BicyclePlatformChild::collision(GameObject& other, const CollisionHit& )
  const float gravity = Sector::get().get_gravity();

  // somehow the hit parameter does not get filled in, so to determine (hit.top == true) we do this:
  auto mo = dynamic_cast<MovingObject*>(&other);
  if (!mo) return FORCE_MOVE;
  if ((mo->get_bbox().get_bottom()) > (m_col.m_bbox.get_top() + 2)) return FORCE_MOVE;

  auto pl = dynamic_cast<Player*>(mo);
  if (pl) {
    if (pl->is_big()) m_momentum += m_parent.m_momentum_change_rate * gravity;
    auto po = pl->get_grabbed_object();
    auto pomo = dynamic_cast<MovingObject*>(po);
    if (m_contacts.insert(pomo).second) {
      m_momentum += m_parent.m_momentum_change_rate * gravity;

  if (m_contacts.insert(&other).second) {
    m_momentum += m_parent.m_momentum_change_rate * Sector::get().get_gravity();

  return FORCE_MOVE;
BicyclePlatform::collision(GameObject& other, const CollisionHit& )

  // somehow the hit parameter does not get filled in, so to determine (hit.top == true) we do this:
  auto mo = dynamic_cast<MovingObject*>(&other);
  if (!mo) return FORCE_MOVE;
  if ((mo->get_bbox().p2.y) > (bbox.p1.y + 2)) return FORCE_MOVE;

  auto pl = dynamic_cast<Player*>(mo);
  if (pl) {
    if (pl->is_big()) momentum += momentum_change_rate
 * Sector::get().get_gravity();
    auto po = pl->get_grabbed_object();
    auto pomo = dynamic_cast<MovingObject*>(po);
    if (contacts.insert(pomo).second) momentum += momentum_change_rate
 * Sector::get().get_gravity();

  if (contacts.insert(&other).second) momentum += momentum_change_rate * Sector::get().get_gravity();
  return FORCE_MOVE;