Beispiel #1
be_exception::be_exception (UTL_ScopedName *n, const UTL_Pragmas &p)
   AST_Decl (AST_Decl::NT_except, n, p),
   UTL_Scope (AST_Decl::NT_except, n, p),
   AST_Structure (AST_Decl::NT_except, n, p),
   m_isFixedLength (TRUE),
   m_elemAlignment (0),
   m_elemSize (0),
   m_marshalInCore (false)
   isAtModuleScope (pbfalse);
   const DDS_StdString userException = "DDS::UserException";
   DDS_StdString barScopedName = NameToString(name(), "_");

   localName = local_name()->get_string();
   enclosingScope = be_Type::EnclosingScopeString(this);

   m_tc_ctor_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName + "_ctor";
   m_tc_dtor_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName + "_dtor";
   m_tc_put_val = "(DDS::TypeCode::PutFunc) 0";
   m_tc_get_val = "(DDS::TypeCode::GetFunc) 0";
   m_tc_assign_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName +

   AddParent (new be_ClassParent (userException, userException, true, false));

   m_typecode->kind = DDS::tk_except;
   m_typecode->id = get_decl_pragmas().get_repositoryID()->get_string();
   m_typecode->name_of_type = localName;

Beispiel #2
be_typedef::be_typedef (AST_Type *bt, UTL_ScopedName *n, const UTL_Pragmas &p)
   AST_Decl (AST_Decl::NT_typedef, n, p),
   AST_Typedef (bt, n, p),
   m_generateBase (FALSE),
   m_generated (FALSE),
   m_baseBeType (0)
   AST_Type* astType = base_type();
   be_array* ba;
   be_sequence* bs;

   localName = local_name()->get_string();
   enclosingScope = be_Type::EnclosingScopeString(this);
   m_baseBeType = get_base_be_type();

   // make sure the base type has a name (if anonymous)

   bs = (be_sequence*)astType->narrow((long) & be_sequence::type_id);
   if (bs)
      m_generateBase = bs->SetName(enclosingScope, localName);
   else if ((ba = (be_array*)astType->narrow((long) & be_array::type_id)))
      m_generateBase = ba->SetName(enclosingScope, localName);

   // now initialize the base's type and typemap

   m_baseBeType->HasTypeDef (pbtrue);

   InitializeTypeMap (this);

   m_typecode = m_baseBeType->m_typecode;
   m_typecode->id = get_decl_pragmas().get_repositoryID()->get_string();
   m_typecode->name_of_type = localName;

   DDS_StdString scopedname = NoColons(enclosingScope + "_" + localName);

   TypeCodeTypeName(BE_Globals::TCPrefix + localName);

   MetaTypeTypeName(BE_Globals::MTPrefix + scopedname);

   TypeCodeRepName(BE_Globals::TCRepPrefix + scopedname);

   TypeCodeBaseName(BE_Globals::TCBasePrefix + scopedname);
Beispiel #3
be_enum::be_enum (UTL_ScopedName *n, const UTL_Pragmas &p)
   AST_Decl (AST_Decl::NT_enum, n, p),
   UTL_Scope (AST_Decl::NT_enum, n, p),
   AST_Enum (n, p)
   DDS_StdString barScopedName = NameToString(name(), "_");

   m_swapCall = "SWAP32";
   localName = local_name()->get_string();
   enclosingScope = be_Type::EnclosingScopeString(this);
   m_typecode->kind = DDS::tk_enum;
   m_typecode->id = get_decl_pragmas().get_repositoryID()->get_string();
   m_typecode->name_of_type = localName;
   m_tc_put_val = (DDS_StdString) "DDS_put_" + barScopedName + "_param";
   m_tc_get_val = (DDS_StdString) "DDS_get_" + barScopedName + "_param";
   m_any_op_id = barScopedName;
Beispiel #4
be_structure::be_structure(UTL_ScopedName *n, const UTL_Pragmas &p)
   AST_Decl (AST_Decl::NT_struct, n, p),
   UTL_Scope (AST_Decl::NT_struct, n, p),
   m_isFixedLength (pbtrue),
   m_elemAlignment (0),
   m_maxElemAlignment (1),
   m_elemSize (0),
   m_canOptimize (pbfalse),
   m_lastFieldSize (0),
   m_cppScope (g_feScopeStack.Top()),
   m_cppType (g_feScopeStack.Top(), *n),
   m_interface_dependant (pbfalse)
   DDS_StdString barScopedName = NameToString(name(), "_");

   localName = local_name()->get_string();
   enclosingScope = be_Type::EnclosingScopeString(this);

   m_tc_ctor_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName + "_ctor";
   m_tc_dtor_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName + "_dtor";
   m_tc_put_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName + "_put";
   m_tc_get_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName + "_get";
   m_tc_assign_val = (DDS_StdString) barScopedName + "_copy";

   m_any_op_id = barScopedName;
   m_nullArg = (DDS_StdString)"*(new " + ScopedName() + ")";
   m_typecode->kind = DDS::tk_struct;
   m_typecode->id = get_decl_pragmas().get_repositoryID()->get_string();
   m_typecode->name_of_type = localName;
   m_marshalInCore = FALSE;


   be_CppFwdDecl::Add(be_CppFwdDecl::STRUCT, this, m_cppScope);
Beispiel #5
void be_exception::Generate (be_ClientImplementation& source)
   ostream & os = source.Stream();
   be_Tab tab (source);
   UTL_String * repID = get_decl_pragmas().get_repositoryID();
   const DDS_StdString corbaException = "DDS::Exception";

   // convenience constructor

   if (nmembers())

   // copy constructor

   GenerateCopyConstructor (source);

   // assignment operator

   GenerateAssignmentOperator (source);

   be_CodeGenerator::Generate (source);

   // name and id

   assert (repID);
   os << "const char * " << ScopedName () << "::m_name = \"" 
      << LocalName () << "\";" << nl << nl;
   os << "const char * " << ScopedName () << "::m_id = \"" 
      << repID->get_string () << "\";" << nl << nl;

   // downcast

   os << tab << ScopedName () << " * ";
   os << ScopedName () << "::";
   os << "_downcast (DDS::Exception * e)" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "if (e && (e->_rep_id () == m_id))" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return static_cast < " << LocalName () << "*> (e);" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl;
   os << tab << "return 0;" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // const downcast

   os << tab << "const " << ScopedName() << " * ";
   os << ScopedName () << "::";
   os << "_downcast (const DDS::Exception * e)" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "if (e && (e->_rep_id () == m_id))" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return static_cast < " << LocalName () 
      << "*> ((" << LocalName () << "*) e);" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl;
   os << tab << "return 0;" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // _clone

   os << tab << corbaException << " * " << ScopedName ();
   os << "::_clone () const" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return (" << corbaException << "*) new ";
   os << ScopedName () << " (*this);" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // raise

   os << tab << "void " << ScopedName () << "::_raise ("
      << XBE_Ev::arg (XBE_ENV_ARG1) << ") const" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab;
   XBE_Ev::throwex (os, "*this");
   os << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // factory

   os << tab << "DDS::Exception * " << ScopedName() << "::factory ()" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return new " << ScopedName () << ";" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // initilaizer

   os << "DDS::ExceptionInitializer " << ScopedName() << "::m_initializer (";
   os << "\"" << repID->get_string () << "\"";
   os << ", " << ScopedName () << "::factory);" << nl;