Sample( @, @.xz ), @.z )",
            normalMapTex, normalMap, inDet, normalMapTex, normalMap, inDet, inTex);
         texOp = new GenOp("@.Sample(@, @.xy)", normalMapTex, normalMap, inDet);


      if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_TerrainSideProject, normalIndex))
         texOp = new GenOp("lerp( tex2D( @, @.yz ), tex2D( @, @.xz ), @.z )",
            normalMap, inDet, normalMap, inDet, inTex);
         texOp = new GenOp("tex2D(@, @.xy)", normalMap, inDet);

   // create bump normal
   Var *bumpNorm = new Var;
   bumpNorm->setName( "bumpNormal" );
   bumpNorm->setType( "float4" );

   LangElement *bumpNormDecl = new DecOp( bumpNorm );
   meta->addStatement( expandNormalMap( texOp, bumpNormDecl, bumpNorm, fd ) );

   // Normalize is done later... 
   // Note: The reverse mul order is intentional. Affine matrix.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = lerp( @, mul(, @ ), min( @, @.w ) );\r\n", 
      gbNormal, gbNormal, bumpNorm, viewToTangent, detailBlend, inDet ) );

   // End the conditional block.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   }\r\n" ) );

   // If this is the last normal map then we 
   // can test to see the total blend value
   // to see if we should clip the result.
   //if ( fd.features.getNextFeatureIndex( MFT_TerrainNormalMap, normalIndex ) == -1 )
      //meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   clip( @ - 0.0001f );\r\n", blendTotal ) );

   output = meta;
Beispiel #2
void TerrainMacroMapFeatHLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                             const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   const S32 detailIndex = getProcessIndex();
   Var *inTex = getVertTexCoord( "texCoord" );
   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   // We need the negative tangent space view vector
   // as in parallax mapping we step towards the camera.
   Var *negViewTS = (Var*)LangElement::find( "negViewTS" );
   if (  !negViewTS &&
         fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainParallaxMap ) )
      Var *inNegViewTS = (Var*)LangElement::find( "outNegViewTS" );
      if ( !inNegViewTS )
         ShaderConnector *connectComp = dynamic_cast<ShaderConnector *>( componentList[C_CONNECTOR] );
         inNegViewTS = connectComp->getElement( RT_TEXCOORD );
         inNegViewTS->setName( "outNegViewTS" );
         inNegViewTS->setStructName( "IN" );
         inNegViewTS->setType( "float3" );

      negViewTS = new Var( "negViewTS", "float3" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = normalize( @ );\r\n", new DecOp( negViewTS ), inNegViewTS ) );

   // Get the layer samples.
   Var *layerSample = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSample" );
   if ( !layerSample )
      layerSample = new Var;
      layerSample->setType( "float4" );
      layerSample->setName( "layerSample" );

      // Get the layer texture var
      Var *layerTex = new Var;
      layerTex->setType( "sampler2D" );
      layerTex->setName( "macrolayerTex" );
      layerTex->uniform = true;
      layerTex->sampler = true;
      layerTex->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();

      // Read the layer texture to get the samples.
      if (mIsDirect3D11)
         Var *layerTexObj = new Var;
         layerTexObj->uniform = true;
         layerTexObj->texture = true;
         layerTexObj->constNum = layerTex->constNum;
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = round( @.Sample( @, @.xy ) * 255.0f );\r\n",
            new DecOp(layerSample), layerTexObj, layerTex, inTex));
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = round( tex2D( @, @.xy ) * 255.0f );\r\n",
            new DecOp(layerSample), layerTex, inTex));

   Var *layerSize = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSize" );
   if ( !layerSize )
      layerSize = new Var;
      layerSize->setType( "float" );
      layerSize->setName( "layerSize" );
      layerSize->uniform = true;
      layerSize->constSortPos = cspPass;

   // Grab the incoming detail coord.
   Var *inDet = _getInMacroCoord( componentList );

   // Get the detail id.
   Var *detailInfo = _getMacroIdStrengthParallax();

   // Create the detail blend var.
   Var *detailBlend = new Var;
   detailBlend->setType( "float" );
   detailBlend->setName( String::ToString( "macroBlend%d", detailIndex ) );

   // Calculate the blend for this detail texture.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = calcBlend( @.x, @.xy, @, @ );\r\n", 
                                    new DecOp( detailBlend ), detailInfo, inTex, layerSize, layerSample ) );

   // Get a var and accumulate the blend amount.
   Var *blendTotal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "blendTotal" );
   if ( !blendTotal )
      blendTotal = new Var;
      blendTotal->setName( "blendTotal" );
      blendTotal->setType( "float" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = 0;\r\n", new DecOp( blendTotal ) ) );

   // Add to the blend total.
   meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = max( @, @ );\r\n", blendTotal, blendTotal, detailBlend));

   Var *detailColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "macroColor" ); 
   if ( !detailColor )
      detailColor = new Var;
      detailColor->setType( "float4" );
      detailColor->setName( "macroColor" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @;\r\n", new DecOp( detailColor ) ) );

   // Get the detail texture.
   Var *detailMap = new Var;
   detailMap->setType( "sampler2D" );
   detailMap->setName( String::ToString( "macroMap%d", detailIndex ) );
   detailMap->uniform = true;
   detailMap->sampler = true;
   detailMap->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();     // used as texture unit num here

   //Create texture object for directx 11
   Var *detailTex = NULL;
   if (mIsDirect3D11)
      detailTex = new Var;
      detailTex->setName(String::ToString("macroMapTex%d", detailIndex));
      detailTex->uniform = true;
      detailTex->texture = true;
      detailTex->constNum = detailMap->constNum;


   // If we're using SM 3.0 then take advantage of 
   // dynamic branching to skip layers per-pixel.
   if ( GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() >= 3.0f )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   if ( @ > 0.0f )\r\n", detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   {\r\n" ) );

   // Note that we're doing the standard greyscale detail 
   // map technique here which can darken and lighten the 
   // diffuse texture.
   // We take two color samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_TerrainSideProject, detailIndex))
      if (mIsDirect3D11)
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("      @ = ( lerp( @.Sample( @, @.yz ), @.Sample( @, @.xz ), @.z ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n",
            detailColor, detailTex, detailMap, inDet, detailTex, detailMap, inDet, inTex));
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("      @ = ( lerp( tex2D( @, @.yz ), tex2D( @, @.xz ), @.z ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n",
         detailColor, detailMap, inDet, detailMap, inDet, inTex));
      if (mIsDirect3D11)
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("      @ = ( @.Sample( @, @.xy ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n",
         detailColor, detailTex, detailMap, inDet));
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("      @ = ( tex2D( @, @.xy ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n",
         detailColor, detailMap, inDet));

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ *= @.y * @.w;\r\n",
                                    detailColor, detailInfo, inDet ) );

   ShaderFeature::OutputTarget target = ShaderFeature::DefaultTarget;

      target= ShaderFeature::RenderTarget1;

   Var *outColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( getOutputTargetVarName(target) );

   meta->addStatement(new GenOp("      @ += @ * @;\r\n",
                                    outColor, detailColor, detailBlend));

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   }\r\n" ) );

   output = meta;
Beispiel #3
void TerrainBaseMapFeatHLSL::processVert( Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                          const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;
   output = meta;

   // Generate the incoming texture var.
   Var *inTex;
      Var *inPos = (Var*)LangElement::find( "inPosition" );
      if ( !inPos )
         inPos = (Var*)LangElement::find( "position" );

      inTex = new Var( "texCoord", "float3" );

      Var *oneOverTerrainSize = _getUniformVar( "oneOverTerrainSize", "float", cspPass );

      // NOTE: The y coord here should be negative to have
      // the texture maps not end up flipped which also caused
      // normal and parallax mapping to be incorrect.
      // This mistake early in development means that the layer
      // id bilinear blend depends on it being that way.
      // So instead i fixed this by flipping the base and detail
      // coord y scale to compensate when rendering.
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = * float3( @, @, -@ );\r\n", 
         new DecOp( inTex ), inPos, oneOverTerrainSize, oneOverTerrainSize, oneOverTerrainSize ) );

   ShaderConnector *connectComp = dynamic_cast<ShaderConnector *>( componentList[C_CONNECTOR] );

   // Pass the texture coord to the pixel shader.
   Var *outTex = connectComp->getElement( RT_TEXCOORD );
   outTex->setName( "outTexCoord" );
   outTex->setStructName( "OUT" );
   outTex->setType( "float3" );
   outTex->mapsToSampler = true;
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @.xy = @.xy;\r\n", outTex, inTex ) );

   // If this shader has a side projected layer then we 
   // pass the dot product between the +Y and the normal
   // thru outTexCoord.z for use in blending the textures.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainSideProject ) )
      Var *inNormal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "normal" );
         new GenOp( "   @.z = pow( abs( dot( normalize( float3( @.x, @.y, 0 ) ), float3( 0, 1, 0 ) ) ), 10.0 );\r\n", 
            outTex, inNormal, inNormal ) );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @.z = 0;\r\n", outTex ) );

   // HACK: This is sort of lazy... we generate the tanget
   // vector here so that we're sure it exists in the parallax
   // and normal features which will expect "T" to exist.
   // If this shader doesn't use it the shader compiler will
   // optimize away this code.
   Var *inTangentZ = getVertTexCoord( "tcTangentZ" );
   Var *inTanget = new Var( "T", "float3" );
   Var *squareSize = _getUniformVar( "squareSize", "float", cspPass );
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = normalize( float3( @, 0, @ ) );\r\n", 
      new DecOp( inTanget ), squareSize, inTangentZ ) );
void TerrainMacroMapFeatGLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                             const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   const U32 detailIndex = getProcessIndex();
   Var *inTex = getVertTexCoord( "texCoord" );
   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   // We need the negative tangent space view vector
   // as in parallax mapping we step towards the camera.
   Var *negViewTS = (Var*)LangElement::find( "negViewTS" );
   if (  !negViewTS &&
         fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainParallaxMap ) )
      Var *inNegViewTS = (Var*)LangElement::find( "outNegViewTS" );
      if ( !inNegViewTS )
         ShaderConnector *connectComp = dynamic_cast<ShaderConnector *>( componentList[C_CONNECTOR] );
         inNegViewTS = connectComp->getElement( RT_TEXCOORD );
         inNegViewTS->setName( "outNegViewTS" );
         inNegViewTS->setStructName( "IN" );
         inNegViewTS->setType( "vec3" );

      negViewTS = new Var( "negViewTS", "vec3" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = normalize( @ );\r\n", new DecOp( negViewTS ), inNegViewTS ) );

   // Get the layer samples.
   Var *layerSample = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSample" );
   if ( !layerSample )
      layerSample = new Var;
      layerSample->setType( "vec4" );
      layerSample->setName( "layerSample" );

      // Get the layer texture var
      Var *layerTex = new Var;
      layerTex->setType( "sampler2D" );
      layerTex->setName( "macrolayerTex" );
      layerTex->uniform = true;
      layerTex->sampler = true;
      layerTex->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();

      // Read the layer texture to get the samples.
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = round( tex2D( @, @.xy ) * 255.0f );\r\n", 
                                       new DecOp( layerSample ), layerTex, inTex ) );

   Var *layerSize = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSize" );
   if ( !layerSize )
      layerSize = new Var;
      layerSize->setType( "float" );
      layerSize->setName( "layerSize" );
      layerSize->uniform = true;
      layerSize->constSortPos = cspPass;

   // Grab the incoming detail coord.
   Var *inDet = _getInMacroCoord( componentList );

   // Get the detail id.
   Var *detailInfo = _getMacroIdStrengthParallax();

   // Create the detail blend var.
   Var *detailBlend = new Var;
   detailBlend->setType( "float" );
   detailBlend->setName( String::ToString( "macroBlend%d", detailIndex ) );

   // Calculate the blend for this detail texture.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = calcBlend( @.x, @.xy, @, @ );\r\n", 
                                    new DecOp( detailBlend ), detailInfo, inTex, layerSize, layerSample ) );

   // Get a var and accumulate the blend amount.
   Var *blendTotal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "blendTotal" );
   if ( !blendTotal )
      blendTotal = new Var;
      //blendTotal->setName( "blendTotal" );
      blendTotal->setName( "blendTotal" );
      blendTotal->setType( "float" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = 0;\r\n", new DecOp( blendTotal ) ) );

   // Add to the blend total.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = max( @, @ );\r\n", blendTotal, blendTotal, detailBlend ) );

   // If this is a prepass then we skip color.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_PrePassConditioner ) )
      // Check to see if we have a gbuffer normal.
      Var *gbNormal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "gbNormal" );

      // If we have a gbuffer normal and we don't have a
      // normal map feature then we need to lerp in a 
      // default normal else the normals below this layer
      // will show thru.
      if (  gbNormal && 
            !fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainNormalMap, detailIndex ) )
         Var *viewToTangent = getInViewToTangent( componentList );

         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = lerp( @, tGetMatrix3Row(@, 2), min( @, @.w ) );\r\n", 
            gbNormal, gbNormal, viewToTangent, detailBlend, inDet ) );

      output = meta;

   Var *detailColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "macroColor" ); 
   if ( !detailColor )
      detailColor = new Var;
      detailColor->setType( "vec4" );
      detailColor->setName( "macroColor" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @;\r\n", new DecOp( detailColor ) ) );

   // Get the detail texture.
   Var *detailMap = new Var;
   detailMap->setType( "sampler2D" );
   detailMap->setName( String::ToString( "macroMap%d", detailIndex ) );
   detailMap->uniform = true;
   detailMap->sampler = true;
   detailMap->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();     // used as texture unit num here

   // If we're using SM 3.0 then take advantage of 
   // dynamic branching to skip layers per-pixel.
   if ( GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() >= 3.0f )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   if ( @ > 0.0f )\r\n", detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   {\r\n" ) );

   // Note that we're doing the standard greyscale detail 
   // map technique here which can darken and lighten the 
   // diffuse texture.
   // We take two color samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainSideProject, detailIndex ) )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = ( lerp( tex2D( @, @.yz ), tex2D( @, @.xz ), @.z ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n", 
                                                detailColor, detailMap, inDet, detailMap, inDet, inTex ) );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = ( tex2D( @, @.xy ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n", 
                                       detailColor, detailMap, inDet ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ *= @.y * @.w;\r\n",
                                    detailColor, detailInfo, inDet ) );

   Var *baseColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "baseColor" );
   Var *outColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "col" );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = lerp( @, @ + @, @ );\r\n",
                                    outColor, outColor, outColor, detailColor, detailBlend ) );
   //outColor, outColor, baseColor, detailColor, detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   }\r\n" ) );

   output = meta;
Beispiel #5
void TerrainDetailMapFeatGLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                             const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   const S32 detailIndex = getProcessIndex();
   Var *inTex = getVertTexCoord( "texCoord" );

   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   // We need the negative tangent space view vector
   // as in parallax mapping we step towards the camera.
   Var *negViewTS = (Var*)LangElement::find( "negViewTS" );
   if (  !negViewTS &&
         fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainParallaxMap ) )
      Var *inNegViewTS = (Var*)LangElement::find( "outNegViewTS" );
      if ( !inNegViewTS )
         ShaderConnector *connectComp = dynamic_cast<ShaderConnector *>( componentList[C_CONNECTOR] );
         inNegViewTS = connectComp->getElement( RT_TEXCOORD );
         inNegViewTS->setName( "outNegViewTS" );
         inNegViewTS->setStructName( "IN" );
         inNegViewTS->setType( "vec3" );
      negViewTS = new Var( "negViewTS", "vec3" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = normalize( @ );\r\n", new DecOp( negViewTS ), inNegViewTS ) );

   // Get the layer samples.
   Var *layerSample = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSample" );
   if ( !layerSample )
      layerSample = new Var;
      layerSample->setType( "vec4" );
      layerSample->setName( "layerSample" );

      // Get the layer texture var
      Var *layerTex = new Var;
      layerTex->setType( "sampler2D" );
      layerTex->setName( "layerTex" );
      layerTex->uniform = true;
      layerTex->sampler = true;
      layerTex->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();

      // Read the layer texture to get the samples.
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = round( tex2D( @, @.xy ) * 255.0f );\r\n", 
                                       new DecOp( layerSample ), layerTex, inTex ) );

   Var *layerSize = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSize" );
   if ( !layerSize )
      layerSize = new Var;
      layerSize->setType( "float" );
      layerSize->setName( "layerSize" );
      layerSize->uniform = true;
      layerSize->constSortPos = cspPass;

   // Grab the incoming detail coord.
   Var *inDet = _getInDetailCoord( componentList );

   // Get the detail id.
   Var *detailInfo = _getDetailIdStrengthParallax();

   // Create the detail blend var.
   Var *detailBlend = new Var;
   detailBlend->setType( "float" );
   detailBlend->setName( String::ToString( "detailBlend%d", detailIndex ) );

   // Calculate the blend for this detail texture.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = calcBlend( @.x, @.xy, @, @ );\r\n", 
                                    new DecOp( detailBlend ), detailInfo, inTex, layerSize, layerSample ) );

   // New terrain

   Var *lerpBlend = (Var*)LangElement::find("lerpBlend");
   if (!lerpBlend)
	   lerpBlend = new Var;
	   lerpBlend->uniform = true;
	   lerpBlend->constSortPos = cspPrimitive;

   Var *blendDepth = (Var*)LangElement::find(String::ToString("blendDepth%d", detailIndex));
   if (!blendDepth)
	   blendDepth = new Var;
	   blendDepth->setName(String::ToString("blendDepth%d", detailIndex));
	   blendDepth->uniform = true;
	   blendDepth->constSortPos = cspPrimitive;

   ShaderFeature::OutputTarget target = ShaderFeature::DefaultTarget;

   if(fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_DeferredTerrainDetailMap ))
      target= ShaderFeature::RenderTarget1;

   Var *outColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( getOutputTargetVarName(target) );

   if (!outColor)
	   // create color var
	   outColor = new Var;
	   meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @;\r\n", outColor));

   Var *detailColor = (Var*)LangElement::find("detailColor");
   if (!detailColor)
	   detailColor = new Var;
	   meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @;\r\n", new DecOp(detailColor)));

   // Get the detail texture.
   Var *detailMap = new Var;
   detailMap->setName(String::ToString("detailMap%d", detailIndex));
   detailMap->uniform = true;
   detailMap->sampler = true;
   detailMap->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();     // used as texture unit num here

   // Get the normal map texture.
   Var *normalMap = _getNormalMapTex();

   // Issue happens somewhere here -----

   // Sample the normal map.
   // We take two normal samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   LangElement *texOp;

   // Note that we're doing the standard greyscale detail 
   // map technique here which can darken and lighten the 
   // diffuse texture.
   // We take two color samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_TerrainSideProject, detailIndex))
	   meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = ( lerp( tex2D( @, @.yz ), tex2D( @, @.xz ), @.z ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n",
		   detailColor, detailMap, inDet, detailMap, inDet, inTex));

	   texOp = new GenOp("lerp( tex2D( @, @.yz ), tex2D( @, @.xz ), @.z )",
		   normalMap, inDet, normalMap, inDet, inTex);
	   meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = ( tex2D( @, @.xy ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n",
		   detailColor, detailMap, inDet));

	   texOp = new GenOp("tex2D(@, @.xy)", normalMap, inDet);

   // New terrain

   // Get a var and accumulate the blend amount.
   Var *blendTotal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "blendTotal" );
   if ( !blendTotal )
      blendTotal = new Var;
      blendTotal->setName( "blendTotal" );
      blendTotal->setType( "float" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = 0;\r\n", new DecOp( blendTotal ) ) );

   // Add to the blend total.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ += @;\r\n", blendTotal, detailBlend ) );

   // If we had a parallax feature... then factor in the parallax
   // amount so that it fades out with the layer blending.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainParallaxMap, detailIndex ) )
      // Get the rest of our inputs.
      Var *normalMap = _getNormalMapTex();

      // Call the library function to do the rest.
      if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_IsDXTnm, detailIndex))
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @.xy += parallaxOffsetDxtnm( @, @.xy, @, @.z * @ );\r\n",
         inDet, normalMap, inDet, negViewTS, detailInfo, detailBlend));
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @.xy += parallaxOffset( @, @.xy, @, @.z * @ );\r\n",
         inDet, normalMap, inDet, negViewTS, detailInfo, detailBlend));

   // If we're using SM 3.0 then take advantage of 
   // dynamic branching to skip layers per-pixel.

   if ( GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() >= 3.0f )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   if ( @ > 0.0f )\r\n", detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   {\r\n" ) );

   // Note that we're doing the standard greyscale detail 
   // map technique here which can darken and lighten the 
   // diffuse texture.
   // We take two color samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainSideProject, detailIndex ) )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = ( lerp( tex2D( @, @.yz ), tex2D( @, @.xz ), @.z ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n", 
                                                detailColor, detailMap, inDet, detailMap, inDet, inTex ) );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = ( tex2D( @, @.xy ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n", 
                                       detailColor, detailMap, inDet ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ *= @.y * @.w;\r\n",
                                    detailColor, detailInfo, inDet ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ += @ * @;\r\n",
                                    outColor, detailColor, detailBlend));

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   }\r\n" ) );

   output = meta;
void TerrainDetailMapFeatGLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                             const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   const U32 detailIndex = getProcessIndex();

   // If this is a prepass and we don't have a 
   // matching normal map... we have nothing to do.
   if (  fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_PrePassConditioner ) &&
         !fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainNormalMap, detailIndex ) )

   Var *inTex = getVertTexCoord( "outTexCoord" );
   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   // Get the layer samples.
   Var *layerSample = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSample" );
   if ( !layerSample )
      layerSample = new Var;
      layerSample->setType( "vec4" );
      layerSample->setName( "layerSample" );

      // Get the layer texture var
      Var *layerTex = new Var;
      layerTex->setType( "sampler2D" );
      layerTex->setName( "layerTex" );
      layerTex->uniform = true;
      layerTex->sampler = true;
      layerTex->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();

      // Read the layer texture to get the samples.
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = round( texture2D( @, @.xy ) * 255.0f );\r\n", 
                                       new DecOp( layerSample ), layerTex, inTex ) );

   Var *layerSize = (Var*)LangElement::find( "layerSize" );
   if ( !layerSize )
      layerSize = new Var;
      layerSize->setType( "float" );
      layerSize->setName( "layerSize" );
      layerSize->uniform = true;
      layerSize->constSortPos = cspPass;

   // Grab the incoming detail coord.
   Var *inDet = _getInDetailCoord( componentList );

   // Get the detail id.
   Var *detailInfo = _getDetailIdStrengthParallax();

   // Create the detail blend var.
   Var *detailBlend = new Var;
   detailBlend->setType( "float" );
   detailBlend->setName( String::ToString( "detailBlend%d", detailIndex ) );

   // Calculate the blend for this detail texture.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = calcBlend( @.x, @.xy, @, @ );\r\n", 
                                    new DecOp( detailBlend ), detailInfo, inTex, layerSize, layerSample ) );

   // Get a var and accumulate the blend amount.
   Var *blendTotal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "blendTotal" );
   if ( !blendTotal )
      blendTotal = new Var;
      blendTotal->setName( "blendTotal" );
      blendTotal->setType( "float" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = 0.0;\r\n", new DecOp( blendTotal ) ) );

   // Add to the blend total.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ += @;\r\n", blendTotal, detailBlend ) );
   //meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ += @ * @.y * @.w;\r\n", 
      //blendTotal, detailBlend, detailInfo, inDet ) );

   // Nothing more to do for a detail texture in prepass.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_PrePassConditioner ) )
      output = meta;

   Var *detailColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "detailColor" ); 
   if ( !detailColor )
      detailColor = new Var;
      detailColor->setType( "vec4" );
      detailColor->setName( "detailColor" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @;\r\n", new DecOp( detailColor ) ) );

   // Get the detail texture.
   Var *detailMap = new Var;
   detailMap->setType( "sampler2D" );
   detailMap->setName( String::ToString( "detailMap%d", detailIndex ) );
   detailMap->uniform = true;
   detailMap->sampler = true;
   detailMap->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();     // used as texture unit num here

   // If we're using SM 3.0 then take advantage of 
   // dynamic branching to skip layers per-pixel.
   if ( GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() >= 3.0f )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   if ( @ > 0.0f )\r\n", detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   {\r\n" ) );

   // Note that we're doing the standard greyscale detail 
   // map technique here which can darken and lighten the 
   // diffuse texture.
   // We take two color samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_TerrainSideProject, detailIndex ) )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = ( mix( texture2D( @, @.yz ), texture2D( @, @.xz ), @.z ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n", 
                                                detailColor, detailMap, inDet, detailMap, inDet, inTex ) );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = ( texture2D( @, @.xy ) * 2.0 ) - 1.0;\r\n", 
                                       detailColor, detailMap, inDet ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ *= @.y * @.w;\r\n",
                                    detailColor, detailInfo, inDet ) );

   Var *baseColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "baseColor" );
   Var *outColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "col" );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = mix( @, @ + @, @ );\r\n",
                                    outColor, outColor, baseColor, detailColor, detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   }\r\n" ) );

   output = meta;