Beispiel #1
static void cairo_gradient_fill (cairo_t* cr, obj_state_t* obj, int filled, pointf* A, int n)
    cairo_pattern_t* pat;
    float angle = obj->gradient_angle * M_PI / 180;
    float r1,r2;
    pointf G[2],c1;

    if (filled == GRADIENT) {
	  get_gradient_points(A, G, n, angle, 0);
	  pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear (G[0].x,G[0].y,G[1].x,G[1].y);
    else {
	get_gradient_points(A, G, n, 0, 1);
	  //r1 is inner radius, r2 is outer radius
	r1 = G[1].x;    /* Set a r2/4 in get_gradient_points */
	r2 = G[1].y;
	if (angle == 0) {
	    c1.x = G[0].x;
	    c1.y = G[0].y;
	else {
	    c1.x = G[0].x +  r1 * cos(angle);
	    c1.y = G[0].y -  r1 * sin(angle);
	pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial(c1.x,c1.y,r1,G[0].x,G[0].y,r2); 
    if (obj->gradient_frac > 0) {
	cairogen_add_color_stop_rgba(pat,obj->gradient_frac - 0.001,&(obj->fillcolor));
    else {
    cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
    cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
    cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);
/* svg_gradstyle
 * Outputs the SVG statements that define the gradient pattern
static int svg_gradstyle(GVJ_t * job, pointf * A, int n)
    pointf G[2];
    float angle;
    static int gradId;
    int id = gradId++;

    obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
    angle = obj->gradient_angle * M_PI / 180;	//angle of gradient line
    G[0].x = G[0].y = G[1].x = G[1].y = 0.;
    get_gradient_points(A, G, n, angle, 0);	//get points on gradient line

	     "<defs>\n<linearGradient id=\"l_%d\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" ", id);
    gvprintf(job, "x1=\"%g\" y1=\"%g\" x2=\"%g\" y2=\"%g\" >\n", G[0].x,
	     G[0].y, G[1].x, G[1].y);
    if (obj->gradient_frac > 0)
	gvprintf(job, "<stop offset=\"%.03f\" style=\"stop-color:", obj->gradient_frac - 0.001);
	gvputs(job, "<stop offset=\"0\" style=\"stop-color:");
    svg_print_color(job, obj->fillcolor);
    gvputs(job, ";stop-opacity:");
    if (obj->fillcolor.type == RGBA_BYTE && obj->fillcolor.u.rgba[3] > 0
	&& obj->fillcolor.u.rgba[3] < 255)
	gvprintf(job, "%f", ((float) obj->fillcolor.u.rgba[3] / 255.0));
	gvputs(job, "1.");
    gvputs(job, ";\"/>\n");
    if (obj->gradient_frac > 0)
	gvprintf(job, "<stop offset=\"%.03f\" style=\"stop-color:", obj->gradient_frac);
	gvputs(job, "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:");
    svg_print_color(job, obj->stopcolor);
    gvputs(job, ";stop-opacity:");
    if (obj->stopcolor.type == RGBA_BYTE && obj->stopcolor.u.rgba[3] > 0
	&& obj->stopcolor.u.rgba[3] < 255)
	gvprintf(job, "%f", ((float) obj->stopcolor.u.rgba[3] / 255.0));
	gvputs(job, "1.");
    gvputs(job, ";\"/>\n</linearGradient>\n</defs>\n");
    return id;
static void xdot_gradient_fillcolor (GVJ_t* job, int filled, pointf* A, int n)
    unsigned char buf0[BUFSIZ];
    agxbuf xbuf;
    obj_state_t* obj = job->obj;
    float angle = obj->gradient_angle * M_PI / 180;
    float r1,r2;
    pointf G[2],c1,c2;

    if (xd->version < 14) {
	xdot_fillcolor (job);

    agxbinit(&xbuf, BUFSIZ, buf0);
    if (filled == GRADIENT) {
	get_gradient_points(A, G, n, angle, 2);
	agxbputc (&xbuf, '[');
	xdot_point (&xbuf, G[0]);
	xdot_point (&xbuf, G[1]);
    else {
	get_gradient_points(A, G, n, 0, 3);
	  //r1 is inner radius, r2 is outer radius
	r1 = G[1].x;
	r2 = G[1].y;
	if (angle == 0) {
	    c1.x = G[0].x;
	    c1.y = G[0].y;
	else {
	    c1.x = G[0].x +  (r2/4) * cos(angle);
	    c1.y = G[0].y +  (r2/4) * sin(angle);
	c2.x = G[0].x;
	c2.y = G[0].y;
	r1 = r2/4;
	agxbputc(&xbuf, '(');
	xdot_point (&xbuf, c1);
	xdot_num (&xbuf, r1);
	xdot_point (&xbuf, c2);
	xdot_num (&xbuf, r2);
    agxbput(&xbuf, "2 ");
    if (obj->gradient_frac > 0) {
	xdot_color_stop (&xbuf, obj->gradient_frac, &obj->fillcolor);
	xdot_color_stop (&xbuf, obj->gradient_frac, &obj->stopcolor);
    else {
	xdot_color_stop (&xbuf, 0, &obj->fillcolor);
	xdot_color_stop (&xbuf, 1, &obj->stopcolor);
    if (filled == GRADIENT)
	agxbputc(&xbuf, ']');
	agxbputc(&xbuf, ')');
    xdot_str (job, "C ", agxbuse(&xbuf));