Beispiel #1
 * Read all processes to initialize the information tree.
 * @param reference  reference of ProcessTree
 * @return treesize>0 if succeeded otherwise =0.
int initprocesstree_sysdep(ProcessTree_T **reference) {
        int                treesize;
        static kvm_t      *kvm_handle;
        ProcessTree_T     *pt;
        struct kinfo_proc *pinfo;

        if (! (kvm_handle = kvm_open(NULL, _PATH_DEVNULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, prog))) {
                LogError("system statistic error -- cannot initialize kvm interface\n");
                return 0;

        pinfo = kvm_getprocs(kvm_handle, KERN_PROC_PROC, 0, &treesize);
        if (! pinfo || (treesize < 1)) {
                LogError("system statistic error -- cannot get process tree\n");
                return 0;

        pt = CALLOC(sizeof(ProcessTree_T), treesize);

        for (int i = 0; i < treesize; i++) {
                StringBuffer_T cmdline = StringBuffer_create(64);
                pt[i].pid       = pinfo[i].ki_pid;
                pt[i].ppid      = pinfo[i].ki_ppid;
                pt[i].uid       = pinfo[i].ki_ruid;
                pt[i].euid      = pinfo[i].ki_uid;
                pt[i].gid       = pinfo[i].ki_rgid;
                pt[i].starttime = pinfo[i].ki_start.tv_sec;
                pt[i].cputime   = (long)(pinfo[i].ki_runtime / 100000);
                pt[i].mem_kbyte = (unsigned long)(pinfo[i].ki_rssize * pagesize_kbyte);
                int flags       = pinfo[i].ki_stat;
                char * procname = pinfo[i].ki_comm;
                if (flags == SZOMB)
                        pt[i].zombie = true;
                pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;
                pt[i].time = get_float_time();
                char **args;
                if ((args = kvm_getargv(kvm_handle, &pinfo[i], 0))) {
                        for (int j = 0; args[j]; j++)
                                StringBuffer_append(cmdline, args[j + 1] ? "%s " : "%s", args[j]);
                        pt[i].cmdline = Str_dup(StringBuffer_toString(StringBuffer_trim(cmdline)));
                if (! pt[i].cmdline || ! *pt[i].cmdline) {
                        pt[i].cmdline = Str_dup(procname);

        *reference = pt;

        return treesize;
 * Read all processes to initialize the process tree
 * @param reference  reference of ProcessTree
 * @return treesize>0 if succeeded otherwise 0.
int initprocesstree_sysdep(ProcessTree_T ** reference) {
        int            i;
        int            treesize;
        ProcessTree_T *pt;
        pstat_getdynamic(&pst_dyn, sizeof(struct pst_dynamic), 1, 0);
        nproc = pst_dyn.psd_activeprocs;
        if (nproc)
                RESIZE(psall, nproc * sizeof(struct pst_status));
                return 0;
        if ((treesize = pstat_getproc(psall, sizeof(struct pst_status), nproc , 0)) == -1) {
                LogError("system statistic error 1 -- pstat_getproc failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 0;
        pt = CALLOC(sizeof(ProcessTree_T), treesize);
        for (i = 0; i < treesize; i++) {
                pt[i].pid         = psall[i].pst_pid;
                pt[i].ppid        = psall[i].pst_ppid;
                pt[i].starttime   = psall[i].pst_start;
                pt[i].time        = get_float_time();
                pt[i].cputime     =  psall[i].pst_utime + psall[i].pst_stime * 10;
                pt[i].cpu_percent = (int)(1000. * psall[i].pst_pctcpu / (float)systeminfo.cpus);
                pt[i].mem_kbyte   = (unsigned long)(psall[i].pst_rssize * (page_size / 1024.0));
                pt[i].cmdline     = (psall[i].pst_cmd && *psall[i].pst_cmd) ? Str_dup(psall[i].pst_cmd) : Str_dup(psall[i].pst_ucomm);
                if ( psall[i].pst_stat == PS_ZOMBIE )
                        pt[i].status_flag |= PROCESS_ZOMBIE;
        *reference = pt;
        return treesize;
Beispiel #3
 * Read all processes to initialize the information tree.
 * @param reference  reference of ProcessTree
 * @return treesize>0 if succeeded otherwise =0.
int initprocesstree_sysdep(ProcessTree_T **reference) {
  int                i;
  int                treesize;
  static kvm_t      *kvm_handle;
  ProcessTree_T     *pt;
  struct kinfo_proc *pinfo;

  if (!(kvm_handle = kvm_open(NULL, _PATH_DEVNULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, prog))) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- cannot initialize kvm interface\n");
    return FALSE;

  pinfo = kvm_getprocs(kvm_handle, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &treesize);
  if (!pinfo || (treesize < 1)) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- cannot get process tree\n");
    return FALSE;

  pt = xcalloc(sizeof(ProcessTree_T), treesize);

  for (i = 0; i < treesize; i++) {
    int        j, flags;
    char      *procname = NULL;
    char     **args;
    Buffer_T   cmdline;

    memset(&cmdline, 0, sizeof(Buffer_T));
#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500000)
    pt[i].pid       = pinfo[i].ki_pid;
    pt[i].ppid      = pinfo[i].ki_ppid;
    pt[i].starttime = pinfo[i].ki_start.tv_sec;
    pt[i].cputime   = (long)(pinfo[i].ki_runtime / 100000);
    pt[i].mem_kbyte = (unsigned long)(pinfo[i].ki_rssize * pagesize_kbyte);
    flags           = pinfo[i].ki_stat;
    args            = kvm_getargv(kvm_handle, &pinfo[i], 0);
    procname        = pinfo[i].ki_comm;
    pt[i].pid       = pinfo[i].kp_proc.p_pid;
    pt[i].ppid      = pinfo[i].kp_eproc.e_ppid;
    pt[i].starttime = pinfo[i].kp_eproc.e_stats.p_start.tv_sec;
    pt[i].cputime   = (long)(pinfo[i].kp_proc.p_runtime / 100000);
    pt[i].mem_kbyte = (unsigned long)(pinfo[i].kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_rssize * pagesize_kbyte);
    flags           = pinfo[i].kp_proc.p_stat;
    args            = kvm_getargv(kvm_handle, &pinfo[i], 0);
    procname        = pinfo[i].kp_proc.p_comm;
    if (flags == SZOMB)
      pt[i].status_flag |= PROCESS_ZOMBIE;
    pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;
    pt[i].time = get_float_time();

    if (args) {
      for (j = 0; args[j]; j++)
        Util_stringbuffer(&cmdline, args[j + 1] ? "%s " : "%s", args[j]);
      pt[i].cmdline = cmdline.buf;
    if (! pt[i].cmdline || ! *pt[i].cmdline)
      pt[i].cmdline = xstrdup(procname);

  *reference = pt;

  return treesize;
Beispiel #4
 * Read all processes to initialize the information tree.
 * @param reference  reference of ProcessTree
 * @return treesize > 0 if succeeded otherwise = 0.
int initprocesstree_sysdep(ProcessTree_T **reference) {
  int                        i;
  int                        treesize;
  char                       buf[_POSIX2_LINE_MAX];
  size_t                     size = sizeof(maxslp);
  int                        mib_proc2[6] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC2, KERN_PROC_KTHREAD, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), 0};
  static int                 mib_maxslp[] = {CTL_VM, VM_MAXSLP};
  ProcessTree_T             *pt;
  kvm_t                     *kvm_handle;
  static struct kinfo_proc2 *pinfo;

  if (sysctl(mib_maxslp, 2, &maxslp, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- vm.maxslp failed");
    return FALSE;

  if (sysctl(mib_proc2, 6, NULL, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- kern.proc2 #1 failed");
    return FALSE;

  size *= 2; // Add reserve for new processes which were created between calls of sysctl
  pinfo = xcalloc(1, size);
  mib_proc2[5] = (int)(size / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2));
  if (sysctl(mib_proc2, 6, pinfo, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- kern.proc2 #2 failed");
    return FALSE;

  treesize = (int)(size / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2));

  pt = xcalloc(sizeof(ProcessTree_T), treesize);

  if (! (kvm_handle = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, KVM_NO_FILES, buf))) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- kvm_openfiles failed: %s", buf);
    return FALSE;

  for (i = 0; i < treesize; i++) {
    int        j;
    char     **args;
    Buffer_T   cmdline;

    pt[i].pid         = pinfo[i].p_pid;
    pt[i].ppid        = pinfo[i].p_ppid;
    pt[i].starttime   = pinfo[i].p_ustart_sec;
    pt[i].cputime     = (long)((pinfo[i].p_rtime_sec * 10) + (pinfo[i].p_rtime_usec / 100000));
    pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;
    pt[i].mem_kbyte   = (unsigned long)(pinfo[i].p_vm_rssize * pagesize_kbyte);
    if (pinfo[i].p_stat == SZOMB)
      pt[i].status_flag |= PROCESS_ZOMBIE; //FIXME: save system service flag too (kernel threads)
    pt[i].time = get_float_time();

    memset(&cmdline, 0, sizeof(Buffer_T));
    if ((args = kvm_getargv2(kvm_handle, &pinfo[i], 0))) {
      for (j = 0; args[j]; j++)
        Util_stringbuffer(&cmdline, args[j + 1] ? "%s " : "%s", args[j]);
      pt[i].cmdline = cmdline.buf;
    if (! pt[i].cmdline || ! *pt[i].cmdline)
      pt[i].cmdline = xstrdup(pinfo[i].p_comm);

  *reference = pt;

  return treesize;
 * Read all processes of the proc files system to initialize
 * the process tree (sysdep version... but should work for
 * all procfs based unices) 
 * @param reference  reference of ProcessTree
 * @return treesize>0 if succeeded otherwise =0.
int initprocesstree_sysdep(ProcessTree_T ** reference) {
  int                 i = 0, j;
  int                 rv, bytes = 0;
  int                 treesize = 0;
  int                 stat_ppid = 0;
  char               *tmp = NULL;
  char                procname[STRLEN];
  char                buf[1024];
  char                stat_item_state;
  long                stat_item_cutime = 0;
  long                stat_item_cstime = 0;
  long                stat_item_rss = 0;
  glob_t              globbuf;
  unsigned long       stat_item_utime = 0;
  unsigned long       stat_item_stime = 0;
  unsigned long long  stat_item_starttime = 0ULL;
  ProcessTree_T      *pt = NULL;


  /* Find all processes in the /proc directory */
  if ((rv = glob("/proc/[0-9]*", GLOB_ONLYDIR, NULL, &globbuf))) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- glob failed: %d (%s)\n", rv, STRERROR);
    return FALSE;

  treesize = globbuf.gl_pathc;

  pt = CALLOC(sizeof(ProcessTree_T), treesize);

  /* Insert data from /proc directory */
  for (i = 0; i < treesize; i++) {

    pt[i].pid = atoi(globbuf.gl_pathv[i] + strlen("/proc/"));
    if (!read_proc_file(buf, sizeof(buf), "stat", pt[i].pid, NULL)) {
      DEBUG("system statistic error -- cannot read /proc/%d/stat\n", pt[i].pid);

    pt[i].time = get_float_time();

    if (!(tmp = strrchr(buf, ')'))) {
      DEBUG("system statistic error -- file /proc/%d/stat parse error\n", pt[i].pid);
    *tmp = 0;
    if (sscanf(buf, "%*d (%256s", procname) != 1) {
      DEBUG("system statistic error -- file /proc/%d/stat process name parse error\n", pt[i].pid);

    tmp += 2;

    /* This implementation is done by using fs/procfs/array.c as a basis
     * it is also worth looking into the source of the procps utils */
    if (sscanf(tmp,
         "%c %d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u"
         "%*u %*u %*u %lu %lu %ld %ld %*d %*d %*d "
         "%*u %llu %*u %ld %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u "
         "%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d %*d\n",
         &stat_item_rss) != 8) {
      DEBUG("system statistic error -- file /proc/%d/stat parse error\n", pt[i].pid);
    pt[i].ppid      = stat_ppid;
    pt[i].starttime = get_starttime() + (time_t)(stat_item_starttime / HZ);
    /* jiffies -> seconds = 1 / HZ
     * HZ is defined in "asm/param.h"  and it is usually 1/100s but on
     * alpha system it is 1/1024s */
    pt[i].cputime     = ((float)(stat_item_utime + stat_item_stime) * 10.0) / HZ;
    pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;

    /* State is Zombie -> then we are a Zombie ... clear or? (-: */
    if (stat_item_state == 'Z')
      pt[i].status_flag |= PROCESS_ZOMBIE;

    if (page_shift_to_kb < 0)
      pt[i].mem_kbyte = (stat_item_rss >> abs(page_shift_to_kb));
      pt[i].mem_kbyte = (stat_item_rss << abs(page_shift_to_kb));

    if (! read_proc_file(buf, sizeof(buf), "cmdline", pt[i].pid, &bytes)) {
      DEBUG("system statistic error -- cannot read /proc/%d/cmdline\n", pt[i].pid);
    /* The cmdline file contains argv elements/strings terminated separated by '\0' => join the string: */
    for (j = 0; j < (bytes - 1); j++)
      if (buf[j] == 0)
        buf[j] = ' ';
    pt[i].cmdline = *buf ? Str_dup(buf) : Str_dup(procname);
Beispiel #6
 * Read all processes of the proc files system to initialize
 * the process tree (sysdep version... but should work for
 * all procfs based unices)
 * @param reference  reference of ProcessTree
 * @return treesize>0 if succeeded otherwise =0.
int initprocesstree_sysdep(ProcessTree_T ** reference) {
  int            i;
  int            rv;
  int            pid;
  int            treesize;
  char           buf[4096];
  glob_t         globbuf;
  pstatus_t      pstatus;
  psinfo_t      *psinfo = (psinfo_t *)&buf;
  ProcessTree_T *pt;


  /* Find all processes in the /proc directory */
  if ((rv = glob("/proc/[0-9]*", NULL, NULL, &globbuf)) != 0) {
    LogError("system statistic error -- glob failed: %d (%s)\n", rv, STRERROR);
    return 0;

  treesize = globbuf.gl_pathc;

  /* Allocate the tree */
  pt = xcalloc(sizeof(ProcessTree_T), treesize);

  /* Insert data from /proc directory */
  for (i = 0; i < treesize; i++) {
    pid = atoi(globbuf.gl_pathv[i] + strlen("/proc/"));
    pt[i].pid = pid;

    /* get the actual time */
    pt[i].time = get_float_time();

    if (! read_proc_file(buf, sizeof(buf), "psinfo", pt[i].pid, NULL)) {
      pt[i].cputime     = 0;
      pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;
      pt[i].mem_kbyte   = 0;

    pt[i].ppid      = psinfo->pr_ppid;
    pt[i].starttime = psinfo->pr_start.tv_sec;
    /* If we don't have any light-weight processes (LWP) then we are definitely a zombie */
    if (psinfo->pr_nlwp == 0) {
      pt[i].status_flag = PROCESS_ZOMBIE;
      pt[i].cputime     = 0;
      pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;
      pt[i].mem_kbyte   = 0;
    pt[i].mem_kbyte = psinfo->pr_rssize;

    pt[i].cmdline  = xstrdup(psinfo->pr_psargs);
    if (! pt[i].cmdline || ! *pt[i].cmdline)
      pt[i].cmdline = xstrdup(psinfo->pr_fname);

    if (! read_proc_file(buf, sizeof(buf), "status", pt[i].pid, NULL)) {
      pt[i].cputime     = 0;
      pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;
    } else {
      memcpy(&pstatus, buf, sizeof(pstatus_t));
      pt[i].cputime     = (timestruc_to_tseconds(pstatus.pr_utime) + timestruc_to_tseconds(pstatus.pr_stime));
      pt[i].cpu_percent = 0;
  *reference = pt;

  /* Free globbing buffer */

  return treesize;