Beispiel #1
Datei: br.c Projekt: codecor/br
int main (int argc,char *argv[]){

    // all args are meant to be brought
    if (argc!=1) {
        char file_name[4096];
        char file_addr[4096];
        char wrk_dir[4096];
        int i;

        // get file path
        if (getWorkingDir(&wrk_dir)==0) {
            if (DEBUG) printf ("[debug] wrk_dir = %s\n",wrk_dir);

        if (DEBUG) printf("[debug] sizeof(argc)=%d\n",sizeof(argc));
        for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            if (DEBUG) printf("[debug] file_name = %s\n",file_name);

            if (DEBUG) printf("[debug] file_addr=%s\n",file_addr);

            // add a comma if more than 1 exists
            if (argc-i!=0)

        return 0;

    } else {
        // if none, drop
        // check for file waiting to be dropped
        if (bring_it()!=0){
            printf("No file to be brought.\n");

    if (DEBUG) printf("[debug] returning\n");

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
void LLDir::dumpCurrentDirectories()
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "Current Directories:" << LL_ENDL;

	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  CurPath:               " << getCurPath() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  AppName:               " << getAppName() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  ExecutableFilename:    " << getExecutableFilename() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  ExecutableDir:         " << getExecutableDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  ExecutablePathAndName: " << getExecutablePathAndName() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  WorkingDir:            " << getWorkingDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  AppRODataDir:          " << getAppRODataDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  OSUserDir:             " << getOSUserDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  OSUserAppDir:          " << getOSUserAppDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  LindenUserDir:         " << getLindenUserDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  TempDir:               " << getTempDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  CAFile:				 " << getCAFile() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  SkinBaseDir:           " << getSkinBaseDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  SkinDir:               " << getSkinDir() << LL_ENDL;
Beispiel #3
void LLDir::dumpCurrentDirectories()
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "Current Directories:" << LL_ENDL;

	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  CurPath:               " << getCurPath() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  AppName:               " << getAppName() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  ExecutableFilename:    " << getExecutableFilename() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  ExecutableDir:         " << getExecutableDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  ExecutablePathAndName: " << getExecutablePathAndName() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  WorkingDir:            " << getWorkingDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  AppRODataDir:          " << getAppRODataDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  OSUserDir:             " << getOSUserDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  OSUserAppDir:          " << getOSUserAppDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  LindenUserDir:         " << getLindenUserDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  TempDir:               " << getTempDir() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  CAFile:				 " << getCAFile() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  SkinDir:               " << getSkinDir() << LL_ENDL;

 	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  HTML Path:             " << getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_HTML, "" ) << llendl;
 	LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit","Directories") << "  Mozilla Profile Path:  " << getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_MOZILLA_PROFILE, "" ) << llendl;
	 * @internal
	 * @brief Mac version. Extracts the user application execution and data path.
	 * They are stored in userDataPath and userExecPath attributes.
	void ResourceManager::extractUserAppPathMAC()
		char bundlePath[2048];
		char exePath[2048];
		char resourcesPath[2048];

		CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
		assert( mainBundle );
		// Get URLs
		CFURLRef mainBundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL( mainBundle);
		assert( mainBundleURL);
		CFURLRef exeURL = CFBundleCopyExecutableURL( mainBundle);
		assert( exeURL);		
		CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL( mainBundle);
		assert( resourcesURL);	
		// Get Paths into strings
		CFStringRef cfStringRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( mainBundleURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
		assert( cfStringRef);
		CFStringRef cfExePathRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( exeURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
		assert( cfExePathRef);
		CFStringRef cfResourcesPathRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( resourcesURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
		assert( cfResourcesPathRef);	
		CFStringGetCString( cfStringRef, bundlePath, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
		CFStringGetCString( cfExePathRef, exePath, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
		CFStringGetCString( cfResourcesPathRef, resourcesPath, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII);

		// Release resources
		CFRelease( mainBundleURL);
		CFRelease( exeURL);
		CFRelease( cfStringRef);
		CFRelease( cfExePathRef);
		CFRelease( cfResourcesPathRef);

		userExecPath = bundlePath;
		//userExecPath = exePath;
		std::string::size_type lastSlashPos = userExecPath.find_last_of("/");
		userExecPath = userExecPath.substr(0, lastSlashPos);
		userExecPath = userExecPath + "/";
		//userDataPath = userExecPath + userResourcesDirName;
		resourcesPathInBundle	= String(bundlePath) + "/" + String(resourcesPath) + "/";
		//userDataPath	= String(bundlePath) + "/" + String(resourcesPath) + "/data/";
		userDataPath = String(bundlePath) + "/" + userResourcesDirName;
		//libDataPath		= String(bundlePath) + "/" + String(resourcesPath) + "/cing_bin/data/";
		libDataPath = String(bundlePath) + "/../../../../cing_bin/data/";
		// Log some info
		LOG( "Exec Path %s", exePath );
		LOG( "Bundle Path %s", bundlePath );
		LOG( "Resources Path %s", resourcesPath );
		LOG( "User Data Path %s", userDataPath.c_str() );
		const char* curentDir = getWorkingDir().c_str();
		LOG( "Current Working Dir: %s", getWorkingDir().c_str() );
Beispiel #5
bool MolecularFileDialog::writeFile()
	list<Composite*>& selection = getMainControl()->getMolecularControlSelection();

    if (selection.size() != 1 || !RTTI::isKindOf<System> (*selection.begin()))
		setStatusbarText((String)tr("Not a single system selected! Aborting writing..."), true);
		return false;

	const System& system = *(const System*) (*selection.begin());
	String file_name = getWorkingDir();
	file_name += FileSystem::PATH_SEPARATOR;
	file_name += system.getName();
	file_name += ".pdb";

	QString s = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
								tr("Choose a filename to save the selected system"),

	if (s == QString::null) return false;

	setStatusbarText((String)tr("writing file..."));

	String filename = ascii(s);

	String filter(filename);
	while (filter.has(FileSystem::PATH_SEPARATOR))
		filter = filter.after(FileSystem::PATH_SEPARATOR);

	String filename_without_path = filter;

	while (filter.has('.'))
		filter = filter.after(".");

	bool result = false;
	if (filter == "PDB" || filter == "pdb" ||
			filter == "ent" || filter == "ENT" ||
			filter == "brk" || filter == "BRK")
		result = writePDBFile(filename, system);
	else if (filter.hasSubstring("HIN") || filter.hasSubstring("hin"))
		result = writeHINFile(filename, system);
	else if (filter.hasSubstring("MOL2") || filter.hasSubstring("mol2"))
		result = writeMOL2File(filename, system);
	else if (filter.hasSubstring("MOL") || filter.hasSubstring("mol"))
		result = writeMOLFile(filename, system);
	else if (filter.hasSubstring("SDF") || filter.hasSubstring("sdf"))
		result = writeSDFile(filename, system);
	else if (filter.hasSubstring("AC") || filter.hasSubstring("ac"))
		result = writeACFile(filename, system);
	else if (filter.hasSubstring("XYZ") || filter.hasSubstring("xyz"))
		result = writeXYZFile(filename, system);
		if (filter == filename_without_path)
			filename += ".pdb";
			result = writePDBFile(filename, system);
			setStatusbarText((String)tr("Unknown file format, please set the file extension accordingly to type, aborting..."), true);
			return false;

	if (!result) 
		return false;

	setStatusbarText(String(system.countAtoms()) + " " + (String)tr("atoms written to file") + " \"" + filename + "\"", true);
	return true;
Beispiel #6
void Awstats::config(HttpVHost *pVHost, int val, char* achBuf, const XmlNode *pAwNode, 
              char* iconURI, const char* vhDomain, int vhAliasesLen )
    const char *pURI;
    const char *pValue;
    char *p;
    int handlerType;
    int len = strlen( achBuf );
    int iChrootLen = 0;
    if ( HttpGlobals::s_psChroot != NULL )
    iChrootLen = HttpGlobals::s_psChroot->len();
    setMode( val );

    if ( achBuf[len - 1] == '/' )
        achBuf[len - 1] = 0;

    setWorkingDir( achBuf );

    pURI = pAwNode->getChildValue( "awstatsURI" );

    if ( ( !pURI ) || ( *pURI != '/' ) || ( * ( pURI + strlen( pURI ) - 1 ) != '/' )
            || ( strlen( pURI ) > 100 ) )
        ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->log_warn( "AWStats URI is invalid"
                             ", use default [/awstats/]." );
        iconURI[9] = 0;;
        pURI = iconURI;

    setURI( pURI );

    if ( val == AWS_STATIC )
        handlerType = HandlerType::HT_NULL;
        strcat( achBuf, "/html/" );
        ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->getValidPath( achBuf, "$SERVER_ROOT/add-ons/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/",
                      "AWStats CGI-BIN directory" );

        if ( pVHost->getRootContext().determineMime( "pl", NULL )->getHandler()->getHandlerType() )
            handlerType = HandlerType::HT_NULL;
            handlerType = HandlerType::HT_CGI;

    HttpContext *pContext =
        pVHost->addContext( pURI, handlerType, &achBuf[iChrootLen], NULL, 1 );

    p = achBuf;
    if ( ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->getLongValue( pAwNode, "securedConn", 0, 1, 0 ) == 1 )
        p += safe_snprintf( achBuf, 8192,
                "rewriteCond %%{HTTPS} !on\n"
                "rewriteCond %%{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https\n"
                "rewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%%{SERVER_NAME}%%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]\n" );

    if ( val == AWS_STATIC )
        safe_snprintf( p, &achBuf[8192] - p,
                       "RewriteRule ^$ awstats.%s.html\n",
                       pVHost->getName() );
        safe_snprintf( p, &achBuf[8192] - p, 
                       "RewriteRule ^$\n"
                       "RewriteCond %%{QUERY_STRING} !configdir=\n"
                       "RewriteRule ^ "
                       "$0?config=%s&configdir=%s/conf [QSA]\n",
                       getWorkingDir() + iChrootLen );
        pContext->setUidMode( UID_DOCROOT );

    pContext->enableRewrite( 1 );
    pContext->configRewriteRule( pVHost->getRewriteMaps(), achBuf );

    pValue = pAwNode->getChildValue( "realm" );

    if ( pValue )
        pVHost->configAuthRealm( pContext, pValue );

    pValue = pAwNode->getChildValue( "siteDomain" );

    if ( !pValue )
        ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->log_warn( "SiteDomain configuration is invalid"
                             ", use default [%s].",  vhDomain );
        pValue = vhDomain;
        ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->expandDomainNames( pValue, achBuf, 4096 );
        pValue = achBuf;

    setSiteDomain( pValue );

    pValue = pAwNode->getChildValue( "siteAliases" );
    int needConvert = 1;

    if ( !pValue )
        if ( vhAliasesLen == 0 )
            safe_snprintf( achBuf, 8192, " localhost REGEX[%s]",
                           getSiteDomain() );
            ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->log_warn( "SiteAliases configuration is invalid"
                                 ", use default [%s].", achBuf );
            pValue = achBuf;
            needConvert = 0;
            pValue = "$vh_aliases";

    if ( needConvert )
        ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->expandDomainNames( pValue, &achBuf[4096], 4096, ' ' );
        ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->convertToRegex( &achBuf[4096], achBuf, 4096 );
        pValue = achBuf;
        ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->log_info( "SiteAliases is set to '%s'", achBuf );

    setAliases( pValue );

    val = ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->getLongValue( pAwNode, "updateInterval", 3600, 3600 * 24, 3600 * 24 );

    if ( val % 3600 != 0 )
        val = ( ( val + 3599 ) / 3600 ) * 3600;

    setInterval( val );

    val = ConfigCtx::getCurConfigCtx()->getLongValue( pAwNode, "updateOffset", 0, LONG_MAX, 0 );

    if ( val > getInterval() )
        val %= getInterval();

    setOffset( val );

    pVHost->setAwstats( this );    
Beispiel #7
void AbstractEngine::writeRestartFile() {
  GreasyTask *task;
  map<int,GreasyTask*>::iterator it;
  list<int> dependants;
  set<GreasyTask*> invalidTasks;
  list<int>::iterator lit;
  set<GreasyTask*>::iterator sit;
  int nindex;
  ofstream rstfile( restartFile.c_str(), ios_base::out);

  log->record(GreasyLog::devel, "AbstractEngine::writeRestartFile", "Entering...");

  if (!rstfile.is_open()) {
      log->record(GreasyLog::error,  "Could not create restart file " + restartFile);
  log->record(GreasyLog::info, "Creating restart file " + restartFile + "...");
  string logFile = "Standard Error";
  if (config->keyExists("LogFile")&&((config->getValue("LogFile") != ""))) {
    logFile = config->getValue("LogFile");
    //Check for a relative path
    if ((GreasyRegex::match(logFile,"^[:blank:]*/(.*)$")==""))
      logFile = getWorkingDir() + logFile;
  rstfile << "# " << endl;
  rstfile << "# Greasy restart file generated at "<< GreasyTimer::now() << endl;
  rstfile << "# Original task file: " << getWorkingDir() << "/" << taskFile << endl;
  rstfile << "# Log file: " << logFile  << endl;
  rstfile << "# " << endl;
  rstfile << endl;
  nindex = 7;
  for (it=taskMap.begin();it!=taskMap.end(); it++) {
    task = it->second;
    // Completed tasks will not be recorded in the restart file
    if (task->getTaskState() == GreasyTask::completed) continue;
    // Invalid tasks will be treated at the end
    if (task->getTaskState() == GreasyTask::invalid) {
    if (task->getTaskState() == GreasyTask::failed) {
      rstfile << "# Warning: Task " << task->getTaskId() << " failed" << endl; 
    if (task->getTaskState() == GreasyTask::cancelled) {
      rstfile << "# Warning: Task " << task->getTaskId() << " was cancelled due to a dependency failure" << endl; 
    // Write the task in the restart with its dependencies if any
    if (task->hasDependencies()) {
      rstfile << "[# " << task->dumpDependencies() << " #] ";
    rstfile << ((*it).second)->getCommand() << endl;
    //Update indexes of dependencies to the new lines in the restart
    dependants = revDepMap[task->getTaskId()];
    if (!dependants.empty()) {
      for(lit=dependants.begin();lit!=dependants.end();lit++) {

  if (!invalidTasks.empty()) {
    rstfile << endl << "# Invalid tasks were found. Check these lines on " << taskFile << ": " << endl << "# ";
    bool first = true;
    for (sit=invalidTasks.begin();sit!=invalidTasks.end(); sit++) {    
      task = *sit;
      if (first) {
	rstfile << toString(task->getTaskId());
	first = false;
      } else {
	 rstfile << ", " << toString(task->getTaskId());
    rstfile << endl;
  rstfile << endl << "# End of restart file" << endl;

  // close restart file;
  log->record(GreasyLog::info, "Restart file created");
  log->record(GreasyLog::devel, "AbstractEngine::writeRestartFile", "Exiting...");
QString NewProjectDialog::getProjectFullPath() const
  return QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QDir(getWorkingDir()+"/"+getProjectName()).path());