Beispiel #1
// got HttpConnection object
static void fileio_write_on_send_con_cb (gpointer client, gpointer ctx)
    HttpConnection *con = (HttpConnection *) client;
    FileWriteData *wdata = (FileWriteData *) ctx;
    gchar *path;
    gboolean res;
    FileIOPart *part;
    size_t buf_len;
    const gchar *buf;

    http_connection_acquire (con);

    // add part information to the list
    part = g_new0 (FileIOPart, 1);
    part->part_number = wdata->fop->part_number;
    buf_len = evbuffer_get_length (wdata->fop->write_buf);
    buf = (const gchar *) evbuffer_pullup (wdata->fop->write_buf, buf_len);

    // XXX: move to separate thread
    // 1. calculate MD5 of a part.
    get_md5_sum (buf, buf_len, &part->md5str, &part->md5b);
    // 2. calculate MD5 of multiple message blocks
    MD5_Update (&wdata->fop->md5, buf, buf_len);

    wdata->fop->l_parts = g_list_append (wdata->fop->l_parts, part);

    path = g_strdup_printf ("%s?partNumber=%u&uploadId=%s",
        wdata->fop->fname, wdata->fop->part_number, wdata->fop->uploadid);

    // increase part number
    // XXX: check that part_number does not exceeds 10000

    // add output headers
    http_connection_add_output_header (con, "Content-MD5", part->md5b);

    res = http_connection_make_request (con,
        path, "PUT", wdata->fop->write_buf, TRUE, NULL,
    g_free (path);

    if (!res) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_CON_H"Failed to create HTTP request !", INO_T (wdata->ino), con);
        http_connection_release (con);
        wdata->on_buffer_written_cb (wdata->fop, wdata->ctx, FALSE, 0);
        g_free (wdata);
Beispiel #2
// create max_files and fill with random data
// return list of {file name, content md5}
static GList *populate_file_list (gint max_files, GList *l_files, gchar *in_dir)
    gint i;
    gchar *out_dir;
    GError *error = NULL;
    FileData *fdata;
    gchar *name;
    FILE *f;

    out_dir = g_dir_make_tmp (NULL, &error);
    g_assert (out_dir);

    LOG_debug (POOL_TEST, "In dir: %s   Out dir: %s", in_dir, out_dir);

    for (i = 0; i < max_files; i++) {
        char *bytes;
        size_t bytes_len;

        fdata = g_new0 (FileData, 1);
        fdata->checked = FALSE;
        bytes_len = g_random_int_range (100000, 1000000);
        bytes = g_malloc (bytes_len + 1);
        RAND_pseudo_bytes ((unsigned char *)bytes, bytes_len);
        *(bytes + bytes_len) = '\0';
        name = get_random_string (15, TRUE);
        fdata->in_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", in_dir, name);
        f = fopen (fdata->in_name, "w");
        fwrite (bytes, 1, bytes_len + 1, f);
        fclose (f);

        fdata->out_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", out_dir, name);
        get_md5_sum (bytes, bytes_len + 1, &fdata->md5, NULL);
        fdata->fout = fopen (fdata->out_name, "w");
        g_assert (fdata->fout);

        fdata->url = g_strdup_printf ("", name);
        g_assert (fdata->url);
        LOG_debug (POOL_TEST, "%s -> %s, size: %u", fdata->in_name, fdata->md5, bytes_len);
        l_files = g_list_append (l_files, fdata);

    return l_files;
Beispiel #3
// got HttpConnection object
static void fileio_release_on_part_con_cb (gpointer client, gpointer ctx)
    HttpConnection *con = (HttpConnection *) client;
    FileIO *fop = (FileIO *) ctx;
    gchar *path;
    gboolean res;
    FileIOPart *part;
    size_t buf_len;
    const gchar *buf;

    LOG_debug (FIO_LOG, INO_CON_H"Releasing fop. Size: %zu", INO_T (fop->ino), con, evbuffer_get_length (fop->write_buf));

    // add part information to the list
    part = g_new0 (FileIOPart, 1);
    part->part_number = fop->part_number;
    buf_len = evbuffer_get_length (fop->write_buf);
    buf = (const gchar *)evbuffer_pullup (fop->write_buf, buf_len);

    // XXX: move to separate thread
    // 1. calculate MD5 of a part.
    get_md5_sum (buf, buf_len, &part->md5str, &part->md5b);
    // 2. calculate MD5 of multiple message blocks
    MD5_Update (&fop->md5, buf, buf_len);

    fop->l_parts = g_list_append (fop->l_parts, part);

    // if this is a multipart
    if (fop->multipart_initiated) {

        if (!fop->uploadid) {
            LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_CON_H"UploadID is not set, aborting operation !", INO_T (fop->ino), con);
            fileio_destroy (fop);

        path = g_strdup_printf ("%s?partNumber=%u&uploadId=%s",
            fop->fname, fop->part_number, fop->uploadid);

    } else {
        path = g_strdup (fop->fname);

    // guess MIME type
    gchar *mime_type = magic_buffer (application_get_magic_ctx (fop->app), buf, buf_len);
    if (mime_type) {
        LOG_debug (FIO_LOG, "Guessed MIME type of %s as %s", path, mime_type);
        fop->content_type = g_strdup (mime_type);
    } else {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, "Failed to guess MIME type of %s !", path);

    http_connection_acquire (con);

    // add output headers
    http_connection_add_output_header (con, "Content-MD5", part->md5b);
    if (fop->content_type)
        http_connection_add_output_header (con, "Content-Type", fop->content_type);

    // if this is the full file
    if (!fop->multipart_initiated) {
        time_t t;
        gchar time_str[50];

        // Add current time
        t = time (NULL);
        if (strftime (time_str, sizeof (time_str), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&t))) {
            http_connection_add_output_header (con, "x-amz-meta-date", time_str);

        http_connection_add_output_header (con, "x-amz-storage-class", conf_get_string (application_get_conf (con->app), "s3.storage_type"));

    res = http_connection_make_request (con,
        path, "PUT", fop->write_buf, TRUE, NULL,
    g_free (path);

    if (!res) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_CON_H"Failed to create HTTP request !", INO_T (fop->ino), con);
        http_connection_release (con);
        fileio_destroy (fop);