Beispiel #1
int generic_find(char *arg, int bitvector, struct char_data * ch,
		     struct char_data ** tar_ch, struct obj_data ** tar_obj)
  int o;
  //int i, found;

  char name[256];

  *tar_ch = NULL;
  *tar_obj = NULL;

  one_argument(arg, name);

  if (!*name)
    return (0);

  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_CHAR_ROOM)) {	/* Find person in room */
    if ((*tar_ch = get_char_vis(ch, name, FIND_CHAR_ROOM))) {
      return (FIND_CHAR_ROOM);
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_CHAR_WORLD)) {
    if ((*tar_ch = get_char_vis(ch, name, FIND_CHAR_WORLD))) {
      return (FIND_CHAR_WORLD);
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_EQUIP)) {
    if ((*tar_obj = get_object_in_equip_vis(ch, name, ch->equipment, &o))) {
      return (FIND_OBJ_INV);

  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_INV)) {
    if ((*tar_obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, ch->carrying))) {
      return (FIND_OBJ_INV);
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_ROOM)) {
    if ((*tar_obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, world[ch->in_room].contents))) {
      return (FIND_OBJ_ROOM);
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_WORLD)) {
    if ((*tar_obj = get_obj_vis(ch, name))) {
      return (FIND_OBJ_WORLD);
  return (0);
Beispiel #2
struct char_data *get_char_vis(struct char_data * ch, char *name)
  struct char_data *i;
  int j = 0, number;
  char tmpname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char *tmp = tmpname;

  /* check the room first */
  if ((i = get_char_vis(ch, name, FIND_CHAR_ROOM)) != NULL)
    return i;

  strcpy(tmp, name);
  if (!(number = get_number(&tmp)))
    number = 1;
    tmp = name;

  for (i = character_list; i && (j <= number); i = i->next)
    if (isname(tmp, i-> && CAN_SEE(ch, i))
      if (++j == number)
	return i;

  return NULL;
Beispiel #3
void do_tell (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  struct char_data *vict;
  char name[100], message[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

  if (IS_SET (ch->specials.act, PLR_NOTELL)) {
    send_to_char ("Your message didn't get through!!\n\r", ch);

  half_chop (argument, name, message);

  if (!*name || !*message)
    send_to_char ("Who do you wish to tell what??\n\r", ch);
  else if (!(vict = get_char_vis (ch, name)))
    send_to_char ("No-one by that name here..\n\r", ch);
  else if (ch == vict)
    send_to_char ("You try to tell yourself something.\n\r", ch);
  else if ((GET_POS (vict) == POSITION_SLEEPING) ||
    IS_SET (vict->specials.act, PLR_NOTELL)) {
    act ("$E can't hear you.", FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR);
  } else {
    sprintf (buf, "%s tells you '%s'\n\r",
      (IS_NPC (ch) ? ch->player.short_descr : GET_NAME (ch)), message);
    send_to_char (buf, vict);
    send_to_char ("Ok.\n\r", ch);
Beispiel #4
void sub_write(char *arg, char_data *ch, byte find_invis, int targets)
    char str[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH * 2];
    char type[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], name[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char *tokens[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], *s, *p;
    void *otokens[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char_data *to;
    obj_data *obj;
    int i, tmp;
    int sleep = 1, deaf = 0;

    if (!arg)
    tokens[0] = str;
    for (i = 0, p = arg, s = str; *p;)
	switch (*p) {
	case '~':
	case '@':
	case '^':
	case '&':
	case '*':
	    /* get char_data, move to next token */
	    type[i] = *p;
	    *s = '\0';
	    p = any_one_name(++p, name);

        // See comment below.
	    //(char_data *)otokens[i] = find_invis ? get_char(name) : get_char_vis(ch, name, FIND_CHAR_ROOM);

        // I'm not sure why "otokens[i]" was cast to a char_data type.
        // Doing so caused GCC to complain, so I removed it.
        // Bran - '11
	    otokens[i] = find_invis ? get_char(name) : get_char_vis(ch, name, FIND_CHAR_ROOM);
	    tokens[++i] = ++s;
	case '`':
	    /* get obj_data, move to next token */
	    type[i] = *p;
	    *s = '\0';
	    p = any_one_name(++p, name);
        //(obj_data *)otokens[i] = find_invis ? (obj = get_obj(name)) : 
        otokens[i] = find_invis ? (obj = get_obj(name)) : 
        ((obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, world[IN_ROOM(ch)].contents)) ? obj : 
        (obj = get_object_in_equip_vis(ch, name, ch->equipment, &tmp)) ? obj : 
        (obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, ch->carrying)));

        //if (find_invis) obj = get_obj_in_room(&world[IN_ROOM(ch)], name);
        //else if (!(obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, world[IN_ROOM(ch)].contents))) ;
        //else if (!(obj = get_object_in_equip_vis(ch, name, &tmp, ch->equipment)));
        //else obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, ch->carrying);

	    //(obj_data *)otokens[i] = obj;

        // Once again I'm not sure why this was cast.
        // See comment above.
	    otokens[i] = obj;
	    tokens[++i] = ++s;

	case '\\':
	    *s++ = *p++;
	    *s++ = *p++;

    *s = '\0';
    tokens[++i] = NULL;

    if (IS_SET(targets, TO_CHAR) && SENDOK(ch))
	sub_write_to_char(ch, tokens, otokens, type);

    if (IS_SET(targets, TO_ROOM))
	for (to = world[ch->in_room].people;
	     to; to = to->next_in_room)
	    if (to != ch && SENDOK(to))
		sub_write_to_char(to, tokens, otokens, type);
Beispiel #5
int generic_find(char *arg, int bitvector, struct char_data *ch,
		 struct char_data **tar_ch, struct obj_data **tar_obj)
  static char *ignore[] = {
    "\n" };
  int i;
  char name[256];
  bool found;
  found = FALSE;
  /* Eliminate spaces and "ignore" words */
  while (*arg && !found) {
    for(; *arg == ' '; arg++)   ;
    for(i=0; (name[i] = *(arg+i)) && (name[i]!=' '); i++)   ;
    name[i] = 0;
    if (search_block(name, ignore, TRUE) > -1)
      found = TRUE;
  if (!name[0])
  *tar_ch  = 0;
  *tar_obj = 0;
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_CHAR_ROOM)) {      /* Find person in room */
    if (*tar_ch = get_char_room_vis(ch, name)) {
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_CHAR_WORLD)) {
    if (*tar_ch = get_char_vis(ch, name)) {
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_EQUIP)) {
    for(found=FALSE, i=0; i<MAX_WEAR && !found; i++)
      if (ch->equipment[i] && str_cmp(name, ch->equipment[i]->name) == 0) {
	*tar_obj = ch->equipment[i];
	found = TRUE;
    if (found) {
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_INV)) {
    if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_ROOM)) {
      if (*tar_obj = get_obj_vis_accessible(ch, name)) {
    } else {
      if (*tar_obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, ch->carrying)) {
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_ROOM)) {
    if (*tar_obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, name, real_roomp(ch->in_room)->contents)) {
  if (IS_SET(bitvector, FIND_OBJ_WORLD)) {
    if (*tar_obj = get_obj_vis(ch, name)) {