SLVAL sl_class_doc(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self) { return get_class(vm, self)->extra->doc; }
void do_cmd_power(void) { spell_info spells[MAX_SPELLS]; int ct = 0; int choice = 0; race_t *race_ptr = get_race(); class_t *class_ptr = get_class(); if (p_ptr->confused) { msg_print("You are too confused!"); return; } /* Hack ... Rethink this a bit, but the alternative of hacking into the 'm' command is a million times worse! Doppelgangers need to be able to cancel their current mimicry. Also, add Mimic power back first so it always stays in the 'a' slot. */ if (race_ptr->mimic && p_ptr->prace == RACE_DOPPELGANGER) { ct += (get_true_race()->get_powers)(spells + ct, MAX_SPELLS - ct); } if (race_ptr->get_powers != NULL) { ct += (race_ptr->get_powers)(spells + ct, MAX_SPELLS - ct); } if (class_ptr != NULL && class_ptr->get_powers != NULL) { ct += (class_ptr->get_powers)(spells + ct, MAX_SPELLS - ct); } ct += mut_get_powers(spells + ct, MAX_SPELLS - ct); if (ct == 0) { msg_print("You have no powers."); return; } _add_extra_costs_powers(spells, ct); choice = choose_spell(spells, ct, "power", p_ptr->csp + p_ptr->chp); if (p_ptr->special_defense & (KATA_MUSOU | KATA_KOUKIJIN)) { set_action(ACTION_NONE); } if (choice >= 0 && choice < ct) { spell_info *spell = &spells[choice]; if (spell->level > p_ptr->lev) { msg_print("You can't use that power yet!"); return; } if (spell->cost > p_ptr->chp + p_ptr->csp) { msg_print("Using this power will kill you! Why not rest a bit first?"); return; } /* Check for Failure */ if (randint0(100) < spell->fail) { spell_stats_on_fail(spell); sound(SOUND_FAIL); /* Doh! */ fail_spell(spell->fn); if (flush_failure) flush(); msg_print("You failed to concentrate hard enough!"); } else { if (!cast_spell(spell->fn)) return; spell_stats_on_cast(spell); sound(SOUND_ZAP); /* Wahoo! */ } energy_use = get_spell_energy(spell->fn); /* Casting costs spill over into hit points */ if (p_ptr->csp < spell->cost) { int cost = spell->cost - p_ptr->csp; p_ptr->csp = 0; take_hit(DAMAGE_USELIFE, cost, "concentrating too hard", -1); } else p_ptr->csp -= spell->cost; p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MANA); p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_HP); p_ptr->window |= (PW_SPELL); } }
bool LibElf::ElfIdentification::is_64_bit() { return (get_class() == ELFCLASS64); }
BOOL is_void_type(sCLType* cl_type, sCLClass* klass) { sCLClass* klass2 = get_class_from_cl_type(cl_type, klass); BOOL result = klass2 == get_class("Null", klass->mFlags & CLASS_FLAGS_JS); return result; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_jtxdriggers_android_ventriloid_VentriloInterface_error(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject eventdata) { jclass event_class = get_class(env, eventdata); jobject error = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "error", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_error;"); jclass error_class = get_class(env, error); set_byte_array(env, error, error_class, "message", _v3_error(NULL)); }
void writecode_exp(PARBRE arbre, PATT super_fin_env) { char * typeg = NULL; char * typed = NULL; PATT local_fin_env = NULL; char * id = arbre->gauche.S; if(arbre) switch (arbre->op) { case New : { writecodeln("--NEW"); int c=0; writecode("ALLOC "); PCLASSE lc = get_class(arbre->gauche.A->gauche.S); while(lc){ PATT att = lc->lattributs; while(att){ c++; att = att->suiv; } lc = get_class(lc->name_parent); } writecodeiln(1+c); writecodeln("DUPN 1"); writecode("PUSHG "); writecodeiln( (get_class(arbre->gauche.A->gauche.S))->index ); writecodeln("STORE 0"); writecodeln("--NEWEND"); } break; case Bloc : { writecodeln("--BLOC"); local_fin_env = enrichissement_att_environnement(NULL,arbre->droit.lattributs); //Allouer les variables PATT att = arbre->droit.lattributs; int c = 0; while(att){ c++; att = att->suiv; } writecode("PUSHN "); writecodeiln(c); writecode_exp( arbre->gauche.A, local_fin_env ); int i; for(i=0;i<c;i++){ writecodeln("SWAP"); writecodeln("POPN 1"); } desenrichissement_att_environnement(local_fin_env); writecodeln("--BLOCEND"); } break; case Self : writecodeln("PUSHL -1"); //return current_class_name; break; case Id : { int index = get_var_index( super_fin_env, id ); if( current_method == NULL ){ //Main writecode("PUSHL "); writecodeiln(index + count_classes(definedClasses)); }else{ if( index > -1 ){ writecode("PUSHL "); writecodeiln(index); }else{ int indexparam = index_param( current_method , id ); int n = count_params( current_method ); if( indexparam ){ writecode("PUSHL -"); writecodeiln( n + 2 - indexparam ); }else{ int indexatt = index_att( current_class_name , id ); if( indexatt >=0 ){ writecodeln("PUSHL -1"); writecode("LOAD "); writecodeiln(indexatt + 1); } } } } } break; case Fct :{ writecodeln("--APPEL"); writecodeln("PUSHN 1"); //Pour le retour de la fonction //Met self au dessus de la pile writecodeln("PUSHL -1"); PFONC f = arbre->gauche.F; PARG arg = f->largs; int c = 0; while(arg){ writecode_exp( arg->expression, super_fin_env ); writecodeln("SWAP"); c++; arg = arg->suiv; } writecodeln("DUPN 1"); writecodeln("LOAD 0"); writecode("LOAD "); writecodeiln( (get_meth_index( check_type(arbre->gauche.A , NULL, super_fin_env), f->name) ) ); writecodeln("CALL"); writecode("POPN "); writecodeiln( c + 1 ); //Dépile le destinataire et les paramètres writecodeln("--APPELEND"); } break; case Aff: { writecodeln("--AFF"); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("DUPN 1"); if( arbre->gauche.A->op == '.' ){ //C'est le champ d'un objet writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A->gauche.A, super_fin_env); int indexatt = index_att( check_type( arbre->gauche.A->gauche.A, NULL, super_fin_env ) , arbre->gauche.A->droit.S ); writecodeln("SWAP"); writecode("STORE "); writecodeiln(indexatt + 2); }else { //C'est un id int index = get_var_index( super_fin_env, arbre->gauche.A->gauche.S ); if( current_method == NULL ){ //Main writecode("STOREL "); writecodeiln(index + count_classes(definedClasses)); }else{ if( index > -1 ){ writecode("STOREL "); writecodeiln(index); }else{ int indexparam = index_param( current_method , arbre->gauche.A->gauche.S ); if( indexparam ){ int n = count_params( current_method ); writecode("STOREL -"); writecodeiln( n + 2 - indexparam ); }else{ int indexatt = index_att( current_class_name , arbre->gauche.A->gauche.S ); if( indexatt >= 0 ){ writecodeln("PUSHL -1"); writecodeln("SWAP"); writecode("STORE "); writecodeiln(indexatt + 1); } } } } }writecodeln("--AFFEND"); } break; case ';': if( arbre->droit.A != NULL ){ writecode_exp( arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env ); writecodeln("POPN 1"); writecode_exp( arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env ); } break; case '.' : { if( arbre->droit.A->op == Id ){ writecode_exp( arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env ); int index = index_att( check_type( arbre->gauche.A, NULL, super_fin_env ) , arbre->droit.A->gauche.S ); writecode("LOAD "); writecodeiln(index + 2); }else if( arbre->droit.A->op == Fct ){ int imprimer = 0; PFONC f = arbre->droit.A->gauche.F; if( strcmp(f->name,"imprimer")==0 ){ if( strcmp(check_type( arbre->gauche.A, NULL, super_fin_env ),"Entier")==0 ){ writecode_exp( arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env ); writecodeln("DUPN 1"); writecodeln("WRITEI"); imprimer=1; } if( strcmp(check_type( arbre->gauche.A, NULL, super_fin_env ),"Chaine")==0 ){ writecode_exp( arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env ); writecodeln("DUPN 1"); writecodeln("WRITES"); imprimer=1; } } if( !imprimer && arbre->gauche.A->op == Super ){ writecodeln("--APPEL"); writecodeln("PUSHN 1"); //Pour le retour de la fonction PARG arg = f->largs; int c = 0; while(arg){ writecode_exp( arg->expression, super_fin_env ); c++; arg = arg->suiv; } writecodeln("PUSHL -1"); int index = get_class(parent_current_class_name)->index; writecode("PUSHG "); writecodeiln(index); writecode("LOAD "); writecodeiln( (get_meth_index( check_type(arbre->gauche.A, NULL ,super_fin_env), f->name) ) ); writecodeln("CALL"); writecode("POPN "); writecodeiln( c + 1 ); //Dépile le destinataire et les paramètres writecodeln("--APPELEND"); }else if(!imprimer){ writecodeln("--APPEL"); writecodeln("PUSHN 1"); //Pour le retour de la fonction writecode_exp( arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env ); PFONC f = arbre->droit.A->gauche.F; PARG arg = f->largs; int c = 0; while(arg){ writecode_exp( arg->expression, super_fin_env ); writecodeln("SWAP"); c++; arg = arg->suiv; } writecodeln("DUPN 1"); writecodeln("LOAD 0"); writecode("LOAD "); writecodeiln( (get_meth_index( check_type(arbre->gauche.A, NULL, super_fin_env), f->name) ) ); writecodeln("CALL"); writecode("POPN "); writecodeiln( c + 1 ); //Dépile le destinataire et les paramètres writecodeln("--APPELEND"); } } } break; case Cste: writecode("PUSHI "); writecodeiln(arbre->gauche.E); break; case String: writecode("PUSHS "); writecodeln(arbre->gauche.S); break; case '+': writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("ADD"); break; case '-': writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("SUB"); break; case '*': writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("MUL"); break; case '/': writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("DIV"); break; case ITE : writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); int lblelse = newlbl(); int lblend = newlbl(); writecode("JZ "); writecodeln(lbl(lblelse)); writecode_exp( arbre->droit.A->gauche.A, super_fin_env ); writecode("JUMP "); writecodeln(lbl(lblend)); writecode(lbl(lblelse)); writecodeln(": NOP"); writecode_exp( arbre->droit.A->droit.A, super_fin_env ); writecode(lbl(lblend)); writecodeln(": NOP"); break; case LT : writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("INF"); break; case LE : writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("INFEQ"); break; case GT : writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("SUP"); break; case GE : writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("SUPEQ"); break; case EQ : writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("EQUAL"); break; case NEQ : writecode_exp(arbre->gauche.A, super_fin_env); writecode_exp(arbre->droit.A, super_fin_env); writecodeln("EQUAL"); writecodeln("NOT"); break; } }
/* * New score command by Haus */ void do_score( CHAR_DATA* ch, const char* argument ) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; AFFECT_DATA *paf; int iLang; /*const char *suf; short day; day = ch->pcdata->day + 1; if( day > 4 && day < 20 ) suf = "th"; else if( day % 10 == 1 ) suf = "st"; else if( day % 10 == 2 ) suf = "nd"; else if( day % 10 == 3 ) suf = "rd"; else suf = "th"; * - Uncomment this if you want Birthdays dispayed on score for players - Kayle 1/22/08 */ set_pager_color( AT_SCORE, ch ); pager_printf( ch, "\r\nScore for %s%s.\r\n", ch->name, IS_NPC(ch) ? "" : ch->pcdata->title ); if( get_trust( ch ) != ch->level ) pager_printf( ch, "You are trusted at level %d.\r\n", get_trust( ch ) ); send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); /*if( == ch->pcdata->day && time_info.month == ch->pcdata->month ) send_to_char( "Today is your birthday!\r\n", ch ); else ch_printf( ch, "Your birthday is: Day of %s, %d%s day in the Month of %s, in the year %d.\r\n", day_name[ch->pcdata->day % sysdata.daysperweek], day, suf, month_name[ch->pcdata->month], ch->pcdata->year ); send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); * - Uncomment this if you want players to see their birthday's on score. - Kayle 1/22/08 */ pager_printf( ch, "LEVEL: %-3d Race : %-10.10s Played: %ld hours\r\n", ch->level, capitalize( get_race( ch ) ), ( long int )GET_TIME_PLAYED( ch ) ); pager_printf( ch, "YEARS: %-6d Class: %-11.11s Log In: %s\r", calculate_age( ch ), capitalize( get_class( ch ) ), ctime( &( ch->logon ) ) ); if( ch->level >= 15 || IS_PKILL( ch ) ) { pager_printf( ch, "STR : %2.2d(%2.2d) HitRoll: %-4d Saved: %s\r", get_curr_str( ch ), ch->perm_str, GET_HITROLL( ch ), ch->save_time ? ctime( &( ch->save_time ) ) : "no save this session\n" ); pager_printf( ch, "INT : %2.2d(%2.2d) DamRoll: %-4d Time: %s\r", get_curr_int( ch ), ch->perm_int, GET_DAMROLL( ch ), ctime( ¤t_time ) ); } else { pager_printf( ch, "STR : %2.2d(%2.2d) Saved: %s\r", get_curr_str( ch ), ch->perm_str, ch->save_time ? ctime( &( ch->save_time ) ) : "no\n" ); pager_printf( ch, "INT : %2.2d(%2.2d) Time: %s\r", get_curr_int( ch ), ch->perm_int, ctime( ¤t_time ) ); } if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 101 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the rags of a beggar" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 80 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "improper for adventure" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 55 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "shabby and threadbare" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 40 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "of poor quality" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 20 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "scant protection" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 10 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "that of a knave" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 0 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "moderately crafted" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -10 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "well crafted" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -20 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of squires" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -40 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "excellently crafted" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -60 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of knights" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -80 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of barons" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -100 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of dukes" ); else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -200 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of emperors" ); else snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "that of an avatar" ); if( ch->level > 24 ) pager_printf( ch, "WIS : %2.2d(%2.2d) Armor: %4.4d, %s\r\n", get_curr_wis( ch ), ch->perm_wis, GET_AC( ch ), buf ); else pager_printf( ch, "WIS : %2.2d(%2.2d) Armor: %s \r\n", get_curr_wis( ch ), ch->perm_wis, buf ); if( ch->alignment > 900 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "devout" ); else if( ch->alignment > 700 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "noble" ); else if( ch->alignment > 350 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "honorable" ); else if( ch->alignment > 100 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "worthy" ); else if( ch->alignment > -100 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "neutral" ); else if( ch->alignment > -350 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "base" ); else if( ch->alignment > -700 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "evil" ); else if( ch->alignment > -900 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "ignoble" ); else snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fiendish" ); if( ch->level < 10 ) pager_printf( ch, "DEX : %2.2d(%2.2d) Align: %-20.20s Items: %5.5d (max %5.5d)\r\n", get_curr_dex( ch ), ch->perm_dex, buf, ch->carry_number, can_carry_n( ch ) ); else pager_printf( ch, "DEX : %2.2d(%2.2d) Align: %+4.4d, %-14.14s Items: %5.5d (max %5.5d)\r\n", get_curr_dex( ch ), ch->perm_dex, ch->alignment, buf, ch->carry_number, can_carry_n( ch ) ); switch ( ch->position ) { case POS_DEAD: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "slowly decomposing" ); break; case POS_MORTAL: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "mortally wounded" ); break; case POS_INCAP: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "incapacitated" ); break; case POS_STUNNED: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "stunned" ); break; case POS_SLEEPING: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "sleeping" ); break; case POS_RESTING: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "resting" ); break; case POS_STANDING: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "standing" ); break; case POS_FIGHTING: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting" ); break; case POS_EVASIVE: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (evasive)" ); /* Fighting style support -haus */ break; case POS_DEFENSIVE: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (defensive)" ); break; case POS_AGGRESSIVE: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (aggressive)" ); break; case POS_BERSERK: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (berserk)" ); break; case POS_MOUNTED: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "mounted" ); break; case POS_SITTING: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "sitting" ); break; } pager_printf( ch, "CON : %2.2d(%2.2d) Pos'n: %-21.21s Weight: %5.5d (max %7.7d)\r\n", get_curr_con( ch ), ch->perm_con, buf, ch->carry_weight, can_carry_w( ch ) ); /* * Fighting style support -haus */ pager_printf( ch, "CHA : %2.2d(%2.2d) Wimpy: %-5d ", get_curr_cha( ch ), ch->perm_cha, ch->wimpy ); switch ( ch->style ) { case STYLE_EVASIVE: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "evasive" ); break; case STYLE_DEFENSIVE: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "defensive" ); break; case STYLE_AGGRESSIVE: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "aggressive" ); break; case STYLE_BERSERK: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "berserk" ); break; default: snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "standard" ); break; } pager_printf( ch, "Style: %-10.10s\r\n", buf ); pager_printf( ch, "LCK : %2.2d(%2.2d) \r\n", get_curr_lck( ch ), ch->perm_lck ); pager_printf( ch, "Glory: %4.4d(%4.4d) \r\n", ch->pcdata->quest_curr, ch->pcdata->quest_accum ); pager_printf( ch, "PRACT: %3.3d Hitpoints: %-5d of %5d Pager: (%c) %3d AutoExit(%c)\r\n", ch->practice, ch->hit, ch->max_hit, IS_SET( ch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_PAGERON ) ? 'X' : ' ', ch->pcdata->pagerlen, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOEXIT ) ? 'X' : ' ' ); if( IS_VAMPIRE( ch ) ) pager_printf( ch, "XP : %-9d Blood: %-5d of %5d MKills: %-5.5d AutoLoot(%c)\r\n", ch->exp, ch->pcdata->condition[COND_BLOODTHIRST], 10 + ch->level, ch->pcdata->mkills, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOLOOT ) ? 'X' : ' ' ); else if( ch->Class == CLASS_WARRIOR ) pager_printf( ch, "XP : %-9d MKills: %-5.5d AutoLoot(%c)\r\n", ch->exp, ch->pcdata->mkills, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOLOOT ) ? 'X' : ' ' ); else pager_printf( ch, "XP : %-9d Mana: %-5d of %5d MKills: %-5.5d AutoLoot(%c)\r\n", ch->exp, ch->mana, ch->max_mana, ch->pcdata->mkills, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOLOOT ) ? 'X' : ' ' ); pager_printf( ch, "GOLD : %-13s Move: %-5d of %5d Mdeaths: %-5.5d AutoSac (%c)\r\n", num_punct( ch->gold ), ch->move, ch->max_move, ch->pcdata->mdeaths, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOSAC ) ? 'X' : ' ' ); if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->condition[COND_DRUNK] > 10 ) send_to_pager( "You are drunk.\r\n", ch ); if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->condition[COND_THIRST] == 0 ) send_to_pager( "You are in danger of dehydrating.\r\n", ch ); if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->condition[COND_FULL] == 0 ) send_to_pager( "You are starving to death.\r\n", ch ); if( ch->position != POS_SLEEPING ) switch ( ch->mental_state / 10 ) { default: send_to_pager( "You're completely messed up!\r\n", ch ); break; case -10: send_to_pager( "You're barely conscious.\r\n", ch ); break; case -9: send_to_pager( "You can barely keep your eyes open.\r\n", ch ); break; case -8: send_to_pager( "You're extremely drowsy.\r\n", ch ); break; case -7: send_to_pager( "You feel very unmotivated.\r\n", ch ); break; case -6: send_to_pager( "You feel sedated.\r\n", ch ); break; case -5: send_to_pager( "You feel sleepy.\r\n", ch ); break; case -4: send_to_pager( "You feel tired.\r\n", ch ); break; case -3: send_to_pager( "You could use a rest.\r\n", ch ); break; case -2: send_to_pager( "You feel a little under the weather.\r\n", ch ); break; case -1: send_to_pager( "You feel fine.\r\n", ch ); break; case 0: send_to_pager( "You feel great.\r\n", ch ); break; case 1: send_to_pager( "You feel energetic.\r\n", ch ); break; case 2: send_to_pager( "Your mind is racing.\r\n", ch ); break; case 3: send_to_pager( "You can't think straight.\r\n", ch ); break; case 4: send_to_pager( "Your mind is going 100 miles an hour.\r\n", ch ); break; case 5: send_to_pager( "You're high as a kite.\r\n", ch ); break; case 6: send_to_pager( "Your mind and body are slipping apart.\r\n", ch ); break; case 7: send_to_pager( "Reality is slipping away.\r\n", ch ); break; case 8: send_to_pager( "You have no idea what is real, and what is not.\r\n", ch ); break; case 9: send_to_pager( "You feel immortal.\r\n", ch ); break; case 10: send_to_pager( "You are a Supreme Entity.\r\n", ch ); break; } else if( ch->mental_state > 45 ) send_to_pager( "Your sleep is filled with strange and vivid dreams.\r\n", ch ); else if( ch->mental_state > 25 ) send_to_pager( "Your sleep is uneasy.\r\n", ch ); else if( ch->mental_state < -35 ) send_to_pager( "You are deep in a much needed sleep.\r\n", ch ); else if( ch->mental_state < -25 ) send_to_pager( "You are in deep slumber.\r\n", ch ); send_to_pager( "Languages: ", ch ); for( iLang = 0; lang_array[iLang] != LANG_UNKNOWN; iLang++ ) if( knows_language( ch, lang_array[iLang], ch ) || ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->speaks == 0 ) ) { if( lang_array[iLang] & ch->speaking || ( IS_NPC( ch ) && !ch->speaking ) ) set_pager_color( AT_RED, ch ); send_to_pager( lang_names[iLang], ch ); send_to_pager( " ", ch ); set_pager_color( AT_SCORE, ch ); } send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch ); if( ch->pcdata->bestowments && ch->pcdata->bestowments[0] != '\0' ) pager_printf( ch, "You are bestowed with the command(s): %s.\r\n", ch->pcdata->bestowments ); if( ch->morph && ch->morph->morph ) { send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); if( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) ) pager_printf( ch, "Morphed as (%d) %s with a timer of %d.\r\n", ch->morph->morph->vnum, ch->morph->morph->short_desc, ch->morph->timer ); else pager_printf( ch, "You are morphed into a %s.\r\n", ch->morph->morph->short_desc ); send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); } if( CAN_PKILL( ch ) ) { send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); pager_printf( ch, "PKILL DATA: Pkills (%3.3d) Illegal Pkills (%3.3d) Pdeaths (%3.3d)\r\n", ch->pcdata->pkills, ch->pcdata->illegal_pk, ch->pcdata->pdeaths ); } if( ch->pcdata->clan && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type != CLAN_ORDER && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type != CLAN_GUILD ) { send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); pager_printf( ch, "CLAN STATS: %-14.14s Clan AvPkills : %-5d Clan NonAvpkills : %-5d\r\n", ch->pcdata->clan->name, ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[6], ( ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[1] + ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[2] + ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[3] + ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[4] + ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[5] ) ); pager_printf( ch, " Clan AvPdeaths: %-5d Clan NonAvpdeaths: %-5d\r\n", ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[6], ( ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[1] + ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[2] + ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[3] + ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[4] + ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[5] ) ); } if( ch->pcdata->deity ) { send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); if( ch->pcdata->favor > 2250 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "loved" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 2000 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "cherished" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1750 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "honored" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1500 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "praised" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1250 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "favored" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1000 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "respected" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 750 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "liked" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 250 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "tolerated" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -250 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "ignored" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -750 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "shunned" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1000 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "disliked" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1250 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "dishonored" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1500 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "disowned" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1750 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "abandoned" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -2000 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "despised" ); else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -2250 ) snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "hated" ); else snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "damned" ); pager_printf( ch, "Deity: %-20s Favor: %s\r\n", ch->pcdata->deity->name, buf ); } if( ch->pcdata->clan && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type == CLAN_ORDER ) { send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); pager_printf( ch, "Order: %-20s Order Mkills: %-6d Order MDeaths: %-6d\r\n", ch->pcdata->clan->name, ch->pcdata->clan->mkills, ch->pcdata->clan->mdeaths ); } if( ch->pcdata->clan && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type == CLAN_GUILD ) { send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); pager_printf( ch, "Guild: %-20s Guild Mkills: %-6d Guild MDeaths: %-6d\r\n", ch->pcdata->clan->name, ch->pcdata->clan->mkills, ch->pcdata->clan->mdeaths ); } if( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) ) { send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); pager_printf( ch, "IMMORTAL DATA: Wizinvis [%s] Wizlevel (%d)\r\n", xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_WIZINVIS ) ? "X" : " ", ch->pcdata->wizinvis ); pager_printf( ch, "Bamfin: %s %s\r\n", ch->name, ( ch->pcdata->bamfin[0] != '\0' ) ? ch->pcdata->bamfin : "appears in a swirling mist." ); pager_printf( ch, "Bamfout: %s %s\r\n", ch->name, ( ch->pcdata->bamfout[0] != '\0' ) ? ch->pcdata->bamfout : "leaves in a swirling mist." ); /* * Area Loaded info - Scryn 8/11 */ if( ch->pcdata->area ) { pager_printf( ch, "Vnums: Room (%-5.5d - %-5.5d) Object (%-5.5d - %-5.5d) Mob (%-5.5d - %-5.5d)\r\n", ch->pcdata->area->low_r_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_r_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->low_o_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_o_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->low_m_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_m_vnum ); pager_printf( ch, "Area Loaded [%s]\r\n", ( IS_SET( ch->pcdata->area->status, AREA_LOADED ) ) ? "yes" : "no" ); } } if( ch->first_affect ) { int i; SKILLTYPE *sktmp; i = 0; send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch ); send_to_pager( "AFFECT DATA: ", ch ); for( paf = ch->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next ) { if( ( sktmp = get_skilltype( paf->type ) ) == NULL ) continue; if( ch->level < 20 ) { pager_printf( ch, "[%-34.34s] ", sktmp->name ); if( i == 0 ) i = 2; if( ( ++i % 3 ) == 0 ) send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch ); } if( ch->level >= 20 ) { if( paf->modifier == 0 ) pager_printf( ch, "[%-24.24s;%5d rds] ", sktmp->name, paf->duration ); else if( paf->modifier > 999 ) pager_printf( ch, "[%-15.15s; %7.7s;%5d rds] ", sktmp->name, tiny_affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->duration ); else pager_printf( ch, "[%-11.11s;%+-3.3d %7.7s;%5d rds] ", sktmp->name, paf->modifier, tiny_affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->duration ); if( i == 0 ) i = 1; if( ( ++i % 2 ) == 0 ) send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch ); } } } send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch ); return; }
Token_t* convert_Java_token(JNIEnv *env, jobject token) { jclass cls; jstring java_string; const char *text = NULL; jmethodID method_id; Token_t *our_token = NULL; JavaSourceCodePosition * pos_info = NULL; jobject jpos_info; assert(env != NULL); // Need to get the object class so we can use it to retrieve the methods. // printf ("Need to get the object class so we can use it to retrieve the methods. \n"); cls = get_class(env, token); // Get the method ID for the getText() method. // printf ("Get the method ID for the getText() method. \n"); method_id = get_method(env, cls, "getText", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); // Call getText() to get the Java String object (note that the cast is critical!). // printf ("Call getText() to get the Java String object. \n"); java_string = (jstring) env->CallObjectMethod(token, method_id); // Get a C char string for the Java String if the Java String exists. // printf ("Get a C char string for the Java String if the Java String exists. \n"); if (java_string != NULL) { text = env->GetStringUTFChars(java_string, NULL); if (text == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to retrieve text string from String object\n"); assert(false); } } else { text = NULL; } // Get the method ID for the getJavaSourcePositionInformation() method. method_id = get_method(env, cls, "getJavaSourcePositionInformation", "()LJavaSourcePositionInformation;"); jpos_info = (jobject) env->CallObjectMethod(token, method_id); // Convert position to its C-based representation pos_info = convert_Java_SourcePosition(env, jpos_info); // Build a C-based representation of the JavaToken our_token = new Token_t(text, pos_info); #if 0 // Release the string now that we've made a new copy for ourselves. // printf ("Release the string now that we've made a new copy for ourselves. \n"); if (java_string != NULL) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(java_string, text); #endif // printf ("returning from convert_Java_token()\n"); return our_token; }
/* * * Retorna o token * */ Token* getToken() { Token* token; char* buffer; token = (Token*) malloc(sizeof(Token)); buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)); buffer[0] = '\0'; // We start the machine State* current_state; State* next_state; current_state = NULL; next_state = getFirstState(STATEMACHINE); // We iterate while the next_state isn't NULL int token_noted = 0; while(next_state != NULL) { // We get the next state current_state = next_state; if(CURRENT_CHAR != EOF) { next_state = GetNextState(STATEMACHINE, current_state, CURRENT_CHAR); } else { next_state = NULL; } // If the next state is NULL, the state machine has finished reading the string if(next_state != NULL) { // We write the contents on the buffer: // If it is in a ignoring state, ignore the buffer (commentary and blank characters if(!(next_state->isIgnoringState)) { // Append the char to the buffer append_char(&buffer, CURRENT_CHAR); // Write the first line and column of the token, if it wasn't if(!token_noted) { token->line = LINE; token->column = COLUMN; token_noted = 1; } } // We get the next char LAST_CHAR = CURRENT_CHAR; CURRENT_CHAR = fgetc(SOURCE_CODE); update_line_column(); } } // We complete the token using the information from the state where we are if(current_state != NULL && !(current_state->isIgnoringState)) // If the current state is not null and not a ignoring state { token->tokenClass = get_class(current_state->name, buffer); token->value = (char*) malloc((strlen(buffer) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(token->value, buffer); } else { if(CURRENT_CHAR == EOF) { FILE_ENDED = 1; token->tokenClass = EOA; token->value = NULL; } else { token->tokenClass = ERR; token->value = (char*) malloc((strlen(buffer) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(token->value, buffer); token->line = LINE; token->column = COLUMN; } } return token; }
static SLVAL sl_class_name(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self) { return get_class(vm, self)->name; }
bool CL_CSSSelector::select(const std::vector<CL_StringRef> &match_path, int &specificity) const { specificity = 0; std::vector<CL_StringRef>::size_type selector_path_pos = path_elements.size(); std::vector<CL_StringRef>::size_type match_path_pos = match_path.size(); while (selector_path_pos > 0) { if (match_path_pos == 0) return false; const CL_String &selector_path_element = path_elements[selector_path_pos-1]; const CL_String &match_path_element = match_path[match_path_pos-1]; if (selector_path_element == "*") { // path element matched match_path_pos--; selector_path_pos--; continue; } CL_StringRef selector_path_type = get_type(selector_path_element); CL_StringRef selector_path_class = get_class(selector_path_element); CL_StringRef selector_path_id = get_id(selector_path_element); CL_StringRef selector_path_state = get_state(selector_path_element); CL_StringRef match_path_type = get_type(match_path_element); CL_StringRef match_path_class = get_class(match_path_element); CL_StringRef match_path_id = get_id(match_path_element); CL_StringRef match_path_state = get_state(match_path_element); if (selector_path_type != match_path_type) return false; if (!selector_path_class.empty() && selector_path_class != match_path_class) return false; if (!selector_path_id.empty() && selector_path_id != match_path_id) return false; if (selector_path_state.empty()) { // path element matched match_path_pos--; selector_path_pos--; continue; } std::vector<CL_String> selector_states = CL_StringHelp::split_text(selector_path_state, ":"); std::vector<CL_String> match_states = CL_StringHelp::split_text(match_path_state, ":"); std::vector<CL_StringRef>::size_type selector_states_pos; for (selector_states_pos = 0; selector_states_pos < selector_states.size(); selector_states_pos++) { CL_String &selector_state = selector_states[selector_states_pos]; std::vector<CL_StringRef>::size_type match_states_pos; bool state_matched = false; for (match_states_pos = 0; match_states_pos < match_states.size(); match_states_pos++) { CL_String &match_state = match_states[match_states_pos]; if (selector_state == match_state) { state_matched = true; break; } } if (!state_matched) return false; } // path_element matched match_path_pos--; selector_path_pos--; } for (selector_path_pos = 0; selector_path_pos < path_elements.size(); selector_path_pos++) { const CL_String &selector_path_element = path_elements[selector_path_pos]; CL_StringRef selector_path_type = get_type(selector_path_element); CL_StringRef selector_path_class = get_class(selector_path_element); CL_StringRef selector_path_id = get_id(selector_path_element); CL_StringRef selector_path_state = get_state(selector_path_element); if (!selector_path_id.empty()) specificity += 0x010000; if (!selector_path_class.empty()) specificity += 0x000100; if (!selector_path_type.empty()) specificity += 0x000001; if (!selector_path_state.empty()) specificity += 0x000001; } return true; }
void train_crbm(dataset_blas *train_set, int nvisible, int nhidden, int nlabel, int epoch, double lr, int minibatch, double momentum, char *model_file){ crbm m; int i, j, k; int nepoch; double *v1, *y1; uint8_t *l; int batch_size, niter; int wc; int err; double lik; double delta; int *idx; time_t start_t, end_t; init_crbm(&m, nvisible, nhidden, nlabel); //wc = (int)cblas_dasum(train_set->N * train_set->n_feature, train_set->input, 1); niter = (train_set->N-1)/minibatch + 1; delta = lr / (1.0*minibatch); /* * shuffle training data v1 = (double*)malloc(minibatch * m.nvisible * sizeof(double)); y1 = (double*)malloc(minibatch * m.ncat * sizeof(double)); l = (uint8_t*)malloc(minibatch * sizeof(uint8_t)); idx = (int*)malloc(train_set->N * sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < train_set->N; i++) idx[i] = i;*/ bzero(w_u, sizeof(w_u)); bzero(u_u, sizeof(u_u)); bzero(bh_u, sizeof(bh_u)); bzero(bv_u, sizeof(bv_u)); bzero(by_u, sizeof(by_u)); //shuffle(idx, train_set->N); for(nepoch = 0; nepoch < epoch; nepoch++){ lik = 0; err = 0; start_t = time(NULL); for(k = 0; k < niter; k++){ #ifdef DEBUG if((k+1) % 200 == 0){ printf("batch %d\n", k+1); } #endif if(k == niter - 1){ batch_size = train_set->N - minibatch * (niter-1); }else{ batch_size = minibatch; } v1 = train_set->input + train_set->n_feature * minibatch * k; y1 = train_set->label + train_set->nlabel * minibatch * k; l = train_set->output + minibatch * k; /* * shuffle training data for(i = 0; i < batch_size; i++){ cblas_dcopy(m.nvisible, train_set->input + m.nvisible * idx[k*minibatch+i], 1, v1 + m.nvisible * i, 1); cblas_dcopy(m.ncat, train_set->label + m.ncat * idx[k*minibatch+i], 1, y1 + m.ncat * i, 1); l[i] = train_set->output[idx[k*minibatch+i]]; }*/ get_hidden(&m, v1, y1, ph1, batch_size); sample_hidden(&m, ph1, h1, batch_size); get_visible(&m, h1, pv, batch_size); sample_visible(&m, pv, v2, batch_size); get_class(&m, h1, py, batch_size); sample_class(&m, py, y2, batch_size); get_hidden(&m, v2, y2, ph2, batch_size); sample_hidden(&m, ph2, h2, batch_size); //lik += get_likelihood(&m, v1, pv, batch_size); err += get_error(&m, y2, l, batch_size); //update w_u cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nhidden, m.nvisible, batch_size, 1.0, ph2, m.nhidden, v2, m.nvisible, 0, a, m.nvisible); cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nhidden, m.nvisible, batch_size, 1.0, ph1, m.nhidden, v1, m.nvisible, -1, a, m.nvisible); cblas_daxpy(m.nvisible * m.nhidden, momentum, w_u, 1, a, 1); cblas_dcopy(m.nvisible * m.nhidden, a, 1, w_u, 1); //update u_u cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nhidden, m.ncat, batch_size, 1.0, ph2, m.nhidden, y2, m.ncat, 0, a, m.ncat); cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nhidden, m.ncat, batch_size, 1.0, ph1, m.nhidden, y1, m.ncat, -1, a, m.ncat); cblas_daxpy(m.ncat * m.nhidden, momentum, u_u, 1, a, 1); cblas_dcopy(m.ncat * m.nhidden, a, 1, u_u, 1); //update bv_u cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nvisible, 1, batch_size, 1.0, v2, m.nvisible, I, 1, 0, a, 1); cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nvisible, 1, batch_size, 1.0, v1, m.nvisible, I, 1, -1, a, 1); cblas_daxpy(m.nvisible, momentum, bv_u, 1, a, 1); cblas_dcopy(m.nvisible, a, 1, bv_u, 1); //update by_u cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.ncat, 1, batch_size, 1.0, y2, m.ncat, I, 1, 0, a, 1); cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.ncat, 1, batch_size, 1.0, y1, m.ncat, I, 1, -1, a, 1); cblas_daxpy(m.ncat, momentum, by_u, 1, a, 1); cblas_dcopy(m.ncat, a, 1, by_u, 1); //update bh_u cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nhidden, 1, batch_size, 1.0, ph2, m.nhidden, I, 1, 0, a, 1); cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m.nhidden, 1, batch_size, 1.0, ph1, m.nhidden, I, 1, -1, a, 1); cblas_daxpy(m.nhidden, momentum, bh_u, 1, a, 1); cblas_dcopy(m.nhidden, a, 1, bh_u, 1); //change parameter cblas_daxpy(m.nvisible * m.nhidden, delta, w_u, 1, m.w, 1); cblas_daxpy(m.ncat * m.nhidden, delta, u_u, 1, m.u, 1); cblas_daxpy(m.nvisible, delta, bv_u, 1,, 1); cblas_daxpy(m.ncat, delta, by_u, 1,, 1); cblas_daxpy(m.nhidden, delta, bh_u, 1,, 1); } end_t = time(NULL); printf("[epoch %d] error:%.5lf%%\ttime:%.2fmin\n", nepoch + 1, err * 100.0 / train_set->N, (end_t - start_t) / 60.0); } dump_model(&m, model_file); //print_prob(&m, train_set, "../data/rsm/test.prob"); /* * shuffle training data free(v1); free(y1); free(l);*/ free_crbm(&m); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate text for the current location int ida_export class_place_t__generate( const cp_t *ths, void *ud, char *lines[], int maxsize, int *default_lnnum, color_t *prefix_color, bgcolor_t *bg_color) { strvec_t &sv = *(strvec_t *)ud; uval_t idx = ths->idx; if ( idx > get_last_class_idx() || maxsize <= 0 ) return 0; char name[MAXNAMESIZE]; tid_t tid = get_class_by_idx(idx); if (tid==BADNODE) return 0; switch (ths->section) { case 0: if (get_class_name(tid, name, MAXNAMESIZE)) { char line[MAXSTR]; class_t * clas = get_class(tid); if(!clas) return 0; if (clas->parents_tid.size()) qsnprintf(line, MAXSTR, "class %s: derived from: 0x%p", name, clas->parents_tid.front()); else qsnprintf(line, MAXSTR, "class %s", name ); lines[0] = qstrdup(line); *bg_color = 0xC0C0FF; } break; case 1: { char line[MAXSTR]; class_t * clas = get_class(tid); if(!clas) return 0; if (clas->virt_table_ea != BADADDR) qsnprintf(line, MAXSTR, "vftable: %p", clas->virt_table_ea); else qsnprintf(line, MAXSTR, "no virtual table"); lines[0] = qstrdup(line); *bg_color = 0xC0FFC0; } break; case 2: { char *line; class_t * clas = get_class(tid); if(!clas) return 0; ea_t ea = BADADDR; if (clas->functions_ea.size() && ths->subsection<=clas->functions_ea.size()) ea = clas->functions_ea[ths->subsection]; if (ea!=BADADDR) { qstring tmpline; get_colored_long_name(&tmpline, ea); qtype type; qtype fields; if (!get_tinfo(ea, &type, &fields)) { if (!guess_func_tinfo(get_func(ea), &type, &fields)) goto pokracuj; } line = qstrdup(tmpline.c_str()); print_type_to_one_line(line, MAXSTR, idati, type.c_str(), line, 0, fields.c_str(), 0); pokracuj: ; } else qsnprintf(line, MAXSTR, "bad func"); lines[0] = qstrdup(line); *bg_color = 0xC0FFFF; } break; } //*prefix_color = sv[idx%sv.size()].color; //*bg_color = sv[idx%sv.size()].bgcolor; *default_lnnum = 0; return 1; // generated one line //setup_makeline(-1, ..., save_line_in_array, 0) //finish_makeline(); }
SLVAL sl_class_doc_set(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self, SLVAL doc) { return get_class(vm, self)->extra->doc = doc; }
static SLVAL sl_class_super(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self) { return get_class(vm, self)->super; }
static nsresult mdn_normalize(bool do_composition, bool compat, const nsAString& aSrcStr, nsAString& aToStr) { workbuf_t wb; nsresult r = NS_OK; /* * Initialize working buffer. */ workbuf_init(&wb); nsAString::const_iterator start, end; aSrcStr.BeginReading(start); aSrcStr.EndReading(end); while (start != end) { PRUint32 c; PRUnichar curChar; //assert(wb.cur == wb.last); /* * Get one character from 'from'. */ curChar= *start++; if (NS_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(curChar) && start != end && NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(*(start)) ) { c = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(curChar, *start); ++start; } else { c = curChar; } /* * Decompose it. */ if ((r = decompose(&wb, c, compat)) != NS_OK) break; /* * Get canonical class. */ get_class(&wb); /* * Reorder & compose. */ for (; wb.cur < wb.last; wb.cur++) { if (wb.cur == 0) { continue; } else if (wb.cclass[wb.cur] > 0) { /* * This is not a starter. Try reordering. * Note that characters up to it are * already in canonical order. */ reorder(&wb); continue; } /* * This is a starter character, and there are * some characters before it. Those characters * have been reordered properly, and * ready for composition. */ if (do_composition && wb.cclass[0] == 0) compose(&wb); /* * If CUR points to a starter character, * then process of characters before CUR are * already finished, because any further * reordering/composition for them are blocked * by the starter CUR points. */ if (wb.cur > 0 && wb.cclass[wb.cur] == 0) { /* Flush everything before CUR. */ r = flush_before_cur(&wb, aToStr); if (r != NS_OK) break; } } } if (r == NS_OK) { if (do_composition && wb.cur > 0 && wb.cclass[0] == 0) { /* * There is some characters left in WB. * They are ordered, but not composed yet. * Now CUR points just after the last character in WB, * and since compose() tries to compose characters * between top and CUR inclusive, we must make CUR * one character back during compose(). */ wb.cur--; compose(&wb); wb.cur++; } /* * Call this even when WB.CUR == 0, to make TO * NUL-terminated. */ r = flush_before_cur(&wb, aToStr); } workbuf_free(&wb); return (r); }
PMETH check_methodes(PMETH methodes, char * class_name, char * super_class_name, PATT lattributs){ PMETH lm = methodes; PCLASSE super_class = get_class(super_class_name); current_class_name = class_name; parent_current_class_name = super_class_name; if(super_class_name != NULL ) if(! strcmp(class_name, super_class_name) || !strcmp("Entier",super_class_name) || !strcmp("Chaine", super_class_name)){ fprintf(stderr, "Erreur! %s ne peut être une classe parente de la classe %s \n", super_class_name, class_name); exit(3); } while(lm){ current_methode = lm->name; //Vérification du type de retour check_type_declaration(lm->type,class_name); current_methode_return_type = lm->type; //Vérification des paramètres check_attributs(lm->lparams,class_name,NULL); if(lattributs){ AttributsEnvironnement = NEW(1,ATTRIBUT); memcpy(AttributsEnvironnement,lattributs,sizeof(ATTRIBUT)); }else AttributsEnvironnement = NULL; if(methodes){ MethodesEnvironnement = NEW(1,METHODE); memcpy(MethodesEnvironnement, methodes,sizeof(METHODE)); } else MethodesEnvironnement = NULL; PARBRE a = lm->expression; PATT local_fin_env = enrichissement_att_environnement(super_class_name,lm->lparams); char * type_exp = check_type (a,NULL,local_fin_env); desenrichissement_att_environnement(local_fin_env); if(type_exp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Methode %s \n",lm->name); fprintf(stderr,"Type de retour incorrect\n"); exit(4); } int found = 0; if (strcmp(type_exp,lm->type) != 0) { PCLASSE lc = get_class(type_exp); char * sclass = NULL; if(lc){ sclass= lc->name_parent; }else if(!strcmp(type_exp,current_class_name)){ sclass = super_class_name; } while(sclass && !found){ if (strcmp(sclass,lm->type) == 0){ found = 1; } lc = get_class(sclass); if(lc){ sclass = lc->name_parent; }else sclass = NULL; } }else found =1; if(!found){ fprintf(stderr, "Erreur de retour (%s): ",type_exp); fprintf(stderr, "type attendu %s\n", lm->type); exit(4); } check_superclass_declaration(lm,super_class); AttributsEnvironnement = NULL; MethodesEnvironnement = NULL; lm = lm->suiv; } current_methode = NULL; current_methode_return_type = NULL; return methodes; }
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource__1recover (JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject jthis, jint rmid, jint flags) { XID *xids; int err; int total; int cnt; int i; int curflags; size_t nbytes; jclass xid_class; jmethodID mid; jobject obj; jobjectArray retval; COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); total = 0; cnt = 0; xids = NULL; flags &= ~(DB_FIRST | DB_LAST | DB_NEXT); /* Repeatedly call __db_xa_recover to fill up an array of XIDs */ curflags = flags | DB_FIRST; do { total += cnt; nbytes = sizeof(XID) * (total + 10); if ((err = __os_realloc(NULL, nbytes, &xids)) != 0) { if (xids != NULL) __os_free(NULL, xids); verify_return(jnienv, XAER_NOTA, EXCEPTION_XA); return (NULL); } cnt = __db_xa_recover(&xids[total], 10, rmid, curflags); curflags = flags | DB_NEXT; } while (cnt > 0); if (xids != NULL) __os_free(NULL, xids); if (cnt < 0) { verify_return(jnienv, cnt, EXCEPTION_XA); return (NULL); } /* Create the java DbXid array and fill it up */ if ((xid_class = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_XID)) == NULL) return (NULL); mid = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, xid_class, "<init>", "(I[B[B)V"); if ((retval = (*jnienv)->NewObjectArray(jnienv, total, xid_class, 0)) == NULL) goto out; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { jobject gtrid; jobject bqual; jsize gtrid_len; jsize bqual_len; gtrid_len = (jsize)xids[i].gtrid_length; bqual_len = (jsize)xids[i].bqual_length; gtrid = (*jnienv)->NewByteArray(jnienv, gtrid_len); bqual = (*jnienv)->NewByteArray(jnienv, bqual_len); if (gtrid == NULL || bqual == NULL) goto out; (*jnienv)->SetByteArrayRegion(jnienv, gtrid, 0, gtrid_len, (jbyte *)&xids[i].data[0]); (*jnienv)->SetByteArrayRegion(jnienv, bqual, 0, bqual_len, (jbyte *)&xids[i].data[gtrid_len]); if ((obj = (*jnienv)->NewObject(jnienv, xid_class, mid, (jint)xids[i].formatID, gtrid, bqual)) == NULL) goto out; (*jnienv)->SetObjectArrayElement(jnienv, retval, i, obj); } out: return (retval); }
/** * Vérifie le type d'une expression dans l'environnement. * L'environnement parent est délimité par super_env_fin, ce qui signifie * que ce pointeur pointe dans l'environnement des attributs vers la première * variable locale d'un certain noeud de l'arbre. */ char* check_type(PARBRE arbre, char * type, PATT super_fin_env) { char * typeg = NULL; char * typed = NULL; PATT local_fin_env = NULL; char * id = arbre->gauche.S; if(arbre) switch (arbre->op) { case New : return arbre->gauche.A->gauche.S; break; case Bloc : //enrichissement de l'environnement avec les variables locales du bloc local_fin_env = enrichissement_att_environnement(NULL,arbre->droit.lattributs); //parsage et récupréation du type du bloc dans l'environnement char * t = check_type(arbre->gauche.A, NULL,local_fin_env); //appauvrissement de l'environnement pour remonter d'un noeud. desenrichissement_att_environnement(local_fin_env); return t; break; case Self : return current_class_name; break; case Super : if(parent_current_class_name==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Utilisation de super impossible : \n"); fprintf(stderr, "La classe %s n'a pas de classe parente\n",current_class_name); exit(2); } return parent_current_class_name; break; case Id : { if(type == NULL) { // variable PATT la = super_fin_env;//recherche locale while(la){ if(strcmp(id,la->name) == 0) { //printf("attribut local %s",la->name); return (la->type); } la = la->suiv; } if(current_methode!=NULL){//recherche dans les paramètres de la méthode //si on est dans une méthode PMETH meth = MethodesEnvironnement; int found = 0; while(meth && !found){ if(!strcmp(meth->name,current_methode)){ found =1; la = meth->lparams; while(la){ if(!strcmp(id,la->name)){ return la->type; } la = la->suiv; } }else meth = meth->suiv; } } la = AttributsEnvironnement;//recheche globale while(la && la!=super_fin_env){ if(strcmp(id,la->name) == 0) { return (la->type); } la = la->suiv; } id_not_found(id); return NULL; } else if (current_class_name && strcmp(type,current_class_name) == 0) // apres un self. { PATT la = AttributsEnvironnement;//recherche globale while(la && la!=super_fin_env){ if(strcmp(id,la->name) == 0) { return (la->type); } la = la->suiv; } id_not_found(id); return NULL; } else{ // attribut d'une classe PCLASSE lc = get_class(type); if(lc == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Classe %s inconnue\n",type); exit(4);} PATT la = lc->lattributs; while (la) { if(strcmp(la->name,id) == 0) { return la->type; } la = la->suiv; } id_not_found(id); return NULL; } } break; case Fct :{ //Gestion d'un appel de methode PFONC f = arbre->gauche.F; if( type != NULL && ((!strcmp( type, "Entier" ) || !strcmp( type, "Chaine" ))) && !strcmp( f->name, "imprimer" )){ if( f->largs == NULL ) return type; else{ printf("Imprimer ne prend pas de parametres\n"); exit(4); } } PMETH lm = NULL; PATT am = NULL; PARG af = NULL; char * param_type; if(current_methode) if(!strcmp(f->name,current_methode)){ return current_methode_return_type; } if(type) { //récupération de la classe PCLASSE lc = get_class(type); if(lc){//récupération des méthodes de la classe lm = lc->lmethodes; }else{ if(type && current_class_name) if(strcmp(type,current_class_name) == 0) { lm = MethodesEnvironnement; } } }else{ lm = MethodesEnvironnement; } PCLASSE super_class = NULL; //parcours des méthodes de la classe et vérification de la conformité //des appels do{ while (lm) { if(strcmp(lm->name,f->name) == 0) { //on a trouvé la methode de l'appel am = lm->lparams; af = f->largs; int i = 0; //Vérification des paramètres de l'appel while(am!=NULL && am!=super_fin_env && af!=NULL){ //verification des types des paramètres param_type = check_type(af->expression,NULL,super_fin_env); if(param_type){ if(strcmp(param_type,am->type)!=0) { int found = 0; PCLASSE parent = get_class(param_type); parent = get_class(parent->name_parent); while(!found && parent){ if(strcmp(parent->name,am->type)==0) found = 1; parent = get_class(parent->name_parent); } if(!found){ fprintf(stderr, "Erreur : type incompatible dans l'appel de fonction %s : param %s devrait être %s \n", f->name, param_type,am->type); exit(4); } } } i++; am = am->suiv; af = af->suiv; } if((am!=NULL && am!=super_fin_env) || af!=NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Erreur : nombre de paramètre incorrect dans l'appel de fonction %s\n", f->name); exit(4); } return lm->type; } lm = lm->suiv; } //recherche dans la hiérarchie if(super_class == NULL){ if(type == NULL){ super_class = get_class(parent_current_class_name); }else{ if(current_class_name){ if(!strcmp(current_class_name,type)) super_class = get_class(parent_current_class_name); }else{ super_class = get_class(type); if(super_class){ super_class = get_class(super_class->name_parent); } } } }else{ super_class = get_class(super_class->name_parent); } if(super_class){ lm = super_class->lmethodes; } }while(super_class); fct_not_found(f->name);//aucune methode ne correspond à cet appel return NULL; } break; case Aff: { //Affectation typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A, NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A, NULL,super_fin_env); int found = 0; if (strcmp(typeg,typed) != 0) { //recherche des types hiérarchiques PCLASSE lc = get_class(typed); char * sclass = NULL; if(lc){ sclass= lc->name_parent; }else if(!strcmp(typed,current_class_name)){ sclass = parent_current_class_name; } while(sclass && !found){ if (strcmp(sclass,typeg) == 0){ found = 1; } lc = get_class(sclass); if(lc){ sclass = lc->name_parent; }else sclass = NULL; } }else found =1; if(!found){ fprintf(stderr, "type incompatible : %s %s %s \n", typeg, ":=", typed); exit(4); } } return typed; break; case ';': //Reconnaissance Expression typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A, NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A, NULL,super_fin_env); return typed; break; case '.' : //Accès sur un objet typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A, NULL,super_fin_env); if(typeg == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Type Inconnu\n"); exit(4); } int is_methode = is_methode_call(arbre->droit.A); int forbidden = 0; //Si on tente d'accéder à un attribut, on vérifie si on en a le droit if(!is_methode){ forbidden = 1; if(current_class_name!=NULL) if(strcmp(typeg,current_class_name)!=0){ PCLASSE parent = get_class(typeg); parent = get_class(parent->name_parent); //recherche de l'attribut dans la hiérarchie de l'objet while(parent && forbidden){ if(strcmp(parent->name,current_class_name)==0){ forbidden = 0; } parent = get_class(parent->name_parent); } }else forbidden = 0; if(forbidden && parent_current_class_name!=NULL) if(strcmp(typeg,parent_current_class_name)!=0){ //l'objet fait partie de la hiérarchie de la classe courante PCLASSE parent = get_class(parent_current_class_name); parent = get_class(parent->name_parent); while(parent && forbidden){ if(strcmp(parent->name,typeg)==0){ forbidden = 0; } parent = get_class(parent->name_parent); } }else forbidden = 0; } if(forbidden){ fprintf(stderr, "Acces d'attribut interdit sur : %s\n", typeg); exit(4); } typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A, typeg,super_fin_env); return typed; break; case Cste: //Reconnaissance d'une constante return "Entier"; break; case String: //Reconnaissance d'une Chaine return "Chaine"; break; case '+': // Operation d'addition typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A,NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A,NULL,super_fin_env); if(typed!=NULL && typeg!=NULL) if( strcmp(typeg,typed) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "type incompatible : %s %c %s \n", typeg, '+', typed); exit(4); } return typeg; case '-': // Operation de soustraction typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A,NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A,NULL,super_fin_env); if(typed!=NULL && typeg!=NULL) if( strcmp(typeg,typed) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "type incompatible : %s - %s \n", typeg, typed); exit(4); } return typeg; case '*': typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A,NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A,NULL,super_fin_env); if(typed!=NULL && typeg!=NULL) if( strcmp(typeg,typed) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "type incompatible : %s * %s \n", typeg, typed); exit(4); } return typeg; case '/': typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A,NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A,NULL,super_fin_env); if(typed!=NULL && typeg!=NULL) if( strcmp(typeg,typed) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "type incompatible : %s / %s \n", typeg, typed); exit(4); } return typeg; case ITE : //if then else typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A,NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A,NULL,super_fin_env); return typed; break; case CONC : //partie then else d'un if typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A,NULL,super_fin_env); typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A,NULL,super_fin_env); //recherche de la classe parente commune au renvoi du then et celui du else if( typeg == NULL || typed == NULL || strcmp(typed,typeg) != 0) { int found = 0; if(typeg!=NULL && typed!=NULL){ PCLASSE pereG = NULL; char * nomG = NULL; if(!strcmp(typeg,current_class_name)){ nomG = current_class_name; }else { pereG = get_class(typeg); if(pereG) nomG = pereG->name; } PCLASSE pereD = NULL; char * nomD = NULL; while(nomG && !found){ if(!strcmp(typed,current_class_name)){ nomD = current_class_name; }else{ pereD = get_class(typed); if(pereD) nomD = pereD->name; } while(!found && nomD){ if(!strcmp(nomG,nomD)){ found =1; } if(pereD){ pereD = get_class(pereD->name_parent); }else{ pereD = get_class(parent_current_class_name); } if(pereD){ nomD = pereD->name; }else nomD = NULL; } if(pereG){ pereG = get_class(pereG->name_parent); }else{ pereG = get_class(parent_current_class_name); } if(pereG){ nomG = pereG->name; }else nomG = NULL; } } if(!found){ fprintf(stderr, "type du then (%s) incompatible avec le type du else (%s) \n", typeg,typed); exit(4); } } return typed; break; case NEQ : case EQ : case GT : case LE : case LT : case GE : //Operation relationelle typeg = check_type(arbre->gauche.A,NULL,super_fin_env); if(strcmp("Entier",typeg) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "type incompatible avec l'operateur relationnel : %s \n", typeg); fprintf(stderr, "type attendu : Entier \n"); exit(4); } typed = check_type(arbre->droit.A,NULL,super_fin_env); if(strcmp("Entier",typed ) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "type incompatible avec l'operateur relationnel : %s \n", typed); fprintf(stderr, "type attendu : Entier \n"); exit(4); } return typed; break; default: return NULL; } return NULL; }
EAP_FUNC_EXPORT eap_const_string asn1_der_type_c::get_tag_string() const { #if defined(USE_EAP_DEBUG_TRACE) asn1_class_e asn1_class = get_class(); asn1_tag_e tag = get_tag(); if (asn1_class == asn1_class_context_specific) { static const eap_char context[][4] = { "[0]", "[1]", "[2]", "[3]", "[4]", "[5]", "[6]", "[7]", "[8]", "[9]", }; if (tag < (sizeof(context)/sizeof(context[0]))) { return context[tag]; } else { return("<Too big context>"); } } else { EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_end_of_content) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_boolean) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_integer) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_bit_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_octet_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_null) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_object_identifier) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_object_descriptor) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_external) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_real) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_enumerated) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_empedded_pdv) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_utf8_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_relative_oid) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_unknown_14) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_unknown_15) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_sequence) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_set) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_numeric_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_printable_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_t61_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_videotex_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_ia5_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_utc_time) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_unknown_24) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_graphic_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_visible_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_general_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_universal_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_character_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_bmp_string) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_extented) else EAP_IF_RETURN_STRING(tag, asn1_tag_none) else { return("<Unknown Tag>"); } } #else return("<Unknown Tag>"); #endif //#if defined(USE_EAP_DEBUG_TRACE) }
inline tid_t get_class_id(const char *name) // get struct id by name { tid_t id = netnode(name); return get_class(id) == NULL ? BADADDR : id; }
eap_status_e asn1_der_type_c::debug_header(eap_variable_data_c * const debug_buffer) { if (debug_buffer == 0) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, eap_status_illegal_parameter); } const u32_t max_data_length(m_recursion * SIZE_OF_ONE_OCTET_STRING + m_offset_of_contents_field * SIZE_OF_ONE_OCTET_STRING); if (max_data_length > debug_buffer->get_buffer_length()) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, eap_status_allocation_error); } eap_status_e status = debug_buffer->set_data_length(max_data_length); if (status != eap_status_ok) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } u32_t ind(0ul); u32_t offset(0ul); u8_t * const prefix = reinterpret_cast<u8_t *>(debug_buffer->get_data(max_data_length)); if (prefix == 0) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, eap_status_allocation_error); } status = debug_create_prefix(m_recursion, prefix, max_data_length, &offset); if (status != eap_status_ok) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } for (ind = 0ul; ind < m_offset_of_length_field && ind < m_input_data_length; ++ind) { offset += m_am_tools->snprintf( debug_buffer->get_data_offset(offset, debug_buffer->get_data_length() - offset), debug_buffer->get_data_length() - offset, "%02x \0", m_input_data[ind]); } for (ind = m_offset_of_length_field; ind < m_offset_of_contents_field && ind < m_input_data_length; ++ind) { offset += m_am_tools->snprintf( debug_buffer->get_data_offset(offset, debug_buffer->get_data_length() - offset), debug_buffer->get_data_length() - offset, "%02x \0", m_input_data[ind]); } status = debug_buffer->add_end_null(); if (status != eap_status_ok) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } eap_const_string tag_string = 0; eap_char buffer[MAX_STACK_BUFFER]; if (get_class() == asn1_class_application) { m_am_tools->snprintf( reinterpret_cast<u8_t *>(buffer), MAX_STACK_BUFFER, "Application[%d]\0", get_tag()); tag_string = buffer; } else if (get_class() == asn1_class_context_specific) { m_am_tools->snprintf( reinterpret_cast<u8_t *>(buffer), MAX_STACK_BUFFER, "[%d]\0", get_tag()); tag_string = buffer; } else { tag_string = get_tag_string(); } EAP_TRACE_DEBUG( m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT, (EAPL("%s # %s, %s, %s, length=0x%x=%d, this=0x%08x, index=%d\n"), debug_buffer->get_data(max_data_length), get_class_string(), get_pc_string(), tag_string, get_content_length(), get_content_length(), this, m_index)); EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); }
int diff_can_type( hid_t f_tid1, /* file data type */ hid_t f_tid2, /* file data type */ int rank1, int rank2, hsize_t *dims1, hsize_t *dims2, hsize_t *maxdim1, hsize_t *maxdim2, const char *obj1_name, const char *obj2_name, diff_opt_t *options, int is_compound) { H5T_class_t tclass1; H5T_class_t tclass2; int maxdim_diff=0; /* maximum dimensions are different */ int dim_diff=0; /* current dimensions are different */ int i; int can_compare = 1; /* return value */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for the same class *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ((tclass1=H5Tget_class(f_tid1)) < 0) return -1; if ((tclass2=H5Tget_class(f_tid2)) < 0) return -1; if ( tclass1 != tclass2 ) { if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name) { if ( is_compound ) { parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has a class %s and <%s> has a class %s\n", obj1_name, get_class(tclass1), obj2_name, get_class(tclass2) ); } else { parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> is of class %s and <%s> is of class %s\n", obj1_name, get_class(tclass1), obj2_name, get_class(tclass2) ); } } can_compare = 0; options->not_cmp = 1; return can_compare; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for non supported classes *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ HDassert(tclass1==tclass2); switch (tclass1) { case H5T_INTEGER: case H5T_FLOAT: case H5T_COMPOUND: case H5T_STRING: case H5T_ARRAY: case H5T_BITFIELD: case H5T_OPAQUE: case H5T_ENUM: case H5T_VLEN: case H5T_REFERENCE: break; default: /*H5T_TIME */ if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name) { parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> and <%s> are of class %s\n", obj1_name,obj2_name,get_class(tclass2) ); } can_compare = 0; options->not_cmp = 1; return can_compare; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for equal file datatype; warning only *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( (H5Tequal(f_tid1, f_tid2)==0) && (options->m_verbose) && obj1_name && obj2_name) { H5T_class_t cl = H5Tget_class(f_tid1); parallel_print("Warning: different storage datatype\n"); if ( cl == H5T_INTEGER || cl == H5T_FLOAT ) { parallel_print("<%s> has file datatype ", obj1_name); print_type(f_tid1); parallel_print("\n"); parallel_print("<%s> has file datatype ", obj2_name); print_type(f_tid2); parallel_print("\n"); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for the same rank *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( rank1 != rank2 ) { if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name) { parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj1_name, rank1); print_dimensions(rank1,dims1); parallel_print(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank1,maxdim1); parallel_print("\n" ); parallel_print("and <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj2_name, rank2); print_dimensions(rank2,dims2); parallel_print(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank2,maxdim2); parallel_print("\n"); } can_compare = 0; options->not_cmp = 1; return can_compare; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for different dimensions *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ HDassert(rank1==rank2); for ( i=0; i<rank1; i++) { if (maxdim1 && maxdim2) { if ( maxdim1[i] != maxdim2[i] ) maxdim_diff=1; } if ( dims1[i] != dims2[i] ) dim_diff=1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * current dimensions *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (dim_diff==1) { if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name) { parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj1_name, rank1); print_dimensions(rank1,dims1); if (maxdim1 && maxdim2) { parallel_print(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank1,maxdim1); parallel_print("\n" ); parallel_print("and <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj2_name, rank2); print_dimensions(rank2,dims2); parallel_print(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank2,maxdim2); parallel_print("\n"); } } can_compare = 0; options->not_cmp = 1; return can_compare; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * maximum dimensions; just give a warning *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (maxdim1 && maxdim2 && maxdim_diff==1 && obj1_name ) { if (options->m_verbose) { parallel_print( "Warning: different maximum dimensions\n"); parallel_print("<%s> has max dimensions ", obj1_name); print_dimensions(rank1,maxdim1); parallel_print("\n"); parallel_print("<%s> has max dimensions ", obj2_name); print_dimensions(rank2,maxdim2); parallel_print("\n"); } } if ( tclass1 == H5T_COMPOUND ) { int nmembs1; int nmembs2; int j; hid_t memb_type1; hid_t memb_type2; nmembs1 = H5Tget_nmembers(f_tid1); nmembs2 = H5Tget_nmembers(f_tid2); if ( nmembs1 != nmembs2 ) { if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name) { parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has %d members ", obj1_name, nmembs1); parallel_print("<%s> has %d members ", obj2_name, nmembs2); parallel_print("\n"); } can_compare = 0; options->not_cmp = 1; return can_compare; } for (j = 0; j < nmembs1; j++) { memb_type1 = H5Tget_member_type(f_tid1, (unsigned)j); memb_type2 = H5Tget_member_type(f_tid2, (unsigned)j); if (diff_can_type(memb_type1, memb_type2, rank1, rank2, dims1, dims2, maxdim1, maxdim2, obj1_name, obj2_name, options, 1)!=1) { can_compare = 0; options->not_cmp = 1; H5Tclose(memb_type1); H5Tclose(memb_type2); return can_compare; } H5Tclose(memb_type1); H5Tclose(memb_type2); } } return can_compare; }
bool void_object::operator==( const objref other ) const { return (&other->get_class()==&get_class()); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_jtxdriggers_android_ventriloid_VentriloInterface_getevent(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject eventdata) { v3_event *ev = v3_get_event(V3_BLOCK); if(ev != NULL) { jclass event_class = get_class(env, eventdata); set_short(env, eventdata, event_class, "type", ev->type); switch(ev->type) { case V3_EVENT_PLAY_AUDIO: { // PCM data. jobject pcm = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "pcm", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_pcm;"); jclass pcm_class = get_class(env, pcm); set_int (env, pcm, pcm_class, "length", ev->pcm.length); set_int (env, pcm, pcm_class, "rate", ev->pcm.rate); set_short(env, pcm, pcm_class, "send_type", ev->pcm.send_type); set_byte (env, pcm, pcm_class, "channels", ev->pcm.channels); // User ID. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "id", ev->; // Sample. jobject data = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "data", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data;"); jclass data_class = get_class(env, data); set_pcm_byte_array(env, data, data_class, "sample", ev->data->sample, ev->pcm.length); } break; case V3_EVENT_PING: { // Ping. set_int(env, eventdata, event_class, "ping", ev->ping); } break; case V3_EVENT_USER_TALK_END: case V3_EVENT_USER_TALK_MUTE: case V3_EVENT_CHAT_JOIN: case V3_EVENT_CHAT_LEAVE: case V3_EVENT_USER_GLOBAL_MUTE_CHANGED: case V3_EVENT_USER_CHANNEL_MUTE_CHANGED: case V3_EVENT_USER_RANK_CHANGE: { // User ID. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "id", ev->; } break; case V3_EVENT_USER_CHAN_MOVE: case V3_EVENT_USER_LOGOUT: case V3_EVENT_CHAN_REMOVE: { // User ID. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "id", ev->; // Channel ID. jobject channel = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "channel", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_channel;"); jclass channel_class = get_class(env, channel); set_short(env, channel, channel_class, "id", ev->; } break; case V3_EVENT_USER_MODIFY: case V3_EVENT_USER_LOGIN: { // User ID. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "id", ev->; // Channel ID. jobject channel = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "channel", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_channel;"); jclass channel_class = get_class(env, channel); set_short(env, channel, channel_class, "id", ev->; // Flags. set_int(env, eventdata, event_class, "flags", ev->flags); } break; case V3_EVENT_STATUS: { // Status message & percentage. jobject status = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "status", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_status;"); jclass status_class = get_class(env, status); set_byte(env, status, status_class, "percent", ev->status.percent); set_byte_array(env, status, status_class, "message", ev->status.message); } break; case V3_EVENT_LOGIN_COMPLETE: case V3_EVENT_LOGIN_FAIL: case V3_EVENT_DISCONNECT: case V3_EVENT_ADMIN_AUTH: case V3_EVENT_CHAN_ADMIN_UPDATED: case V3_EVENT_PERMS_UPDATED: { // No event data for these types! } break; case V3_EVENT_PRIVATE_CHAT_START: case V3_EVENT_PRIVATE_CHAT_END: case V3_EVENT_PRIVATE_CHAT_AWAY: case V3_EVENT_PRIVATE_CHAT_BACK: { // User IDs. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "privchat_user1", ev->user.privchat_user1); set_short(env, user, user_class, "privchat_user2", ev->user.privchat_user2); } case V3_EVENT_PRIVATE_CHAT_MESSAGE: { // User IDs. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "privchat_user1", ev->user.privchat_user1); set_short(env, user, user_class, "privchat_user2", ev->user.privchat_user2); // Chat message. jobject data = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "data", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data;"); jclass data_class = get_class(env, data); set_byte_array(env, data, data_class, "chatmessage", ev->data->chatmessage); // Flags. set_int(env, eventdata, event_class, "flags", ev->flags); } break; case V3_EVENT_USERLIST_ADD: case V3_EVENT_USERLIST_MODIFY: { // Account fields. jobject data = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "data", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data;"); jclass data_class = get_class(env, data); jobject account = get_object(env, data, data_class, "account", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data$_account;"); jclass account_class = get_class(env, account); set_byte_array(env, account, account_class, "username", ev->data->account.username); } break; case V3_EVENT_CHAN_ADD: case V3_EVENT_CHAN_MODIFY: { // Channel id. jobject channel = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "channel", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_channel;"); jclass channel_class = get_class(env, channel); set_short(env, channel, channel_class, "id", ev->; } break; case V3_EVENT_DISPLAY_MOTD: { /* don't deal with any MOTD events here because they're useless // MOTD. jobject data = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "data", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data;"); jclass data_class = get_class(env, data); set_byte_array(env, data, data_class, "motd", ev->data->motd); // Flags. set_int(env, eventdata, event_class, "flags", ev->flags); */ } break; case V3_EVENT_CHAN_BADPASS: { // Channel ID. jobject channel = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "channel", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_channel;"); jclass channel_class = get_class(env, channel); set_short(env, channel, channel_class, "id", ev->; // Error message. jobject error = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "error", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_error;"); jclass error_class = get_class(env, error); set_byte_array(env, error, error_class, "message", ev->error.message); } break; case V3_EVENT_ERROR_MSG: { // Error message & disconnect flag. jobject error = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "error", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_error;"); jclass error_class = get_class(env, error); set_byte_array(env, error, error_class, "message", ev->error.message); set_bool(env, error, error_class, "disconnected", ev->error.disconnected != 0); } break; case V3_EVENT_USER_TALK_START: { // PCM data. jobject pcm = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "pcm", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_pcm;"); jclass pcm_class = get_class(env, pcm); set_int (env, pcm, pcm_class, "rate", ev->pcm.rate); set_short(env, pcm, pcm_class, "send_type", ev->pcm.send_type); // User ID. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "id", ev->; } break; case V3_EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE: { // User ID. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user,user_class, "id", ev->; // Chat message. jobject data = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "data", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data;"); jclass data_class = get_class(env, data); set_byte_array(env, data, data_class, "chatmessage", ev->data->chatmessage); } break; case V3_EVENT_USERLIST_REMOVE: { // Account ID. jobject data = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "data", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data;"); jclass data_class = get_class(env, data); jobject account = get_object(env, data, data_class, "account", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data$_account;"); jclass account_class = get_class(env, account); set_short(env, account, account_class, "id", ev->; } break; case V3_EVENT_USERLIST_CHANGE_OWNER: { // Account IDs. jobject data = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "data", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data;"); jclass data_class = get_class(env, data); jobject account = get_object(env, data, data_class, "account", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_data$_account;"); jclass account_class = get_class(env, account); set_short(env, account, account_class, "id", ev->; set_short(env, account, account_class, "id2", ev->account.id2); } break; case V3_EVENT_USER_PAGE: { // User ID. jobject user = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "user", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_user;"); jclass user_class = get_class(env, user); set_short(env, user, user_class, "id", ev->; } break; case V3_EVENT_SERVER_PROPERTY_UPDATED: { jobject srvprop = get_object(env, eventdata, event_class, "serverproperty", "Lcom/jtxdriggers/android/ventriloid/VentriloEventData$_serverproperty;"); jclass srvprop_class = get_class(env, srvprop); set_short(env, srvprop, srvprop_class, "property", ev->; set_byte(env, srvprop, srvprop_class, "value", ev->serverproperty.value); } break; } v3_free_event(ev); } }
static SLVAL sl_class_name(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self) { return sl_id_to_string(vm, get_class(vm, self)->name); }
/* Report an exception back to the java side. */ void report_exception(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *text, int err, unsigned long expect_mask) { jstring textString; jclass dbexcept; jclass javaexcept; jmethodID constructId; jthrowable obj; textString = NULL; dbexcept = NULL; javaexcept = NULL; constructId = NULL; obj = NULL; switch (err) { /* DB_JAVA_CALLBACK is returned by dbji_call_append_recno() * (the append_recno callback) when the Java version of the * callback has thrown an exception, and we want to pass the * exception on. The exception has already been thrown, we * don't want to throw a new one. */ case DB_JAVA_CALLBACK: break; case ENOMEM: dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_MEMORY_EX); break; case ENOENT: /* In this case there is a corresponding standard java * exception type that we'll use. First we make sure * that the calling function expected this kind of error, * if not we give an 'internal error' DbException, since * we must not throw an exception type that isn't * declared in the signature. * * We'll make this a little more general if/when we add * more java standard exceptions. */ if ((expect_mask & EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == 0) { char errstr[1024]; strncpy(errstr, "internal error: unexpected errno: ", sizeof(errstr)); strncat(errstr, text, sizeof(errstr)); textString = get_java_string(jnienv, errstr); dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_EXCEPTION); } else { javaexcept = (*jnienv)->FindClass(jnienv, "java/io/FileNotFoundException"); } break; case DB_RUNRECOVERY: dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_RUNRECOVERY_EX); break; case DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK: dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_DEADLOCK_EX); break; default: dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_EXCEPTION); break; } if (dbexcept != NULL) { if (textString == NULL) textString = get_java_string(jnienv, text); constructId = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, dbexcept, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V"); obj = (jthrowable)(*jnienv)->NewObject(jnienv, dbexcept, constructId, textString, err); (*jnienv)->Throw(jnienv, obj); } else if (javaexcept != NULL) { javaexcept = (*jnienv)->FindClass(jnienv, "java/io/FileNotFoundException"); (*jnienv)->ThrowNew(jnienv, javaexcept, text); } }
static SLVAL sl_class_in(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self) { return get_class(vm, self)->in; }
vector<action*> * entity::get_actions() { return action::defs_for(get_class()->actions); }
int diff_can_type( hid_t f_tid1, /* file data type */ hid_t f_tid2, /* file data type */ int rank1, int rank2, hsize_t *dims1, hsize_t *dims2, hsize_t *maxdim1, hsize_t *maxdim2, const char *obj1_name, const char *obj2_name, diff_opt_t *options ) { H5T_class_t tclass1; H5T_class_t tclass2; int maxdim_diff=0; /* maximum dimensions are different */ int dim_diff=0; /* current dimensions are different */ int i; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for the same class *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ((tclass1=H5Tget_class(f_tid1))<0) return -1; if ((tclass2=H5Tget_class(f_tid2))<0) return -1; if ( tclass1 != tclass2 ) { if (options->m_verbose && obj1_name) { printf("Comparison not possible: <%s> is of class %s and <%s> is of class %s\n", obj1_name, get_class(tclass1), obj2_name, get_class(tclass2) ); } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for non supported classes *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ assert(tclass1==tclass2); switch (tclass1) { case H5T_INTEGER: case H5T_FLOAT: case H5T_COMPOUND: case H5T_STRING: case H5T_ARRAY: case H5T_BITFIELD: case H5T_OPAQUE: case H5T_ENUM: case H5T_VLEN: case H5T_REFERENCE: break; default: /*H5T_TIME */ if (options->m_verbose && obj1_name ) printf("Comparison not supported: <%s> and <%s> are of class %s\n", obj1_name,obj2_name,get_class(tclass2) ); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for equal file datatype; warning only *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( (H5Tequal(f_tid1, f_tid2)==0) && options->m_verbose && obj1_name) { printf("Warning: different storage datatype\n"); printf("<%s> has file datatype ", obj1_name); print_type(f_tid1); printf("\n"); printf("<%s> has file datatype ", obj2_name); print_type(f_tid2); printf("\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for the same rank *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( rank1 != rank2 ) { if (options->m_verbose && obj1_name) { printf("Comparison not supported: <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj1_name, rank1); print_dimensions(rank1,dims1); printf(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank1,maxdim1); printf("\n" ); printf("<%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj2_name, rank2); print_dimensions(rank2,dims2); printf(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank2,maxdim2); } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check for different dimensions *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ assert(rank1==rank2); for ( i=0; i<rank1; i++) { if (maxdim1 && maxdim2) { if ( maxdim1[i] != maxdim2[i] ) maxdim_diff=1; } if ( dims1[i] != dims2[i] ) dim_diff=1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * current dimensions *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (dim_diff==1) { if (options->m_verbose && obj1_name) { printf("Comparison not supported: <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj1_name, rank1); print_dimensions(rank1,dims1); if (maxdim1 && maxdim2) { printf(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank1,maxdim1); printf("\n" ); printf("<%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj2_name, rank2); print_dimensions(rank2,dims2); printf(", max dimensions "); print_dimensions(rank2,maxdim2); } } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * maximum dimensions; just give a warning *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (maxdim1 && maxdim2 && maxdim_diff==1 && obj1_name ) { if (options->m_verbose) { printf( "Warning: different maximum dimensions\n"); printf("<%s> has max dimensions ", obj1_name); print_dimensions(rank1,maxdim1); printf("\n"); printf("<%s> has max dimensions ", obj2_name); print_dimensions(rank2,maxdim2); printf("\n"); } } return 1; }