Beispiel #1
std::unique_ptr<languaget> get_language(
  const namespacet &ns,
  const irep_idt &identifier)
    return std::unique_ptr<languaget>(get_default_language());
    const symbolt *symbol;
    if(ns.lookup(identifier, symbol))
      return std::unique_ptr<languaget>(get_default_language());
    else if(symbol->mode=="")
      return std::unique_ptr<languaget>(get_default_language());
      languaget *ptr=get_language_from_mode(symbol->mode);

        throw "symbol `"+id2string(symbol->name)+
              "' has unknown mode '"+id2string(symbol->mode)+"'";

      return std::unique_ptr<languaget>(ptr);
Beispiel #2
prompt_for_cpp(CommandCtx *ctx, int recurse) /*recurse=2*/
    std::string cpp_y_or_n;

    language l = get_default_language();

    if(l == language::c) 
        return false;
    if(l == language::cpp)
        return true;            

    prompt_for("use C++ version? (y/n)", &cpp_y_or_n, ctx);

    if(cpp_y_or_n == "y")
        return true;
    else if(cpp_y_or_n == "n")
        return false;
    else if(recurse > 0){
        std::cout<< "INVALID - enter 'y' or 'n'" << std::endl;
        return prompt_for_cpp(ctx, recurse-1);
        std::cout<< "INVALID - defaulting to C version" << std::endl;
        return false;
Beispiel #3
	void initialize(const fs::path& p) {
		if (set_language(get_default_language(), false)) {
		if (set_language(get_system_language(), false)) {
		if (set_language(L"zh-CN", false)) {
Beispiel #4
	const char *username, *realname, *font, *langs;
	char *sp;
#ifdef WIN32
	wchar_t* roaming_path_wide;
	gchar* roaming_path;

	username = g_get_user_name ();
	if (!username)
		username = g_strdup ("root");

	/* We hid Real name from the Network List, so don't use the user's name unnoticeably */
	/* realname = g_get_real_name ();
	if ((realname && realname[0] == 0) || !realname)
		realname = username; */
	realname = g_strdup ("realname");

	username = convert_with_fallback (username, "username");
	realname = convert_with_fallback (realname, "realname");

	memset (&prefs, 0, sizeof (struct hexchatprefs));

	/* put in default values, anything left out is automatically zero */
	prefs.hex_away_show_once = 1;
	prefs.hex_away_track = 1;
	prefs.hex_dcc_auto_resume = 1;
#ifndef WIN32
	prefs.hex_dcc_fast_send = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_chat = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_dialog = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_recv = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_send = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_hide_menu = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_attr = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_icon = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_nick = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_spell = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_style = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_join_dialog = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_quit_dialog = 1;
	/* prefs.hex_gui_slist_skip = 1; */
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_chans = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_dialogs = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_icons = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_middleclose = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_server = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_sort = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_topicbar = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_transparency = 255;
	prefs.hex_gui_tray = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tray_blink = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_count = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_icons = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_resizable = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_style = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_win_save = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_flash_hilight = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_flash_priv = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_tray_hilight = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_tray_priv = 1;
	prefs.hex_irc_cap_server_time = 1;
	prefs.hex_irc_logging = 1;
	prefs.hex_irc_who_join = 1; /* Can kick with inordinate amount of channels, required for some of our features though, TODO: add cap like away check? */
	prefs.hex_irc_whois_front = 1;
	prefs.hex_net_auto_reconnect = 1;
	prefs.hex_net_throttle = 1;
	prefs.hex_stamp_log = 1;
	prefs.hex_stamp_text = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_autocopy_text = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_indent = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_replay = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_search_follow = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_show_marker = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_show_sep = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_stripcolor_replay = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_stripcolor_topic = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_thin_sep = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_wordwrap = 1;
	prefs.hex_url_grabber = 1;

	/* NUMBERS */
	prefs.hex_away_size_max = 300;
	prefs.hex_away_timeout = 60;
	prefs.hex_completion_amount = 5;
	prefs.hex_completion_sort = 1;
	prefs.hex_dcc_auto_recv = 1;			/* browse mode */
	prefs.hex_dcc_blocksize = 1024;
	prefs.hex_dcc_permissions = 0600;
	prefs.hex_dcc_stall_timeout = 60;
	prefs.hex_dcc_timeout = 180;
	prefs.hex_flood_ctcp_num = 5;
	prefs.hex_flood_ctcp_time = 30;
	prefs.hex_flood_msg_num = 5;
	/*FIXME*/ prefs.hex_flood_msg_time = 30;
	prefs.hex_gui_chanlist_maxusers = 9999;
	prefs.hex_gui_chanlist_minusers = 5;
	prefs.hex_gui_dialog_height = 256;
	prefs.hex_gui_dialog_width = 500;
	prefs.hex_gui_lagometer = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_lang = get_default_language();
	prefs.hex_gui_pane_left_size = 128;		/* with treeview icons we need a bit bigger space */
	prefs.hex_gui_pane_right_size = 100;
	prefs.hex_gui_pane_right_size_min = 80;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_layout = 2;			/* 0=Tabs 1=Reserved 2=Tree */
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_newtofront = 2;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_pos = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_trunc = 20;
	prefs.hex_gui_throttlemeter = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_pos = 3;
	prefs.hex_gui_win_height = 400;
	prefs.hex_gui_win_width = 640;
	prefs.hex_input_balloon_time = 20;
	prefs.hex_irc_ban_type = 1;
	prefs.hex_irc_join_delay = 5;
	prefs.hex_net_reconnect_delay = 10;
	prefs.hex_notify_timeout = 15;
	prefs.hex_text_max_indent = 256;
	prefs.hex_text_max_lines = 500;
	prefs.hex_url_grabber_limit = 100; 		/* 0 means unlimited */

	/* STRINGS */
	strcpy (prefs.hex_away_reason, _("I'm busy"));
	strcpy (prefs.hex_completion_suffix, ",");
#ifdef WIN32
	if (portable_mode () || SHGetKnownFolderPath (&FOLDERID_Downloads, 0, NULL, &roaming_path_wide) != S_OK)
		g_snprintf (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, sizeof (prefs.hex_dcc_dir), "%s\\downloads", get_xdir ());
		roaming_path = g_utf16_to_utf8 (roaming_path_wide, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		CoTaskMemFree (roaming_path_wide);

		g_strlcpy (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, roaming_path, sizeof (prefs.hex_dcc_dir));

		g_free (roaming_path);
	if (g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD))
		safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD), sizeof(prefs.hex_dcc_dir));
		char *download_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), "Downloads", NULL);
		safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, download_dir, sizeof(prefs.hex_dcc_dir));
		g_free (download_dir);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_gui_ulist_doubleclick, "QUERY %s");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_input_command_char, "/");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_logmask, "%n"G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S"%c.log");
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick1, username, sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_nick1));
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick2, username, sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_nick2));
	g_strlcat (prefs.hex_irc_nick2, "_", sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_nick2));
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick3, username, sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_nick3));
	g_strlcat (prefs.hex_irc_nick3, "__", sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_nick3));
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_no_hilight, "NickServ,ChanServ,InfoServ,N,Q");
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_part_reason, _("Leaving"), sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_part_reason));
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_quit_reason, prefs.hex_irc_part_reason, sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_quit_reason));
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_real_name, realname, sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_real_name));
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_user_name, username, sizeof(prefs.hex_irc_user_name));
	strcpy (prefs.hex_stamp_log_format, "%b %d %H:%M:%S ");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_stamp_text_format, "[%H:%M:%S] ");

	font = fe_get_default_font ();
	if (font)
		safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, font, sizeof(prefs.hex_text_font));
		safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, font, sizeof(prefs.hex_text_font_main));
		strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, DEF_FONT);
		strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, DEF_FONT);

	strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_alternative, DEF_FONT_ALTER);
	langs = get_default_spell_languages ();
	safe_strcpy (prefs.hex_text_spell_langs, langs, sizeof(prefs.hex_text_spell_langs));

	/* private variables */
	prefs.local_ip = 0xffffffff;

	sp = strchr (prefs.hex_irc_user_name, ' ');
	if (sp)
		sp[0] = 0;	/* spaces in username would break the login */

	g_free ((char *)username);
	g_free ((char *)realname);
	g_free ((char *)langs);
Beispiel #5
	const char *username, *realname;
	char *sp;
#ifdef WIN32
	char out[256];

	username = g_get_user_name ();
	if (!username)
		username = "******";

	/* We hid Real name from the Network List, so don't use the user's name unnoticeably */
	/* realname = g_get_real_name ();
	if ((realname && realname[0] == 0) || !realname)
		realname = username; */
	realname = "realname";

	username = convert_with_fallback (username, "username");
	realname = convert_with_fallback (realname, "realname");

	memset (&prefs, 0, sizeof (struct hexchatprefs));

	/* put in default values, anything left out is automatically zero */
	prefs.hex_away_show_once = 1;
	prefs.hex_away_track = 1;
	prefs.hex_dcc_auto_resume = 1;
#ifndef WIN32
	prefs.hex_dcc_fast_send = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_chat = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_dialog = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_recv = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_send = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_icon = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_nick = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_spell = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_input_style = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_join_dialog = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_quit_dialog = 1;
	/* prefs.hex_gui_slist_skip = 1; */
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_chans = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_dialogs = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_dots = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_icons = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_server = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_sort = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_topicbar = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_transparency = 255;
	prefs.hex_gui_tray = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tray_blink = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_count = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_icons = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_resizable = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_style = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_win_save = 1;
	prefs.hex_identd = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_flash_hilight = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_flash_priv = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_tray_hilight = 1;
	prefs.hex_input_tray_priv = 1;
	prefs.hex_irc_who_join = 1; /* Can kick with inordinate amount of channels, required for some of our features though, TODO: add cap like away check? */
	prefs.hex_irc_whois_front = 1;
	prefs.hex_net_auto_reconnect = 1;
	prefs.hex_net_throttle = 1;
	prefs.hex_stamp_log = 1;
	prefs.hex_stamp_text = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_autocopy_text = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_indent = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_replay = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_search_follow = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_show_marker = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_show_sep = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_stripcolor_replay = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_stripcolor_topic = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_thin_sep = 1;
	prefs.hex_text_wordwrap = 1;
	prefs.hex_url_grabber = 1;
	prefs.hex_irc_cap_server_time = 0;

	/* NUMBERS */
	prefs.hex_away_size_max = 300;
	prefs.hex_away_timeout = 60;
	prefs.hex_completion_amount = 5;
	prefs.hex_dcc_auto_recv = 1;			/* browse mode */
	prefs.hex_dcc_blocksize = 1024;
	prefs.hex_dcc_permissions = 0600;
	prefs.hex_dcc_stall_timeout = 60;
	prefs.hex_dcc_timeout = 180;
	prefs.hex_flood_ctcp_num = 5;
	prefs.hex_flood_ctcp_time = 30;
	prefs.hex_flood_msg_num = 5;
	/*FIXME*/ prefs.hex_flood_msg_time = 30;
	prefs.hex_gui_chanlist_maxusers = 9999;
	prefs.hex_gui_chanlist_minusers = 5;
	prefs.hex_gui_dialog_height = 256;
	prefs.hex_gui_dialog_width = 500;
	prefs.hex_gui_lagometer = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_lang = get_default_language();
	prefs.hex_gui_pane_left_size = 128;		/* with treeview icons we need a bit bigger space */
	prefs.hex_gui_pane_right_size = 100;
	prefs.hex_gui_pane_right_size_min = 80;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_layout = 2;			/* 0=Tabs 1=Reserved 2=Tree */
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_newtofront = 2;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_pos = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_tab_trunc = 20;
	prefs.hex_gui_throttlemeter = 1;
	prefs.hex_gui_ulist_pos = 3;
	prefs.hex_gui_win_height = 400;
	prefs.hex_gui_win_width = 640;
	prefs.hex_input_balloon_time = 20;
	prefs.hex_irc_ban_type = 1;
	prefs.hex_irc_join_delay = 5;
	prefs.hex_net_reconnect_delay = 10;
	prefs.hex_notify_timeout = 15;
	prefs.hex_text_max_indent = 256;
	prefs.hex_text_max_lines = 500;
	prefs.hex_url_grabber_limit = 100; 		/* 0 means unlimited */

	/* STRINGS */
	strcpy (prefs.hex_away_reason, _("I'm busy"));
	strcpy (prefs.hex_completion_suffix, ",");
#ifdef WIN32
	if (portable_mode () || !get_reg_str ("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Personal", out, sizeof (out)))
		snprintf (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, sizeof (prefs.hex_dcc_dir), "%s\\downloads", get_xdir ());
		snprintf (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, sizeof (prefs.hex_dcc_dir), "%s\\Downloads", out);
	if (g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD))
		strcpy (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD));
		strcpy (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), "Downloads", NULL));
	strcpy (prefs.hex_dnsprogram, "host");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_gui_ulist_doubleclick, "QUERY %s");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_input_command_char, "/");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_logmask, g_build_filename ("%n", "%c.log", NULL));
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick1, username);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick2, username);
	strcat (prefs.hex_irc_nick2, "_");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick3, username);
	strcat (prefs.hex_irc_nick3, "__");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_no_hilight, "NickServ,ChanServ,InfoServ,N,Q");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_part_reason, _("Leaving"));
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_quit_reason, prefs.hex_irc_part_reason);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_real_name, realname);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_user_name, username);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_stamp_log_format, "%b %d %H:%M:%S ");
	strcpy (prefs.hex_stamp_text_format, "[%H:%M:%S] ");
#ifdef WIN32
	if (find_font ("Consolas"))
		strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, "Consolas 10");
		strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, "Consolas 10");
		strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, DEF_FONT);
		strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, DEF_FONT);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, DEF_FONT);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, DEF_FONT);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_alternative, DEF_FONT_ALTER);
	strcpy (prefs.hex_text_spell_langs, g_getenv ("LC_ALL") ? g_getenv ("LC_ALL") : "en_US");

	/* private variables */
	prefs.local_ip = 0xffffffff;

	sp = strchr (prefs.hex_irc_user_name, ' ');
	if (sp)
		sp[0] = 0;	/* spaces in username would break the login */

	g_free ((char *)username);
	g_free ((char *)realname);
void show_symbol_table_plain(
  const goto_modelt &goto_model,
  std::ostream &out)
  out << '\n' << "Symbols:" << '\n' << '\n';
  // we want to sort alphabetically
  std::set<std::string> symbols;

  forall_symbols(it, goto_model.symbol_table.symbols)
  const namespacet ns(goto_model.symbol_table);

  for(const std::string &id : symbols)
    const symbolt &symbol=ns.lookup(id);
    languaget *ptr;
      if(ptr==NULL) throw "symbol "+id2string(" has unknown mode";

    std::unique_ptr<languaget> p(ptr);
    std::string type_str, value_str;
      p->from_type(symbol.type, type_str, ns);
      p->from_expr(symbol.value, value_str, ns);
    out << "Symbol......: " << << '\n' << std::flush;
    out << "Pretty name.: " << symbol.pretty_name << '\n';
    out << "Module......: " << symbol.module << '\n';
    out << "Base name...: " << symbol.base_name << '\n';
    out << "Mode........: " << symbol.mode << '\n';
    out << "Type........: " << type_str << '\n';
    out << "Value.......: " << value_str << '\n';
    out << "Flags.......:";

    if(symbol.is_lvalue)          out << " lvalue";
    if(symbol.is_static_lifetime) out << " static_lifetime";
    if(symbol.is_thread_local)    out << " thread_local";
    if(symbol.is_file_local)      out << " file_local";
    if(symbol.is_type)            out << " type";
    if(symbol.is_extern)          out << " extern";
    if(symbol.is_input)           out << " input";
    if(symbol.is_output)          out << " output";
    if(symbol.is_macro)           out << " macro";
    if(symbol.is_parameter)       out << " parameter";
    if(symbol.is_auxiliary)       out << " auxiliary";
    if(symbol.is_weak)            out << " weak";
    if(symbol.is_property)        out << " property";
    if(symbol.is_state_var)       out << " state_var";
    if(symbol.is_exported)        out << " exported";
    if(symbol.is_volatile)        out << " volatile";

    out << '\n';
    out << "Location....: " << symbol.location << '\n';
    out << '\n' << std::flush;