Beispiel #1
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> js_get_geom_property(v8::Local<v8::String> property) const {
                v8::String::Utf8Value key(property);

                if (!strcmp(*key, "as_wkt")) {
                    std::ostringstream oss;
                    return v8::String::New(oss.str().c_str());
                } else if (!strcmp(*key, "as_ewkt")) {
                    std::ostringstream oss;
                    oss << "SRID=4326;";
                    return v8::String::New(oss.str().c_str());
                } else if (!strcmp(*key, "as_hex_wkb")) {
                    std::ostringstream oss;
                    oss << geom_as_hex_wkb();
                    //            } else if (!strcmp(*key, "as_hex_ewkb")) {
                    //                oss << geom.to_hex();             TODO TODO
                    return v8::String::New(oss.str().c_str());
                } else if (!strcmp(*key, "as_array")) {
                    v8::Local<v8::Array> array = v8::Array::New(2);
                    array->Set(v8::Integer::New(0), v8::Number::New(get_lon()));
                    array->Set(v8::Integer::New(1), v8::Number::New(get_lat()));
                    return array;
                } else if (!strcmp(*key, "lon") || !strcmp(*key, "x")) {
                    return v8::Number::New(get_lon());
                } else if (!strcmp(*key, "lat") || !strcmp(*key, "y")) {
                    return v8::Number::New(get_lat());
                } else {
                    return v8::Undefined();
Beispiel #2
void feature_vector::print() {
  // Display internal settings set from reading steering
  string mn = "print:";
  string def = "<default>";
  int w1=30; //arbitrary spacing size that makes formatting look pretty for data names
  int w2=30; //arbitrary spacing size that makes formatting look pretty for data options
  cout<<cn<<mn<<" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"DEBUG: "                    <<setw(w2)<<(debug? "ON":"OFF")
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"Feature Vector File Name: " <<setw(w2)<<"\""<<get_fv_file_name()<<"\""
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"Feature Vector Extention: " <<setw(w2)<<"\""<<get_fv_ext()<<"\""
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"Time: "                     <<setw(w2)<<"\""<<get_time_stamp()<<"\""
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"ID: "                       <<setw(w2)<<"\""<<get_id()<<"\""
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"Latitude: "                 <<setw(w2)<<"\""<<get_lat()<<"\""
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"Longitude: "                <<setw(w2)<<"\""<<get_lon()<<"\""
      <<"\n"<<setw(w1)<<"Mac Address: "              <<setw(w2)<<"\""<<get_macaddr()<<"\""<<endl;
  cout<<cn<<mn<<" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"<<endl;            
Beispiel #3
// Read a status buffer all of the key observation paramters
void guppi_read_subint_params(char *buf, 
                              struct guppi_params *g, 
                              struct psrfits *p)
    // Parse packet size, # of packets, etc.
    get_lon("PKTIDX", g->packetindex, -1L);
    get_int("PKTSIZE", g->packetsize, 0);
    get_int("NPKT", g->n_packets, 0);
    get_int("NDROP", g->n_dropped, 0);
    get_dbl("DROPAVG", g->drop_frac_avg, 0.0);
    get_dbl("DROPTOT", g->drop_frac_tot, 0.0);
    get_int("BLOCSIZE", g->packets_per_block, 0);
    if (g->packetsize>0)
        g->packets_per_block /= g->packetsize;
    if (g->n_packets>0)
        g->drop_frac = (double) g->n_dropped / (double) g->n_packets;
        g->drop_frac = 0.0;

    // Valid obs start time
    get_int("STTVALID", g->stt_valid, 0);

    // Observation params
    get_dbl("AZ", p->sub.tel_az, 0.0);
    if (p->sub.tel_az < 0.0) p->sub.tel_az += 360.0;
    get_dbl("ZA", p->sub.tel_zen, 0.0);
    get_dbl("RA", p->sub.ra, 0.0);
    get_dbl("DEC", p->sub.dec, 0.0);

    // Backend HW parameters
    get_int("ACC_LEN", g->decimation_factor, 0);
    get_int("NBITSADC", g->n_bits_adc, 8);
    get_int("PFB_OVER", g->pfb_overlap, 4);

    // Check fold mode 
    int fold=0;
    if (strstr("PSR", p->hdr.obs_mode)!=NULL) { fold=1; }
    if (strstr("CAL", p->hdr.obs_mode)!=NULL) { fold=1; }

    // Fold-specifc stuff
    if (fold) {
        get_dbl("TSUBINT", p->sub.tsubint, 0.0); 
        get_dbl("OFFS_SUB", p->sub.offs, 0.0); 
        get_int("NPOLYCO", p->fold.n_polyco_sets, 0);
    } else {
        int bytes_per_dt = p->hdr.nchan * p->hdr.npol * p->hdr.nbits / 8;
        p->sub.offs = p->hdr.dt * 
            (double)(g->packetindex * g->packetsize / bytes_per_dt)
            + 0.5 * p->sub.tsubint;
        p->fold.n_polyco_sets = 0;

    { // MJD and LST calcs
        int imjd, smjd, lst_secs;
        double offs, mjd;
        get_current_mjd(&imjd, &smjd, &offs);
        mjd = (double) imjd + ((double) smjd + offs) / 86400.0;
        get_current_lst(mjd, &lst_secs);
        p->sub.lst = (double) lst_secs;

    // Until we need them...
    p->sub.feed_ang = 0.0;
    p->sub.pos_ang = 0.0;
    p->sub.par_ang = 0.0;
    // Galactic coords
    slaEqgal(p->sub.ra*DEGTORAD, p->sub.dec*DEGTORAD,
             &p->sub.glon, &p->sub.glat);
    p->sub.glon *= RADTODEG;
    p->sub.glat *= RADTODEG;
Beispiel #4
 std::ostream& geom_as_wkt(std::ostream& s) const {
     return s << "POINT(" << get_lon() << " " << get_lat() << ")";