Beispiel #1
void bt_sighandler(int sig, siginfo_t *info,
                   void *secret) {

  void *trace[16];
  char **messages = (char **)NULL;
  int i, trace_size = 0;
  ucontext_t *uc = (ucontext_t *)secret;

  /* Do something useful with siginfo_t */
  if (sig == SIGSEGV)
    printf("Got signal %d, faulty address is %p, "
           "from %p\n", sig, info->si_addr, 
    printf("Got signal %d#92;\n", sig);

  trace_size = backtrace(trace, 16);
  /* overwrite sigaction with caller's address */
  trace[1] = (void *) uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP];

  messages = backtrace_symbols(trace, trace_size);
  /* skip first stack frame (points here) */
  printf("[bt] Execution path:#92;\n");
  for (i=1; i<trace_size; ++i)
    printf("[bt] %s#92;\n", messages[i]);
    char syscom[256];
    sprintf(syscom,"addr2line %p -e %s", trace[i] , get_exec_name() ); //last parameter is the name of this app

Beispiel #2
static void TRACE__init(void)
    char buffer_name[512];
    get_exec_name(buffer_name, sizeof(buffer_name));
    #ifdef ANDROID
    pthread_key_create(&nesting_key, NULL);
    pthread_key_create(&tid_cache_key, NULL);
    pthread_key_create(&pid_cache_key, NULL);
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	get_options(argc, argv);             /* may exit */
	open_files();                        /* may exit */
	read_input_file();                   /* may exit */
	validate_input_file();               /* may exit */
	generate_interrupt_vector_bitmap();  /* may exit */
	generate_idt();                      /* may exit */
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
 * main function - for clone or restore data
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	setenv("MALLOC_TRACE", "partclone_mtrace.log", 1);
	char*			source;			/// source data
	char*			target;			/// target data
	int			dfr, dfw;		/// file descriptor for source and target
	int			r_size, w_size;		/// read and write size
	unsigned		cs_size = 0;		/// checksum_size
	int			cs_reseed = 1;
	int			start, stop;		/// start, range, stop number for progress bar
	unsigned long *bitmap = NULL;		/// the point for bitmap data
	int			debug = 0;		/// debug level
	int			tui = 0;		/// text user interface
	int			pui = 0;		/// progress mode(default text)
	int			flag;
	int			pres = 0;
	pthread_t		prog_thread;
	void			*p_result;

	static const char *const bad_sectors_warning_msg =
		"* WARNING: The disk has bad sectors. This means physical damage on the  *\n"
		"* disk surface caused by deterioration, manufacturing faults, or        *\n"
		"* another reason. The reliability of the disk may remain stable or      *\n"
		"* degrade quickly. Use the --rescue option to efficiently save as much  *\n"
		"* data as possible!                                                     *\n"

	file_system_info fs_info;   /// description of the file system
	image_options    img_opt;


	 * get option and assign to opt structure
	 * check parameter and read from argv
	parse_options(argc, argv, &opt);

	 * if "-d / --debug" given
	 * open debug file in "/var/log/partclone.log" for log message 
	memset(&fs_opt, 0, sizeof(fs_cmd_opt));
	debug = opt.debug;
	fs_opt.debug = debug;
	fs_opt.ignore_fschk = opt.ignore_fschk;


	 * using Text User Interface
	if (opt.ncurses) {
		pui = NCURSES;
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Using Ncurses User Interface mode.\n");
	} else
		pui = TEXT;

	tui = open_pui(pui, opt.fresh);
	if ((opt.ncurses) && (!tui)) {
		opt.ncurses = 0;
		pui = TEXT;
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Open Ncurses User Interface Error.\n");

	/// print partclone info

#ifndef CHKIMG
	if (geteuid() != 0)
		log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "You are not logged as root. You may have \"access denied\" errors when working.\n");
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "UID is root.\n");

	/// ignore crc check
	if (opt.ignore_crc)
		log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Ignore CRC errors\n");

	 * open source and target
	 * clone mode, source is device and target is image file/stdout
	 * restore mode, source is image file/stdin and target is device
	 * dd mode, source is device and target is device !!not complete
	source = opt.source;
	target =;
	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "source=%s, target=%s \n", source, target);
	dfr = open_source(source, &opt);
	if (dfr == -1) {
		log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Error exit\n");

#ifndef CHKIMG
	dfw = open_target(target, &opt);
	if (dfw == -1) {
		log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Error exit\n");
	dfw = -1;

	 * get partition information like super block, bitmap from device or image file.
	if (opt.clone) {

		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initiate image options - version %s\n", IMAGE_VERSION_CURRENT);

		img_opt.checksum_mode = opt.checksum_mode;
		img_opt.checksum_size = get_checksum_size(opt.checksum_mode, opt.debug);
		img_opt.blocks_per_checksum = opt.blocks_per_checksum;
		img_opt.reseed_checksum = opt.reseed_checksum;

		cs_size = img_opt.checksum_size;
		cs_reseed = img_opt.reseed_checksum;

		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - get Super Block from partition\n");
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Reading Super Block\n");

		/// get Super Block information from partition
		read_super_blocks(source, &fs_info);

		if (img_opt.checksum_mode != CSM_NONE && img_opt.blocks_per_checksum == 0) {

			const unsigned int buffer_capacity = opt.buffer_size > fs_info.block_size
				? opt.buffer_size / fs_info.block_size : 1; // in blocks

			img_opt.blocks_per_checksum = buffer_capacity;

		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "%u blocks per checksum\n", img_opt.blocks_per_checksum);

		check_mem_size(fs_info, img_opt, opt);

		/// alloc a memory to store bitmap
		bitmap = pc_alloc_bitmap(fs_info.totalblock);
		if (bitmap == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

		/// read and check bitmap from partition
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait... \n");
		read_bitmap(source, fs_info, bitmap, pui);
		update_used_blocks_count(&fs_info, bitmap);

		if (opt.check) {

			unsigned long long needed_space = 0;

			needed_space += sizeof(image_head) + sizeof(file_system_info) + sizeof(image_options);
			needed_space += get_bitmap_size_on_disk(&fs_info, &img_opt, &opt);
			needed_space += cnv_blocks_to_bytes(0, fs_info.usedblocks, fs_info.block_size, &img_opt);

			check_free_space(&dfw, needed_space);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Writing super block and bitmap...\n");

		write_image_desc(&dfw, fs_info, img_opt, &opt);
		write_image_bitmap(&dfw, fs_info, img_opt, bitmap, &opt);

		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");

	} else if (opt.restore) {

		image_head_v2 img_head;

		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "restore image hdr - get information from image file\n");
		log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Reading Super Block\n");

		/// get image information from image file
		load_image_desc(&dfr, &opt, &img_head, &fs_info, &img_opt);
		cs_size = img_opt.checksum_size;
		cs_reseed = img_opt.reseed_checksum;

		check_mem_size(fs_info, img_opt, opt);

		/// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
		bitmap = pc_alloc_bitmap(fs_info.totalblock);
		if (bitmap == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

		/// read and check bitmap from image file
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait...\n");
		load_image_bitmap(&dfr, opt, fs_info, img_opt, bitmap);

#ifndef CHKIMG
		/// check the dest partition size.
		if (opt.restore_raw_file)
			check_free_space(&dfw, fs_info.device_size);
		else if (opt.check)
			check_size(&dfw, fs_info.device_size);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");

	} else if (opt.dd || opt.domain) {

		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initiate image options - version %s\n", IMAGE_VERSION_CURRENT);
		img_opt.checksum_mode = opt.checksum_mode;
		img_opt.checksum_size = get_checksum_size(opt.checksum_mode, opt.debug);
		img_opt.blocks_per_checksum = opt.blocks_per_checksum;
		img_opt.reseed_checksum = opt.reseed_checksum;
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - get Super Block from partition\n");
		log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Reading Super Block\n");

		/// get Super Block information from partition
		read_super_blocks(source, &fs_info);

		check_mem_size(fs_info, img_opt, opt);

		/// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
		bitmap = pc_alloc_bitmap(fs_info.totalblock);
		if (bitmap == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

		/// read and check bitmap from partition
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait... ");
		read_bitmap(source, fs_info, bitmap, pui);

		/// check the dest partition size.
		if (opt.dd && opt.check) {
			check_size(&dfw, fs_info.device_size);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");
	} else if (opt.ddd){

		if (dfr != 0)
		    read_super_blocks(source, &fs_info);
		    read_super_blocks(target, &fs_info);

		img_opt.checksum_mode = opt.checksum_mode;
		img_opt.checksum_size = get_checksum_size(opt.checksum_mode, opt.debug);
		img_opt.blocks_per_checksum = opt.blocks_per_checksum;
		check_mem_size(fs_info, img_opt, opt);

		/// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
		bitmap = pc_alloc_bitmap(fs_info.totalblock);
		if (bitmap == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

		/// read and check bitmap from partition
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait... ");
		read_bitmap(source, fs_info, bitmap, pui);

		/// check the dest partition size.
		if (opt.check) {

		    struct stat target_stat;
		    if ((stat(, &target_stat) != -1) && (strcmp(, "-") != 0)) {
			if (S_ISBLK(target_stat.st_mode)) 
			    check_size(&dfw, fs_info.device_size);
			else {
			    unsigned long long needed_space = 0;

			    needed_space += sizeof(image_head) + sizeof(file_system_info) + sizeof(image_options);
			    needed_space += get_bitmap_size_on_disk(&fs_info, &img_opt, &opt);
			    needed_space += cnv_blocks_to_bytes(0, fs_info.usedblocks, fs_info.block_size, &img_opt);

			    check_free_space(&dfw, needed_space);

		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
		log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");

	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "print image information\n");

	/// print option to log file
	if (debug)

	print_file_system_info(fs_info, opt);

	 * initial progress bar
	start = 0;				/// start number of progress bar
	stop = (fs_info.usedblocks);		/// get the end of progress number, only used block
	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial Progress bar\n");
	/// Initial progress bar
	if (opt.no_block_detail)
		flag = IO;
	progress_init(&prog, start, stop, fs_info.totalblock, flag, fs_info.block_size);
	copied = 0;				/// initial number is 0

	 * thread to print progress
	pres = pthread_create(&prog_thread, NULL, thread_update_pui, NULL);
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, thread create error\n", __func__, __LINE__);

	 * start read and write data between source and destination
	if (opt.clone) {

		const unsigned long long blocks_total = fs_info.totalblock;
		const unsigned int block_size = fs_info.block_size;
		const unsigned int buffer_capacity = opt.buffer_size > block_size ? opt.buffer_size / block_size : 1; // in blocks
		unsigned char checksum[cs_size];
		unsigned int blocks_in_cs, blocks_per_cs, write_size;
		char *read_buffer, *write_buffer;

		blocks_per_cs = img_opt.blocks_per_checksum;

		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "#\nBuffer capacity = %u, Blocks per cs = %u\n#\n", buffer_capacity, blocks_per_cs);

		write_size = cnv_blocks_to_bytes(0, buffer_capacity, block_size, &img_opt);

		read_buffer = (char*)malloc(buffer_capacity * block_size);
		write_buffer = (char*)malloc(write_size + cs_size);

		if (read_buffer == NULL || write_buffer == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

		/// read data from the first block
		if (lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source seek ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

		log_mesg(0, 0, 0, debug, "Total block %llu\n", blocks_total);

		/// start clone partition to image file
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start backup data...\n");

		blocks_in_cs = 0;
		init_checksum(img_opt.checksum_mode, checksum, debug);

		block_id = 0;
		do {
			/// scan bitmap
			unsigned long long i, blocks_skip, blocks_read;
			unsigned int cs_added = 0, write_offset = 0;
			off_t offset;

			/// skip unused blocks
			for (blocks_skip = 0;
			     block_id + blocks_skip < blocks_total &&
			     !pc_test_bit(block_id + blocks_skip, bitmap);
			if (block_id + blocks_skip == blocks_total)

			if (blocks_skip)
				block_id += blocks_skip;

			/// read blocks
			for (blocks_read = 0;
			     block_id + blocks_read < blocks_total && blocks_read < buffer_capacity &&
			     pc_test_bit(block_id + blocks_read, bitmap);
			if (!blocks_read)

			offset = (off_t)(block_id * block_size);
			if (lseek(dfr, offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source seek ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

			r_size = read_all(&dfr, read_buffer, blocks_read * block_size, &opt);
			if (r_size != (int)(blocks_read * block_size)) {
				if ((r_size == -1) && (errno == EIO)) {
					if (opt.rescue) {
						memset(read_buffer, 0, blocks_read * block_size);
						for (r_size = 0; r_size < blocks_read * block_size; r_size += PART_SECTOR_SIZE)
							rescue_sector(&dfr, offset + r_size, read_buffer + r_size, &opt);
					} else
						log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s", bad_sectors_warning_msg);
				} else
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read error: %s\n", strerror(errno));

			/// calculate checksum
			log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "blocks_read = %i\n", blocks_read);
			for (i = 0; i < blocks_read; ++i) {

				memcpy(write_buffer + write_offset,
					read_buffer + i * block_size, block_size);

				write_offset += block_size;

				update_checksum(checksum, read_buffer + i * block_size, block_size);

				if (blocks_per_cs > 0 && ++blocks_in_cs == blocks_per_cs) {
				    log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "CRC = %x%x%x%x \n", checksum[0], checksum[1], checksum[2], checksum[3]);

					memcpy(write_buffer + write_offset, checksum, cs_size);

					write_offset += cs_size;

					blocks_in_cs = 0;
					if (cs_reseed)
						init_checksum(img_opt.checksum_mode, checksum, debug);

			/// write buffer to target
			w_size = write_all(&dfw, write_buffer, write_offset, &opt);
			if (w_size != write_offset)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "image write ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

			/// count copied block
			copied += blocks_read;
			log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "copied = %lld\n", copied);

			/// next block
			block_id += blocks_read;

			/// read or write error
			if (r_size + cs_added * cs_size != w_size)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read(%i) and write(%i) different\n", r_size, w_size);

		} while (1);

		if (blocks_in_cs > 0) {

			// Write the checksum for the latest blocks
			log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Write the checksum for the latest blocks. size = %i\n", cs_size);
			log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "CRC = %x%x%x%x \n", checksum[0], checksum[1], checksum[2], checksum[3]);
			w_size = write_all(&dfw, (char*)checksum, cs_size, &opt);
			if (w_size != cs_size)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "image write ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));


	// check only the size when the image does not contains checksums and does not
	// comes from a pipe
	} else if (opt.chkimg && img_opt.checksum_mode == CSM_NONE
		&& strcmp(opt.source, "-") != 0) {

		unsigned long long total_offset = (fs_info.usedblocks - 1) * fs_info.block_size;
		char last_block[fs_info.block_size];
		off_t partial_offset = INT32_MAX;

		while (total_offset) {

			if (partial_offset > total_offset)
				partial_offset = total_offset;

			if (lseek(dfr, partial_offset, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t)-1)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source seek ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));

			total_offset -= partial_offset;

		if (read_all(&dfr, last_block, fs_info.block_size, &opt) != fs_info.block_size)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "ERROR: source image too short\n");

	} else if (opt.restore) {

		const unsigned long long blocks_total = fs_info.totalblock;
		const unsigned int block_size = fs_info.block_size;
		const unsigned int buffer_capacity = opt.buffer_size > block_size ? opt.buffer_size / block_size : 1; // in blocks
		const unsigned int blocks_per_cs = img_opt.blocks_per_checksum;
		unsigned long long blocks_used = fs_info.usedblocks;
		unsigned int blocks_in_cs, buffer_size, read_offset;
		unsigned char checksum[cs_size];
		char *read_buffer, *write_buffer;
		unsigned long long blocks_used_fix = 0, test_block = 0;

		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "#\nBuffer capacity = %u, Blocks per cs = %u\n#\n", buffer_capacity, blocks_per_cs);

		// fix some super block record incorrect
		for (test_block = 0; test_block < blocks_total; ++test_block)
			if (pc_test_bit(test_block, bitmap))

		if (blocks_used_fix != blocks_used) {
			blocks_used = blocks_used_fix;
			log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "info: fixed used blocks count\n");
		buffer_size = cnv_blocks_to_bytes(0, buffer_capacity, block_size, &img_opt);

		if (img_opt.image_version != 0x0001)
			read_buffer = (char*)malloc(buffer_size);
		else {
			// Allocate more memory in case the image is affected by the 64 bits bug
			read_buffer = (char*)malloc(buffer_size + buffer_capacity * cs_size);
		write_buffer = (char*)malloc(buffer_capacity * block_size);
		if (read_buffer == NULL || write_buffer == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

#ifndef CHKIMG
		/// seek to the first
		if (lseek(dfw, opt.offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "target seek ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

		/// start restore image file to partition
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start restore data...\n");

		blocks_in_cs = 0;
		if (!opt.ignore_crc)
			init_checksum(img_opt.checksum_mode, checksum, debug);

		block_id = 0;
		do {
			unsigned int i;
			unsigned long long blocks_written, bytes_skip;
			unsigned int read_size;
			// max chunk to read using one read(2) syscall
			int blocks_read = copied + buffer_capacity < blocks_used ?
				buffer_capacity : blocks_used - copied;
			if (!blocks_read)

			log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "blocks_read = %d and copied = %lld\n", blocks_read, copied);
			read_size = cnv_blocks_to_bytes(copied, blocks_read, block_size, &img_opt);

			// increase read_size to make room for the oversized checksum
			if (blocks_per_cs && blocks_read < buffer_capacity &&
					(blocks_read % blocks_per_cs) && (blocks_used % blocks_per_cs)) {
				/// it is the last read and there is a partial chunk at the end
				log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "# PARTIAL CHUNK\n");
				read_size += cs_size;

			// read chunk from image
			log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "read more: ");

			r_size = read_all(&dfr, read_buffer, read_size, &opt);
			if (r_size != read_size)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

			// read buffer is the follows:
			// <blocks_per_cs><cs1><blocks_per_cs><cs2>...

			// write buffer should be the following:
			// <block1><block2>...

			read_offset = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < blocks_read; ++i) {

				memcpy(write_buffer + i * block_size,
					read_buffer + read_offset, block_size);

				if (opt.ignore_crc) {
					read_offset += block_size;
					if (++blocks_in_cs == blocks_per_cs)
						read_offset += cs_size;

				update_checksum(checksum, read_buffer + read_offset, block_size);

				if (++blocks_in_cs == blocks_per_cs) {

				    unsigned char checksum_orig[cs_size];
				    memcpy(checksum_orig, read_buffer + read_offset + block_size, cs_size);
				    log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "CRC = %x%x%x%x \n", checksum[0], checksum[1], checksum[2], checksum[3]);
				    log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "CRC.orig = %x%x%x%x \n", checksum_orig[0], checksum_orig[1], checksum_orig[2], checksum_orig[3]);
					if (memcmp(read_buffer + read_offset + block_size, checksum, cs_size)) {
					    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "CRC error, block_id=%llu...\n ", block_id + i);

					read_offset += cs_size;

					blocks_in_cs = 0;
					if (cs_reseed)
						init_checksum(img_opt.checksum_mode, checksum, debug);

				read_offset += block_size;
			if (blocks_in_cs && blocks_per_cs && blocks_read < buffer_capacity &&
					(blocks_read % blocks_per_cs)) {

			    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "check latest chunk's checksum covering %u blocks\n", blocks_in_cs);
			    if (memcmp(read_buffer + read_offset, checksum, cs_size)){
				unsigned char checksum_orig[cs_size];
				memcpy(checksum_orig, read_buffer + read_offset, cs_size);
				log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "CRC = %x%x%x%x \n", checksum[0], checksum[1], checksum[2], checksum[3]);
				log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "CRC.orig = %x%x%x%x \n", checksum_orig[0], checksum_orig[1], checksum_orig[2], checksum_orig[3]);
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "CRC error, block_id=%llu...\n ", block_id + i);


			blocks_written = 0;
			do {
				int blocks_write;

				/// count bytes to skip
				for (bytes_skip = 0;
				     block_id < blocks_total &&
				     !pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap);
				     block_id++, bytes_skip += block_size);

#ifndef CHKIMG
				/// skip empty blocks
				if (bytes_skip > 0 && lseek(dfw, (off_t)bytes_skip, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t)-1)
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "target seek ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

				/// blocks to write
				for (blocks_write = 0;
				     block_id + blocks_write < blocks_total &&
				     blocks_written + blocks_write < blocks_read &&
				     pc_test_bit(block_id + blocks_write, bitmap);

#ifndef CHKIMG
				// write blocks
				if (blocks_write > 0) {
					w_size = write_all(&dfw, write_buffer + blocks_written * block_size,
						blocks_write * block_size, &opt);
					if (w_size != blocks_write * block_size) {
						if (!opt.skip_write_error)
							log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write block %llu ERROR:%s\n", block_id + blocks_written, strerror(errno));
							log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "skip write block %llu error:%s\n", block_id + blocks_written, strerror(errno));

				blocks_written += blocks_write;
				block_id += blocks_write;
				copied += blocks_write;
			} while (blocks_written < blocks_read);

		} while(1);

#ifndef CHKIMG
		/// restore_raw_file option
		if (opt.restore_raw_file && !pc_test_bit(blocks_total - 1, bitmap)) {
			if (ftruncate(dfw, (off_t)(blocks_total * block_size)) == -1)
				log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "ftruncate ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

	} else if (opt.dd) {

		char *buffer;
		int block_size = fs_info.block_size;
		unsigned long long blocks_total = fs_info.totalblock;
		int buffer_capacity = block_size < opt.buffer_size ? opt.buffer_size / block_size : 1;

		buffer = (char*)malloc(buffer_capacity * block_size);
		if (buffer == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

		block_id = 0;

		if (lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source seek ERROR:%d\n", strerror(errno));

		log_mesg(0, 0, 0, debug, "Total block %llu\n", blocks_total);

		/// start clone partition to partition
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start backup data device-to-device...\n");
		do {
			/// scan bitmap
			unsigned long long blocks_skip, blocks_read;
			off_t offset;

			/// skip unused blocks
			for (blocks_skip = 0;
			     block_id + blocks_skip < blocks_total &&
			     !pc_test_bit(block_id + blocks_skip, bitmap);

			if (block_id + blocks_skip == blocks_total)

			if (blocks_skip)
				block_id += blocks_skip;

			/// read chunk from source
			for (blocks_read = 0;
			     block_id + blocks_read < blocks_total && blocks_read < buffer_capacity &&
			     pc_test_bit(block_id + blocks_read, bitmap);

			if (!blocks_read)

			offset = (off_t)(block_id * block_size);
			if (lseek(dfr, offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source seek ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));
			if (lseek(dfw, offset + opt.offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
				log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "target seek ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

			r_size = read_all(&dfr, buffer, blocks_read * block_size, &opt);
			if (r_size != (int)(blocks_read * block_size)) {
				if ((r_size == -1) && (errno == EIO)) {
					if (opt.rescue) {
						memset(buffer, 0, blocks_read * block_size);
						for (r_size = 0; r_size < blocks_read * block_size; r_size += PART_SECTOR_SIZE)
							rescue_sector(&dfr, offset + r_size, buffer + r_size, &opt);
					} else
						log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s", bad_sectors_warning_msg);
				} else
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source read ERROR %s\n", strerror(errno));

			/// write buffer to target
			w_size = write_all(&dfw, buffer, blocks_read * block_size, &opt);
			if (w_size != (int)(blocks_read * block_size)) {
				if (opt.skip_write_error)
					log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "skip write block %lli error:%s\n", block_id, strerror(errno));
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write block %lli ERROR:%s\n", block_id, strerror(errno));

			/// count copied block
			copied += blocks_read;

			/// next block
			block_id += blocks_read;

			/// read or write error
			if (r_size != w_size) {
				if (opt.skip_write_error)
					log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
		} while (1);


		/// restore_raw_file option
		if (opt.restore_raw_file && !pc_test_bit(blocks_total - 1, bitmap)) {
			if (ftruncate(dfw, (off_t)(blocks_total * block_size)) == -1)
				log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "ftruncate ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));

	} else if (opt.domain) {

		int cmp, nx_current = 0;
		unsigned long long next_block_id = 0;
		log_mesg(0, 0, 0, debug, "Total block %i\n", fs_info.totalblock);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start writing domain log...\n");
		// write domain log comment and status line
		dprintf(dfw, "# Domain logfile created by %s v%s\n", get_exec_name(), VERSION);
		dprintf(dfw, "# Source: %s\n", opt.source);
		dprintf(dfw, "# Offset: 0x%08llX\n", opt.offset_domain);
		dprintf(dfw, "# current_pos  current_status\n");
		dprintf(dfw, "0x%08llX     ?\n", opt.offset_domain + (fs_info.totalblock * fs_info.block_size));
		dprintf(dfw, "#      pos        size  status\n");
		// start logging the used/unused areas
		cmp = pc_test_bit(0, bitmap);
		for (block_id = 0; block_id <= fs_info.totalblock; block_id++) {
			if (block_id < fs_info.totalblock) {
				nx_current = pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap);
				if (nx_current)
			} else
				nx_current = -1;
			if (nx_current != cmp) {
				dprintf(dfw, "0x%08llX  0x%08llX  %c\n",
					opt.offset_domain + (next_block_id * fs_info.block_size),
					(block_id - next_block_id) * fs_info.block_size,
					cmp ? '+' : '?');
				next_block_id = block_id;
				cmp = nx_current;
			// don't bother updating progress
		} /// end of for
	} else if (opt.ddd) {

		char *buffer;
		int block_size = fs_info.block_size;
		unsigned long long blocks_total = fs_info.totalblock;
		int blocks_in_buffer = block_size < opt.buffer_size ? opt.buffer_size / block_size : 1;

		buffer = (char*)malloc(blocks_in_buffer * block_size);
		if (buffer == NULL) {
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, not enough memory\n", __func__, __LINE__);

		block_id = 0;

		log_mesg(0, 0, 0, debug, "Total block %llu\n", blocks_total);

		/// start clone partition to partition
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start backup data device-to-device...\n");
		do {
			/// scan bitmap
			unsigned long long blocks_read;

			/// read chunk from source
			for (blocks_read = 0;
			     block_id + blocks_read < blocks_total && blocks_read < blocks_in_buffer &&
			     pc_test_bit(block_id + blocks_read, bitmap);

			if (!blocks_read)

			r_size = read_all(&dfr, buffer, blocks_read * block_size, &opt);
			if (r_size != (int)(blocks_read * block_size)) {
				if ((r_size == -1) && (errno == EIO)) {
					if (opt.rescue) {
						memset(buffer, 0, blocks_read * block_size);
						for (r_size = 0; r_size < blocks_read * block_size; r_size += PART_SECTOR_SIZE)
							rescue_sector(&dfr, r_size, buffer + r_size, &opt);
					} else
						log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s", bad_sectors_warning_msg);
				} else if (r_size == 0){ // done for ddd
				    /// write buffer to target
				    w_size = write_all(&dfw, buffer, rescue_write_size, &opt);
				} else
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source read ERROR %s\n", strerror(errno));

			/// write buffer to target
			w_size = write_all(&dfw, buffer, blocks_read * block_size, &opt);
			if (w_size != (int)(blocks_read * block_size)) {
				if (opt.skip_write_error)
					log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "skip write block %lli error:%s\n", block_id, strerror(errno));
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write block %lli ERROR:%s\n", block_id, strerror(errno));

			/// count copied block
			copied += blocks_read;

			/// next block
			block_id += blocks_read;

			/// read or write error
			if (r_size != w_size) {
				if (opt.skip_write_error)
					log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
					log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
		} while (1);


		/// restore_raw_file option
		if (opt.restore_raw_file && !pc_test_bit(blocks_total - 1, bitmap)) {
			if (ftruncate(dfw, (off_t)(blocks_total * block_size)) == -1)
				log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "ftruncate ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));


	done = 1;
	pres = pthread_join(prog_thread, &p_result);
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, thread join error\n", __func__, __LINE__);
	update_pui(&prog, copied, block_id, done);
#ifndef CHKIMG
	sync_data(dfw, &opt);

	/// close source
	/// close target
	if (dfw != -1)
	/// free bitmp
#ifndef CHKIMG
	fprintf(stderr, "Cloned successfully.\n");
	printf("Checked successfully.\n");
	if (opt.debug)
	return 0;      /// finish
Beispiel #5
void parse_options(int argc, char **argv, cmd_opt* opt) {

	static const char *sopt = "-hvd::L:s:f:CFiBz:Nn:";
	static const char *sopt = "-hvd::L:o:O:s:f:CFINiqWBz:E:n:";
#elif DD
	static const char *sopt = "-hvd::L:o:O:s:f:CFINiqWBz:E:n:";
	static const char *sopt = "-hvd::L:cbrDo:O:s:f:RCFINiqWBz:E:a:k:Kn:";

	static const struct option lopt[] = {
// common options
		{ "help",		no_argument,		NULL,   'h' },
		{ "print_version",	no_argument,		NULL,   'v' },
		{ "note",		required_argument,	NULL,   'n' },
		{ "source",		required_argument,	NULL,   's' },
		{ "debug",		optional_argument,	NULL,   'd' },
		{ "logfile",		required_argument,	NULL,   'L' },
		{ "UI-fresh",		required_argument,	NULL,   'f' },
		{ "no_check",		no_argument,		NULL,   'C' },
		{ "ignore_crc",		no_argument,		NULL,   'i' },
		{ "force",		no_argument,		NULL,   'F' },
		{ "no_block_detail",	no_argument,		NULL,   'B' },
		{ "buffer_size",	required_argument,	NULL,   'z' },
// not RESTORE and not CHKIMG
#ifndef CHKIMG
#ifndef RESTORE
#ifndef DD
		{ "clone",		no_argument,		NULL,   'c' },
		{ "restore",		no_argument,		NULL,   'r' },
		{ "dev-to-dev",		no_argument,		NULL,   'b' },
		{ "domain",		no_argument,		NULL,   'D' },
		{ "offset_domain",	required_argument,	NULL,   OPT_OFFSET_DOMAIN },
		{ "rescue",		no_argument,		NULL,   'R' },
		{ "checksum-mode",       required_argument, NULL, 'a' },
		{ "blocks-per-checksum", required_argument, NULL, 'k' },
		{ "no-reseed",           no_argument,       NULL, 'K' },
// not CHKIMG
#ifndef CHKIMG
		{ "output",		required_argument,	NULL,   'o' },
		{ "overwrite",		required_argument,	NULL,   'O' },
		{ "restore_raw_file",	no_argument,		NULL,   'W' },
		{ "skip_write_error",	no_argument,		NULL,   'w' },
		{ "ignore_fschk",	no_argument,		NULL,   'I' },
		{ "quiet",		no_argument,		NULL,   'q' },
		{ "offset",		required_argument,	NULL,   'E' },
		{ "ncurses",		no_argument,		NULL,   'N' },
		{ NULL,			0,			NULL,    0  }


	int c;
	int mode = 0;
	memset(opt, 0, sizeof(cmd_opt));

	opt->debug = 0;
	opt->offset = 0;
	opt->rescue = 0;
	opt->skip_write_error = 0;
	opt->check = 1;
	opt->ignore_crc = 0;
	opt->quiet = 0;
	opt->no_block_detail = 0;
	opt->fresh = 2;
	opt->logfile = "/var/log/partclone.log";
	opt->buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
	opt->checksum_mode = CSM_CRC32;
	opt->reseed_checksum = 1;
	opt->blocks_per_checksum = 0;

#ifdef DD
#ifndef RESTORE
#ifndef CHKIMG
    opt->checksum_mode = CSM_NONE;
#ifdef RESTORE
#ifdef CHKIMG

	while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopt, lopt, NULL)) != -1) {
		switch (c) {
			case 'h':
			case '?':
			case 'v':
			case 'n':
				strncpy(opt->note, optarg, NOTE_SIZE);
			case 's':
				opt->source = optarg;
			case 'd':
				if (optarg)
					opt->debug = atol(optarg);
					opt->debug = 1;
			case 'L':
				opt->logfile = optarg;
			case 'f':
				opt->fresh = atol(optarg);
			case 'C':
				opt->check = 0;
			case 'i':
				opt->ignore_crc = 1;
			case 'F':
			case 'B':
				opt->no_block_detail = 1;
			case 'z':
				opt->buffer_size = atol(optarg);
#ifndef CHKIMG
#ifndef RESTORE
#ifndef DD
			case 'c':
			case 'r':
			case 'b':
			case 'D':
				opt->offset_domain = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
			case 'R':
			case 'a':
				opt->checksum_mode = convert_to_checksum_mode(atol(optarg));
			case 'k':
				opt->blocks_per_checksum = atol(optarg);
			case 'K':
				opt->reseed_checksum = 0;
#ifndef CHKIMG
			case 'O':
			case 'o':
				opt->target = optarg;
			case 'W':
				opt->restore_raw_file = 1;
			case 'w':
				opt->skip_write_error = 1;
			case 'I':
			case 'q':
				opt->quiet = 1;
			case 'E':
				opt->offset = atol(optarg);
			case 'N':
				opt->ncurses = 1;
				fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'.\n", argv[optind-1]);

	if (mode != 1) {

	if (!opt->debug) {
		opt->debug = 0;

	// fix conflict option for dev-to-dev
	if (opt->dd != 0 || opt->domain != 0) {
	    opt->checksum_mode = CSM_NONE;
	    opt->reseed_checksum = 1;
	    opt->blocks_per_checksum = 0;

	if ((!opt->target) && (!opt->source)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "There is no image name. Use --help get more info.\n");

	if (opt->buffer_size < 512) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Too small or bad buffer size. Use --help get more info.\n");

	if (!opt->target)
		opt->target = "-";

	if (!opt->source)
		opt->source = "-";

	if (opt->clone || opt->domain) {
		if ((!strcmp(opt->source, "-")) || (!opt->source)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Partclone can't %s from stdin.\nFor help, type: %s -h\n",
				opt->clone ? "clone" : "make domain log",

	if (opt->checksum_mode == CSM_NONE) {

		if (opt->blocks_per_checksum > 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "No checksum mode specified with blocks_per_checksum\n"
				"Use --help to get more info.\n");

		if (!opt->reseed_checksum) {
			fprintf(stderr, "No checksum mode specified with reseed_checksum\n"
				"Use --help to get more info.\n");


#ifndef CHKIMG
	if (opt->restore) {
		if ((!strcmp(opt->target, "-")) || (!opt->target)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Partclone can't restore to stdout.\nFor help,type: %s -h\n", get_exec_name());
Beispiel #6
 * options
 * usage                    - print message "how to use this"
 * print_version
 * parse_options            - get parameters from agrc, argv
void usage(void) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s v%s\nUsage: %s [OPTIONS]\n"
#ifdef CHKIMG
		"    Check partclone image.\n"
#ifdef RESTORE
		"    Restore partclone image to a device or standard output.\n"
		"    Efficiently clone to an image, device or standard output.\n"
#ifndef CHKIMG
		"    -o,  --output FILE      Output FILE\n"
		"    -O   --overwrite FILE   Output FILE, overwriting if exists\n"
		"    -W   --restore_raw_file create special raw file for loop device\n"
		"    -s,  --source FILE      Source FILE\n"
		"    -L,  --logfile FILE     Log FILE\n"
#ifndef CHKIMG
#ifndef RESTORE
#ifndef DD
		"    -c,  --clone            Save to the special image format\n"
		"    -r,  --restore          Restore from the special image format\n"
		"    -b,  --dev-to-dev       Local device to device copy mode\n"
		"    -D,  --domain           Create ddrescue domain log from source device\n"
		"         --offset_domain=X  Add offset X (bytes) to domain log values\n"
		"    -R,  --rescue           Continue clone while disk read errors\n"
		"    -aX  --checksum-mode=X  Checksum formula to use to add error detection\n"
		"                            where X:\n"
		"                            0: No checksum (no slowdown, smallest image)\n"
		"                            1: CRC32 (Fast to compute, basic detection)\n"
		"    -kX  --blocks-per-checksum=X\n"
		"                            Write one checksum for every X blocks\n"
		"    -K,  --no-reseed        Do not reseed the checksum at each write (TEST)\n"
		"    -w,  --skip_write_error Continue restore while write errors\n"
		"    -dX, --debug=X          Set the debug level to X = [0|1|2]\n"
		"    -C,  --no_check         Don't check device size and free space\n"
		"    -N,  --ncurses          Using Ncurses User Interface\n"
#ifndef CHKIMG
		"    -I,  --ignore_fschk     Ignore filesystem check\n"
		"    -i,  --ignore_crc       Ignore checksum error\n"
		"    -F,  --force            Force progress\n"
		"    -f,  --UI-fresh         Fresh times of progress\n"
		"    -B,  --no_block_detail  Show progress message without block detail\n"
		"    -z,  --buffer_size SIZE Read/write buffer size (default: %d)\n"
#ifndef CHKIMG
		"    -q,  --quiet            Disable progress message\n"
		"    -E,  --offset=X         Add offset X (bytes) to OUTPUT\n"
		"    -n,  --note NOTE        Display Message Note (128 words)\n"
		"    -v,  --version          Display partclone version\n"
		"    -h,  --help             Display this help\n"
		, get_exec_name(), VERSION, get_exec_name(), DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);