static void print_html_summary (FILE * fp, GLog * logger) { char *bw, *size; off_t log_size; print_html_h2 (fp, T_HEAD, 0); print_html_begin_table (fp); print_html_begin_tbody (fp); print_html_begin_tr (fp, 0); print_html_summary_field (fp, logger->process, T_REQUESTS); print_html_summary_field (fp, get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors), T_UNIQUE_VIS); print_html_summary_field (fp, get_ht_size (ht_referrers), T_REFERRER); if (!logger->piping) { log_size = file_size (conf.ifile); size = filesize_str (log_size); } else { size = alloc_string ("N/A"); } bw = filesize_str ((float) logger->resp_size); if (conf.ifile == NULL) conf.ifile = (char *) "STDIN"; fprintf (fp, "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>", T_LOG, size); print_html_end_tr (fp); print_html_begin_tr (fp, 0); print_html_summary_field (fp, logger->invalid, T_F_REQUESTS); print_html_summary_field (fp, get_ht_size (ht_requests), T_UNIQUE_FIL); print_html_summary_field (fp, get_ht_size (ht_not_found_requests), T_UNIQUE404); fprintf (fp, "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>", T_BW, bw); print_html_end_tr (fp); print_html_begin_tr (fp, 0); fprintf (fp, "<td>%s</td>", T_GEN_TIME); fprintf (fp, "<td>%llu</td>", ((long long) end_proc - start_proc)); print_html_summary_field (fp, get_ht_size (ht_requests_static), T_STATIC_FIL); fprintf (fp, "<td colspan=\"4\">%s</td>", conf.ifile); print_html_end_tr (fp); print_html_end_tbody (fp); print_html_end_table (fp); free (bw); free (size); }
/* generate JSON unique visitors stats */ static void print_json_visitors (FILE * fp, GHolder * h) { char *data, buf[DATE_LEN]; float percent; int hits, bw, i, process = get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors); /* make compiler happy */ memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); fprintf (fp, "\t\"%s\": [\n", VISIT_ID); for (i = 0; i < h->idx; i++) { hits = h->items[i].hits; data = h->items[i].data; percent = get_percentage (process, hits); percent = percent < 0 ? 0 : percent; bw = h->items[i].bw; convert_date (buf, data, "%Y%m%d", "%d/%b/%Y", DATE_LEN); fprintf (fp, "\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"hits\": \"%d\",\n", hits); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\"percent\": \"%4.2f%%\",\n", percent); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\"date\": \"%s\",\n", buf); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\"bytes\": \"%d\"\n", bw); fprintf (fp, "\t\t}"); if (i != h->idx - 1) fprintf (fp, ",\n"); else fprintf (fp, "\n"); } fprintf (fp, "\t]"); }
uint32_t get_ht_size_by_metric (GModule module, GMetric metric) { GHashTable *ht = get_storage_metric (module, metric); return get_ht_size (ht); }
/* generate CSV unique visitors stats */ static void print_csv_visitors (FILE * fp, GHolder * h) { char *data, buf[DATE_LEN]; float percent; int hits, bw, i, process = get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors); /* make compiler happy */ memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); for (i = 0; i < h->idx; i++) { hits = h->items[i].hits; data = h->items[i].data; percent = get_percentage (process, hits); percent = percent < 0 ? 0 : percent; bw = h->items[i].bw; convert_date (buf, data, "%Y%m%d", "%d/%b/%Y", DATE_LEN); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",", i); /* idx */ fprintf (fp, ","); /* parent idx */ fprintf (fp, "\"%s\",", VISIT_ID); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",", hits); fprintf (fp, "\"%4.2f%%\",", percent); fprintf (fp, "\"%s\",", buf); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\"\r\n", bw); } }
int ht_insert_uniqmap (TCADB * adb, char *uniq_key) { void *value_ptr; int nkey = 0, size = 0; if ((adb == NULL) || (uniq_key == NULL)) return (EINVAL); if ((value_ptr = tcadbget2 (adb, uniq_key)) != NULL) { free (value_ptr); return 0; } size = get_ht_size (adb); /* the auto increment value starts at SIZE (hash table) + 1 */ nkey = size > 0 ? size + 1 : 1; if (!tcadbput (adb, uniq_key, strlen (uniq_key), &nkey, sizeof (int))) LOG_DEBUG (("Unable to tcadbput\n")); free (uniq_key); return nkey; }
uint32_t get_ht_size_by_metric (GModule module, GMetric metric) { TCADB *adb = get_storage_metric (module, metric); return get_ht_size (adb); }
/* generate overview stats */ static void print_csv_summary (FILE * fp, GLog * logger) { int i = 0; off_t log_size = 0; char now[DATE_TIME]; generate_time (); strftime (now, DATE_TIME, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", now_tm); /* general statistics info */ fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"date_time\",\"%s\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, now); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"total_requests\",\"%d\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, logger->process); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"unique_visitors\",\"%d\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors)); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"referrers\",\"%d\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, get_ht_size (ht_referrers)); if (!logger->piping) log_size = file_size (conf.ifile); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"log_size\",\"%jd\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, (intmax_t) log_size); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"failed_requests\",\"%d\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, logger->invalid); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"unique_files\",\"%d\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, get_ht_size (ht_requests)); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"unique_404\",\"%d\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, get_ht_size (ht_not_found_requests)); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"bandwidth\",\"%lld\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, logger->resp_size); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"generation_time\",\"%llu\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, (long long) end_proc - start_proc); fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"static_files\",\"%d\"\r\n", i++, GENER_ID, get_ht_size (ht_requests_static)); if (conf.ifile == NULL) conf.ifile = (char *) "STDIN"; fprintf (fp, "\"%d\",,\"%s\",\"log_file\",\"%s\"\r\n", i, GENER_ID, conf.ifile); }
/* follow the JSON style similar to */ void output_json (GLog * logger, GHolder * holder) { FILE *fp = stdout; fprintf (fp, "{\n"); /* open */ print_json_summary (fp, logger); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); print_json_visitors (fp, holder + VISITORS); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); print_json_complete (fp, holder, logger->process); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); print_json_generic (fp, holder + OS, get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors)); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); print_json_generic (fp, holder + BROWSERS, get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors)); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); print_json_generic (fp, holder + REFERRERS, logger->process); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); print_json_generic (fp, holder + REFERRING_SITES, logger->process); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); print_json_generic (fp, holder + KEYPHRASES, logger->process); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGEOIP print_json_generic (fp, holder + GEO_LOCATION, get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors)); fprintf (fp, ",\n"); #endif print_json_generic (fp, holder + STATUS_CODES, logger->process); fprintf (fp, "\n"); fprintf (fp, "\n}\n"); /* close */ fclose (fp); }
/* entry point to generate a a csv report writing it to the fp */ void output_csv (GLog * logger, GHolder * holder) { FILE *fp = stdout; print_csv_summary (fp, logger); print_csv_visitors (fp, holder + VISITORS); print_csv_complete (fp, holder, logger->process); print_csv_generic (fp, holder + OS, get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors)); print_csv_generic (fp, holder + BROWSERS, get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors)); print_csv_generic (fp, holder + REFERRERS, logger->process); print_csv_generic (fp, holder + REFERRING_SITES, logger->process); print_csv_generic (fp, holder + KEYPHRASES, logger->process); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGEOIP print_csv_generic (fp, holder + GEO_LOCATION, logger->process); #endif print_csv_generic (fp, holder + STATUS_CODES, logger->process); fclose (fp); }
/* generate overview stats */ static void print_json_summary (FILE * fp, GLog * logger) { off_t log_size = 0; char now[DATE_TIME]; generate_time (); strftime (now, DATE_TIME, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", now_tm); fprintf (fp, "\t\"%s\": {\n", GENER_ID); /* general statistics info */ fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"date_time\": \"%s\",\n", now); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"total_requests\": %d,\n", logger->process); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"unique_visitors\": %d,\n", get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors)); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"referrers\": %d,\n", get_ht_size (ht_referrers)); if (!logger->piping) log_size = file_size (conf.ifile); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"log_size\": %jd,\n", (intmax_t) log_size); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"failed_requests\": %d,\n", logger->invalid); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"unique_files\": %d,\n", get_ht_size (ht_requests)); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"unique_404\": %d,\n", get_ht_size (ht_not_found_requests)); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"bandwidth\": %lld,\n", logger->resp_size); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"generation_time\": %llu,\n", ((long long) end_proc - start_proc)); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"excluded_ip_hits\": %u,\n", logger->exclude_ip); fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"static_files\": %d,\n", get_ht_size (ht_requests_static)); if (conf.ifile == NULL) conf.ifile = (char *) "STDIN"; fprintf (fp, "\t\t\"log_file\": \"%s\"\n", conf.ifile); fprintf (fp, "\t}"); }
static void set_general_stats (void) { logger->process = logger->invalid = logger->exclude_ip = 0; #ifdef TCB_BTREE logger->exclude_ip = tc_db_get_int (ht_general_stats, "exclude_ip"); logger->invalid = tc_db_get_int (ht_general_stats, "failed_requests"); logger->process = tc_db_get_int (ht_general_stats, "total_requests"); logger->resp_size = tc_db_get_uint64 (ht_general_stats, "bandwidth"); if (logger->resp_size > 0) conf.bandwidth = 1; if (get_ht_size (ht_file_serve_usecs) > 0) conf.serve_usecs = 1; #endif }
/* allocate memory for an instance of holder */ static void allocate_holder_by_module (GModule module) { #if defined(TCB_BTREE) || defined(TCB_MEMHASH) TCADB *ht = NULL; #else GHashTable *ht; #endif GRawData *raw_data; unsigned int ht_size = 0; /* extract data from the corresponding hash table */ ht = get_storage_metric (module, MTRC_HITS); ht_size = get_ht_size (ht); raw_data = parse_raw_data (ht, ht_size, module); load_holder_data (raw_data, holder + module, module, module_sort[module]); }
int ht_insert_uniqmap (GHashTable * ht, char *uniq_key) { int nkey = 0, size = 0; if (ht == NULL) return (EINVAL); if ((g_hash_table_lookup (ht, uniq_key)) != NULL) return 0; size = get_ht_size (ht); /* the auto increment value starts at SIZE (hash table) + 1 */ nkey = size > 0 ? size + 1 : 1; g_hash_table_replace (ht, uniq_key, int2ptr (nkey)); return nkey; }
int ht_insert_keymap (GHashTable * ht, const char *value) { gpointer value_ptr; int nkey = 0, size = 0; if (ht == NULL) return (EINVAL); value_ptr = g_hash_table_lookup (ht, value); if (value_ptr != NULL) return (*(int *) value_ptr); size = get_ht_size (ht); /* the auto increment value starts at SIZE (hash table) + 1 */ nkey = size > 0 ? size + 1 : 1; g_hash_table_replace (ht, g_strdup (value), int2ptr (nkey)); return nkey; }
/* allocate memory for an instance of holder */ static void allocate_holder (void) { #if defined(TCB_BTREE) || defined(TCB_MEMHASH) TCADB *ht = NULL; #else GHashTable *ht; #endif GModule module; GRawData *raw_data; unsigned int ht_size = 0; holder = new_gholder (TOTAL_MODULES); for (module = 0; module < TOTAL_MODULES; module++) { /* extract data from the corresponding hits hash table */ ht = get_storage_metric (module, MTRC_HITS); ht_size = get_ht_size (ht); raw_data = parse_raw_data (ht, ht_size, module); load_holder_data (raw_data, holder + module, module, module_sort[module]); } }
int ht_insert_keymap (TCADB * adb, const char *value) { void *value_ptr; int nkey = 0, size = 0, ret = 0; if ((adb == NULL) || (value == NULL)) return (EINVAL); if ((value_ptr = tcadbget2 (adb, value)) != NULL) { ret = (*(int *) value_ptr); free (value_ptr); return ret; } size = get_ht_size (adb); /* the auto increment value starts at SIZE (hash table) + 1 */ nkey = size > 0 ? size + 1 : 1; tcadbput (adb, value, strlen (value), &nkey, sizeof (int)); return nkey; }
static void print_html_browser_os (FILE * fp, GHolder * h) { char *data; const char *desc = OPERA_DESC; const char *head = OPERA_HEAD; const char *id = OPERA_ID; float percent, l; GSubList *sub_list; int hits, i, max, process = get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors); if (h->idx == 0) return; if (h->module == BROWSERS) { head = BROWS_HEAD; id = BROWS_ID; desc = BROWS_DESC; } print_html_h2 (fp, head, id); print_p (fp, desc); print_html_begin_table (fp); print_html_begin_thead (fp); fprintf (fp, "<tr>"); fprintf (fp, "<th>Visitors</th>"); fprintf (fp, "<th>%%</th>"); fprintf (fp, "<th>Name</th>"); fprintf (fp, "<th style=\"width:100%%;text-align:right;\">"); fprintf (fp, "<span class=\"r\" onclick=\"t(this)\">◀</span>"); fprintf (fp, "</th>"); fprintf (fp, "</tr>"); print_html_end_thead (fp); print_html_begin_tbody (fp); max = 0; for (i = 0; i < h->idx; i++) { if (h->items[i].hits > max) max = h->items[i].hits; } for (i = 0; i < h->idx; i++) { hits = h->items[i].hits; data = h->items[i].data; percent = get_percentage (process, hits); percent = percent < 0 ? 0 : percent; l = get_percentage (max, hits); l = l < 1 ? 1 : l; print_html_begin_tr (fp, 0); fprintf (fp, "<td>%d</td>", hits); fprintf (fp, "<td>%4.2f%%</td>", percent); /* data */ fprintf (fp, "<td>"); clean_output (fp, data); fprintf (fp, "</td>"); fprintf (fp, "<td class=\"graph\">"); fprintf (fp, "<div class=\"bar\" style=\"width:%f%%\"></div>", l); fprintf (fp, "</td>"); print_html_end_tr (fp); sub_list = h->items[i].sub_list; print_html_sub_browser_os (fp, sub_list, process); } print_html_end_tbody (fp); print_html_end_table (fp); }
/* render general statistics */ void display_general (WINDOW * win, char *ifile, GLog * logger) { char *bw, *size, *log_file; char *failed, *not_found, *process, *ref, *req; char *static_files, *now, *visitors, *exclude_ip; int x_field = 2, x_value = 0; size_t n, i, j, max_field = 0, max_value = 0, mod_val, y; typedef struct Field_ { const char *field; char *value; /* char due to log, bw, log_file */ int color; } Field; Field fields[] = { {T_REQUESTS, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_UNIQUE_VIS, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_REFERRER, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_LOG, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_F_REQUESTS, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_UNIQUE_FIL, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_UNIQUE404, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_BW, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_GEN_TIME, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_EXCLUDE_IP, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_STATIC_FIL, NULL, COL_CYAN}, {T_LOG_PATH, NULL, COL_YELLOW} }; werase (win); draw_header (win, T_HEAD, " %s", 0, 0, getmaxx (stdscr), 1, 0); if (!logger->piping && ifile != NULL) { size = filesize_str (file_size (ifile)); log_file = alloc_string (ifile); } else { size = alloc_string ("N/A"); log_file = alloc_string ("STDIN"); } bw = filesize_str ((float) logger->resp_size); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ failed = int_to_str (logger->invalid); not_found = int_to_str (get_ht_size (ht_not_found_requests)); process = int_to_str (logger->process); ref = int_to_str (get_ht_size (ht_referrers)); req = int_to_str (get_ht_size(ht_requests)); static_files = int_to_str (get_ht_size(ht_requests_static)); now = int_to_str (((long long) end_proc - start_proc)); visitors = int_to_str (get_ht_size(ht_unique_visitors)); exclude_ip = int_to_str (logger->exclude_ip); fields[0].value = process; fields[1].value = visitors; fields[2].value = ref; fields[3].value = size; fields[4].value = failed; fields[5].value = req; fields[6].value = not_found; fields[7].value = bw; fields[8].value = now; fields[9].value = exclude_ip; fields[10].value = static_files; fields[11].value = log_file; n = ARRAY_SIZE (fields); /* *INDENT-ON* */ for (i = 0, y = 2; i < n; i++) { mod_val = i % 4; if (i > 0 && mod_val == 0) { max_field = 0; max_value = 0; x_field = 2; x_value = 2; y++; } x_field += max_field; mvwprintw (win, y, x_field, "%s", fields[i].field); max_field = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { size_t len = strlen (fields[j].field); if (j % 4 == mod_val && len > max_field) max_field = len; } max_value = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { size_t len = strlen (fields[j].value); if (j % 4 == mod_val && len > max_value) max_value = len; } x_value = max_field + x_field + 1; max_field += max_value + 2; wattron (win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR (fields[i].color)); mvwprintw (win, y, x_value, "%s", fields[i].value); wattroff (win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR (fields[i].color)); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { free (fields[i].value); } }
static void print_html_visitors_report (FILE * fp, GHolder * h) { char *data, *bandwidth, buf[DATE_LEN]; float percent, l; int hits, i, max, process = get_ht_size (ht_unique_visitors); /* make compiler happy */ memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); print_html_h2 (fp, VISIT_HEAD, VISIT_ID); print_p (fp, VISIT_DESC); print_html_begin_table (fp); print_html_begin_thead (fp); fprintf (fp, "<tr>"); fprintf (fp, "<th>Visitors</th>"); fprintf (fp, "<th>%%</th>"); fprintf (fp, "<th>Date</th>"); fprintf (fp, "<th>Bandwidth</th>"); fprintf (fp, "<th style=\"width:100%%;text-align:right;\">"); fprintf (fp, "<span class=\"r\" onclick=\"t(this)\">◀</span>"); fprintf (fp, "</th>"); fprintf (fp, "</tr>"); print_html_end_thead (fp); print_html_begin_tbody (fp); max = 0; for (i = 0; i < h->idx; i++) { if (h->items[i].hits > max) max = h->items[i].hits; } for (i = 0; i < h->idx; i++) { hits = h->items[i].hits; data = h->items[i].data; percent = get_percentage (process, hits); percent = percent < 0 ? 0 : percent; bandwidth = filesize_str (h->items[i].bw); l = get_percentage (max, hits); l = l < 1 ? 1 : l; print_html_begin_tr (fp, i > OUTPUT_N ? 1 : 0); /* hits */ fprintf (fp, "<td>%d</td>", hits); if (hits == max) fprintf (fp, "<td class=\"max\">%4.2f%%</td>", percent); else fprintf (fp, "<td>%4.2f%%</td>", percent); /* date */ convert_date (buf, data, "%Y%m%d", "%d/%b/%Y", DATE_LEN); fprintf (fp, "<td>%s</td>", buf); /* bandwidth */ fprintf (fp, "<td>"); clean_output (fp, bandwidth); fprintf (fp, "</td>"); /* bars */ fprintf (fp, "<td class=\"graph\">"); fprintf (fp, "<div class=\"bar\" style=\"width:%f%%\"></div>", l); fprintf (fp, "</td>\n"); print_html_end_tr (fp); free (bandwidth); } print_html_end_tbody (fp); print_html_end_table (fp); }